OPS 402 Colorado State University Supply Chain Questionnaire


  • 1-     While both the supply chain and the operations are vitally important, both may be underestimated by staff and managers who aren’t involved with the day-to-day operations in those areas.  How would you explain the economic value of the supply chain and/or operations area of your organization (or one that you know of) to those outside of those respective areas? 
  • 2-     Organizations are looking for personnel who understand operational issues. These companies also value those who know and understand financial issues and how the work of their departments/units impacts the bottom line.  Drawing on your knowledge of financial statements, draw some general guidelines on how one might use financial statements to manage either the supply chain area or an operations area if they are in a domestic organization vs. a global organization.  
  • 3-    Given worldwide distribution and inventory, discuss how foreign currency might be advantageous (or not) to use as a tool.  Discuss:  ·      –   What factors should be taken into the decision.  ·       –   What action might be taken after the decision is made  ·       –   What are the anticipated the results of the action(s). 
  • 4-     Consider cost-benefit analysis as a practical way of assessing the usefulness of projects in both public and private companies, you will argue in favor of cost-benefit analysis.
  • 5-     Find a news article about a company that has had to reduce in inventory significantly. Critique the outcomes, if those are known, to customer service. If these are unknown, project the likelihood of the impact to customer service based on information readily available. 
  • 6-     We currently live in a global village, and it is reasonable to expect that there could be some competitive advantages for our organizations to source globally. Based on personal or professional experience, discuss the costs associated with sourcing domestically vs. globally and the risks associated with each type of sourcing. 

OPS 405 Colorado State University Supply Chain Questionnaire

Question Description

I’m working on a business multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  • 1.     While there are generally two perspectives of supply chain: cycle view and push/pull, students are assigned to argue for their prime objective as most important.  post in favor of the cycle view of supply chain processes being the most critical component. Peer responses should address competing facts, figures, and assumptions to those students who posted for the opposing expert. 
  • 2.     Explain the different costs related to offshoring and present your researched perspective on which is most impactful to the firm. 
  • 3.     Choose from the following topics to create your discussion board prompt for this week.   Topic 1 – Qualitative Forecasting  Topic 2 – Quantitative Forecasting           Topic 3 – Aggregate Planning 
  • 5. Northeast Colorado Energy Systems (NCES) manufactures generators for commercial and residential use but needs to ensure inventory is appropriately planned for future needs. You and your classmates are employees of NCES and have been tasked with making sure that the inventory levels are appropriate. You have been asked to determine the following:  1.     Appropriate levels of cycle inventory in the supply chain.  2.     Application of quantity discounts impact on lot size.  3.     Appropriate levels of safety inventory in the supply chain.  Develop consensus with your classmates on the process for determining inventory levels, and the importance of inventory appropriate for this purpose in light of the three items above. 
  • 6. Review managerial levers to improve supply chain profitability in your textbook and explain what is involved with controlling the supply chain to drive profitability. Include a connection as an example of managerial control to improve the supply chain to a current event (within the past 12 months). Use your local newspaper, or other local information that presents an example of a project being audited and a project being terminated.

CA Concert Review Question


Choose from these videos to review for your Concert Reviews #1 &2. Make sure you watch a minimum of 40 minutes by combining videos.  Please do your best to figure out the name of the piece and the composer! All of these YouTube concerts are acceptable for your Concert Reviews. Email if you have questions.

LA Philharmonic: Dudamel Conducting (Highly Recommended!)

(75) An American in Paris ~ Gershwin ~ Dudamel and the LA Philharmonic – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

(75) Mars from Holst’s The Planets with Dudamel & the LA Phil – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

(75) Gustavo Dudamel and the LA Phil Rehearse Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet Overture – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

LA Phil Rehearsal with Gustavo Dudamel: Felix Mendelssohn’s Symphony No. 3 – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

(75) Gustavo Dudamel : Dvorak – Symphony no. 9 – 4th movement – Allegro con fuoco – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

(75) Maurice Ravel: Bolero / Gustavo Dudamel conducts the Wiener Philharmoniker at Lucerne Festival 2010 – YouTube (Links to an external site.)


Ella Fitzgerald & Duke Ellington – Lush Life (Links to an external site.)

(75) Leontyne price sings Ave Maria [Bach Gounod] – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

(75) Jessye Norman – A Portrait – When I Am Laid In Earth (Purcel – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

(75) Jessye Norman sings Carmen – Seguidilla – Près des ramparts de Séville – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

(75) Renée Fleming: Casta Diva (Bellini) – YouTube (Links to an external site.)

