USF Personal Marketing Plan Paper



  1. Conduct a SWOT analysis of your current readiness to enter your chosen industry. What are your current STRENGTHS? Where are your WEAKNESSES? What OPPORTUNITIES can you identify and leverage to become better prepared? What THREATS may get in your way?
  2. Based on the SWOT analysis, create a THOROUGH grid or outline addressing the following areas:
    1. Identify and present three current self-promotion/career readiness goals, ideally to be accomplished within the next year. Goals must be realistic, specific, and supported by researched evidence.
    2. For each goal, list all of the steps, resources, and help needed to reach it. For example, if meeting specific people or creating a professional network is one of your goals, what steps will you take to achieve that goal? If you wish to attain an internship for credit, what steps must be fulfilled? If you want to publish a children’s book, what steps must you take to realize that dream?
    3. Cite your existing resources and/or achievements that support achieving each goal. For example, if a goal is to earn a starting salary of a certain level, what achievements can you cite to support that goal? If a goal is to get an interview with a certain company, who do you know who has worked there or can give you a referral? If a goal is to exhibit at a particular gallery or venue, do you know anyone who has shown there?
    4. Calculate the financial resources required to achieve each step toward your goals. If you will attend an industry convention or join an organization associated with your industry, what will that cost? Don’t forget costs associated with mailing, copying, or even copyright registration.
  3. Using your grid or outline of goals and a calendar, create a timeline for achieving each goal. Plot each step toward the goal, using one month time increments. For example, if one of your goals is to create and publish a children’s book, in the first month you might research publishers and their recent titles to determine length and popular concepts. In the second and third months, you might draft the story. In the fourth month, you might test your storyline by reading your draft to a focus group of children to gauge reaction. In the fifth month, you might revise the story, and in ensuing months, you again might research publishers and their submission guidelines.
  4. Craft a statement outlining how achievement of stated goals will position you to compete or realize a professional unique selling point (USP).

Public speaking Discussion


Directions (this must be submitted as a .doc or .docx file):

Using any of the chapters from the textbook (or a mix of terms/concepts from various chapters), I want you to write a reflection paper on what you’ve learned from the terms/concepts in one or more of those chapters.

Choose two key terms, concepts, or ideas from anywhere in the text to write about (ie. the words that are bolded and defined throughout the chapter, any headings, subheadings, etc.).

For each key term you need to write between 10 and 20 quality sentences (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font size) discussing/addressing the following 3 prompts to complete your discussion of the term:

How you used it in preparing your speech (ex. practicing, writing, brainstorming) (3-4 sentences minimum)

How you’ve seen it apply in your own life or in other people’s lives, or how it might apply in the future (3-4 sentences minimum)

What your thoughts are on that topic/concept in general (3-4 sentences minimum)

For example (this would be a shorter version of what you might write), if one of the terms/concepts you choose is “noise,” you might write …

             (#1) While I was preparing my speeches I always had to keep in mind that there would be noise in the classroom. Sometimes people walk in late, or whisper, and even seeing the time cards is a form of noise that I knew might interfere with my speech presentation, so I practiced having my friends whisper and hold up time cards while I practiced my speech to help me cope with these distractions. (#2) Knowing how to cope with noise will definitely help me in the future when I have to give presentations in other classes or for a job I might have. (#3) Lastly, the concept of noise is interesting to me because it’s something that can be internal, not just external. It’s important to remember that my own personal problems, plans for the day, or just daydreaming in class can keep me from receiving messages or successfully getting my message to someone else.

  1. **Lastly, keep in mind:
  2. List the terms/concepts, and the chapter/s you’ll be using at the top of your paper
  3. Be careful not to define the term, you need to discuss it

Each term you discuss should be 1 to 2 substantial paragraphs (approximately a full page double-spaced) in length

Underline each term when you use it the first time so it’s not overlooked when I’m grading (which would result in a loss of points)

Walden University Preschool Culturally Responsive Practices Discussion Paper


For this Performance Task, you will adopt the role of the director of Scribbles Early Learning Program. The head teacher in the preschool classroom has invited you to analyze their use of culturally responsive strategies and then offer your thoughts on their areas of strength and what they can do regarding areas that need improvement.

