CUNY Lehman College North American British Colonies Discussion


Compare & contrast the general characteristics of any two or three of the North American British colonies. Be sure to pay attention to the economic, social, cultural, environmental, & demographic characteristics.

Citing your sources: If you draw upon a source (such as a lecture or reading) please cite it in parenthesis at the end of the sentence in which you used it.  Please write the author & title (this applies to the primary sources in The AY too).  For obvious sources, such as the U.S. Constitution or the Stamp Act Declaration, the title will suffice.  Here’s an example.  (Bradford Johnston, “Servitude & Slavery in British North America”)    

Format: Please include an introductory sentence with a clear thesis statement/argument, supporting paragraphs that make use of the sources, and a conclusion.  Please edit for clarity and grammatical errors.  

Rubric: The essay will be evaluated based upon a) the soundness & logic of the argument; b) demonstrated understanding of the topic; c) use of evidence/ sources from the course (& beyond if applicable); d) to a lesser degree, independent insight into the topic and creativity; and e) organization & style.  

Compare & contrast the general characteristics of any two or three of the North American British colonies. Be sure to pay attention to the economic, social, cultural, environmental, & demographic characteristics.

Here are some  sources

Emotional Intelligence as A Leadership Trait in Resolving Conflict Case Study


Research design report on this topic ‘the role of emotional intelligence as a leadership trait in resolving conflict : A case study of UAE public utility companies

Each student individually shall develop a final research design report based on the topic and method s/he has chosen and make a 10-minute(no more)presentation during March 25-26, successively by alphabetic order (last name).Subsequently, the student shall upload to BB the final report(not the presentation), based on the presentation (4-5pages, single space, about 1500 words,no more, with table of contents and references, including title, student name/ID and text, properly divided into sections). Longer presentations/papers shall be penalized. It is crucial that you integrate everything in 10 minutes and 4-5pages. The grade will depend on how clearly you present and write consistently and to the point. You should not express your “life story”, but certain ideas and views that you plan to include into your chosen research design. So write clearly, concisely and to the point. Start working immediately to clarify what you want to do research about and meet the deadlines easily.The presentation(and report) shall focus on elucidating the following issues(as you understand them):

1.Introduction, which explains the motivation for the chosen research design and the key research questions.

2.A short review of literature (just few references) that provide the background to your research design and research questions

3.Research approach and data you will use(i.e. interviews, case studies, etc.)

4.A description of the results.

5.Conclusionsand references

Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College District Healthcare Discussion


Opponents of affirmative action cite several reasons for opposing it. Affirmative action, they say, is reverse discrimination and, as such, is both illegal and immoral. The people benefiting from affirmative action are less qualified than many of the whites with whom they compete for employment and college admissions. In addition, opponents say, affirmative action implies that the people benefiting from it need extra help and thus are indeed less qualified. This implication stigmatizes the groups benefiting from affirmative action.

Your Tasks


Please answer the following questions given the above introduction and what we have learned about affirmative action:

Do you agree with the tenets of affirmative action? Explain why or why not. 8 points

What are other ways to promote equity and equality in schools and workplaces? 8 points

Part two
About the Paradox
Please view the below video and read the article “Why Hispanic-Americans live longer: the mystery that has puzzled researchers for decades” (Links to an external site.). You may also conduct your own personal research into this topic in order to better grasp the trends of the paradox. Your Task
For this assignment, you will be answering the following question:

  1. What is the Latino Paradox? (3 points)

What are factors contributing to the Latino Paradox? (12 points)

Describe at least two ways in which the Social Ecologic Model (intrapersonal, interpersonal, community, political spheres) relate to this topic when conducting your answer. (5 points)

Arizona State University The Great Religious Awakenings Essay


McLaughlin argues that throughout the cultural history of the United States there has remained a central “cultural core” that has been renegotiated through a process known as “Awakening” that produce major socio-economic and socio-political changes.…

In your essay (2-4 double-spaced pages):

The thesis should answer this pair of questions: “What patterns of response to social change emerge from the First, Second, and Third Great Awakenings? How do the solutions / restructurings produced by the Great Awakenings show these patterns?

