The Yellow Wallpaper Literal Analysis


Read “The Yellow Wallpaper”,…

  1. Watch the video: Dr. Bernstein’s Intro to Symbols in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

Then, go to the story itself. Find at least three references to the wallpaper and discuss what you believe is significant about each one.

  1. The journal entries in the story “The Yellow Wallpaper” can be read as illustrating a woman’s decent into madness/deep depression. What if we don’t read the work this way? If we look at this story as a story of epiphany/realization (like “Cathedral”), what might the author be describing or illustrating with each passing journal entry written by the narrator? In other words, what is a positive spin or take on the story? What does the narrator realize? Why does she reference herself as “Jane” at the end of the story?
  1. Read and respond to “Why I Wrote ‘The Yellow Wallpaper'”.

Read “Roman Fever”…

  1. As you think about “Roman Fever” by Edith Wharton , keep the image of the Coliseum in Rome in mind. What does this image suggest to you? What might the site symbolize? (Here is a short video on the Coliseum.)
  1. Go back and review the descriptions of the Alida Slade and Grace Ansley in the text. Find two or three descriptions of each woman (physical or otherwise). Discuss the significance of each description to the story.
  1. From whose point of view is the story being told? Are the thoughts of one character prominent in the story? How does this type of narration help you to better understand the relationship between the women?
  1. Trace Mrs. Ansley’s knitting through the story. What do you think the knitting represents? (We will connect the knitting of Mrs. Ansley to the knitting of Mrs. Wright in Trifles in a few weeks.)

Rasmussen College Interpersonal Process Recording Questions


It will be carried out with two students working together. This is a “role play exercise,” in which one student is the student nurse, and the other will role play as a client. In this assignment, the nursing student will be demonstrating the therapeutic nurse-client relationship and analyzing the therapeutic and nontherapeutic techniques used. You will take turns in the roles.

This is not about always having therapeutic responses. It is about learning from practice and review. It is expected that you will think of other ways to respond or interact with the client that may be more therapeutic after the interaction is terminated. After the conversation is over, you will complete in IPR form.

The client roles are:

Mr. Jones is a 69-year-old retired engineer. He was admitted to the in-patient psychiatric unit the previous day. His daughter had called the police when he locked himself in his bathroom and refused to come out. She thought he was suicidal. He was brought to the hospital by the police and was admitted on involuntary status. He has been reticent since admission but told his daughter he had no reason to live since his wife died.

Diagnosis: Major Depressive Disorder

  • Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for suicide.
  • Mrs. Alvarez is a 34-year-old female who has lived in this country for the past 10 yrs. She is a stay at home mom with three small children. Her husband works two jobs to support the family. Lately, she has been extremely anxious and fears that her children will become ill or injured. This seems to be an unrealistic concern, but she has been unable to sleep well and has lost 15 lbs. in the past month. She is a voluntary admission and states she knows she needs help.
  • Diagnosis: Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Nursing Diagnosis: Ineffective coping

MDC Nursing Overcoming Inequalities and Defending Human Rights Discussions



Overcoming Inequalities and Defending Human Rights

While the UN celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 2018, the world also saw its 12th consecutive year of decline in global freedom, with 71 countries suffering net declines in political and civil liberties. Progress toward gender equality has stalled overall, while movements like #MeToo and #TimesUp continue to expose the scale and severity of discrimination and violence facing girls and women. In many places, girls and women’s rights are deteriorating and harmful laws deny girls and women justice and dignity. The global pay gap will now take over 200 years to close.

Instructions: Please visit the The Global Goals website.…, Click on “Explore the Targets” and choose one (1) target for Gender Equality. Write a paragraph (minimum 3-4 sentences) stating:

-Why you selected that target.

-How can you, as a nurse,help to promote that specific target in your life right now?


Instructions: Please visit the Time to Change website and explore. Review the What is Mental Health powerpoint. Summarize in a minimum of at least three (3) paragraphs what you learned about Mental Health. Discuss any ideas you may have to support Mental Health awareness and how to improve its outcome. Include and cite references to support your answer.