Submission Length: 5-6 pages, including a Checklist and Reflection

  • Review the document “Scribbles Preschool Classroom Description.” This description summarizes what you, as the director at Scribbles, observed in the preschool classroom as well as any additional information you gathered from teacher interviews.
  • Based on your completed “Preschool Culturally Responsive Environment and Curriculum Checklist” complete the Director’s Reflection: Preschool Culturally Responsive Practices template, which will include your thoughts to share with the teachers.

Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

Culturally Responsive Practices: How Are We Doing at Scribbles Early Learning Program?

As the director of Scribbles Early Learning Program, you are committed to ensuring the development and learning of each and every child within your program. Your program utilizes a culturally responsive curriculum as a tool for supporting children’s healthy development and learning. Recently, the head preschool teacher asked for your help. She and the other teachers in the classroom are excited about the culturally responsive practices they have in place but they are also aware that they could be doing more. She hopes that you will observe the class and then meet with them to better clarify their strengths in this vital area and also suggest opportunities for improvement.

You are thrilled to have been approached in this way and share your enthusiasm for what the teachers have been doing and this opportunity for all of you to grow. You explain that you will observe their classroom over a couple of days and take notes on what you see. You will bring along a Preschool Classroom Environment and Curriculum Checklist that focuses on culturally responsive practices to fill out when you observe and also ask the teachers additional questions to fill in needed information. Based on what you have observed and the checklist, you will then write up your thoughts to share with them.

HIST101 AMU Week 3 American Revolution Discussion


For this discussion,You will assume the role of an individual who supported the American Revolution (a Patriot or Whig),

Loyalist James Chalmers, under the pseudonym of Candidus, wrote Plain Truth in response to Thomas Paine’s famous pamphlet Common Sense. You can select the enclosed link to read Thomas Paine at Gutenberg Project. Then read the excerpted text from Chalmers, shaping your statement in support or in opposition to Chalmers’ argument.

Try not to make assumptions. Instead, assume the historical role of someone who lived in the colonies in the period up to, and including, the American Revolution. You could be a Colonial politician, a merchant, a farmer, a shop owner, or even a Southern plantation owner. Be creative.

Read Excerpt: “I have just heard the news of a small group of ruffians who have dumped a large amount of tea into the Boston Harbor. The initial report was that this group was a roving band of Indians. I refuse to be influenced by the underground rebellious press that continues to feed us with false reports and slanted view points that support a rebellion against the Crown. I and many loyal Colonists have found the truth to this report. The ruffians were actually a group of men , most of them are associated with the secret society of Masons. The event demonstrates a useless destruction of property against the East India Company. I am writing to inform you that the tea which was destroyed was sent to the Colonies to be sold at a very competitive price as the East India Tea Company has a surplus of tea. King George has authorized the sale of this tea to benefit the Colonies. This tea would have also helped the financial state of the East India Tea Company of which we certainly hope would stay solvent. We have also found information alluding to the tea smuggling operations of John Hancock and other of the rebellion supporters. Could it be that the tea in Boston Harbor was destroyed to prevent competitive pricing of tea? (are we merely changing tax collectors?) Why do we continue to anger King George by useless acts of property damage?

I urge you all to consider the price we would pay for rebellion against the Crown. Some of our Colonists call this revolution but you must realize that this is a huge mistake, any actions against the Crown represent a mere rebellion.[1]

SU Research & Summaries Problems & the Workplace Touchstone Outline


Touchstone 1.2 includes a research question, a working thesis, a detailed outline, and a reflection on this pre-writing process.


