San Diego State University Eugene Delacroixs Liberty Leading the People Art Analysis


Read over the Gallery Guide which can be found below. Once you have done that you will write a discussion section entry using the following guidelines:

1. Go to

and scroll down and click through the pages to view the works of art in the Louvre collection that they are highlighting on the website


and look at the works that are currently on view at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. 

2. Select a total of 3 (three) artworks from either or both sites that you are interested in and would like to describe and analyze using the terms and concepts from the course discussed in the textbook and in the gallery guide. Each work should be from a different medium. (Sculpture, painting, metal-smithing, video, etc.)  The writing should describe the work using the elements and principles of art, and then you should analyze the work using two of the techniques we have discussed in the course (formal, iconographic, biographical, etc.). Remember there is the the physical art object, and then there is the meaning that both the maker and the user create. I want you to describe what it is, and then tell us what you think it means and why. You may need to use other sources for this section. The writing should be 200-300 words per art object. You may need to use other sources to write this, feel free to use the Internet (reputable sources please) and the textbook as sources and include attributions. 

3. Include an image of the art work (either placed from the website, or if need be, shot with your phone off the computer screen). 

CUNY College of Staten Island Shakespeare Essay


Books required

Richard the2nd Folger edition 

Henry V Folger edition 

Richard the 3rd Folger edition 

I have sent a picture with book front pages 

this is a final Essay**

three books must be purchased
The three books are on Amazon kindle
each book is 5$ total 15$ will be added to the budget. I will be totally fare with the budget in order to get the Essay written from the scratch and the quotes + the information from the three book…
note this Formal paper can be easily copied from online resources…and I am not looking for that …I can do that by myself. Please and thank you. If this is not possible please withdraw the question back within 24 hours 



PROMPT: In the three history plays we read, Shakespeare has shown monarchs with qualities that constitute a legitimate or illegitimate right to the throne, wise decision making or not, and a particular kind of self-image [you need to identify specifically what you have found that to be]. 

Placing the Folger editions of the Richard II, Henry V, and Richard III side by side in your paper, examine the specifics in the paragraph above. 

Quotes should only be used to support your major observations, not make them for you. Each one should not exceed 4 lines.  In text citing and your works cited sheet must of course conform to MLA guidelines. 

Writing Tip: It will yield a less dynamic paper if you cover one play, then the next, then the last. Instead in several paragraphs you should examine them side-by-side. Be mindful of your organization.

California State University Northridge Reflection on Media Discussion


*For reference (included in our syllabus): “A Look Back at Asian American Cinema” A Look Back at Asian-American Cinema – YouTube

*BE SURE to address all four scenarios listed below

*Again, submit the equivalent of minimum 3 pages (of double-spaced 12-point font text, or

*Submit your reflection as a plain text entry or .doc / .pdf (no Google drive uploads, please).

: : :

1. What ANIMATED Media productions – specifically in Film, TV, and Animation – did you most watch growing up (i.e. prior to beginning your life at CSUN)? Share a roll call of your favorite movies and/or TV shows alike.

**(My personal examples include the old “WB Looney Tunes” (from the 1940s-1970s); 80s lines like “G.I. Joe”, “The Transformers”, “Thundercats”, and “He-Man”; and early-90s FOX hits like “The Simpsons”, “Batman: The Animated Series”, and “Spider-Man/The X-Men” on Saturday mornings…)

2. Do ANY of the animated media productions you addressed in scenario #1 in any way reflect any the negative cultural stereotypes (even racism) of more “old timey” media productions? If so, why? Be specific! Remember, the issue of “positive” or “negative” depends on your own point of view – just be honest.

3. Did any of those media productions (per scenario 1) present *positive* images – what, to you, makes them examples of positive representation?

4. What forthcoming media productions – animated and/or live-action alike – are you looking forward to most, and why?

**(A personal example: I’m eagerly awaiting the sequel to “Into the Spider-Verse”. I felt the first film was a superb balance of positive representations and top-notch animation, vocal talent, sound mix, and the BRILLIANT writing and storytelling.) l

Southwest Career College Creative Expression Essay


Creative Paper Assignment 

This paper is an opportunity for creative expression and should be approx. 4 pages, formatted

Essay topics:

1. Imagine that a city you know well was under siege for months before it was completely
destroyed (by an army or by a disease). Following the acrostic model of Lamentations,
write a lengthy narrative poem (or series of poems) that describes the events that
transpired and mourns the loss of the city, its diverse inhabitants, and its cultures,
pastimes, and/or religious identities. Use a variety of biblical poetic devices throughout,
especially parallelism. Begin with a 2-paragraph prose discussion of (1) why you chose
this city and (2) the poetic devices you intend to use.

2. Choose one of the Twelve Minor Prophets whose book sparked your interest, and update
its message to reflect a modern situation in our world today. Write your prophetic text
using the poetic devices (especially parallelism) and rhetorical methods of your chosen
prophet. Begin with a 2-paragraph prose discussion of (1) your reasons for choosing this
topic and prophet and (2) the poetic devices you intend to use.

