Foreign Exchange and Stock Markets Paper


Read attached study guides and lesson. Then complete the body of research paper assignment below:

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to continue drafting your academic argumentative research paper.

Description: In this assignment, you will write three to four body paragraphs according to the form that is explained in “Lesson 3: The Body Paragraphs.” The following requirements must be included in the assignment:

• Body Paragraphs: You will construct three to four paragraphs comprised of five to seven sentences each. Each paragraph should be between 150-200 words. At a minimum, this portion of the paper should be around 450-600 words (for three to four paragraphs); a body section of this length will meet the minimum requirements of the assignment. The following components must be included in each body paragraph (in the following order).
o Sentence 1: Point/reason sentence: This topic sentence will contain one of your reasons.
o Sentence 2: Explanation: In this sentence, you provide information that further develops or explains Sentence 1.
o Sentence 3: Illustration: This sentence introduces evidence that supports the reason that is presented in Sentence 1.
o Sentence 4: Explanation of the illustration: Because the evidence does not necessarily stand on its own, you need to provide explanation so that the reader will understand how you interpreted the evidence to come to your reason.
o Sentences 5-6: Second illustration and explanation (optional): You may choose to include a second piece of evidence that is then followed by an explanation.
o Last Sentence: Transition: In this sentence, you will signal to the reader that you will be moving on to another point in the next paragraph. You do this to ease the movement from one point to another.
• Be sure to include the introduction and literature review you have already created and revised. (See attached Unit 3 Research Paper and Unit 4/5 Literature Review)
• Use APA conventions to cite and reference all sources used to support your argument.

CSUN Film The Bechdel Test for Films Discussion


There are a number of movies with interesting roles for women. But how many movies out there feature multiple major female characters who interact with each other? That’s the question the Bechdel Test  tries to answer. 

The Bechdel Test is a fairly simple test for the presence of women in movies.  It asks three simple questions:

Are there two or more women in the movie who have names?

Do they talk to each other?

  • Do they talk to each other about something other than a man?
  • Once you start thinking about it, you’ll be surprised by how many films don’t pass this test. In fact, there are entire genres (e.g., action-adventure) that seem to fail the Bechdel Test, by and large. Not surprisingly, male-centric movies such as Fight Club, or Lawrence of Arabia, or Das Boot don’t pass the test. But there are other notable non-passing movies include:
  • Shrek


Big Lebowski

Home Alone

Slumdog Millionaire

The Truman Show

Lord of the Rings

Tomb Raider

and even The Princess Bride

This test doesn’t judge the quality of the movie or whether it is misogynistic, only that it doesn’t portray the interaction of two women with names dealing with something other than a man. But there have also been some interesting things written about the weaknesses of the Bechdel Test.

  • View a film with the Bechdel questions in hand. Then in a two page paper give the name of the movie and when (specifically) you watched it. Finally give detailed answers to the questions. (Who are the women characters? What do they talk about? How is the presence of women in the film different from that of men?) Make sure you are clear on whether the movie passed the test. Finally, what is your opinion of the Bechdel Test. Do you believe that it is a valid method in evaluating gender equality or is it too two-dimensional to accurately measure the message of female empowerment.

NR 443 CU Communities and Disaster Preparedness Paper


Discussion Question

Think about disasters your community has or could potentially face. Now, think about how your community is helping its members prepare.

