California State University San Marcos Reproductive Health Equity Act Paper


Your presentation should provide an overview of a health policy issue as well as a solid argument either for or against that policy. You will prepare a two to three page paper briefly addressing the questions below.

  • Choose a policy issue from a recent news article (i.e., within the past year) published in a major news outlet. Examples of credible media include:
  • Cable News and Radio Outlets such as CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, NPR (including KPBS) and Al Jazeera
  • Major daily publications such as the San Diego Union-Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Chicago Sun-Times, USA Today, the Wall Street Journal
  • Major news magazines and their websites including US News and World Report, Newsweek
  • Major political news sites such as The Hill and Politico
  • Major Healthcare News sites such as Kaiser Health News, California Healthline,
    Healthcare Executive
  • All other sources must be cleared with me prior to your presentation
  • This policy issue should have direct implications for the US healthcare system or population health.  Federal, state, and local level policies are all acceptable options. Since this course is focused on the US, I would prefer that you choose a US policy. However, exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Your topic can be related to our class discussions, but it should have distinct features so that we can all learn something new. If you are unsure, then feel free to ask me.

Once you have identified the topic for your presentation, do some research! Search for other news on your topic. Reports and policy briefs from the government and non-profit research institutions may also be helpful – these sources often provide great graphics.

Remember to cite your sources if you use charts/graphs, specific figures, or quotes.

You should do enough research to have an understanding of the intended effects of the policy and the target population, as well as the major arguments for and against the policy. If it is a policy that has already been implemented, then you should gather some information on its effects (if available in the literature/news).

Include in your presentation:

  1. What is the source or media for this article?
  2. What is the main thrust of the article?
  3. What is the main policy you are discussing?
  4. Is there a change or confirmation to this policy? Or is this a progress report?
  5. Who is affected by this policy?
  6. Who in the healthcare system would care about this policy?
  7. What are the potential implications?
  8. What is your personal opinion about this policy? Do you agree/disagree, support it or not,
    and why?

College American Outsourcing of Jobs & Capitalism Discussion


1. The 80s and 90s began the extensive outsourcing of jobs from the US to other countries for cheap labor, especially in manufacturing. Employees were treated like numbers work more and earn less with limited or no benefits.For the same reasons, Companies including IBM laid-off employees and even closed manufacturing plants in the USA. Wholefoods, on the contrary, adopted the people-centered strategy of treating their employees right, including their suppliers was able to attain tremendous success.From your readings and work experience, how can managers use the concept of people-centered” organizations and conscious capitalism to create value in organizations?

1. Response to the paragraph above:

2. individual on a group or the overall organization is ignored. For example, a staff member asks for a raise because she did market research and concluded that her compensation was not competitive with someone with her experience and education. If a manager looks solely at the individual, he or she may authorize a raise to keep that staff member happy and keep her from leaving. But without looking at the impacts to the group or organization, that raise may have significant negative impacts in other areas of the organization. Word could get out that she received a raise, and that could upset the team since they didn’t receive similar rate increases. And if the manager pacifies the group by providing raises across the board to all staff, then the financial impact of that could affect the organization’s profitability and cause the organization to cease being in business.

The benefit of understanding all three perspectives is the knowledge that all three are interrelated and as a result, changes to one most likely causes changes to the others. Understanding that each perspective has their own equities, priorities and risks helps a manager conduct the requisite tradeoff analyses required to manage each perspective. The ability to balance the needs and wants of each perspective is a key aspect to a good manager. My experience is that conducting a comprehensive evaluation of any issue is necessary to ensure that individual staff members’ needs are met, the performance of the team is analyzed and the impact to the overall organization is assessed prior to enacting a strategy. A favorite (albeit dated) analogy is when you push down on one side of the waterbed, the other side goes up. And recognizing that in advance, can save time, money and interpersonal conflict.

2. Respond to the post above:

LIT 100 Syracuse University Literature Concepts Portfolio


The first part of the assessment relates back to the post you created at the beginning of the semester, “Literature Is…” To complete this section:

please write a revised post the defines literature in your own words. I strongly recommend that your post includes the following: 

A focused and consistent message [in other words, I should have a clear understanding of your definition]

  1. Specific examples to illustrate points

Inclusion of genre and literary elements during discussion

A logical progression [your paragraphs should connect to each other and the ideas should be cohesive]

Solid grammar/proof-reading [this doesn’t need to be perfect, but basic tenants of academic writing should be followed]

  • This should be posted to your ePortfolio in the Rich Text box 
  • This should be a 300~500 word reflection
  • what my initial response was:
  • “literature is something that goes further than jut words on paper. Literature allows our minds to escape to places that we sometimes cant do on our own. In literature there are so many small details that make up a story, and those small details create a picture that have us entrapped in a story until the very end. In addition to this, literature carries traditions, and it also allows creators to backpack off each other, which creates almost endless possibilities.” <- you can build off this.
  • Part 2: Mini-essay Reflection
  1. The second part of the assessment relates to the title you chose. ( I chose Percy Jackson the Olympian, the lightning thief) I strongly recommend using the notes I took (see attached) to help with this.