Instructions: Answer the following question in at least three (3) paragraphs:

1-What sense of purpose or duty guides you in life as a nurse?

2-What is your mission statement?

3- What are your hopes and concerns for your community, your country, and the world now and long-term?

UT Reforming the central Government Discussion


The purpose is to summarize an article and to offer a critique.

Introduction: The introduction familiarizes the audience with the contents of your assigned article which include the title of the article, title of journal, the authors , the publication date.

Body paragraphs:


The summary states the overall scope of the article, the purpose and the main

points of the work which include statement of the problem or issue discussed, approach or methods, hypothesis, and major conclusions.

Use your own words to summarize rather than the author’s exact words. Do not offer any opinions in this section.


The critique section is longer than the summary.

The critique section is an analysis of a few different components. Examples include the logic of the author’s argument, the author’s assumptions, the methods used and the successfulness of the author in proving his/her points.

Examples of questions to think about:

Is the title of the article appropriate and clear?

Is the purpose/objective of the study made clear in the introduction?

Has the author cited the pertinent, and only the pertinent, literature? If the author has included references that are not pertinent, suggest deleting them.

Does the author use proper means to collect evidence?

Are the study design and methods appropriate for the purposes of the study?

Are the methods described adequately?

Do you find errors of fact and interpretation?

Is all of the discussion relevant?

Does the author show any bias?

Seminars require:

A three to four page summary- critique. One or two discussion question/s must be posed for class discussion.

Emailing of the summary-critique to all class members and lecturer by midday Saturday prior to the presentation.

Individual presentation for a maximum of 30 minutes and class discussion of 10 minutes.

University of Miami Ballet Russe and Its Impact on The Art of Dance in The United States Paper


I would like you to choose one of the following three topics:

1) The Ballet Russe – George Balanchine, Vaslav Nijinsky, Mikhail Fokine, Sergei Diaghilev

      Write a paper/presentation on The Ballet Russe and the subsequent career famous choreographer, George Balanchine, focusing on the influences that other Ballet Russe artist, Nijinsky, Fokine and Diaghilev had on his work. Be sure to go into depth on how Balanchine changed the art of dance in the United States.

Helpful Sources: Balanchine Documentary:

                           Ballet Russe Documentary:

                          Nijinsky Documentary:

                          another Ballet Russe documentary:

                         Diaghilev and the Ballet Russe:

2) Denishawn Dance Company – Ruth St. Denis, Ted Shawn, Martha Graham, Lester Horton

   Write a paper/presentation on the early years of modern dance, the Denishawn Dancers, where Martha Graham and Lester Horton got their start and choose EITHER Martha Graham OR Lester Horton, discussing their contribution to Modern Dance.

Helpful Sources: Lester Horton Documentary:

                          Martha Graham Documentaries:

3) Alvin Ailey Dance Company – Alvin Ailey, Katherine Graham, Lester Horton, Ballet Russe

   Write a paper/presentation on Alvin Ailey, the influence of Katherine Graham’s work as well as the Ballet Russe, his study with Lester Horton and how he blended African and African American styles into his modern dance vocabulary. Remember to discuss his legacy in the Modern/Jazz/African dance worlds.

Helpful sources: I have stored a recording of an Alvin Ailey documentary on Blackboard Collaborate

Celebration of his signature piece, “Revelations” –

I am looking for a paper that traces the trajectory of one of these three dance companies and the artist they spawned. I am also particularly interested in dance styles from around the world that influenced the work of these artists. Be sure to include videos of dances where applicable. 

University of Southern California US Supreme Court Justices Essay


The topic of this forum is: Should U.S. Supreme Court justices continue to be appointed for life or, instead, be elected and subject to term limits? What likely advice would be offered by one of the philosophers we have studied? Craft an informed position on the first question AND discuss one philosopher’s perspectives which would lend support to your argument.

