COM 263 Grand Canyon University Armenian Culture Discussion Paper


For this assignment, you will need to interview an individual who identifies with a non-Western and/or non-Judeo-Christian culture. This interview can be in person, over the phone, or by email. This may be someone you know personally or that you locate through a local cultural center, club, religious organization or even an embassy or consulate. You need to obtain permission from this individual to list their contact information in your paper in the event that your instructor needs to verify your work.

During your interview you should ask the following questions:

  • What do you identify as the most important or distinct practices of your culture?
  • How are gender roles addressed in your culture?
  • How is social power, authority, or social roles in a hierarchy expressed in your culture?
  • In class, we learned that in “honor-oriented societies,” worth comes from one’s role or group membership and in “justice-oriented societies,” worth comes from what one does or doesn’t do. What is the role of honor/shame in your culture? Are honor/pride and dishonor/shame important concepts in your culture?

After your interview, write a 500-750-word paper summarizing and reflecting on the responses you received. What did you learn from this exchange? How did your perceptions change? Based on your discussion, how do you think your culture is perceived by others? You should incorporate at least three concepts from Chapters 12, 13, or 14 of your textbook in your response.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

HIST 20 ECC The Tension Between Individuals and Civilization Discusion

Question Description

I’m working on a history writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Who is the author?

What is their intent?

  1. Who is their intended audience?
  2. What is their main argument?
  3. How do they use evidence?
  4. What are their unarticulated assumptions?
  5. How does this document help us understand the specific historical time and place in which it was written?
  6. In answering these questions please discuss Freud’s chapters 2, 5, and 8 from Civilization and Its Discontents.

In Civilization and Its Discontents excerpts written by Sigmund Freud, the author strongly voices his views and opinions on civilization, as well as the effect it has on human beings. Freud defines civilization in relation to instincts as a restrictive boundary which forces human beings to act a certain way. More specifically, Freud discussed how civilization is the main cause of our unhappiness, as it prevents us from living in our own natural element. Freud goes on and talks about how civilization has become a source of protection since it enables people to gain control over the unknown in the world. “Civilized man has exchanged a portion of his possi­bilities of happiness for a portion of security” (Freud 12). His main focus in the excerpt argued that civilization restricts us human beings from our natural instincts, specifically our aggressive impulses. From Freud’s written perspectives, we can gather that he may be suggesting that society during this historical period of time forced their people to act a certain way, as civilization would essentially control humans’ individual freedom.

Effects of Drinking and Driving Presentation


Step 1 Refer back to a past outline
Step 2 Determine presentation aids.

Determine the type(s) of presentation aids that would best support your points.

  • When identifying the type of presentation aid, keep in mind that youwill be creating one of these presentation aids as the next step in theassignment. You must be able to submit the presentation aidelectronically.
  • Enter the information about the presentation aids for the two points into your word processing document.
  • Include a brief explanation of how each type of presentation aid will support the corresponding point in the speech.

Step 3 Create a presentation aid.

Select one of the presentation aids that you identified and create it. For example, you could:

  • Use a software application such as Microsoft Excel to create a chart or graph.
  • Create a few PowerPoint slides that you would use during a specific part of your presentation.
  • Take a digital photograph that illustrates a concept or point in your speech.
  • Record a portion of an interview as an mp3 file.

These are just a few ideas of how you could create a presentation aidfor your speech. Whatever type of presentation aid you create, followthe guidelines presented in the lesson to make the presentation aid aseffective as possible.

Step 4 Write a summary.

In a one-page (250-word) summary, describe how you would incorporate the presentation aid into your speech delivery.

  • At what point would you introduce the presentation aid? How would you use it to enhance your presentation?
  • Are there any special considerations you should take intoconsideration when preparing to present your speech based on includingthe presentation aid?