DIRECTIONS: Choose a scenario below and create a research question, a working thesis, and a detailed outline. Your topic should be current, appropriate for an academic context and should have a focus suitable for an essay.


You’re going to begin your prewriting process by choosing a scenario so you can then start to brainstorm the problem you’d like to focus on. The scenario you select will help determine what type of problem you will explore in your proposal, as well as what audience you’ll be writing for. Since you’re writing a proposal, you already know your purpose is to persuade. But how you will persuade—what rhetorical appeals and research you will use—will likely depend on your audience.Scenario 1: CommunityCommunity-focused problems are issues that affect the daily life of individuals. These individuals can be from the same neighborhood, a neighborhood across town, or the same city. Have you ever wished the city would install more street lights, or put in a skating park, or did something about the persistent littering throughout the neighborhood?All of these are examples of community-focused problems.

The goal of this scenario is to persuade a community group to fund the solution that you believe will address a particular problem and benefit the area. How will you persuade the community group to give you what you’re asking for?Scenario 2: WorkplaceWorkplace-focused problems involve issues or needs that affect employees at the office, department, or company. Some examples of workplace issues might include poor communication between departments, wasteful spending, lack of work-life balance, or a desire to have on site childcare. The goal of this scenario is to analyze the problem, then develop a solution that you think will resolve or improve the situation for the employees. How will you convince management to accept your solution?

If you are wondering which scenario would be best to choose, think about concerns, issues,or projects that you are passionate about in your own life and career. For Example, as you think of this, if you keep coming back to how the empty lot on your block would make a great community garden space, you may want to consider choosing Scenario 1. If, when you think of your workplace, and it is experiencing a delay in receiving supplies, and want to explore a solution to this problem, you may want to consider choosing Scenario 2. 

HU The Situation Looked from The Other Persons Perspective Analysis


reading former post to apply fisher and ury’s method
Using your conflict from last week’s discussion prompt, apply Fisher and Ury’s method. How might you have responded differently? What was the other party’s position? What were your needs and interests in the conflict? What might some options for resolution have been, and how would you objectively assess those options?

last week conflict

Growing up life was not easy, and my extended family often clashed. Two of my uncles were the worst, and they were often aggressive with each other. The rest of the family enjoyed each other’s company more than the two individuals. Based on Moore’s conflict, the uncles elicited value and relationship conflicts. For instance, if one came into a room, the other would leave, or if one raised a topic during family chats, the other would react aggressively. Moreover, they avoided sitting close to each other even during family meetings or dinners. I knew there was more to the story because people would be chattering happily, and an awkward silence would presume when the two entered the room, but I was too young to understand. Last but not least, tension was the norm unless one or both of my uncles were absent from a particular gathering.

My uncles’ reactions elicited several aspects of Moore’s conflict model’s value and relationship conflicts. According to Moore’s model, value conflicts are characterized by individuals avoiding each other, avoiding specific topics, and aggressive reactions toward each other’s opinions. Additionally, relationship conflicts are riddled with conflicting parties avoiding even sitting close to each other, awkward silences, and tension (Merritt, Hunter, 2021). My uncles elicited all the above characteristics supporting Moore’s model. Over time, my uncles’ attitudes changed after family mediation, but their constant displays taught me a few issues about relationship and value conflicts that support Moore’s conflict analysis model. For instance, I learned value conflicts could be caused by different worldviews, habits, personal identities, or adaptive challenges. Moreover, relationship conflicts can be fueled by troubled histories, aggressive reactions, harbored negative emotions and perceptions.

My uncles underwent several family mediation episodes once their issues were discovered as more political than personal. Eventually, their differences were resolved, and they agreed to respect each other’s opinions without aggression. Ultimately, a mutual understanding developed, leading to acceptance and forgiveness. Therefore, it is vital to discover the conflict’s source to salvage a situation.


Merritt, Hunter (2021). “The Circle of Conflict Adaptation.” Partnership Academy. October 21, 2021 .