Success tips:

  • Contribute clear, concise, substantive comments.
  • Base your posts on knowledge gained from your textbooks, class lessons, or other research sources.
  • Do not include opinion.
  • Utilize and cite outside research.
  • Correct grammar and spelling before posting
  • Review the Rubric for guidance on creating excellent follow-up posts. Your follow-up post must include substantive content and extend meaningful discussion by building on previous posts. Simple congratulatory comments or those merely expressing agreement/disagreement earn zero points.

This forum focuses on the judiciary branch of government. In democracies around the world, the selection and term of judges varies widely. Countries strive to balance various objectives when designing court systems. For example, how to ensure equitable justice independent of political pressures while also reflecting the will of the people and values of society. As we know from current events, the justices of our Supreme Court are appointed via a politicized process but then may serve for as long as they wish. Diverse interest groups in our pluralistic society are intensely focused on each appointment since the make-up of the Court influences our legal system and lives. Varying philosophical and political viewpoints clash during the nomination and approval process. The ensuing controversy often raises questions about whether our judicial system should be redesigned or left just as it is. This forum explores one possible modification of the U.S. Supreme Court.

You can pick between

Plato, Aristotle, Machiavell, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau

UofM The Role of Law in Creation of Markets Essay


Compare and/or contrast the role of identity, or self-interested groups, in the creation of markets.

Compare and/or contrast the role of law, institutions and/or the state in the creation of markets.

Compare or contrast the role of science/technology in the economy (note manufacturing can be thought of as a technology also).

Drawing on two cases read in the class, compare and/or contrast how the desire to initiate societal level changes creates opportunities for entrepreneurship, enterprise or market creation.

Grading Rubric:

A          Comprehensive referencing of the reading. The writer is able to convey their arguments using a mastery of the reading. No editing, proofing or grammatical errors.

A-  Comprehensive referencing of the reading. The writer is able to convey their arguments using a mastery of the reading. 2 or less editing, proofing or grammatical errors.

B+  Demonstrates a general understanding of the reading. Some filling in of history. 3 or more grammatical, proofing, errors.

  1. B    Demonstrates a general understanding of the reading with errors. May also fill in history. Several grammar errors
  2. B-   Understanding has some errors but shows some understanding that don’t detract from main argument seriously. Several grammar errors.
  3. C    Several errors with little understanding of main ideas.
  4. C-   No understanding of the reading. Several grammar errors.

D    Paper shows little coherence.

Reading List:

Social Movements as Drivers of Business Innovation

-Hayagreeva Rao, “The French Revolution: Collective Action and the Nouvelle Cuisine Innovation”, 69-89.

Who Is Responsible for Business Growth (and where did it begin)?

-James Madison, Federalist Paper #10 (Links to an external site.)

-Read two excerpts from Alexander Hamilton, “Report on Manufactures,” 1791

Link 1:…

Link 2:…


Is Slavery One of America’s First Big Businesses?

-James H. Hammond, “Cotton Is King”

-Drew Gilpin Faust, “James Henry Hammond and the Plantation as a Business Enterprise”

UM Data Collection and Data Analysis Essay


This particular assignment will focus on describing the data collection and data analysis procedures for your proposed study, which also includes the recommended sampling method. In addition, you will describe the different types of methods you plan to use to ensure validity and reliability of the data collected.

Reading materials –

Example surveys are attached. The topic/research question chosen for research can be anything related to cybersecurity or privacy issues.

In a 5 page paper (APA format and make sure no plagerism is present), please describe the characteristics of your data collection and data analysis plan. Specifically, address the following items:

  • If your study is qualitative in nature, please include your sampling strategy (e.g., snowball, quota, purposeful, theoretical?) and the reasoning behind the sampling method selected.
  • Describe the specific approach you will use to collect your qualitative data (e.g., focus groups, interviews, observations, documents, etc.) and why the methods to collect the data are appropriate for your study.
  • Discuss the specific approach used to analyze the qualitative information collected and what is the role of saturation in the qualitative data collection process.
  • Present strategies you plan to use to ensure validity and reliability of the data (e.g., thick description, triangulation, etc.), specifically addressing how will you ensure that the data collected will indeed address the proposed research question(s).
  • Compare and contrast two software tools available to support your qualitative data analysis process.

