Southwest University Film The Three Caballeros Analysis Review


Project Two performs a cultural studies analysis of a film musical not studied in the course. You
will  use  the  circuit  of  media  model,  as  developed  by  Julie  D’Acci:  sociohistorical  context,
production, cultural artifact, and reception. Each node should be discussed in 600-800 words.
• In  the  Sociohistorical  Context situation,  find  three  newspaper articles  from  the
year your film was released. Pay particular attention to social history, especially in
relation to race and ethnicity. Give us a general idea of the major social discourses
circulating in the US at that moment.  
• The Production section should discuss the making of the film. You should cover
the studio, the producer(s), the screenwriter(s), the star(s), among others. Cite at
least  two  primary  sources:  newspaper  articles,  interviews,  autobiographies,  etc.
Also cite one secondary source, such as a history or biography.
• Perform a textual analysis of the film in the Cultural Artifact section, focusing on
the representation of race and ethnicity in the film. Cite at least one peer-reviewed
academic source.
• In  the  Reception  section,  discuss  how  the  film  was  reviewed  in  at  least  three
newspapers or magazines at the time. Select a range of voices, rather than critics
with a similar positionality.
. Possible film choices include Flying Down to Rio (1933), Down Argentine Way (1940),
Broadway Rhythm (1944),  The Three  Caballeros (1944),  Annie  Get  You  Gun (1950),  South Pacific
(1958), Mary Poppins (1964), Funny Girl (1968), Fiddler on the Roof (1971), Cabaret (1972), Chicago
(2002), Dreamgirls (2006), Pocahontas (1995), Rent (2005), The Princess and the Frog (2009), La La
Land (2016), In the Heights (2021).

American University of Armenia Anthropology Montero Essay


Visual Analysis assignment: For the last assignment of the term, we turn attention to contemporary reception of Greek and Roman art, architecture, and other aspects of material culture. One of Lil Nas X’s videos, Montero (Call Me By Your Name), is known for its erudition. Can you spot visual references to sculptures, paintings, and/or buildings discussed in class? How are they used? What do allusions to Greek and Roman images contribute to overall themes of the music? You may use relevant non-scholarly articles (e.g., in Newsweek,,, etc.) for this essay but please be sure to cite them. NB: Be sure to focus on Classical – not Biblical or Renaissance – imagery in your essay.

the requirement of this assignment • These assignments require you to look closely at specific art objects (or photos of them, or a video), record your visual observations in writing, formulate a thesis about the work of art, and write an argument in support of your thesis. o Be precise in your observations. Think about the materials, compositions, proportions, styles, colors, size, and other factors. ? Organize your observations in a logical order. o What do you know – or infer – about the context, purpose, and significance of the work? o How does this work of art compare to others you have seen in this class? o Use your observations to support your thesis. o NB: Complete references are essential.

Please note that references should include specific page numbers; most of the articles are at least 10 pages long, so simply citing the article is uninformative

Dont Say Gay Bill Paper


You will identify a focus of inquiry from one specific policy area as negotiated and further refined between the student and the instructor. These are generally in the policy areas of healthcare, mental health, substance abuse, gerontology, safety net, child welfare, family advocacy, education, immigration, or criminal justice.

You will identify a population of concern. Each student will locate some data related to these policies’ potential impact on people living in Miami-Dade County, such as the population primarily impacted and what information you can find to tell us about the people affected by these laws. Include a summary as well as the citation and location of the information.

  1. You will identify the primary and relevant laws and administrative policies that impact your area of inquiry. These include federal, state, and local resources. You will provide the citation and reference and summarize what information you have located and why it is relevant. This step will demonstrate that you know how to seek guidance and clarification from governmental laws, codes, and other external guidance forms.
  2. It would help if you looked at these policy areas from a global perspective. Identify empirical research articles, books, videos, and other forms of information addressing social welfare policies and issues concerning this policy area. Remember, we need to engage diversity and difference in practice and advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice – so think broadly. Provide a table, summarize your findings, and tell us why these resources are useful to you as a professional social worker.
  3. What is the potential impact of this legislation on human rights, social and/or economic justice for the client population?

