AMU Economic Growth Discussion


Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page on the following statement:

Explain how the economic growth of countries such as China, India, Brazil and Vietnam and how it might impact the global food and beverage industry and global consumers.

Incorporate at least one reference from articles listed within the online APUS library.

Monmouth College The Use of Mobile Devices and Personal Information Essay


Write a 3 page paper (Last page being a citation/refrence page) in MLA format on how the use of mobile devices can lead users to over sharing personal information. In the paper explain how mobile devices arent secure with peoples personal information and how things could be hacked and stolenn as well. Provide 3-4 citation.

BUS 702 Belhaven University COVID 19 and The Environment Paper


  • Prompt: You will be writing a paper based on a topic you will select and research. The topic can be any area you find of interest. You may want to select something you have been thinking about for your dissertation research. The purpose of the paper will be to demonstrate your understanding of the following:

North Virginia Community College Ragnar Lodbrok Legend Discussion


Please view a short film of your choice and then compose a review. This review can either address literary elements, persuasive elements, or you may take a cinematic approach. It should not be shorter than 500 words, but there is not a maximum amount of words. Your audience should be considered while writing it.

De Anza College Crusades and the Outcomes of the Wars Discussion and Responses


Option A: What were the circumstances that led to the Crusades and what were their results? What was the importance of the Crusades, both for Christendom and its Muslim counterparts?

Option B: What factors helped to weaken European feudalism in the High Middle Ages, and to what extent was life changing for people during that time?

AIU Online Network Security Vulnerabilities to Mitigate Paper


 write a 1- to 2-page section covering network security. Answer the following questions: What vulnerabilities are you trying to mitigate? What hardware or software would you use? What authentication technique(s) will you use? How will you detect and respond to network attacks? Be specific. For example, if employing passwords, what password standards will you incorporate?

University of Oxford Obi Wan Kenobi from Star Wars Descriptive Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Prompt : “choose a character from a work of fiction or film who you think is truly interesting. Write a descriptive essay that conveys what makes this character special. I choose the character ObiWan Kenobi from Star Wars.

Austin Community College Learning Framework Essay


I need to write phase l

This week use the plan you created to start making the change approved in the contract. This is Phase I, your first week of trying to modify the behavior.

instructions in the attached file below (Self-Change Project Phase I, II, and III Instructions (1),

for your reference file (Baseline data)

FIU Google Apps for Work Paper


Google Apps for Work is a leading platform for remote collaboration. After reading the
information presented in this module and other sources, in about 500-800 words, write a
paper that identifies five key features of this platform. What are two other platforms that
closely compete with this platform?

NMSU Racism Image description Question


Write a 2-3 page paper describing an image us the reading “reading the visual” Elspeth H. Brown. The image is called “Un miembro del TGP, victima del racismo, el companero Charles White..”. I even started the first paragraph for you to get started. I will add a link for the reading below.