DeVry University Death of a Salesman Hurston Analysis


Miller’s Death of a Salesman


1) Mosley: Death of a Salesman. (Attached)


1) Arthur Miller. Death of a Salesman. Dir. by Volker Schlöndorff(Movie)

(Must acquire access to a copy)

In detail and addressing the novel as well as the Dream, defend one of the following thesis statements. Be sure to support your response with relevant and specific quotations (take care to not string your quotes and to avoid block quotation). Be as specific and detailed as possible. In your response go beyond a rehashing of factual details, spending time explaining “Why?” and “How?” the information conveyed is important and what are “Implications” regarding the Dream. Please address the readings and learning modules as part of your response. Avoid phrases such as: “I think,” “to me,” “in my opinion,” and “I agree.” Simply present your argument with supporting material from the course. Please cite your work using the MLA format, and provide a properly formatted Works Cited page. 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1-inch Margins, single-spaced. Minimum 1250 words.

Special note: brevity will not be rewarded! Be specific and detailed in your response. Don’t waste time making general assertions—get to the point.


Option A: Hemingway

In Hemingway’s evocation of the Dream, no party is held harmless, and the reader must sympathize with the most unlikely of characters while lamenting that, on the whole, the American Dream collapses upon itself.

Option B: Hurston

Janie’s American Dream is a Dream fundamentally linked to her realization of selfhood and an organic union with another in a period when women, especially women of color, are forced to accept traditional expectations of womanhood both confining and subservient.


In your response use a thesis driven approach. Be sure to use details from the narrative/reading to support your points. Make the connection between your points and the examples given.

For every thought/sentence/idea remember:

How so?

In what way?

For example?


Columbia Magna Phoenicia Elevating Phoenician History in Ancient Civilization Discussion


Here you are going analyze two pieces of writing, using two sets of criteria for your analysis.  Be sure to do BOTH parts of the discussion to be eligible for full credit.

Part 1 – Traits of Academic Writing 

In her article in Teaching English in the Two Year College, Teresa Thonney outlines six standard features of academic writing:

  • Writers respond to what others have said about their topic.
  • Writers state the value of their work and announce the plan for their papers.
  • Writers acknowledge that others might disagree with the position they’ve taken.
  • Writers adopt a voice of authority.
  • Writers use academic and discipline specific vocabulary.
  • Writers emphasize evidence, often in tables, graphs, and images. (348)


To complete this week’s discussion, go to this site: APUS Digital Commons@APUS Site.  There you have two choices for this assignment; you can look at student papers or faculty papers.  The direct links to those two choices are shown here:

Student papers (Master’s Capstone Theses)

Faculty papers (Collections, Faculty Publications Collection)

Find a paper that is related to your topic.  You can choose either a student or faculty paper.  If you don’t find a paper on your topic, just choose one that interests you. You may see the abstract of a paper and can download the paper to read it.  As you read the paper, pay close attention to the six features of academic writing noted above. Which standards are present the paper? What standards (if any) are missing? How does the presence or absence of these standards affect the quality of the paper?

To help us locate the papers you have analyzed, be sure to provide the paper’s title and recommended citation found on the paper’s website.

Part 2 – Source Evaluation

For the second part of this discussion, find an article from the APUS Library on your topic and evaluate the source based on the criteria below. 

Prairie View A&M University Apple Inc Part 1 Case Study


In Stage I (Discussion questions), your analysis will be geared toward responding to several questions related to the assigned case. This will require you to go beyond the rational analysis and provide you with more flexibility and freedom in formulating your answers, where you are not strictly bound by rational choices, as is the case with the SWOT matrix. This is to recognize that an organization is not an entirely rational entity but a dynamic one (e.g., actions are taken based on rational as well as other considerations), that a SWOT is not likely to capture all the nuances of an organization, and that considerations beyond what the data/facts indicate (e.g., organizational politics, wisdom of the strategic manager, factors that are not apparently visible, etc.,), all of which may play an important role in the formulation of a strategy. For example, a SWOT matrix may not touch on or provide a satisfactory answer to the type of questions, such as: How would you describe Steve Job’s leadership philosophy? Or what was the impact of the founder’s philosophy on the corporate culture, and does it help or hurt the corporation?

As Joseph Bower, Harvard Business School Professor and case author, mentioned, “We seek also, via the classroom case discussion process, to educate in the non-logical—that mixture of feeling and sentiment, comment and commitment, certainty and uncertainty—that goes into every decision and judgment. Such directed group discussion force attention to the human dimensions through which the analytic framework is filtered in real life. It serves further to emphasize the ongoing or process nature of the general manager’s world.’’ The Stage I is intended to complement the outcomes obtained based on a SWOT analysis process and add additional perspectives to the analysis

  • How sustainable is Apple’s competitive position in PCs?
  • What are the prospects for the iPad?

WU Psychology Control of Analgesics and Ways of Minimizing Addiction to Prescribed Drugs Infographic



Preparing a CANVA Infographic

CANVA is a free platform to create documents that are used to illustrate and present concepts and information. You can use words and images to convey ideas to create the desired information piece. This link will take you to the website with instructions on how to develop your document: https://www.canva.com

For this task, explore the use and abuse of drugs taken for chronic pain (known as analgesics) and compare narcotic analgesics (those prescribed by a physician) with OTC analgesics. You will create an infographic that includes the following:

  • The category of the prescription pain medication
  • The risks associated with the specific medication
  • The routes of administration for these particular drugs
  • The manner of absorption
  • The site of action
  • The prime effects including effective on mood and emotion as well as side effects of these drugs
  • The effects of OTC pain relievers
  • The risks of developing a substance use disorder and description of how it typically occurs
  • The age groups most likely to abuse this substance
  • The recommendations that would be made to professional groups including the medical profession

After you have created your infographic, write a summary that uses your critical thinking skills to discuss whether these drugs are sufficiently controlled by current law and what can be done to prevent or minimize addiction to prescription drugs.