Review your Big Read text and the notes you completed for it.

  1. Read through the Reflection Essay Guidelines: (attached)

Write a 650~800 word Reflection Essay for the title you read.

Part 3: Book Review

” For this section, you are posting a review of the title. This can be a positive or negative review; mostly I am looking for your professional opinion on this book.

  1. Read through the example reviews found here

The Ghost Tracks – NPR (Links to an external site.)

  1. Passing – NPR (Links to an external site.)

Milk Teeth – Words Without Borders (Links to an external site.)

The Turnout – Entertainment Weekly 

Pay attention to the consistent elements that exist in each review — you will want to emulate these for your own review.

Write a 650~800 word Book Review for the title that is read.

The Special Effects Used in The Film Lady Bird Discussion


choose any 3-5 questions you’d like to answer.

  1. Are special effects used in the film? To what extent? Are they appropriate to, and effective in, telling the story? Are they effective in making something look real when it isn’t?
  2. Does the actor look the part? Is it necessary for the actor to look the part?
  3. How, if at all, is the actor’s conception of the character based on logic? How does the performance demonstrate expressive coherence?
  4. Does the actor’s performance have the expressive power to make us forget that he or she is acting? If it does, how do you think the actor achieved this effect?
  5. How do the setting and the scope of the narrative complement the other elements?
  6. Are the plot events presented in chronological order? What is the significance of the order of plot events in the movie?
  7. Keep track of the major and minor events in the movie’s plot. Are any of the minor events unnecessary to the movie overall? If these events were not included, would the movie be better? Why
  8. If the film is a documentary, is it factual, instructional, persuasive, or propaganda—or a blend of two or more of these documentary approaches? Consider the movie’s relationship with the spectator and with relative truth. Does it appear to be attempting to present events and ideas in as objective a manner as is cinematically possible, or does it make a specific persuasive argument? What elements of form or content lead you to this conclusion?
  9. Look for ways in which the documentary employs narrative. Are the events portrayed selected and organized so they tell a story?
  10. Ask yourself how this movie compares to other documentary films you’ve seen. Think about your formal expectations of nonfiction movies: talkinghead interviews, voice-over narration, archival footage, and so on. Does this movie conform to those expectations? If not, how does it convey information and meaning in ways that are different from a typical documentary?
  11. Do you notice anything particular about the movie’s presentation of cinematic space? What do you see on the screen? Lots of landscapes or close-ups? Moving or static camera?
  12. Does the director manipulate viewers’ experience of time? Is this condensing, slowing, speeding, repeating, or reordering of time simply practical (as in removing insignificant events) or is it expressive? If it is expressive, just what does it express?
  13. Does the director’s use of lighting help to create meaning? If so, how?

American Society Discussion


3 page paper on Dutchman by Amiri Baraka, A Coney Island of the Mind by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac. Here are the prompts for the project:

  • What aspects of American society do these authors rebel against? Why? What are they trying to achieve? Does this impact their identity as Americans?
  • Bob Dylan commented in Martin Scorsese’s Rolling Thunder Review documentary that Kerouac wrote about the “road of life.” How has this changed from On the Road to The Dharma Bums. Are the central concerns the same or have they changed? And why?
  • Ferlinghetti was insistent he was not a “beat” despite playing a key role in the movement as a book publisher. Create an argument why or why not we should consider him one.
  • So far most of the works we’ve read were produced by white male authors such as Kerouac. While there are depictions of women in his novels, we rarely see a glimpse into their interior lives or motivations. What does Diane di Prima’s voice add to the conversation?
  • The Civil Rights Movement began in 1954. Amiri Baraka’s The Dutchman premiered ten years later. You might consider the following: How does the play alter your perspective on the movement? What are the main points of the play and what does it say about the issue of race in America? How is it similar or different to other works by African American authors you’ve read before?
  • Amiri Baraka was involved in the Beat movement but eventually changed his aesthetic approach and content becoming a founder of the Black Arts Movement. In what ways do you see similarities or differences with the Beats in his approach and content?
  • Diane di Prima’s work is highly political in nature. Revolutionary Letters was published in the 1960s more than 10 years after Howl. You might consider the following. How have political concerns evolved? What does di Prima add to the conversation? How has this counterculture changed?
  • Since we now have a larger body of work to discuss, consider the materials throughout the course of the semester. Ginsberg suggested the Beat movement could be defined as “spiritual lib.” However this suggests there is an overall defining objective or sensibility. Do you believe there is a defining attribute and if so, what is it? Why or why not? What implications does that have on your own reading and understanding?

