ART 101 University of Maryland Art Discussion


First, identify the images, then think about and explain why the images are together and what they have in common – and why they are different.

Kean University Focus Group Implementation Paper


Based off the information given please complete the last three parts:

( 1. Focus group implementation, 2. Key finding and common themes, 3. Important findings and recommendations)

University of Michigan Child Psychology Article Analysis


 subject, its about child development and the book used is called Berk, L. E. (2021). Infants, Children, and Adolescents – 9th Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Pearson.

Biblical elements in Ex Machina Film Discussion


Discuss the Biblical elements in Ex Machina and how it may be said to subvert the Garden of Eden myth in the Book of Genesis

Granite Hills High School Kokoro by Natsume Soseki Analysis


I need a two to three page essay on Kokoro by Natsume Soseki answering the prompt that I will link below. 

Link to book: 

UMAA Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Black Swan Question


write a 2-3 pages reflection on a selected movie, requirements attached. Movie( black swan) dont need work cited page, Do not exceed 3 page limits.

Damsel in Distress Trope Paper


Need a research paper linking the prominent damsel in distress trope in video games to the sexism and harassment women face in the gaming industry

The Factors Leading to The Abolition of Slavery Essay


You have to write a 5 – page essay on a theme that runs through the textbook. (American Civilization From Colonialism to the Civil War)

University of Liverpool History Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a history exercise and need a sample draft to help me learn.

explain how slave trade bolstered the british economy

The Behavior of Individuals in A Work Environment Question


An Introduction to Organizational Behavior

40 minutes

by: Michael Nugent


1. What is OB?

2. Why OB is important?

3. How OB improves the performance of the company?