Length: The infographic should be 3-5 pages, including the summary.

Resources: Your infographic should be supported by reference to at least 3 articles published in peer-reviewed journals in the past 5 years. You may also find additional information at the NIDA InfoFacts website. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Your infographic should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

FIN 534 Strayer University Week 4 Returns and Bond Ratings Questions


  1. Week 4 Activity – Returns and Bond Ratings


    In this activity, you will carry out calculations and research that help you understand how to evaluate the return and risk on investments.


    Answer these questions in a 1–2 page paper.

    1. You have just won the Strayer Lottery jackpot of $11,000,000. You will be paid in 26 equal annual installments beginning immediately. If you had the money now, you could invest it in an account with a quoted annual interest rate of 9% with monthly compounding of interest.
      1. Calculate the present value of the payments you will receive. Show your calculations using formulas in your paper or in an attached spreadsheet file.
      2. Explain why there is a difference between the present value of the Strayer lottery jackpot and the future value of the 26 annual payments based on your calculations and the information provided.
    2. Compare the information about risk and return indicated by different bond ratings. Support your answer with references to research.
      1. Use various bond websites to locate one of each of the following bond ratings: AAA, BBB, CCC, and D. Research the differences between the bond ratings, the required interest rates, and the risk. List the websites used as sources for this research.
      2. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each rating.

    This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

RSCH 8210 Testing for One-Way ANOVA Quantitative Case Study


Assignment: Testing for One-Way ANOVA 

You had the chance earlier in the week to perform an article critique on ANOVA testing and obtain peer feedback. Now it is time to put all of that good practice to use and answer a social research question with the one-way ANOVA. As you head into the assignment, be sure and pay close attention to the assumptions of the test. Specifically, make sure the dependent and independent variables (factor) are amenable to use in the ANOVA (i.e., be sure to note levels of measurement).

For this Assignment, you will examine the one-way ANOVA based on a research question.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Review this week’s Learning Resources and media program related to one-way ANOVA testing.

Using the SPSS software, open the Afrobarometer dataset or the High School Longitudinal Study dataset (whichever you choose) found in the Learning Resources for this week.

Based on the dataset you chose, construct a research question that can be answered with a one-way ANOVA.

Once you perform your one-way ANOVA analysis, review Chapter 11 of the Wagner text to understand how to copy and paste your output into your Word document.

For this Assignment:

Write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of your one-way ANOVA results for your research question. If you are using the Afrobarometer Dataset, report the mean of Q1 (Age). If you are using the HS Long Survey Dataset, report the mean of X1SES. Do not forget to evaluate if the assumptions of the test are met. Include any post-hoc tests with an analysis of the strength of any relationship found (effect size). Also, in your analysis, display the data for the output. Based on your results, provide an explanation of what the implications of social change might be.

I have attached the afrobarometer Dataset and the template provided for this weeks assignment. 




The Yellow Wallpaper Literal Analysis


Read “The Yellow Wallpaper”, https://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/theliteratureof…

  1. Watch the video: Dr. Bernstein’s Intro to Symbols in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

Then, go to the story itself. Find at least three references to the wallpaper and discuss what you believe is significant about each one.

  1. The journal entries in the story “The Yellow Wallpaper” can be read as illustrating a woman’s decent into madness/deep depression. What if we don’t read the work this way? If we look at this story as a story of epiphany/realization (like “Cathedral”), what might the author be describing or illustrating with each passing journal entry written by the narrator? In other words, what is a positive spin or take on the story? What does the narrator realize? Why does she reference herself as “Jane” at the end of the story?
  1. Read and respond to “Why I Wrote ‘The Yellow Wallpaper'”.

Read “Roman Fever” https://www.newberry.org/sites/default/files/calen…

  1. As you think about “Roman Fever” by Edith Wharton , keep the image of the Coliseum in Rome in mind. What does this image suggest to you? What might the site symbolize? (Here is a short video on the Coliseum.)
  1. Go back and review the descriptions of the Alida Slade and Grace Ansley in the text. Find two or three descriptions of each woman (physical or otherwise). Discuss the significance of each description to the story.
  1. From whose point of view is the story being told? Are the thoughts of one character prominent in the story? How does this type of narration help you to better understand the relationship between the women?
  1. Trace Mrs. Ansley’s knitting through the story. What do you think the knitting represents? (We will connect the knitting of Mrs. Ansley to the knitting of Mrs. Wright in Trifles in a few weeks.)