VU Mayor Landrieu Promotes the Value of Truth and Courage Case Study


“Leadership requires skill, a clear vision, and a strong commitment to establishing a constructive organizational climate. It also requires that leaders understand diversity and inclusion, and the essential role these play in organizational outcomes. While many of the leadership concepts discussed…so far….involve rather straightforward leadership efforts, addressing diversity and inclusion is a multi-layered process that requires a wider range of leadership practices.” (Northouse, p 183).

For this assignment:

1. Read ‘9.2 Case Study – Mitch Landrieu: Symbolic Progress’ (pp 235-240).

2. After reading the case study, answer the following questions. Compose your paper in ‘Q & A’ format and number each response. Do not include the questions in your paper. Do not write your paper in narrative form.


  1. Some people argue that leadership has a moral dimension that moves people toward the common good. Mayor Landrieu’s speech clearly has a moral dimension. Name two values Mayor Landrieu promotes and give an example from the speech to demonstrate each specific value. Name one obstacle to his advocacy. Is there a downside to his advocacy? If so, what is it? Is there a cost to the city of New Orleans if the statues stay? If they go?
  2. The chapter discusses four barriers to diversity and inclusion: ethnocentrism, prejudice, stereotypes, and privilege. Explain how these statues were symbolic of each of these barriers.
  3. Identify two groups within the community and discuss how different perceptions of the statues and their inherent messages may have affected each group.
  4. By removing the statues and through his speech, Mayor Landrieu takes a strong stand against dignifying symbols of the Confederacy. Do you think his actions will foster a stronger sense of inclusion within the City of New Orleans? Why or why not.
  5. Consider the various symbols in your community, school, or workplace which you see every day. Select one and discuss the possible perceptions of that symbol by at least two different groups that are members of your community. The groups in your community might be of different races, genders, religious affiliations, ethnicity, immigration status, sexual orientation, etc.

Limit your response to 750-1,000 words, double spaced, use Times New Roman, font size 12, and submit your document below. Link your reactions to the text citing the referenced page. Once you put a citation/reference in your paper, you must include a works cited section at the end of your paper.Of course, papers should be organized, thorough, with proper sentence structure and grammar.

American University of Science and Technology Interdisciplinary Research Paper


In one line at the top of the page type: Your Name, Interdisciplinary Theory and Methodology, Your Two Disciplines

  • THE QUESTION: Put Repko, and Menken & Keestra, to work for you. Explain how you have applied interdisciplinary theory and process to your thinking in your Literature Review. Our readings are about the interdisciplinary research process, and since you are doing research in an interdisciplinary core course, we’d like to see you thinking about how your research is more than/different from traditional, disciplinary research. Since you have not yet completed the process, I would not expect you to have an answer that completely explains how you have implemented techniques of integration in your work. Nor would I expect you to discuss all of the interdisciplinary theory that is discussed in the readings by Repko, and by Menken & Keestra. However, in about three pages you should be able to make a convincing statement that explains how your work is interdisciplinary, drawing on the important details available in the assigned chapters from the books by Repko, and by Menken & Keestra. To do well, your essay must speak both to your paper topic and to the readings. Be specific. Refer specifically to the dimensions of your issue: the arguments (“disciplinary insights”), concepts, theories, and so on that you are thinking about as you research. Refer specifically to the content of the books. Do not quote from them, but do provide citations. For example, if you wanted to point out that your research relies on your understanding of the disciplinary perspectives evident in your topic, you might say: My thinking about nuclear nonproliferation depended upon my understanding of the perspectives (97-100) of the disciplines Communication and Political Science. The (97-100) refers to pages 97-100 of Repko’s book, which begins a discussion of disciplinary perspective. (Be sure to cite and reference the books, not the course pack. There are readings from three different books here, so be clear about your sources!) This is just an example. It is possible to make more than one reference in a single sentence — compound/complex sentences are a good thing. There’s plenty to say in this essay (because Repko, and Menken & Keestra, have a lot to say, and because your paper should be packed with content), and being concise, clear, and well organized is very important. Stick to three double spaced pages for this essay.

College American Outsourcing of Jobs from The US and Culture Responses


1. The 80s and 90s began the extensive outsourcing of jobs from the US to other countries for cheap labor, especially in manufacturing. Employees were treated like numbers work more and earn less with limited or no benefits.For the same reasons, Companies including IBM laid-off employees and even closed manufacturing plants in the USA. Wholefoods, on the contrary, adopted the people-centered strategy of treating their employees right, including their suppliers was able to attain tremendous success.From your readings and work experience, how can managers use the concept of people-centered” organizations and conscious capitalism to create value in organizations?