If you wish, you may use non-standard formatting, elements of graphic design, and illustrations
to enhance your presentation. However, ensure that your work would fit the page requirements if
these elements were removed. You do not have to reference gods or God in your text if you do
not wish to do so. You may base your writing on real life, on your imagination, or on both. I
want you to take this assignment seriously, but it can have a comical or ironic tone, if you wish.

Saint Leo University Leadership Skill Building Exercises Report


Written Exercise 5

Self-Assessment Report /Leadership Skill-Building Exercises

(Part 5 of Leadership Portfolio Project)

Continue organizing your Course Project (Leadership Self-Reflection Portfolio) by completing Leadership Skill-Building Exercises 9-4 and 10-5.

Question Content Area

SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Teamwork is an understanding of and commitment to group goals on the part of all group members. Developing teamwork is such an important leadership role that team building is said to differentiate successful from unsuccessful leaders. The statements in this survey are indicative of your attitudes toward being a team player.

The higher your score, the more positive your attitude is toward being a member of a collaborative team.

Team Attitudes Results = 40 

You have moderately favorable attitudes toward being a team member and working cooperatively with other members.

Quiz 10-1: My Work Engagement Tendencies

Question Content Area

SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Calculate your score to determine your work engagement tendencies.

My Work Engagement Tendencies Results = 46 

You have an average degree of engagement and commitment in your work and job.

Quiz 10-3: How Much Do I Crave Recognition?

Question Content Area

SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Recognition is a strong motivator because it is a normal human need to crave recognition, and workers often do not feel they receive enough. Leaders appeal to the recognition need of their employees by identifying a meritorious behavior and then recognize that behavior with an oral, written, or material reward.

The statements in this self-assessment are indicators of behaviors and attitudes that typically represent a high need for recognition. The higher your score on this assessment, the higher your need for recognition.

Recognition Need Results = 39 

You have an average need for recognition and do not require constant reminders that you have done a good job.

UNLV Governance Philosophies & Pre Constitutional America Discussion Questions


Discussion #1: Governance Philosophies & Pre-Constitutional America

Details: Provide detailed responses to each of the following questions/statements, and use course materials to inform your responses. I expect you will need at least three sentences for each question/statement:

  1. What was the philosophical basis for government authority?
  2. What was Locke’s position on man’s natural condition and ability to govern themselves?
  3. How do Hobbes’ and Locke’s views on the natural condition of man explain their impact on the framers of the American government?
  4. What is the notion of a social contract between people and government?
  5. Describe the problems between the early confederation of states that necessitated a constitutional formation.
  6. What were the concerns around factions and the argument for representative democracy?
  7. Why did the framers care about separating powers and creating independent, co-equal branches of government?

Discussion #2: United States Constitution

Details: Provide detailed responses to each of the following questions/statements, and use course materials to inform your responses. I expect you will need at least 2-3 sentences for each question/statement (underdeveloped responses will be deducted points):

  1. Identify and discuss the powers and duties of the Legislative Branch.
  2. Describe the constitutional checks that the legislative branch has over the other two branches of the government.
  3. Describe the constitutional checks that the other two branches of the government have over the legislature.
  4. Identify and discuss the powers and duties inherent to the executive branch.
  5. What is the electoral college?
  6. Identify the powers and duties inherent to the judicial branch
  7. Articulate the difference between original jurisdiction and appellate jurisdiction
  8. Understand the concept of judicial review
  9. Describe how and why the bill of rights emerged.
  10. Briefly describe each of the ten amendments written into the Bill of Rights (this response will require more than 2-3 sentences).

Florida Academy The American Red Cross Question


This project will require you to analyze the past and current fundraising efforts of a nonprofit organization and then develop a fundraising plan for the selected nonprofit. Given a comprehensive analysis is to be conducted and a fundraising plan developed in the time frame of this class, the selected nonprofit organization should be small to medium in size and ideally one you are familiar with through your volunteer experiences or work. At minimum you should have access to the necessary organizational information to complete the project assignments.

In week 3, you will complete the first part of the project which is the analysis of the nonprofit’s fundraising efforts and determine its organizational readiness for fundraising.

For this assignment:

  • Provide the history and mission statement and describe the main
    program/activities of the nonprofit organization.
  • Identify the five major fundraising principles and discuss each principle’s
    effect on the nonprofit. Use examples and data from the nonprofit in your
  • Identify the nonprofit’s funding priorities and include a specific dollar
    amount the nonprofit intends to raise for the year to achieve the stated
  • Include a case statement for the nonprofit’s fundraising efforts in an
    appendix to the assignment.
  • Select an appropriate assessment tool, such as a SWOT analysis, to perform
    an analysis of the nonprofit’s fundraising efforts. Discuss the components of
    the tool and provide your rationale for selecting the specific tool.
  • Use the selected analysis tool to analyze the nonprofit’s current fundraising
    activities. There should be a minimum of three types of fundraising activities
    analyzed such as individual contributions, grants, special events, and
    corporate sponsorships.
  • Based on the analysis, discuss the nonprofit’s organizational capacity to
    achieve its funding priorities and the potential benefits and pitfalls of raising
    or not raising the specified funds.

