Seneca College Source of Coffee in Developing Countries Discussion Response



  1. Academic Response (10 marks) In a well-organized, well-supported paragraph of at least 200 words,

    • Tadesse Meskela in Black Gold (2006) speaks emphatically about coffee consumers in wealthy countries (highlighted in yellow). What claim is he making? Do you agree or disagree? Refer briefly but specifically to the transcript to support your argument.


    1. Transfer Response (20 marks) Choose one of the two prompts below and write a response of at least 400 words. Read the prompt carefully, considering your audience, purpose and the conventions of your chosen genre.

      1. You are a Seneca student who works part-time in an upscale coffee shop downtown Toronto. Having seen the documentary Black Gold, you want to help small coffee farmers in Ethiopia boost their income and social benefits. Using information from Black Gold, write an e-mail to the shop owner convincing her to buy coffee beans from the Oroma Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union.
      1. You are a new student consultant to Seneca’s Libraries, and the manager of the digital resources collection has asked you to recommend a new documentary that would fit into the new global issues collection. Write an email to the manager of the digital resources collection describing why you think the documentary Black Gold is a good addition to Seneca’s library. Be sure to summarize the documentary and then make a clear case for this film’s inclusion. Why is it a valuable resource? Make sure to explain how the film works to persuade its viewers.

Nova Southeastern University Psychology Fall out Shelter Question


psychology paper

Imagine that our country is under threat of an imminent nuclear attack. You must make the important decision of who to let into the nearest fall-out shelter. There are 12 people vying to get in, but you can choose only five. Your choices include:

  • a 40-yr-old violinist who is a suspected narcotics pusher
  • a 60-yr-old architect
  • a 26-yr-old lawyer who will only go in if he can bring his wife
  • the lawyer’s 24-yr-old wife who has just gotten out of a mental hospital
  • a 70-yr-old rabbi
  • a 34-yr-old retired prostitute who was so successful that she has been living on her annuities for five years
  • a 12-yr-old girl with a below-average IQ
  • a male high school student who needs a wheelchair to get around
  • a 20-yr-old gang member
  • a 23-yr-old female Catholic graduate student who speaks publicly on the virtues of chastity
  • a 28-yr-old male physicist who will only come into the shelter if he can bring his gun
  • a 19-yr- old college student who has just come out of the closet

Determine which five you will choose for the fallout shelter.

Once you have made your five selections, write up an explanation for your choices. Why did you pick those five? And why not the others? What thoughts and/or feelings did you have about this type of decision?

Think about the following social psychology concepts and/or other concepts from your unit readings:

  • Attitudes and social influence (e.g., norms, systematic vs. heuristic persuasion)
  • Attributions
  • Group categorization
  • Stereotypes
  • Prejudice (positive and negative)
  • Discrimination
  • Survival: Frustration-aggression, reproductive selectivity, and/or evolution
  • Correspondence bias
  • Reciprocal altruism
  • Cognitive dissonance 

Psychological Disorders Infographic Paper


For this assignment, you will explore research and theories from your book that are considered to be significant in shaping our thinking and understanding of psychological disorders. You will research your topic and create an infographic highlighting the key ideas and most important or interesting information.

Imagine the Infographic will be used in an initiative to help educate students about psychological disorders on campus. 

You must use two scholarly sources and cite those sources in APA format directly on the infographic.

  • You will use (Links to an external site.) to create a free account and construct the infographic.  Canva provides free tools, and you may upload images and information into Canva – so there is no need to spend money when completing this assignment on anything supplemental.  If you are skilled in desktop publishing use one page and make it intricate. However, if you are new to designing and infographic, you may use more pages and a simpler design. 
  • Make sure your infographic reflects accurate and clear information about your topic. Remember, an infographic uses sparse text, visual organization and images to give a general overview of a topic. Your audience is a student who is not familiar with this theory or research. The infographic should be submitted as a jpeg or pdf.

