HIST 111 CC Development and Defence of Power Discussion


Defend or negate the following statement:

Limited to the time period 1801-1825 (Chapter 9), United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall proved a more historically influential figure than Thomas Jefferson.

Harvard University My IT Passion Story Writing Task


Two “passions”

–IT passion

–Other passion

Develop a story about each and write a paragraph about each that describes the situation, task, action, and result

Discuss how the pandemic has affected your passion


ENG 111 University of Maryland Getups Essay


ENC 1102 JSC Online Classes vs Face to Face Classes in Any Society Discussion


I need to write a compare-and-contrast essay on Online Classes vs. Face-to-face classes of 500 words minimum 2 pages following the mla format guidelines. must include work cited page

AMU Healthcare Healthcare Policy Implementation Plan Essay


Enhance access to care

Enhance quality of care, and

  1. Reduce the cost of care.
  2. You are expected to draw from at least 3 recent (no more than 5 years old) scholarly journal articles.

Campbellsville University How Russian Trolls Spread Fake News Discussion


Read this Time article and view the video explaining how Russian trolls spread fake news.  Discuss in 500 words whether the government should regulate Facebook more closely.  

Rasmussen College Nursing General Survey


Conduct a general survey outside of school on anyone you wish. Perform this as an inspection only and document the findings in short phrases. Also, identify actual or potential risks

Columbia SIPA LED Light Up Shoes Research Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a writing report and need support to help me learn.

LED Light-Up Shoes .

We write the tenology of it,

No plagiarism(under 5%). Instruction attached, please follow, thanks.

A1 Business and Technical College Education Amendments Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a writing case study and need support to help me learn.

attached are two articles and 1 link. You must write one paragraph on each article.

HIST 101 American Military University Wk 7 Why the North Won the Civil War Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a history discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Why did the North win the Civil War?  List and analyze 3 reasons.