  1. Explore your community and find an advertisement that represents helping community members be prepared for a disaster.
    • Examples could be a billboard, poster at a bus stop, marquee sign, flyer, yard sign and more. Example: Sign advertising ‘free’ flu vaccinations at a local pharmacy.
  2. Upload that picture into the discussion.
    • To have it display in your post:
      1. Click the embed image (looks like a picture of a mountain),
      2. Choose upload image from the drop down arrow
      3. Click on the Upload Image (rocket ship) icon
      4. Click on the image you want to display
      5. Choose Open
      6. Click Submit
  3. Describe the message the advertisement is conveying.
    • Describe how the message impact preparedness.
  4. If you cannot find any advertisement in your community, describe a type of advertisement for disaster preparedness you think would be most beneficial to your community and how it would be best conveyed.
  5. Next, identify one community setting that is impacted by the disaster advertisement you shared
    1. Settings:
      • Correctional facilities
      • Home health
      • Schools
      • Forensic areas
      • Hospice
      • Faith communities
      • Occupational health
  6. Analyze at least one nursing role (refer to Week 6 lesson) related to disaster preparedness in that setting. Example: In the school setting, what actions and interventions would be involved with the nurse as coordinator of disaster preparedness?
  7. Identify at least one key stakeholder related to the setting that a CHN could collaborate with regarding disaster preparedness. Include why this collaboration is important.

Your discussion post should look like:

  • Uploaded picture
  • Paragraph one: Describe the message the advertisement is conveying and how the message impact preparedness.
  • Paragraph two: Identify one community setting that is impacted by the disaster advertisement you shared. Analyze at least one nursing role related to disaster preparedness in that setting.
  • Paragraph three: Identify at least one key stakeholder related to the setting that a CHN could collaborate with regarding disaster preparedness. Include why this collaboration is important.
  • Resources: Where did you find your data?

CMU Teenage Suicide Research Prospectus Paper


A Research Prospectus: A research prospectus is a brief description of each section of a research proposal. Your research canvas served as a foundation for your research prospectus and then research proposal. Latham (2014) described the key sections of a research prospectus as the “DNA” of the research design.

For the purpose of this assignment consider:

Review each section of your research canvas by making sure that the various sections are aligned.

If you made any changes in one section (e.g. the research problem), make sure that you make also changes in other sections. 

Submit your completed research prospectus for feedback.

  • Below is an outline of the research prospectus as proposed by Latham (2005). Use Microsoft Word’s Styles feature for the section headings and create the Table of Contents. Please make sure your research prospectus follows APA 6th style format: (a) all margins are 1’, (b) all type is 12-point serif (e.g., Times Roman), and (c) all pages are numbered, except the title page.
  • Upload your final Prospectus (paper). This paper has to be in APA format and 10 – 15 pages without considering the cover pages and/or references. Your prospectus should contain all 9 elements that have been briefly presented in your research canvas. 

It also should contain an introduction as well as a conclusion. 

You are expected to have at least 20 references that 16 are no older than two years old. 

Careful adherence to all aspects of APA 7.0 is mandatory. 

You may not have a similarity report higher than 5% however your prospectus will be accepted if it has a similarity report of less than 10% (you will lose points for this excess similarity)


Background of the Study

Problem Statement

Purpose Statement

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Significance of the Study

  • Research Questions
  • Brief Literature Review
  • Level of Existing Knowledge
  • Overall Research Approach
  • Description of the potential final product
  • Drawing Conclusions and highlighting limitations
  • Expected Contribution to Knowledge and Practice
  • Potential Outcome of the Project

Open Office v Closed Office Decision Making Process Discussion


General Purpose

Throughout your life—in college, with future careers, and during seemingly mundane daily activities—you will be required to make decisions. Many of your decisions will be unimportant—should we dine at Perkins or Val’s? Which shirt should I wear today? 

Other decisions will require you to complete research and use your best judgment. Your boss may ask you for a recommendation on which product line to carry. You may be the boss or founder of a business or non-profit and need to determine the best operating system for your company to use. Additionally, you may be considering a major decision that will affect you and your future. 

These decisions will require you to understand the differences between viewpoints, products, policies, and devices. 

MA #4 gives you the chance to practice and refine your research and evaluation skills needed to find quality answers to questions.

Throughout your life, you will use comparisons to help make decision:

Schools for you or your children

  • Vacation destinations

Vehicle leasing vs. vehicle buying 

  • You may compare and contrast the quality, cost, and reliability of various products:
  • Vehicles
  • Computers


  • Audience: Imagine a semi-formal but educated audience for this piece; the sort of people who want to learn something and are looking to your paper for insight to consider before making a decision.

