EDUC 402 University of Montana Human Growth and Learning Reflection


Please read: 

Bransford, J. D., Brown, A.L. & Cocking, R.R. (2000). How Children Learn. In How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school (Chapter 4, pp. 79-113). Washington, D. C.: National Academy Press.

Tucker, A. (2013). Born to be bad? The new science of morality. Smithsonian (January), 37-41. 

Writing Mindful Living Across the Lifespan Stages of Life Analysis Paper


Stages of Life Analysis Paper

, identify two developmental stages that you would like to have affected the outcome differently (reflection of past experience).

  • Identify each developmental stage.
  • Analyze the experience.
  • Discuss how you would modify the experience.
  • Explain how changed behaviors of environmental factors would affect a different life experience. 

Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Police and Society Essay


Discuss how Merton’s concept of anomie differs from that of Durkheim as it relates to various attempts to define organized crime, prostitution and the current issue of sexual harassment. Include the presumption of guilt or innocence and explain how adjudication influences centralized and/or decentralized police force activity.

Writing Human Behavior Podcast Analysis


discuss human behavior Podcasts/other current relevant materials.

Summarize your overall assessment of the usefulness of this particular activity.

  1. Summarize  what you intended to IMPART TO YOUR GROUP MATES with the podcasts. And  what is the podcast about and what is the new information you gained  from.

MSB O’hare International Airport Essay


Hello, I attached the question and its requirements. All the instructions are provided in doc file which explained the requirements specifically. Please follow the instructions exactly to deliver the required information. Ask me if there are any doubts. Try to make the interview as formal as possible.

AMU Why People Demand Health Utility Analysis Paper


  • In your own words use utility analysis to explain why people demand health. How does the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility fit into the analysis?
  • How would you expect the price elasticity of demand for medical care to vary with health status? Give a specific example.

AU The Range of Money to Operate a Business and Cash Budget Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me learn.


question 2: Discuss cash flow oversight and other best practices such as internal controls, separation of duties and auditing.

HCC A Strategy of Development Modest Proposal Paper


“A Modest Proposal” (Links to an external site.)

Submit one paragraph elaborating on Swift’s use of irony as a strategy of development; discuss ideas and messages he may have been attempting to communicate to an audience of his day


University of Ottawa Black Mirror Nosedive Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

choose one episode of the TV series black mirror. Answer these 3 questions: 

1. what is this about? 2. why do you want to share this? 3. Anything to add?

University of Arizona Firms Essay


Students can earn up to 15 extra credit points by reading an original academic research
article on a topic in organizational behavior or management and preparing a 3-4 page
(double spaced) written document that summarizes the article and relates it to course
topics. Article is the link below…