Nutrition and Oral Health in Culture Influence Question


Time to Reflect
Instructions: Thoroughly answer the following questions in question/answer
format. The questions should remain in bold font, your responses should be black
font, not bolded, 12 size font.
1) What lesson did you think was the most interesting? Why?
2) What lesson did you think was least interesting? Why?
3) What topic would you have like to cover in this course that was not
covered? (Please keep in mind there are few topics to cover as we are still
4) Has your outlook on culture or a component of culture changed since
taking this class? Why/How?
5) What is one thing about culture that you have learned in this class that
you think is a lifelong lesson?
6) Based on the course lessons, what aspect of culture do you think has the
most impact on people’s health? Why?
7) What cultural topic do you think needs the most attention regarding
improvements of human behavior? Why?
8) Why is culturally competent health care important?
9) If you had the opportunity to live in another country or amongst a specific
culture where/who would it be? Why?
10) Would you recommend this course to another student? Why?
Optional: Share anything that you would like to reflect on as it pertains to
this course.
Submit your document in Canvas. The late submission policy will be strictly
enforced for this assignment.

Hofstra University Car Sharing Service Case Study

Question Description

I’m working on a case studies multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Zipcar is a car-sharing service alternative to traditional car rental companies. This case introduces two Zipcar customers, Sal Fishman, who has rented a Zipcar and is running late in an interview, and Anita Karr, who has just arrived at her reserved car’s empty parking space. Note that the consumer behavior we influence here is NOT the customer’s purchase decision. Specifically, we refer to customers actions taken as a co-producer of the service processes. (e.g., arrive on time for the doctor appointment; clean the table after eating the meal). Start your case report with a brief case overview.

Assignment Questions:

  1. What are the critical success factors for Zipcar? 
  2. List the name of an organization that successfully influenced your behavior (consumer behavior as a co-producer). Please provide a brief description of the product or service you were using. Which behavior was the organization trying to influence? What mechanism(s) were used in an attempt to influence your behavior? In your opinion, why was the attempt successful? 
  3. List the name of an organization that unsuccessfully influenced your behavior (consumer behavior as a co-producer)? Please provide a brief description of the product or service you were using. Which behavior was the organization trying to influence? What mechanism(s) were used in an attempt to influence your behavior? In your opinion, why was the attempt unsuccessful? 
  4. What mechanisms does Zipcar have in place to manage customer’s behavior? What, specifically, are these mechanisms intended to accomplish? What adjustments would you recommend that the company make to these mechanisms? 

Our Lady of The Lake University Field Education Experience Case Presentation


During your field education experience, you will interact with multiple clients. As you interact with clients and review your process recordings, you might discover that one client stands out. This may be due to the services needed or a potential case history that interests you.

As a future social worker, preparing a case presentation allows you to present social work practice skills demonstrated in addressing client needs to your colleagues.

For this task, you will submit a case presentation of a client you encountered during your field education experience.

Create a Case Presentation that includes the following:

An explanation of your agency and the services offered

A description of your client, including demographics, presenting problem, goal, legal/ethical considerations, assessment, and proposed treatment/social services delivery plan (include termination plans if applicable)

  • An explanation of whether interacting with your client demonstrated social work practice skills
  • Identification of potential social work skills not demonstrated in your agency or field placement, including a proposed professional development plan
  • An explanation of how preparing and engaging in a formal case presentation represents a component of professional social work.                                                                                                                                                                               The client must be a 17 year old boy.The client has been courted order by a judge to Live in the group home for about 6 months. The boy is in Department of Human Service custody also. The group home name is Community Empowerment Hanks House. I am a intern at the group home and the boys call me Ms. Dee. If you have old information from us working together before you can use that and if you need any additional information please contact me and I will provide it.

San Diego State University Early Childhood Programs Communication System Letter

Question Description

I’m working on a communications writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

You will write both a brief introductory letter/message to describe the importance of developing high-quality interactions with families and children AND an introductory family survey to elicit each family’s individual needs and preferences of your early childhood program’s communication system. The introductory message must describe the importance of developing positive interactions with families and children. The survey content must demonstrate your value of positive, meaningful interactions among the children, families, and educators toward promotion of partnership.

In a Microsoft document or an electronic format,

  • Compose a 1-2 page letter/message to parents discussing the importance of developing high-quality interactions and communication with families and children. Provide examples for how this will happen or how it will look like in your program.
  • Create an original survey with questions that ask families about their communication needs and preferences. The survey must include:
  • Directions for families to help them complete the survey.
  • At least two questions for each of the following areas:
  • Modality – In which formats do families prefer to receive and share information?
  • Frequency – How often do families want to receive certain information? How will families share information with the program?
  • Topics – What types of information do families want to receive?
  • Expectations – What do families expect from their communication with the program?
  • For each survey question, you may use a rating system (such as rating the preference of each element between one and five, with one being lowest and five being the highest), multiple choice, or open-ended questions.

