LING80 NYU Conlang Comment Discussion


This time, we’ll be considering Na’vi, Esperanto, and the idea of community. As mentioned in Conlanging, the Art of Crafting Tongues, many conlangs, even ones created for media like Na’vi was, have enough structure in them that they can be used for real, practical communication. Auxlangs like Esperanto naturally accommodate this because they were expressly created to be used. If these languages can be used for real communication, then, a question arises: Can there be a notion of “community” for people who speak an invented language?

To begin thinking about this question, do the following:

1. Read Christine Schreyer’s 2015 article “The digital fandom of Na’vi speakers.”

2. Watch Esther Schor’s TEDx talk “The Transformative Vision of Esperanto.”

3. Think back to what you saw in Conlanging, the Art of Crafting Tongues as well. If you want to review, go to 15:05 for Esperanto, 36:27 for Guosa, and 1:04:20 for Klingon and Na’vi. You may also want to think about the discussions of heartlangs as well starting at 1:16:50 – Aluhrsa, Itlani, Idrani, and Sandic.

Having done that, respond to this prompt in at least 5-7 sentences. Make sure to touch on all of the questions in the prompt.

In this response, please reflect on the ways in which Na’vi and Esperanto differ, in the following ways. First, based on what you read in Schreyer’s article and saw in Schor’s talk, what do you think are the distinctive elements in the Na’vi and Esperanto communities? Then, based on what you come up with, how do those different communities might lead to different ways the languages change or develop? In either case, you should talk about how your reasoning relates to what you read and watched and, if helpful, your own experiences.

Unlike the Dovahzul/Animalese and aUI/Solresol comments, you will be coming up with a response to this prompt on your own. As always, a key component of your comment is to write not only what you think, but why you think it. Make sure to explain your thoughts. You can use the responses that you responded to in the first two Conlang Comments as models for the kind of “what I think and why” type writing that I’m looking for.

GCCCD School Act & SNAP Enrollment Discussion


Your Tasks


Please take a few moments to review the SCHOOL Act (Links to an external site.), which was introduced in August 2020. You can also conduct your own search for article commentaries regarding the Act. 


Next, you will need to create your discussion post. Your post must address the following (point values indicated in bold): 

  1. What are positive and/or negative outcomes that could result if the SCHOOL Act is passed? (5 points)
  2. Given your research into this topic, do you support the Act or not? Explain. (5 points)
  3. What are other means with which we can lesson educational inequalities? (6 points)


  1. Respond to at least 2 classmate’s posts. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with their opinion and why.  (10 points)

part two


First, you will create a fictional applicant. You will need to consider the following before trying to go through the enrollment process:

  1. Number of individuals in the household, including children, spouses, and elderly parents. 
  2. Whether the applicant is enrolled in any other supplemental services or is receiving other financial support. 
  3. Citizen status
  4. Job status/annual income


You will be comparing SNAP enrollment pages for 2 different US states. One of the states must be California. Once you have decided on the other state, go to their enrollment pages [you will be finding this on your own…after all, most people don’t have an instructor telling them what to do ;)]. 


Begin the SNAP enrollment process. Make sure to keep track of what answers you put for each question asked. 

**IMPORTANT** Stop when you get to the “Tell us about yourself section”. We are not creating a real account for this assignment!!!


Answer the following reflection questions for this assignment (point values included in bold): 

  1. Which state, in addition to California, did you try to apply for SNAP benefits?
  2. How easy or difficult was it to find the enrollment page in each state? 5 points
  3. How easy or difficult was it to enroll for SNAP benefits in each state? Consider factors such as health and computer literacy. 5 points
  4. In your opinion, would you recommend someone enrolling online in each of these states? Why or why not? 5 points
  5. Describe any other thoughts that you had as you were completing the enrollment process. 5 points

Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College District Health & Medical Discussions


partone HED

Your Tasks


Please take a few moments to review the SCHOOL Act (Links to an external site.), which was introduced in August 2020. You can also conduct your own search for article commentaries regarding the Act. 