GCCCD Media Discussion


part one

Media Law

1. Share with the class one area of Media Law you find interesting. Tell us what the area is and why it is interesting to you. 100 -200 words

2. Share a current controversy regarding any area of Media Law. 1 paragraph (approximately 5 sentences)

3.  What are the current limitations on Freedom of Speech on social media platforms (pick a platform and discuss their policies). Do you agree or disagree with their policies?  1 paragraph/5 sentences.

part two

Media Ethics

1. Who is Kevin Carter (photojournalist) and what is he know for? (You can do your own research or use the articles posted below)

2. What ethical controversy surrounds one of his pictures? Name the picture and describe the controversy. 

3. Do you agree with his actions? Were his actions justified? Were they ethical?

4. Would you have handled the situation differently? If so, how?

5. What if it meant the result would be different and the impetus for aid for the region would not have existed? Is it justifiable to not intervene if it brings greater awareness to a problem or issue?

Images of suffering can bring about change but are they ethical? (Links to an external site.) 

Shoot First Then Help (Links to an external site.) 

Movie to watch if you are interested in learning more : The Bang Bang Club

The Bang Bang Club official movie trailer (Links to an external site.)

350-450 words

part three

After viewing the following videos:  Photoshop Effect 1 and 2 Photoshop, The Try Guys Get Photoshopped (regular guys get photoshopped) write a 3 page reaction paper.

The Photoshop Effect part 1  (Links to an external site.)

The Photoshop Effect part 2 (Links to an external site.)

Regular Guys Get Photoshopped (Links to an external site.)

Address each of the following questions in your paper:

1. Describe in detail what you saw on the videos and share your opinion about what you experienced. This way I know you viewed all 3 items.

2. Share at least one thing you found interesting about each of the three videos.

3. How did the videos make you feel? What did it make you think?

4. What is the effect on you and others in our society?

5. Is it ethical?

6. Were you aware of how prevalent photoshop actually is?

7. Have you ever photoshopped a picture of yourself or someone else? Why did you do it?

Columbia Southern University Cloud Services Case Study


Scenario: A company called Colony Nursery and Landscaping opened a new store located a few hundred miles away from its original location. The company wants to implement an award system that awards their customers with points whenever the customer makes a purchase, but the two stores are not able to share information. Colony Nursery and Landscaping will need to implement an enterprise resources planning (ERP) system that will solve the information silo problem by collecting and making available this user data. Colony Nursery and Landscaping is hoping that by providing customers with this award system, they will be able to maintain competitive advantage. Colony Nursery and Landscaping cannot afford to purchase, develop, or maintain this system on-site, so they are investigating cloud solutions.

In addition, for many organizations, Cloud Nursery and Landscaping included, information silos make it difficult to tap into needed information. Discuss whether or not the problem of information silos can be solved by using the cloud. Some organizations do not have the resources to construct or maintain their computer infrastructure, so they utilize cloud services instead to reduce costs and improve scalability. In this assignment, you will discuss whether or not the cloud offers solutions for Colony Nursery and Landscaping and identify an application the ERP system could provide. Compose an essay that includes the following elements:

  • Define what an information silo is.
  • Explain why information silos are a problem for organizations.
  • Discuss why organizations are moving to the cloud.
  • Determine whether or not using cloud services such as a cloud-based host for data storage would solve the ERP information silo problem at Colony Nursery and Landscaping.
  • Explain how using the ERP system and awards program would provide a competitive advantage for Colony Nursery and Landscaping.
  • Discuss why the implementation of an ERP system might require business process reengineering for Colony Nursery and Landscaping. Be sure to explain the business processes that will be affected such as the customer awards system as an example. Use diagrams or tables as needed, but this is not required.

Your essay must be a minimum of two pages long (not counting the title and references pages), and it must be formatted in APA style. You should include an introduction section that gives background and context to your reader. You must use at least two scholarly resources as references. Any information from these resources must be cited and referenced in APA format.

