University of Missouri Kansas City how To Finalize the Holiday Trip Essay


Write an essay on “How would you finalize a holiday trip for you and your family through online search”.

The essay must include: 

  • An analysis of the factors effecting the E-consumer decision-making process.
  • Discussion of the current regional or global trends that influence the consumer decision to select a particular tourist package.
  • The essay must be detailed analysis of e-purchase consumer decision-making process for a holiday trip.

University of Phoenix Internet Influence Research Proposal Outline


Outline of Research Proposal

Assignment Content

  1. Prepare a 2-page outline of your Research Proposal. The outline should provide an overview of the main elements of your proposal. It should include:

    • An introduction
    • A brief statement of purpose
    • The rationale for conducting the study
    • Your hypotheses and research questions
    • Methods (participants, procedures, materials, instruments), and appropriate statistical test(s) for data analysis
    • List of at least three relevant articles for the proposal

How Power Change Jefferson and The Anti Federalists Essay



1. What were the caused/issues that gave birth to political parties?
2. How did power change Jefferson and the Anti-Federalists?
3. What factors contributed to American economic growth between 1815 and 1860?
4. What was “Jacksonian” democracy?
5. How has “Jacksonian” democracy impacted politics today?
6. How successful was the effort to reform America in the antebellum period?
7. What is the historical significance of Hamilton’s financial plans?

MDC Islamic Culture Discussion


“Though it is the fastest growing religion in the world, Islam remains shrouded by ignorance and fear. What is the essence of this ancient faith? Is it a religion of peace or war? How does Allah differ from the God of Jews and Christians? Can an Islamic state be founded on democratic values such as pluralism and human rights?” (Reza Aslan, 2005)

Community College of Aurora Climate Change Application Letter

Question Description

I’m working on a application writing report and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Sara is a fourth-grade student from Grand Junction. She has written GovernorPolis to share her concerns on climate change and her support for ensuring that moreColoradans can access public transportation. Please draft a one-page response letter to Saraon behalf of Governor Polis.

New York University Seniors Market Nutrition Paper


Use RE-AIM Framework ((Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance ) to do an evaluation for the Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program. However, you only need to do the Adoption part. And you also need to do the Timeline and Budget of this evaluation in the Implementation part.  Just do a Powerpoint for this, and write a transcript for me, please. Thank you.

AMU Improving Healthcare Quality Discussion


Search the APUS library and find a journal article that discusses the process improvement tools and strategies as it relates to the quality, safety or value of healthcare services, or find a journal article that discusses an actual improvement project that was completed within a healthcare organization. Discuss the tools and strategies used and identify any recommendations that will improve the process.

UST Psychology Performance Anxiety Paper


The paper topic is based on the “performance anxiety”. Potential research question: will performance anxiety have positive effect on musician on stage? The structure would be: 1 Introduction. 2 Define performance anxiety from psychology perspective and music performance perspectives. 3 Possible trigger and cause of performance anxiety. 4 How performance anxiety affect musician on stage. 5 Possible cues for musicians. 6 Conclusion.

Cuyamaca College freedom and opportunity from slavery Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a history exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

For this week’s Reflection paper, select THREE groups (African Americans, the Chinese, Hispanics, Native Americans, or European immigrants).

Explain how race and ethnicity influenced freedom and opportunity in the U.S. for these groups. during this period. (Be specific, give examples from readings, topic pages.)

Cypress College Week 3 Mindset Videos Discussion


Hello class,

For this week’s discussion, watch the following videos:

How will you use Carol Dweck’s work on “growth mindset” or Angela Duckworth’s idea of “deliberate practice” to succeed in college? Please provide your response in one paragraph.