Next, you will need to create your discussion post. Your post must address the following (point values indicated in bold): 

  1. What are positive and/or negative outcomes that could result if the SCHOOL Act is passed? (5 points)
  2. Given your research into this topic, do you support the Act or not? Explain. (5 points)
  3. What are other means with which we can lesson educational inequalities? (6 points)


  1. Respond to at least 2 classmate’s posts. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with their opinion and why. (10 points)

part two


First, you will create a fictional applicant. You will need to consider the following before trying to go through the enrollment process:

  1. Number of individuals in the household, including children, spouses, and elderly parents. 
  2. Whether the applicant is enrolled in any other supplemental services or is receiving other financial support. 
  3. Citizen status
  4. Job status/annual income


You will be comparing SNAP enrollment pages for 2 different US states. One of the states must be California. Once you have decided on the other state, go to their enrollment pages [you will be finding this on your own…after all, most people don’t have an instructor telling them what to do ;)]. 


Begin the SNAP enrollment process. Make sure to keep track of what answers you put for each question asked. 

**IMPORTANT** Stop when you get to the “Tell us about yourself section”. We are not creating a real account for this assignment!!!


Answer the following reflection questions for this assignment (point values included in bold): 

  1. Which state, in addition to California, did you try to apply for SNAP benefits?
  2. How easy or difficult was it to find the enrollment page in each state? 5 points
  3. How easy or difficult was it to enroll for SNAP benefits in each state? Consider factors such as health and computer literacy. 5 points
  4. In your opinion, would you recommend someone enrolling online in each of these states? Why or why not? 5 points
  5. Describe any other thoughts that you had as you were completing the enrollment process. 5 points

UOK Mental Health for those in Poverty Question


This assignment is designed to use empirical evidence to understand a unique aspect of a population of interest. Many populations that utilize social welfare agencies or social workers have myths or stereotype regarding that population. This assignment requires the ability to succinctly communicate, to articulate thoughts and ideas, as well as integrate knowledge from multiple sources, which is critical in any social science discipline. Students will develop a research question related to a specific population and then identify two qualified sources of knowledge/literature to inform two contrasting responses to the question.  Examples include:

Rates of homelessness among veterans or families (e.g., people who are homeless are more likely to have an addiction or mental illness vs. people who are homeless cannot find affordable housing)

People are poor because they don’t work (e.g., people who work full time on minimum wage are still poor vs. people who don’t work don’t want to work)

  • Why is obesity a concern for those in poverty (e.g. nutritious food is unaffordable on SNAP benefits vs. poor food choices that are more gratifying and/or filling)
  • Et Cetera, lots of choices.
  • All papers should contain the following:
  • Specific research question related to that population; what is the student seeking to answer?

Briefly, how does this question contribute to the aspects of difference/social justice/injustice that affect this population?

There should be a BRIEF but encompassing history of 100 words or less. Each position should not be more than a total of 150 words and must have one citation per view presented. This is not an opinion paper but a briefing on two positions regarding the same topic. Papers should be no more than one page in length plus the references that are used.  NO quotes are to be used, students should summarize a position in their own words then use an in-text citation to provide the source for the information. Students should submit papers free of grammatical and spelling errors, and use citations when appropriate. Writing should have clarity of ideas and assertions should be supported with sound, informed reasoning.  The ability to explain your ideas is absolutely essential for any social science discipline as well as sound social work practice.  Please use spell check, grammar check, Turnitin and proof read work prior to the submission of any assignments. 

WRTG 112 UMGC College Research Papers Discussion


Week 6 Discussion 1

The article “Young Writer With a Following Admits Fabricating Dylan Quotes in Book” describes the situation of Jonah Lehrer, a writer who violated expectations regarding the integrity of his work. (The article is in the attachments)

Expectations for writers can vary from one context to another. In WRTG 112, we have been studying how to use sources in a research paper. In this discussion, we will explore how the expectations for college research writing are similar and/or different from expectations in other writing contexts.

Initial post

Respond to the following in 1-2 paragraphs.

  1. Summarize the expectations for use of sources in a college research paper, as you understand them.
  2. In what ways are these expectations similar to or different from expectations you have observed in other contexts, such as workplace, personal, or journalistic writing? You might use observations from your reading about Jonah Lehrer in addition to personal experience in your response.


Week 6 Discussion 2

Post one paragraph from any of your recent writing, and do the following: (The paragraph I picked is below)

  1. Identify all pronouns in your paragraph. Remember that pronouns include personal pronouns like “she,” “her,” and “it”; indefinite pronouns like “everyone,” “each,” and “all”; and relative pronouns like “that” and “which.”
  2. Identify the antecedent of each pronoun in your paragraph. The antecedent is the noun to which the pronoun refers.
  3. If you found any of the three types of pronoun problems—unclear pronoun reference, vague subject pronoun, or agreement error—in your paragraph, identify the problem and revise the problematic sentence.