These folks are accustomed to researching various websites like Consumer Reports before they make a big decision. Although they have extra money, they want to spend it wisely. 

  • Point of View: Third Person – this is the most commonly used point of view in academic writing. 
  • Guidelines for Writing the Compare/Contrast Essay:
  • Select a topic/subject matter suitable for this assignment and appropriate for comparing and contrasting.

Make this assignment work for YOU. Pick a topic that you can use to help you make a decision. 

Evaluate your subjects/items using at least four criteria (elements) to determine how your subjects are alike and how they are different.

Develop a recommendation based on your research.

FTMB Analysis of The Summer Day by Mary Oliver Question


1- choose one of the poem in the files and do analyze essay on it1

2-For this paper, you will select one of the questions below as a starting point to develop your thesis about the play. Your thesis should be clearly stated in the introduction, body paragraphs should be used to prove your thesis, and the conclusion should tie back into your introduction. Textual evidence must be used to support your thesis. Your essay should be typed, Times New Roman, MLA format, and a minimum of 650 words.

We will use “Questions for Writing: A Revision Checklist” on pages 1495-1496 for peer review of the rough draft on 3/24/22 and as a checklist for the essay before submission of final copy.

Choose ONE of these questions to answer and develop a thesis. What textual evidence (examples from the text) can be used to support your thesis?

Chapter 42: Critical Strategies for Reading

Marxist Questions (Review Marxist Criticism, page 1467)

1. How are class differences presented in the work? Are characters aware or unaware of the economic and social forces that affect their lives?

2. How do economic conditions determine the characters’ lives?

3. What ideological values are explicit or implicit?

4. Does the work challenge or affirm the social order it describes?

Gender Studies Questions (Review Gender Strategies, pages 1469-70)

1. How are the lives of men and women portrayed in the work? Do the men and women in the work accept or reject these roles?

2. What attitudes are explicit or implicit concerning sexual relationships? Are these relationships sources of conflict? Do they provide resolutions to conflicts?

4. Does the work challenge or affirm traditional ideas about men and women and same-sex relationships?

5. Are gender and/or sexuality presented as fixed or fluid?

Psychological Questions (Review Psychological Strategies, pages 1464-1466)

1. What do the characters’ emotions and behavior reveal about their psychological states? What types of personalities are they

University of Miami Possition Essay


Describe and support a new ethics system, based on one personal rule to live by and three rules from three of the following texts: Buddha, Matthew 5-7, Plato, Utopia, and the Bhagavad.


  • 1200 – 1500 words
  • Use APA style. Download the template here: APA template (Links to an external site.)
  • At least one direct quote from three course texts
  • Use supporting evidence from reliable outside sources as needed
  • Score “excellent” or “above average” on each rubric row
  • See the Position Essay Info module for more information

Students compose an essay outlining their position, attitude or intention towards the specified topic. The student’s position must be clearly identified, discussed and supported with evidence from reliable sources.

The student must take a position that applies belief and reasoning systems to concepts of ethics and/or knowledge (DBR 200.1) and applies said systems of knowledge and/or ethics to issues in society, history, faith, spirituality, and/or one’s own life from a global perspective (DBR 200.2).

After this assignment, students will be able to:

The Stigma and Taboo Surrounding Mental Health and Suicide Essay



Culminating Project Part VII: 1st Draft Research Prospectus

A Research Prospectus: A research prospectus is a brief description of each section of a research proposal. Your research canvas served as a foundation for your research prospectus and then research proposal. Latham (2014) described the key sections of a research prospectus as the “DNA” of the research design.

For the purpose of this assignment consider:

  • Review each section of your research canvas by making sure that the various sections are aligned.
  • If you made any changes in one section (e.g. the research problem), make sure that you make also changes in other sections. 
  • Submit your completed research prospectus for feedback.

Below is an outline of the research prospectus as proposed by Latham (2005). Use Microsoft Word’s Styles feature for the section headings and create the Table of Contents. Please make sure your research prospectus follows APA 6th style format: (a) all margins are 1’, (b) all type is 12-point serif (e.g., Times Roman), and (c) all pages are numbered, except the title page.