Keys to the Assignment:

  • Review the assigned readings and determine which method is best in addressing your research question.
  • If a qualitative study is best, focus your methodological and analytical discussions around it.
  • Keep in mind that qualitative and quantitative methods used different data collection and analysis techniques but when it comes to sampling, some of the strategies are applicable to both methods.

NR 443 Chamberlain University Emergence of The Covid 19 Pandemic Discussion


There are many factors that will continue to impact community and population health.

  1. Consider the past achievements in public health as many have implications around the globe.
  2. Describe a global health concern that has impacted your community or those you care for.
  3. Discuss what surveillance data could be pulled from an electronic health record (EHR) you have used or currently use in your nursing practice.
  4. Take a moment to review the Twitter feed for compelling Tweets that are related to informatics, global health, and population health outcomes.
  5. Share an overview the Tweet and how it is likely to impact future collaborative trends in community health.
  6. Compose a 280-character or fewer Tweet that describes what you would like to see as a Tweet in the next decade related to public health achievements. Please try to be realistic, but also be visionary. Remember Twitter only allows 280 characters (this includes spaces, etc.) so you will need to be concise. It should include a hashtag. Include a reference URL if applicable. Share this Tweet in the discussion. (Note: A Twitter account is not required nor share your Tweet on social media). 
  7. Your discussion post should look like:
    • Paragraph one: Describe a global health concern that has impacted your community or those you care for
    • Paragraph two: Discuss what surveillance data could be pulled from an electronic health record (EHR) you have used or currently use in your nursing practice.
    • Paragraph three: Share information from a Tweet and how it is likely to impact future collaborative trends in community health.
    • Paragraph four: Compose a 280-character Tweet that describes what you would like to see as a Tweet in the next decade related to public health achievements.
    • Resources: Where did you find your data?
  8. Example: New HIV infection rates at all-time low worldwide #primaryprevention #collaborationiskey #WeGotThis #RNsunite

Kenyatta University Dangers of Adolescent Pregnancy Case Studies Paper


no need of referencing  just response 


When an adolescent becomes pregnant against her will, she is almost always unprepared for the obligations of parenthood. On the other hand, teenagers still have much maturing to do. So, having a kid might be a daunting prospect for both teens and their parents. Socioeconomic variables, such as low income and a lack of education, enhance the likelihood of an adolescent becoming pregnant (Curry et al., 2017). Adolescent pregnancy increases the risk of maternal problems throughout pregnancy and delivery for both the mother and baby. Among the dangers of adolescent pregnancy include premature birth, fetal growth restriction, and the death of the newborn. Children born to young mothers have higher chances of dropping out of school, having health issues, being incarcerated, being unemployed, and becoming pregnant at a younger age.

Even though New Jersey’s adolescent birth rate and teen pregnancy rate both rank 18th out of 50 states, the state ranks 5th out of 50 in terms of a drop in the teen birth rate, meaning that the decline is occurring more slowly than in the other states (Sámano et al., 2017). The lowest number is one, and the most significant number is 50. NJ PREP is an educational and society-integrated sexual health training program that encompasses chastity, contraception, women’s health, and sexual and reproductive education (Sámano et al., 2017). For young people aged 10 to 19, PREP replicates evidence-based and medically correct programs that have been shown to reduce reoffending, such as unprotected sex, or encourage alternative forms of safer sex.


Curry, A. E., Yerys, B. E., Huang, P., & Metzger, K. B. (2017). A longitudinal study of driver licensing rates among adolescents and young adults with an autism spectrum disorder. Autism, 22(4), 479–488.