The essay as a whole needs to: 

Define the cultural core of the United States of America.

  • For each of the three Awakenings, explain how that cultural core was challenged.

Trace how each Awakening has made (or tried to make) societal changes (religious, ideological, social, economic, and/or political) in order to maintain this cultural core.

  • As you do the three steps above, emphasize any shared or common patterns for coping with the religo-cultural challenges of social change. This may emerge in your conclusion section, which may need to be more than one paragraph.

In your conclusion comment on the condition of this cultural core today.

  • TIP 1: Review your mind-maps & Packbacks as your create your writing plan/outline.
  • TIP 2: Cite specific details from your readings, course videos, and lectures.
  • TIP 3: Consider using a talk-to-text app to brainstorm or write your first draft. Be sure to revise and edit that first draft.

TIP 4: To list a lecture in the Works Cited (Chicago Style)

Arizona State University Cultural Core of the US Research Paper


McLaughlin argues that throughout the cultural history of the United States there has remained a central “cultural core” that has been renegotiated through a process known as “Awakening” that produce major socio-economic and socio-political changes.…

In your essay (2-4 double-spaced pages):

The thesis should answer this pair of questions: “What patterns of response to social change emerge from the First, Second, and Third Great Awakenings? How do the solutions / restructurings produced by the Great Awakenings show these patterns?

The essay as a whole needs to: 

Define the cultural core of the United States of America.

For each of the three Awakenings, explain how that cultural core was challenged.

  • Trace how each Awakening has made (or tried to make) societal changes (religious, ideological, social, economic, and/or political) in order to maintain this cultural core.

As you do the three steps above, emphasize any shared or common patterns for coping with the religo-cultural challenges of social change. This may emerge in your conclusion section, which may need to be more than one paragraph.

  • In your conclusion comment on the condition of this cultural core today.

TIP 1: Review your mind-maps & Packbacks as your create your writing plan/outline.

  • TIP 2: Cite specific details from your readings, course videos, and lectures.
  • TIP 3: Consider using a talk-to-text app to brainstorm or write your first draft. Be sure to revise and edit that first draft.
  • TIP 4: To list a lecture in the Works Cited (Chicago Style)

MU Brooklyn Bike Franchise Discussion


an attractive franchising candidate is “Brooklyn Cruiser”. It is situated in Brooklyn, New York. It is a new business. It deals in bicycles which are affordable but at the same time elegant. Their motto is that they don’t try to cut costs in their bicycles to earn a fortune, they try to keep the price of the bicycle minimum while maintaining good quality. They sell bicycles that have three gear ratios or are three- speed. They deal in bicycles for both men and women. They also sell accessories for bicycles. This is an attractive franchise opportunity because biking is very popular in major cities, and these bikes they are offering are not only great quality but affordable.


Assume the franchise business candidate you identified has proven successful in the U.S. market.  1.) Identify a country other than Canada or Mexico that would be an attractive candidate for international expansion of this franchise and explain why this is the case.  Next use this link to develop a cultural distance comparison between the U.S. and your target country.

2.) Describe the similarities and differences in terms of cultural distance between the two countries.  3.) Identify at least one specific challenge the cultural distance will present and how you might address this concern.  4.) Finally, describe any ways that you would need to tailor the product, service or franchise concept within the targeted country.

Self Assessment as A Manager Discussion


As we have learned in Chapter 8, employee development through performance management is important. However, we must not ignore the importance of ensuring our managers and leaders are developed. Just like subordinates are measured using performance standards, managers should also be measured against set standards.

For this assignment, you are required to create a self-assessment of yourself. Specifically, pretend that you’re a manager. Discuss the following:
Overall Strengths (2 minimum)

  • Overall Weaknesses (2 minimum)
  • Accomplishments in your Employment
  • Two (2) personal goals and two (2) professional goals that you hope to accomplish
  • Feedback that you can apply to achieve your goals. For this requirement, consider the feedback that you have received from parents, friends, classmates, instructors, etc. and how this feedback will assist you in improving/accomplishing your goals.