Upload your final Prospectus (paper). This paper has to be in APA format and 10 – 15 pages without considering the cover pages and/or references. Your prospectus should contain all 9 elements that have been briefly presented in your research canvas. It also should contain an introduction as well as a conclusion. You are expected to have at least 20 references that 16 are no older than two years old. Careful adherence to all aspects of APA 7.0 is mandatory. Make sure you take advantage of the resources available to you.


  • Background of the Study
  • Problem Statement
  • Purpose Statement
  • Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
  • Significance of the Study
  • Research Questions
  • Brief Literature Review
  • Level of Existing Knowledge
  • Overall Research Approach
  • Description of the potential final product
  • Drawing Conclusions and highlighting limitations
  • Expected Contribution to Knowledge and Practice
  • Potential Outcome of the Project

Additional Resources:

OPS 405 Colorado State University Supply Chain Questionnaire

Question Description

I’m working on a business multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  • 1.     While there are generally two perspectives of supply chain: cycle view and push/pull, students are assigned to argue for their prime objective as most important.  post in favor of the cycle view of supply chain processes being the most critical component. Peer responses should address competing facts, figures, and assumptions to those students who posted for the opposing expert. 
  • 2.     Explain the different costs related to offshoring and present your researched perspective on which is most impactful to the firm. 
  • 3.     Choose from the following topics to create your discussion board prompt for this week.   Topic 1 – Qualitative Forecasting  Topic 2 – Quantitative Forecasting           Topic 3 – Aggregate Planning 
  • 5. Northeast Colorado Energy Systems (NCES) manufactures generators for commercial and residential use but needs to ensure inventory is appropriately planned for future needs. You and your classmates are employees of NCES and have been tasked with making sure that the inventory levels are appropriate. You have been asked to determine the following:  1.     Appropriate levels of cycle inventory in the supply chain.  2.     Application of quantity discounts impact on lot size.  3.     Appropriate levels of safety inventory in the supply chain.  Develop consensus with your classmates on the process for determining inventory levels, and the importance of inventory appropriate for this purpose in light of the three items above. 
  • 6. Review managerial levers to improve supply chain profitability in your textbook and explain what is involved with controlling the supply chain to drive profitability. Include a connection as an example of managerial control to improve the supply chain to a current event (within the past 12 months). Use your local newspaper, or other local information that presents an example of a project being audited and a project being terminated.

CA Concert Review Question


Choose from these videos to review for your Concert Reviews #1 &2. Make sure you watch a minimum of 40 minutes by combining videos.  Please do your best to figure out the name of the piece and the composer! All of these YouTube concerts are acceptable for your Concert Reviews. Email if you have questions.

LA Philharmonic: Dudamel Conducting (Highly Recommended!)

(75) An American in Paris ~ Gershwin ~ Dudamel and the LA Philharmonic – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

(75) Mars from Holst’s The Planets with Dudamel & the LA Phil – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

(75) Gustavo Dudamel and the LA Phil Rehearse Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet Overture – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

LA Phil Rehearsal with Gustavo Dudamel: Felix Mendelssohn’s Symphony No. 3 – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

(75) Gustavo Dudamel : Dvorak – Symphony no. 9 – 4th movement – Allegro con fuoco – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

(75) Maurice Ravel: Bolero / Gustavo Dudamel conducts the Wiener Philharmoniker at Lucerne Festival 2010 – YouTube (Links to an external site.)


Ella Fitzgerald & Duke Ellington – Lush Life (Links to an external site.)

(75) Leontyne price sings Ave Maria [Bach Gounod] – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

(75) Jessye Norman – A Portrait – When I Am Laid In Earth (Purcel – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

(75) Jessye Norman sings Carmen – Seguidilla – Près des ramparts de Séville – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

(75) Renée Fleming: Casta Diva (Bellini) – YouTube (Links to an external site.)