1. Response to the paragraph above: 

2. individual on a group or the overall organization is ignored. For example, a staff member asks for a raise because she did market research and concluded that her compensation was not competitive with someone with her experience and education. If a manager looks solely at the individual, he or she may authorize a raise to keep that staff member happy and keep her from leaving. But without looking at the impacts to the group or organization, that raise may have significant negative impacts in other areas of the organization. Word could get out that she received a raise, and that could upset the team since they didn’t receive similar rate increases. And if the manager pacifies the group by providing raises across the board to all staff, then the financial impact of that could affect the organization’s profitability and cause the organization to cease being in business.

The benefit of understanding all three perspectives is the knowledge that all three are interrelated and as a result, changes to one most likely causes changes to the others. Understanding that each perspective has their own equities, priorities and risks helps a manager conduct the requisite tradeoff analyses required to manage each perspective. The ability to balance the needs and wants of each perspective is a key aspect to a good manager. My experience is that conducting a comprehensive evaluation of any issue is necessary to ensure that individual staff members’ needs are met, the performance of the team is analyzed and the impact to the overall organization is assessed prior to enacting a strategy. A favorite (albeit dated) analogy is when you push down on one side of the waterbed, the other side goes up. And recognizing that in advance, can save time, money and interpersonal conflict.

KU Write 2 business letters Papers


AS Description: Write 2 business letters from the choices below. Each one is worth 30 points.

Following the guidelines in your book, lecture and examples (…,) write the letters in clear, straightforward, grammatically correct full sentences. Be polite and formal, semi-formal or conversational as the type of letter warrants. Make your content easy to digest and act upon. Consider and execute the appropriate use of logos, pathos and ethos.

Research companies for general understanding and vocabulary (or create one for this assignment) and write 2 of the following letters below. You can create your own topic detail and use fictitious recipients/readers. Be sure to use specific details in your message. Describe/define the project or topic and make clear why you are writing to your reader.

  • Write a letter to the new clients you have just been assigned to. You work in the product management department of a large electronic device and computer company.
  • Write a letter of complaint to your supplier about a recent shipment that went wrong. You work for a builder who needs the shipment to keep construction running on time.
  • Write a letter to the operations manager of your company who has omitted important procedures in operations. You work as a manufacturing operations analyst in an aerospace company.
  • Write a letter in response to the community-based health programs in your state demanding more resources for women. You work as a communications director in a large health care company.
  • Write a letter to employees in your region that need to undergo new cybersecurity training. You are a security architect in charge of creating and implementing secure cyberspace in a media company.
  • Write a letter to a sports data and technology company asking for financial proposals. You want to improve on your current technology that is used by your client sports teams to study their performances. You are a treasury and payroll accountant in a sports media and technology company that helps fans and teams get more out of their game experiences.
  • Write a letter to accompany your report on school suspensions and expulsions in your school district. You work as a data analyst in the Education Department of a medium-sized city.

AS Instructions: Include the correct format including addresses, date, salutation, body, conclusion and closing. You will submit two documents for this assignment: letter 1 and letter 2.

PBSC The Day My Pet Dog Passed Away Was the Most Memorable Event Analysis


pick one of the poems… 

How does the poet create this meaning? What poetic device(s) does the poet employ to create and emphasize the meaning? 

Prompt 2

Next prompt I have already done some background work I just need you to do some writing filling out the scene I have the story line and setting I will attach a  sample that is the story in orange. I really need you to just hit on the four elements of setting, action, thought and emotion. I need the story to hit on about the setting describing it, action that was done in the scene and thought and emotion that happened while we were talking about the death of one of my dogs. 

The setting is at my family farm where my family has been going to for the last 40 years. We are here because we are talking about the passing of my dog and the great farm we live on. The story will capture me finding out about the death of my dog then bringing her to the farm to be buried. 

As you walk up to my grandparents there is a big white gate two big horse heads are a top the gate. This show you that horses are on the property and that all the fencing around the property are keeping animals in. Green trees, bushes and plants cover every inch of the 10 acre property. It only makes sense to why there is hedging needed every week to maintain the property. As you pull up to my grandparents house you get a feel of every color in the rainbow. Flowers of every color surround my grandparents house my grandma has spent the whole last year revamping her garden. You can hear the bahhh of the goats pen that is to the right and the nonstop barking of novak the German short hair pointer along with Charlotte a small jack Russel who stand 5 inches of the ground. I get in my golf cart and head over to the barns where my grandpa is probably hard a work cleaning the stalls. Rock over another rock you hear my golf carts rubber tires crawl over the rock drive way that leads to the barn.