Why the Media Should Not Replay Viral Videos of Black Men Being Killed Video Q&A


As you watch this video, consider and be ready to discuss the following (take notes/write brief answers and post them through the homework link above. It is okay for your answers to be brief or bullet points. You just need to have some in-depth analysis ideas to share in class):

  1. What supports are offered to prove the thesis of the video? Thesis = The media should not replay videos of black men and women being killed by police or vigilantes because, while they may serve a role in bringing justice, they also contribute to the dehumanization of black people. Consider both the words and the images in the video as you answer this question.
  2. What counter-arguments or audience questions/concerns are incorporated into the argument? How are they responded to? Consider what you learned about counter-argument (last class).
  3. Discuss a couple of specific argument moves that you think are effective. Consider the words, images, and sound in the video. You also need to consider who the audience is to evaluate effectiveness: this video was published by The Washington Post, so the audience is primarily 30s and above, well educated, and liberal leaning.
  4. Analyze Multimodality: Use what you learned from the textbook reading (pages 90-111) to describes and analyzes the rhetorical effect of three of the following elements of the video (per the instructions on page 108 of the textbook):
    1. Color
    2. Images/People
    3. Framing
    4. Music/Sound
    5. Lighting
    6. Movement
    7. Included Text
  5. How could the argument be improved? Keep the audience and traits of an effective argument in mind when answering this question.

The Core Competencies Required by Saudi Aramco Presentation


We must be able to communicate the exact core competencies we are holding employees accountable for. There are six basic components associated with a performance management communication plan, which can be reviewed in Figure 7-1, in your textbook. These components may be helpful to review when crafting your presentation.

For this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation for an organization of your choice, which is in the Middle East. Address the following core competencies required by the organization and explain how your organization defines each core competency, as well as how each core competency is measured and utilized by the organization:

  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Quality Improvement
  • Attendance

References :

Abu Rumman, A., Al-Abbadi, L., & Alshawabkeh, R. (2020). The impact of human resource development practices on employee engagement and performance in Jordanian family restaurants. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 18(1), 130-140.

Kweku Otoo, F. N. (2019). Human resource management (HRM) practices and organizational performance. Employee Relations, 41(5), 949-970.

Chapter 7 PowerPoint slides Performance management

McKinley, M. (2021). Managing difficult conversations proactively and effectively. IAHCSMM.

***Please need to follow the above instructions, the main file is PowerPoint includes notes  +separate word file for notes only** it’s a must to use the textbook Aguinis, H. (2019). Performance management for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.

Here are some useful resources :

ISO. & IAF. (2016). Internal Communication. Retrieved from

Van Dooren, W. (2016). Better Performance Management: Some Single- and Double-Loop Strategies. Public Performance & Management Review, 34(3), 420-433.

Educational Goals Discussion


This assignment is designed to ensure that everyone gets started in the right way. I will not grade any further assignments until this one is completed.

Please do all of the following:

  • Write a short paragraph describing your educational goals, i.e., what field(s) you wish to pursue, what degree(s) you plan to work toward. It is okay to say that you are not yet sure about these things.
  • Attach or include all of the following items:

Project Management Essay


Project Management 


Consider a recent project that you have worked on. This could be for a company or organization with which you are familiar, or even a personal project such as purchasing a home or planning a family gathering. 

After your opening paragraph, which includes your thesis statement, identify your selected company or organization in no more than three paragraphs. Then, complete the following: 

*Note: for the charts/diagrams, use MS Word, Excel, Google Docs or Google Sheets. You may also use any other suitable project-based software. A free Project management software called Libre is also available for download here

  1. Create either a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of the project or Gantt Chart for planning and scheduling the project. Discuss why you used the type of chart you did.
  2. Determine and document both probabilistic (t0, tp, and tm) and deterministic time estimates. Discuss how you arrived at these time estimates.
  3. Using MS Word, Google Docs, or similar software, create a PERT network diagram with the Critical Path (CP) identified.
  4. Calculate the slack time for each activity. Discuss the ramifications of slack in the CP for the activities and the project as a whole.
  5. Develop the network diagram from the probability estimates. Discuss which path you would take and why.
  6. For each activity, determine hypothetical costs in a table. Include budgeted costs, percent complete, actual/projected cost, and over/under budget (and total). Discuss the rationale for how you derived these costs.
  7. Crash an activity on the Critical Path. Discuss the ramifications of crashing the activity you crashed.

