ENGL 1010 STCC English Composition Life Before and During College Essay
Comparison and Contrast Essay
ASSIGNMENT: Write an essay of at least 500 words (in MLA format) that Compares and Contrasts ONE of the following:
Compare the music you listened to when you were younger to the music you listen to now. What do the two types of music tell about you and how you have changed? Write a comparison and contrast essay in which you discuss your conclusions. You may choose to reference the essay, “Songs of Summer” by Juan Williams. If you do so, remember to use in-text citations and include a Works Cited page referencing the article.
Write an essay comparing and contrasting the communication styles of men and women. You may choose to reference the essay, “”Sex, Lies and Conversation” by Deborah Tannen. If you do so, remember to use in-text citations and include a Works Cited page referencing the article.
Write an essay about a relative or friend you have known since you were a child. Consider how your opinion of this person is different now from when it was then.
Write an essay comparing and contrasting the expectations that college professors and high school teachers have for their students. Cite your own experiences as examples.
How are the attitudes toward education different among students who work to finance their own education and students who do not? Your thesis statement should indicate what differences exist and why.
Write an essay comparing/contrasting the rules set for you as a child and the rules you have set (or plan to set) for your own children.
Write an essay comparing/contrasting your life before college and your life now (during college).
YOUR CHOICE of subjects to compare/contrast (must be approved by professor beforehand).
- Comparison is writing that shows the similarities among subjectspeople, ideas, situations, or items; contrast shows the differences. In conversation, we often use the word compare to mean either compare or contrast, but in this essay, and for most expository writing, the terms have separate meanings.
- You already use comparison and contrast to help you make decisions.
- You compare and contrast two job offers.
- You compare and contrast two classes you want to take.
- You compare and contrast musical groups you like.
- A successful essay will:
Give the clear opinion of the writer in the thesis statement.
Have coherent topic sentences that show opinions and are related to the thesis.
Include a minimum of three points of comparison/contrast.