Ashford University Play and Curriculum Questions


There is much research that supports the use of play in early childhood, and “the science behind play, what exists, should be sufficient to argue at least for its inclusion, if not a focus, in early education.” Yet, there is tension between play and “in the face of increased pressure on literacy and mathematics, driven in part by the No Child Left Behind Act and development of the Common Core Standards, policy-makers and some parents are expecting preschool programs to look more like classrooms for older children” (Snow, n.d., para 2).

How would you handle just such a demand on your future classroom or school? This discussion will engage you in reflecting on your play philosophy and why it is important for leaders in the field of early childhood education to take a stand on the topic of play in the classroom.

To prepare for this discussion, read the article Research News You Can Use: Debunking the Play Vs. Learning Dichotomy (Links to an external site.). Then use the following scenario to guide your thinking:

As a leader and professional in the field of early childhood education, you have decided to write on this topic for your local newspaper column. Using the Toulmin model as your guide, defend the use of play in the classroom. Your article should be written in academic writing style and should include the following (for information on the differences between academic and personal writing styles refer to the Writing Center’s Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) and Differences Between First and Third Person (Links to an external site.)):

  • Explain your school’s philosophy of play in the classroom.
  • Defend the ways in which play enhances development in each domain of development and is considered a developmentally appropriate practice. Support this portion of your article with your primary text and at least one scholarly or credible resource.
  • Describe each form of play. Identify three things children are learning as they engage in pretend play and three things children are learning as they engage in construction play.
  • Compare and contrast the difference between a classroom in which guided play is a part of the curriculum and one that uses play to simply fill up time. Support this portion of your discussion with your primary text and at least one scholarly or credible resource.

Sofia University Work Integrated Learning Onboarding Interview & Journal Report


Work Experience Study Plan

Upload your Study Plan with Learning Objectives, wherein you have described how you will be applying things you learn in your Computer Science degree program to your job.

Study Plan and Learning Objectives Sample for Computer Science Students in the Sofia University Work-Integrated-Learning (WIL) Program

School Course Catalog:…

Learning Objectives:As part of my training while in Sofia University’s M.S. in Computer Science program, I will apply the following principles, concepts, and studies to my experience while working for ________________________.

1. Job Title: ________________________.

2. Computer Science courses that I would like to take to enhance my skills in the areas of:

  • Software Engineering
  • Programming
  • Machine Learning
  • Cybersecurity
  • Other Areas

Please note that these are just examples of areas in the MBA program that might be applicable to your job placement.

  • You need to choose examples that are appropriate and that reflect classes you actually intend to take.
  • You also need to describe how you will apply your learnings from the classes you intend to take, or the subject matter related to your degree program to your work.
  • Everything should be put into your own words.If you don’t compose something appropriate, your CPT application will be rejected.

3. Specific courses or topics I will study and apply to my job at __________________________________ will include:

The language below is just to be used an example.When you complete this document, I expect you to remove these guidance remarks that are highlighted in blue.If you don’t remove them, I will know that you didn’t pay much attention to the guidance I provided.

  • Data Analysis.In my position at __________________ I apply data analysis methods to _________________.
  • Artificial Intelligence.In my work, I make use of artificial intelligence in _______________________.
  • Algorithms.I make use of algorithms and knowledge in this area to _____________________.


1st Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) Journal Report

This report should record your daily activities during your internship, the hours worked, comments regarding any problems or difficulties you encounter, positive experiences, and especially important, how this work experience complements your academic training.

Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) Onboarding Interview

In the first week of employment, the student will schedule an onboarding interview with his or her internship provider. Topics to be discussed should include the following:

1. The student’s F-1 visa status and participation in the USCIS’ Curriculum Practical Training (CPT) program.

2. Please point out that the student enjoys the benefits of the CPT program on the basis of being concurrently enrolled in an academic degree program that is aligned with his or her degree objectives.