Your topic choices are all discussed in Chapter 15.  Choose one specific disorder from the following categories of psychological disorders:

Anxiety Disorders

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Mood Disorders


Dissociative Disorders

Personality Disorders

Miami Dade College Week 3 Nurses in The Intensive Care Unit Peer Review


Research from (Slatore et al., 2012) speaks on the way nurses communicate effectively with their patients and their families. The article by Slatore et at., 2012 was performed over 315 hours of interactions, 53 semistructured interviews, and  33 nurses. (Slatore et al., 2012) The number of patients used was 26-bed cardiac, and a 26-bed general intensive care unit in a Veterans Affairs hospital in Portland, Oregon.  (Slatore et al., 2012). However, the research from Slatore et al. was focused on 6 patients focusing on the interactions between nurses with physicians, patients, and their families, and the way how they communicate with them.

This study shows how an effective way to communication technique can improve patient, outcomes.  According to Slatore et al 2012, quality care for patients are improve when nurses are able to engage in their patient’s plan of care.  (Slatore et al., 2012)

This study has shown me to have more spirit of inquiry when it comes down to qualitative care in all my future patients, to be more involved and grow my spirit of inquiry in order to be the best advocate for my patient as well be a good member of a team with my peers. 


Slatore, C. G., Hansen, L., Ganzini, L., Press, N., Osborne, M. L., Chesnutt, M. S., & Mularski, R. A. (2012). Communication by Nurses in the Intensive Care Unit: Qualitative Analysis of Domains of Patient-Centered Care. American Journal of Critical Care, 21(6), 410–418.

ENC 1102 MDC Cat in The Rain by Ernest Hemingway 1986 Essay


I already worked with the thesis and I got one citation.…  I have attached to help you for better understanding. Additionally, The professor ask me to include some biography from the author to support my thesis and the essay itself so this is the another citation I could found helpful…. both citations are supposed to be included in the essay because both are coming from google scholar. The essay should be a critical research essay

1. Write out your present working thesis statement

My claim is based in the hidden desires beacuse the characters in this story show potential false images of themselves, and they may be trying to satisfy others in order to accomplish social standards. 

2. Discuss one of the sources you found and tell how it connects or does not connect with your original interpretation of the work. Have your original ideas changed since reviewing the source? Where does this source lead you to next?

The source that I am going to use for my critical research paper is a great example of interpretation of the work of Hemingway; additionally, it covers great ideas about the relationship within humans which is an important factor, if I want to write about the characters and social standards. 

Works cited

Holmesland, Oddvar. “Structuralism and interpretation: Ernest Hemingway’s ‘cat in the rain’.” (1986): 221-233.Martin, 

Christopher D. “Ernest Hemingway: a psychological autopsy of a    suicide.” Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes 69.4 (2006): 351-         361.

FIT Annotated Bibliography Assists in Tracking Information About Research Reflection


Reflection, please address each of the following questions:

How does your Annotated Bibliography reflect your experiences as a researcher and information creator as they were at the beginning of the course?

Look at the types of sources you included in the Annotated Bibliography. What types of sources do you see? Are they mostly scholarly (like peer-reviewed articles or scholarly books), popular or non-scholarly (like news articles and websites), or an even mix? What influenced your choice of sources when you were originally completing this work?

Think about our module on evaluation and authority (Week 11). What informed your decisions to choose these sources over other ones you might have used at the time? In retrospect, what criteria did you apply for choosing your sources?

  • How did you choose to give credit to your sources? Why did you did it this way?

Looking back, what role did the context of the research you were conducting play in your decisions about the types of sources you used, how you evaluated these sources, and how you gave credit to them? That is: did you view the Annotated Bibliography research in an academic context or more of a personal information context? And how did that impact the choices you made?

If you were to do this Annotated Bibliography over again, how would you use what you’ve learned in this course to change your work? Why would you make those changes? (If you wouldn’t make changes, why not?)


Florida Career College Risk Mitigation in Healthcare Provision Paper


Research and analyze at least five (5) monographs, articles, websites, or other credible sources published over the last year that inform major strategic management risks (hazards, opportunities and uncertainties) that healthcare organizations and their leaders are addressing – are will likely need to address — in the current dynamic environment when planning for the long-term.