Paragraph below:

The current challenges the world is facing in relation to SCM are because it is more than a century since we were hit by a pandemic. In addition, war has, for a long time, been a thing of the past; hence there were no strategies in place in the event of an eruption in war, especially involving two global superpowers in Russia and Ukraine. Therefore, we will use the knowledge-based theory of supply chain management to trace back how the world bounced back from the Spanish flu in 1918 as well as from major wars such as the world wars. The knowledge-based theory will be significant in helping us develop accurate information that is credible and reliable.

Mesa Community College Involuntary Commitment Essay


Argumentative Essay Rough Draft/Workshop (please note DEADLINES in description)

Argumentative Essay Discussion Board

This discussion board was created to give you an opportunity to share your argumentative rough drafts and get some feedback from the class. I may provide feedback in my private comments if something jumps out at me. I won’t be looking for plagiarism in rough drafts.

Drafts that are too short, overly broad/vague, off topic or showing no effort to incorporate the readings and worksheets will not receive full credit.

Discussion Prompt

Once you have finished your rough draft of the argumentative paper, you should upload it here. Ideally, it should already include your Works Cited page. I would recommend cutting and pasting the text directly into the text box (as I think you will make things slightly easier for your classmates), but if that (for instance) causes too many formatting issues, feel free to attach it to your comment instead.

If you do not post a rough draft, you will not be able to earn a grade higher than 70% on the final draft, regardless of how good it is.

After people have uploaded their drafts, you are to pick two classmates and comment on their posts–at least one paragraph each giving them feedback about their drafts.

Rules & Guidelines:

1. Be nice. Start with something they do well. Talk about a particular part in the paper where they make a good point, are convincing, interesting or informative (or something else they do well).

2. Give them helpful feedback: specific, linked to specific passages in the paper, relating to one of the important parts of the paper discussed in the worksheets you used while writing the paper. Try to pick something they are struggling with and that you really felt you understood well while working on your own paper. Be nice about this, as well, but also be honest. DO NOT neurotically tell them each and every thing they’ve gotten wrong. This, generally, isn’t helpful to people, even if it feels helpful.

3. Do not comment on any paper that’s already gotten some feedback, if there are papers which have received none. If you are the tenth comment on a paper and some have gotten none, I will be cranky.

UA Treehouse Design Ideas Discussion


For this reflection, you’re going to do a short brainstorming exercise. The goal is to come up with a large pool of ideas for Project 2, then to choose the best one (or one of the best ones).

Usually brainstorming is better as a group activity. You can generate ideas on your own, but groups tend to come up with more ideas. And some of those ideas are more creative too. So if you want to do your brainstorming as a group, or if you want to invite friends from outside the class to brainstorm with you, please do!

Step 1 – Define your project’s function.

Think about project 2. You’re designing something for someone you know. In order to be successful, what does your design need to do? For example, remember the bunny enclosure project we talked about before. The student’s bunny didn’t have enough room. So in order to be successful, the design had to give the bunny enough space to live, eat, play, sleep, etc.

Step 2 – Write down 5 BAD ideas

I like to use this activity as a brainstorming warm-up. Come up with 5 bad ideas for your design. They can be bad for any reason, but it’s fun to choose ideas that are kind of funny.

Step 3 – Write down AT LEAST 20 more ideas.

Don’t worry about evaluating these ideas right now. Just write down every idea that pops into your head. In many brainstorming sessions, the best ideas come after everyone gets stuck. So keep going until you can’t think of any more (even if it takes more than 20 ideas before you get stuck), then push yourself to think of 5 more. These ideas are often the most creative ideas in the list.

Step 4 – Choose your 3 favorite ideas

Write down your 3 favorite ideas. Explain how each idea could make project 3 successful. And tell us why it’s (potentially) the best idea in the list.

Step 5 – Submit your final list

Submit your list via Canvas. It should include:

  • A description of your design’s function (from Step 1)
  • 5 bad ideas (from step 2)
  • 20 more ideas (from step 3)
  • You favorite 3 ideas, along with an explanation of why they re your favorites (from step 4)

Broward County Ideal Society Comprehensive Paper



As a starting point for creating a comprehensive paper on your ideal society, you will develop a detailed outline. An outline allows you to evaluate your content, organize the information, create a flow, and integrate sources. A skeleton outline (i.e., a few words for each heading and subheading) does not meet the objective of this outline. Content should be more in-depth than just a few keywords and should include references to sources consulted. Once you complete this step, you will have a good start for the final paper.


