University of Sunderland Immanuel Kants Project for A Perpetual Peace Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing practice test / quiz and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Describe Immanuel Kant’s Project for a Perpetual Peace. Do you think that this would be an effective program for world peace? Why or why not?

A. T. Still University Couch Potato by Brian Keene Analysis Essay


In analyzing, look for any symbols, images, metaphors, word choices, or phrases that are meaningful in some way and provide a connection to the overall reading. In short, focus on the passage and its meaning and then make broader connection(s) to the overall story. 

BA 634 Mississippi Valley State University Marketing Management Discussion


Pick your favorite brand and look at the 5Cs for that company. What is the brand’s “situation analysis” ? Based on that assessment and what you know of the brand, what recommendations would you make to the company regarding that brand or its business?

A T Still University Down and Out in Dead Town by Simon Green Analysis


In analyzing, look for any symbols, images, metaphors, word choices, or phrases that are meaningful in some way and provide a connection to the overall reading. In short, focus on the passage and its meaning and then make broader connection(s) to the overall story.

APUS Gender Role in A Heterosexual Home Presentation


I need a powerpoint completed. Nothing major, just a few slides covering the gender role in a heterosexual home for a male. I will post rubric as well. I only need to talk for 3-4 mins. It just needs to be informational.

Cybersecurity and Information Technology Discussion


5 current problems that professionals in your career are dealing with. More is better, fewer isn’t. choose 2 of the 5 topic and write 250 words on each and at the end should decide which one that will be using in the essay.

Central Texas College Plagiarism Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a english discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.

  • Why is plagiarism a severe academic offense?
  • Why might someone plagiarize? Can you plagiarize yourself?
  • What might be the personal, academic, and legal consequences of plagiarism?
  • How can you prevent plagiarism?

University of Nairobi Adolescents External Stressors Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a health & medical question and need guidance to help me learn.

Describe two external stressors that are unique to adolescents. Discuss what risk-taking behaviors may result from the external stressors and what support or coping mechanism can be introduced.

Films Review Discussion



Short essay #1 (2-3 paragraphs)

What themes of race and class are presented in ‘Boyz N The Hood’?

Short essay #2 (2-3 paragraphs)

In ‘Crash’ the writer uses interlocking stories brought together by fate.

Is this structure effective in telling the story?

The following content is partner provided

APU Computer Crime, Environmental Crimes, and Vehicle Theft Discussion


1) Discuss in detail how computer databases and information networks may be useful in criminal investigations.

2) Discuss in detail how crime analysis (crime mapping and geospatial technology) may be useful as a tool in criminal investigations e.g., home burglary, auto theft, or other crimes.