    • Briefly summarize the content and learning points for each of your research sources. Provide source references, including web links as warranted.
    • After considering your research, what were your biggest analytical judgments about the healthcare strategic management issues you analyzed? Why are these important to healthcare organizations and their futures?
    • What factors might impact the how the issues you analyzed will evolve over next one to three year planning horizon? For example, what do you think about the speed and trajectory (or direction) of upcoming changes for the issues you studied that could impact the strategic management plans of healthcare organizations?
    • Put yourself in the shoes of an advisor to either AdventistHealth Castle or Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center, based on your understanding of their situation from past course study and the current major strategic management issues you researched.

Formulate and explain three specific, practical recommendations about the issues you researched that Castle’s or Memorial’s hospital senior leaders should focus on as they refine their future strategic management plan. How should they address potential hazards, opportunities and uncertainties about the issues you identified when refining their strategic management plans?

Pennsylvania State University Chapter 11 Business and Communication Textbook Analysis


Which one of the following phrasing makes more sense to you? This is the same assignment using different ways to communicate with you.

Option A

This assignment has two components:

1. Think of a specific, actual team you have experienced or are with currently, e.g. HM 430, Panera Bread job, internship. What resonated with you when you read this chapter? As a manager or co-worker, how would you share/teach a message about this with your work team? Use a professional approach to write a script that shares/teaches this information, include practical, specific ways to use this idea when working together as a team. Use 250 words to communicate your message to your team. Be sure to describe the team and context, e.g. shift leader at Panera, HM 430 theme dinner project group.

2. Write two questions that express your remaining points of confusion from this chapter reading, OR inquire about something that you would like to discuss on a deeper level.

Option B

This assignment has two components:

  1. Based on your reading of this chapter, what is an important message you can share to members of past/present work team? Write a 250 word response of your learning and how it is useful as a script that you would use to share your idea.
  2. Write two questions that express your remaining points of confusion from this chapter reading, or inquire about something that you would like to discuss on a deeper level.

Should University Waive or Cancel the Tuition Bibliography


Your annotated bibliography will be based on the sources you find during the course of your research. Once you have researched a number of sources, choose the most useful ones to summarize, evaluate, and reflect on. It is fine if the sources you use in your subsequent essays need to change slightly. Annotations should include the following: 

1.      Citation: Each entry should begin with a complete bibliographic citation of your source in the citation style of your final research paper (MLA). 

2.      Summary: Summarize the overall topic of the piece and the main points covered. What are the arguments? How is it supported? What proposals or solutions does the author offer? 

3.      Evaluation: Use your rhetorical analysis skills to briefly evaluate the source. What type of source is it (e.g., a scholarly research article, an editorial from a magazine, a feature newspaper article, a U.S. government website)? What do you think of its quality, objectivity, reliability, and the author’s ethos, or ability/credibility to speak on the subject? What about the type and quality of evidence used to support the argument? 

4.      Reflection: Finally, comment upon how this might help you address your research question. What did you learn? How might it help you shape your argument? How might you use this source in your project (background information, a particular side of the issue, as evidence for a claim, etc.)? 

the Topic is “should university waive or cancel the tuition”.  

UM The Racism Has Always Been a Problem in America Question


Topic: I seek to address racism in the United States. The topic has become of interest to me due to the many demonstrations from the people of color taking place in the US, yet the US, for the longest time, has claimed to be a democratic country. In the news, we have also witnessed cases of racism especially through police brutality. At this point, I feel it is important to find out why these acts are persisting, with only a few of them getting resolved. It is also important to me since I have Black friends who have been complaining about the issue over and over again.

This portion of the prospectus includes 1-2 page discussion informed by research concisely framing the problem or issue being studied. You should also include why the educational community should care about this issue. The problem statement should lead to one to three sound, well-crafted research questions that get at the heart of the problem or issue, and are supported by the literature.

Your draft should include the following:

1) A clear statement of the issue

2) Background information on the issue or problem- why is this an issue that the educational community should care about?

3) What are others saying about this issue? (this will be added later as you dive more into the literature)

4) 1-3 well-crafted research questions that are clear and narrow enough that helps you hone in on your research