  1. Create a detailed outline as shown in the example that meets the following requirements:
    • Include specific information/content for the topic.
    • Organize the essay by Roman numerals (main headers) and capital letters (subheadings).
    • Create flow by making sure the content provided is logical and easy to follow.
    • Sources and citations are required for this outline and must be cited in APA Style. Integrate several sources throughout the essay. (At least five sources are required.)
    • Example of detailed outline:
    1. Over and over again, families are left without their loved ones due to acts of suicide. The social problem of suicide includes not only those who have died, but also those who have attempted suicide. Although there are warning signs as well as suicide prevention programs, suicide continues to be a leading cause of death.
      1. Suicide carries social and moral meaning in most societies. At both the individual and population levels, the suicide rate has long been understood to correlate with cultural, social, political, and economic forces (Smith & Brown, year of publication). 
      2. Given its unique nature, research on suicide faces a series of obstacles that limit progress in the understanding, prevention, and treatment of the problem.
    2. Suicide is not something new; rather, it is something that is part of civilization’s history.
      1. The history of suicide dates back to Egypt, Greece, and Rome, where suicide was used as part of ritual (Anderson, year of publication).
        1. Suicide in ancient Egypt was viewed as a neutral event because death was merely a passage from one form of existence to another. It was a means of avoiding disgrace, abandonment, guilt, cowardice, or the experience of the loss of a loved one (Anderson, year of publication).
        2. Cleopatra committed suicide as part of a ritual.

POLSC 125 CCC Redistricting Can Encourage Partisanship in USA Congress Essay


1. Describe how the process of redistricting relates to representation in the U.S. Congress. In your
answer, be sure to distinguish redistricting from apportionment, the role of the census in the
process, and how redistricting happens in the state of California (distinct from most other states).
Also, be sure to distinguish the relevance of redistricting for both the House and Senate.

2. What is the VEP in federal elections and how does voting legislation impact both voter
registration and voter turnout in federal elections? Discuss how one federal law (HAVA OR one of the current bills being
considered in Congress) and one state law (from Texas, Georgia or North Carolina) are likely to
impact voter turnout for both the Republican and Democratic parties’ candidates in 2022.

3. Describe how a bill becomes a law, focusing on the relevance of leadership and the bicameral
structure of Congress. In your answer, describe the relevance of either Nancy Pelosi or Mitch
McConnell to the process, including their role in the process and an example of how they
influence the legislative process.

4. Define and describe the filibuster and the cloture vote and whether you think it should be
abolished and why. In your answer be sure to identify why each procedure is used, the
chamber(s) of Congress to which it applies, and an example of it’s use.

Macomb Community College Degree Granting Programs Discussion Response


Directions for Reply

Give feedback on whether the proposal is clear. Also, are there aspects of it that you feel the writer needs to consider to make it more persuasive? Can you suggest any adjustments to the proposed change to make it more persuasive?

With the Pell Grant poised to be fully available to incarcerated individuals by the 2023/2024 school year, I will be proposing that more colleges and universities implement degree-granting programs to incarcerated individuals. This will require partnerships with correctional facilities and there are many obstacles that will need to be overcome, but the quantitative and qualitative effects of higher education for incarcerated individuals greatly outweigh the challenges.

For my proposal I will be using research from the University of Baltimore as outlined by Andrea Cantora et al. in “Implementing Pell: Challenges and Successes of Implementing the U.S. Department of Education’s Second Chance Pell Experimental Sites Initiative.” Cantora et al. document the process the University of Baltimore went through to participate in an Experimental Sites Initiative in 2015, a program run through the Department of Education to offer degree granting educational programs to incarcerated individuals. Cantora et al. describe the program the University of Baltimore created, including the challenges they faced, to deliver college classes to those in the Jessup Correctional Institution. Their research provides a good basis of what these types of educational programs require and will help me show my audience the ins-and-outs of implementing an educational program in a correctional facility.

As my main audience will be colleges and universities, the biggest thing I believe they will have a hard time accepting is the amount of detailed work and dedicated staff that goes into implementing these programs. However, throughout my paper I will be working to show that the effects of higher education, not only for the incarcerated individual but for society as well, are worth the time and effort put into such programs. When speaking about the program they implemented, Cantora et al. state that they “believe the key to success is the people involved in the process [and] it is the genuine belief that college education can transform lives that keeps these programs running.”