CJAD 405 Columbia College Nuts and Bolts of Evidence Essay


Nuts and Bolts of Evidence 7


Answer any 5 of the following questions. 

Define the exclusionary rule. What is its purpose? What is the “derivative evidence” rule? What is the good faith exception?

State four exceptions to the Constitutional requirement of obtaining a warrant for a search and seizure. Explain the rationale for each exception you select.?

  1. What is the rationale for authorizing the seizure of objects from an impounded car? Explain your answer.
  2. Define and explain plain view as an exception to the warrant requirement.
  3. Why is a confession inadmissible if it is not freely and voluntarily given? Define free and voluntary and give case examples.
  4. What degree of proof is required of the prosecution to show that a confession is voluntary? Discuss. What factors are considered?
  5. The Supreme Court of the United States in recent years considered the Constitutionality of law enforcement’s placing global positioning system devices on automobiles and other conveyances to track criminal behavior. Describe the Supreme Court’s position on this practice. Do they find it constitutional or unconstitutional and why?
  6. What are the warnings required by the United States Supreme Court as stated in Miranda v. Arizona? At what stage are the warnings required for a confession or admission to be admissible?
  7. What provisions of the Bill of Rights protect a person’s right to counsel in criminal cases? At what point in the judicial process does the right to counsel attach? If a confession is obtained after counsel is requested by the accused, is it admissible evidence for any purpose?
  8. Discuss and explain the rules relating to the right to have counsel present at a lineup.

College American Emotional Intelligence Discussion


briefly explain your level of knowledge and practical experience of the concept of emotional intelligence and self-leadership at the beginning of the week’s discussions. What are your expectations for this week`s topic?

Core Self-Evaluations


Emotional intelligence is something new to me and the more I read and become knowledgeable about it the more I get engage and interested in understanding the importance and impact of it in our workplace. Emotional intelligence is a very important skill in leadership. Emotional intelligence refers to the capability of a person to manage and control his/her emotions and the ability to control the emotions of others as well. By using emotional understanding, you can make decisions, solve problems, and communicate more effectively. I’d like to use our COO as an example that relates to emotional intelligence. This week has been busy for all of us and he saw our CFO looking stressed out and swamped – he stopped by at his office and asked if he is alright. He jokingly suggested to play a calming music in his office (rain forest sound) and meditate because he saw him wired and anxious – he tapped him and said, take a break – then cracked a witty joke to break the tension. A good leader has an influence to change his employees/co-worker’s mood and emotion and has the ability to communicate clearly and cultivate a positive work environment.My expectation is to use the tools and resources that are provided for this coure and read as mucha and get familiarize in the upcoming topics.


AI Technologies in treating Covid 19 Paper


Given the global pandemic with Covid-19, research how AI has helped with managing and potentially curing Covid-19 .

Research the AI technologies used for Covid-19 tracking and vaccine development/testing 

Provide two examples of how companies and/or governments are using AI for tracking the pandemic spread and development/testing a potential vaccine — describe AI technology used

  • Given AI tends to very dependent on data, describe how personnel health data was used for tracking and vaccine development/testing

Discuss the potential for a vaccine to be biased  towards certain race(s) given the availability of health data?    Could AI help prevent this bias if it exists?

  • Should data privacy laws be waived/relaxed during a pandemic to better enable tracking Covid spread within society.  Provide pros/cons and how technology could help or hinder under  this scenario
  • Covid-19 has also seen  the spread of misinformation on Covid symptoms, spread, infection rates, etc. within social media—and one should assume misinformation will also surround any new Covid-19 vaccine

How could AI be used to address Covid-19 vaccine misinformation within social media?   

  • What AI technologies would be applicable to help manage misinformation?  
  • Once a vaccine is produced, how could AI be used to analyze and profile who in society should receive the vaccine first?   Ethical considerations with using AI technologies to analyze and profile?
  • Only write the second part, 

Covid-19 has also seen  the spread of misinformation on Covid symptoms, spread, infection rates, etc. within social media—and one should assume misinformation will also surround any new Covid-19 vaccine

How could AI be used to address Covid-19 vaccine misinformation within social media?   

  • What AI technologies would be applicable to help manage misinformation?