Kean University Russell Athletics Brand Crisis Paper


Please address the following questions in a written report:

(1) Pick one brand of your choice that has been subject to a brand crisis in the past (or is

currently still dealing with it). Discuss, what type of brand crisis you think this company

was/is facing and why you would classify it in this way. Drawing on the framework of Johar

(2010) on “how to save your brand in the face of crisis”, how do you evaluate the company’s

crisis response? You are welcome to draw on a plethora of sources (e.g. high quality

newspaper articles, company information, consumer responses on social media, etc.). Make

some reasonable assumptions if necessary and argue your point to provide an in-depth


(2) Leaving the crisis aspect aside, how would you classify this brand on the emotional/symbolic

and functional domain, based on the framework of Elliott et al. (2018) (hint: Lectures 1 and

2)? Justify your choice and explain in detail why you would classify the respective brand as

primarily functional or emotional/ symbolic.

(3) Think about specific brand management strategies that we have discussed in class (hint:

Lecture Week 4). To what extent is your brand engaging in these strategies? Give specific

examples, drawing on communication campaigns of the brand (e.g. print advertisements,

screenshots of social media campaigns). Evaluate them critically – what are they doing well,

what can be improved?


Johar, Gita V., Matthias M. Birk, and Sabine A. Einwiller (2010). How to save your brand in the face of

crisis. MIT Sloan Management Review, 51(4), 56-64.

Elliott, Richard, Percy, Larry, and Pervan, Simon (2018). Strategic Brand Management, Oxford

stakeholders in Film Making Question


You are completing this exercise to help you better situate your call to action within your report, which is the final section in your report.

A call to action underscores for your intended audience viable solutions that examine a problem in a context that is in the world and outside of higher education. The goal of the call to action is to realistically and practically assess how your researched solutions can be applied and what is needed for the solutions to work well. Think of the call to action as a way to tell your audience why your recommendation is the best one and what needs to be done to act.

Remember that the goal of this exercise is to use critical thinking and secondary evidence as you draft a section of your report. Consider the following statements and then write a couple sentences in response:

  1. List potential stakeholders and their roles in the proposed solution in order for this recommendation to be successful for the audience’s organization.
  2. Thinking about the benefits of a recommendation, describe one benefit of your groups’ recommendation that your audience’s organization can implement.
  3. Thinking about the benefits of a recommendation, describe how your groups’ recommendation will assist your audience’s organization and will impact the budget.
  4. Describe what the reader of this report needs to do in order to help enact your groups’ recommendation.

Next, work with your team and collaboratively discuss and then create one paragraph that your group can include in their report.

GCCCD Newscast & Journalism Discussion


This week as you are reading in your text about the news, I’d like you to watch a 1/2 hour local newscast, a 1/2 hour national newscast, and a 1/2 hour of cable news. That’s a total of 90 min of news. I’d like you to analyze each newscast.

Please give the name of each newscast, channel, time and date you watched.

Then proceed to answer each of the following questions about each newscast.

1. Was there a bias or opinion in the reporting or was it strictly factual? Explain and give specific examples.

2. Were there obvious questions a viewer might have about a story that went unanswered?

3. Were any stories sensationalized (media hype)?

4. Did you see any examples of fear tactics being used to entice viewership or scare the viewer unnecessarily? Meaning, the information is not necessarily factual. Think back to the article you read titled “The Media Scares Us and We Like It.”

5. What newscast did you enjoy most (local, national, or cable)?

Just in case you need help knowing the difference between local/national/cable news:  local news is something like NBC 7 San Diego. National news is like CBS World News Tonight. Cable news would include FOX News, MSNBC, CNN etc…

part two

Shaping the American Experience

So far in this course we have discussed several huge developments from the time Europeans landed on the American continents till about 1750. In your estimation, what event was the most impactful, whether for good or ill, in the shaping of what would become the American experience