Think about your overall strengths and weaknesses in terms of competencies you need to be an effective manager at work.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 4-6 pages in length. With the exception of a title page, no citations or references are required for this assignment. This should be an honest assessment of your personal and professional needs. This assignment can be written in paragraph form, or it can be submitted in a bulleted format with expanded comments.
  • Applied course material concepts, principles, theories and any applicable analytical tools along with at least two scholarly peer-reviewed sources.
  • Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Foreign Policy Analysis and Foreign Policy Models of Decision Making Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

What  is the national self-image argument, and to what extent it can help us  understand foreign policy outcomes? What are some critiques of the  national self-image argument? 

  1. How  did foreign policy analysis evolve out of the international relations  theories? Which period would you consider the “golden age” of foreign  policy analysis? 
  2. What is the relationship between foreign policy, public opinion, and the media? Do they influence each other? If so, how?

Part II. Please answer one of the following questions in a long essay (6 paragraphs or 600 words). 

  1. Based  on the case-studies that we have read in the course, which school of  thought (realism, liberalism, Marxism, and idealism/constructivism)can  explain the US foreign policy decisions best? That is, can you observe a  pattern in US foreign policy decisions that would support the  assumptions of one of the three schools of thought? What is the legal  framework for US foreign policy making? Who are the main actors? Which  institutions play a role in US foreign policy decisions? 
  2. Compare  two of the four foreign policy models of decision-making—the rational  actor model, the bureaucratic model, the sociological model, and the  psychological model—based on their assumptions, their logical  consistency, and their usefulness in understanding foreign policy  decisions. Which one would you argue is a more plausible model to  understand the process of foreign policy decisions?

MDC Reading A Systematic Process Requiring Patience and Consistency Reflection


RED 3313 Taskstream Assignment
PPT on the Sensational Six + Reflection

Create a PPT showing knowledge of the Sensational Six.
Create a slide for each reading component. Each slide should include:
? A descriptive explanation of the component
? Two examples for each component
The last slide must include a detailed explanation as to how oral language, phonemic
awareness/phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension are
8 Slides:
1. Cover Slide: Name of the PPT Presentation, Your name, and the date
2. Oral Language
3. Phonemic Awareness/Phonological Awareness
4. Phonics
5. Fluency
6. Vocabulary
7. Comprehension
8. Conclusion (Detailed explanation of the interrelationship between oral language,
phonemic awareness/phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and
comprehension are interrelated)
Develop a one-page, single-spaced description of what you learned, using the guided questions
1. What did you learn about the reading process?
2. What did you learn about HOW children learn to read?
3. What are standards and how do they informa literacy instruction? What are
competencies and how do they inform literacy instruction? How do teachers use
competencies and standards to guide instruction?
4. What were the greatest aspects of this course that supported your learning?
5. How can you apply what you have learned about reading thus far?

University of Montana Three Things Sentence English Worksheet

Question Description

I’m working on a literature multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Write one complete declarative sentence that captures the essence of your three things. This is not a summary sentence of your three things. It can not have the phrase “three things” in the sentence.

This sentence can not be a compound or complex; it can not contain connecting words such as the following:








So that


etc. and the pronoun, I (This is bold so you would see it). You can use the words, me, my, myself, etc. Not the word, I.

Example: Certain things would be worth running into a burning building to save.

The following are more examples for you. You can not use these examples, but they can help you create your own sentence:

Some items hold cherished memories in their value.

Loved ones’ affection is the power of my life.

Certain items cause me to deeply reflect on my life.

Things remind me about my family during my lonely times in life.

Curtain experiences have helped provide me with a caring heart.

Every profession has a tool.

Certain things are worth being chosen as essential items to go to a desert island.

My love of family reminds me to drive slowly.

Certain things usually stick with me.

My Creativity is My Passion.

Special items are precious to help me in a crisis.

Certain things describe a person’s journey through life.

Certain items will benefit your life in special ways.