College American Gregorian Chant Discussion


Discussion/Response #3: Baroque

22 unread replies.22 replies.

  1. Choose one of the pieces from this unit’s listening.
  2. Pick one that stands out to you and briefly (1-2 sentences) explain why this particular piece “caught your ear.”
  3. What are the piece’s unique characteristics? BE SPECIFIC and use your textbook as your reference! This should be the main part of your mini-essay. This is not opinion – these are facts that you have researched.
  4. Cite your sources (Links to an external site.)– including your textbook. Points deductedfor not citing references. You may use MLA format. (Links to an external site.)
  5. Response should be one-two paragraphs. Use full sentences, no abbreviations, and check your spelling for full credit.

Listening #3

Gregorian Chant (Links to an external site.)Gregorian Chant

Example of Gregorian Chant, a type of plainsong.

Music for a Knight #16 – Alleluia, o virga mediatrix (Links to an external site.)Music for a Knight #16 - Alleluia, o virga mediatrix

Listening Guide 2, p. 73 in your textbook.

Hildegard von Bingen, composer

Alleluia, O virga mediatrix, the music hear here, is an example of Medieval plainchant.

Composed in the late 12th Century.

Josquin Desprez: Ave Maria (Motet) (Links to an external site.)Josquin Desprez: Ave Maria (motet)

Listening Guide 5, p. 83 in your textbook.

Josquin Des Prez, composer

Ave maria, motet from late 15th century.

Grand Canyon University Language Development Theories Essay


Teachers need to be able to distinguish between various theories of language acquisition while understanding the processes involved in how and when the acquisition occurs and to what pace and degree. The purpose of this assignment is to outline various theories of language acquisition for teacher colleagues.

Create an informative pamphlet of 750-1,000 words for your fellow colleagues in the Birth-Pre-K or K-3 classroom as a resource they can consult throughout the year.

In your brochure, address the following:

  1. Explain how language develops and is acquired in childhood (define key terms used, such as language acquisition), including an emphasis on language development through socialization and social engagement.
  2. Briefly outline the primary language acquisition theories, including Skinner’s behaviorism, Chomsky’s nativist theory of language development, functionalism, and socioculturalism, and explain which theory or theories you would emphasize to support students’ language acquisition in your classroom and why.
  3. Explain the role of parents/guardians in modeling and reinforcing language, as well as 2-3 activities teachers can share with parents/guardians to model and reinforce language development.
  4. Explain how students who are learning English as a first language are supported in your classroom through specific instructional strategies and tools, as well as how students who are learning English as a second or more language are supported in your classroom through specific instructional strategies and tools.
  5. Include a list of three or more language development activities that teachers can share with parents/guardians to reinforce language development at home.

Your pamphlet should be organized in a logical manner and include a title, section headings, and visuals. Remember your audience and use appropriate tone and verbiage.

Support your findings with 3-5 scholarly resources.

Southwest University Film The Three Caballeros Analysis Review


Project Two performs a cultural studies analysis of a film musical not studied in the course. You
will  use  the  circuit  of  media  model,  as  developed  by  Julie  D’Acci:  sociohistorical  context,
production, cultural artifact, and reception. Each node should be discussed in 600-800 words.
• In  the  Sociohistorical  Context situation,  find  three  newspaper articles  from  the
year your film was released. Pay particular attention to social history, especially in
relation to race and ethnicity. Give us a general idea of the major social discourses
circulating in the US at that moment.  
• The Production section should discuss the making of the film. You should cover
the studio, the producer(s), the screenwriter(s), the star(s), among others. Cite at
least  two  primary  sources:  newspaper  articles,  interviews,  autobiographies,  etc.
Also cite one secondary source, such as a history or biography.
• Perform a textual analysis of the film in the Cultural Artifact section, focusing on
the representation of race and ethnicity in the film. Cite at least one peer-reviewed
academic source.
• In  the  Reception  section,  discuss  how  the  film  was  reviewed  in  at  least  three
newspapers or magazines at the time. Select a range of voices, rather than critics
with a similar positionality.
. Possible film choices include Flying Down to Rio (1933), Down Argentine Way (1940),
Broadway Rhythm (1944),  The Three  Caballeros (1944),  Annie  Get  You  Gun (1950),  South Pacific
(1958), Mary Poppins (1964), Funny Girl (1968), Fiddler on the Roof (1971), Cabaret (1972), Chicago
(2002), Dreamgirls (2006), Pocahontas (1995), Rent (2005), The Princess and the Frog (2009), La La
Land (2016), In the Heights (2021).