American Government Essay


In this unit, you learned about foreign policy, terrorism, and the military.

In this activity, you’ll be applying what you’ve learned about foreign policy. Read the scenario below, visit the websites and read the information, and then compose an answer the short prompt.


Part of the United States’s foreign policy involves the international organizations of which the United States is a member. There are countless organizations that the U.S. belongs to. One of the most famous is the United Nations, an organization in which every country in the world has a voice.

But that is not the only organization that the United States participates in. The U.S. is also a member of the World Trade Organization, which oversees international trade, tariffs, and trade disputes. The U.S. is also a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which is a military alliance.

Every administration has a different viewpoint on the role the United States should play in the international system. Some prefer a more active role for the U.S., while others see the U.S. as a lone actor. Neverthless, the U.S. is a member in many organizations and has responsibilities in the international community.


Answer the to the prompt below.

1) How many member countries are there in NATO? What other countries are members of NATO? Name at least seven.

Eastern Kentucky University The Lee Summit Fire Department Analysis and PPT


Put together a comprehensive presentation to the city counsel for a yearly analysis of a fire department of your choice.  Along with the yearly analysis, you will be representing the Fire Chief with the proposal to add the items included in item number seven.  This material should be typed, include charts, graphs, pictures and maps if needed to justify your proposal.  Produce a PowerPoint presentation that would represent your information and presentation.  Also include a written report explaining in detail the presentation (PowerPoint).

Conduct the analysis of the response runs for the _____ Fire Department.

Standard of Coverage

Standard of Response

Station Placement

Turn-out Times

Protected vs. Non-protected

Special Concerns

New Programs

Medical vs. Fire Responses

Analyze the budget process by breaking down the percentages of the different components of the budget.

Complete and up-date the departments SOG’s making sure that they are up-to-date with the current standards.  Add new guidelines if needed.

Map the responses onto a map of the fire district.  Add statistics and conclusions for you presentations considering new programs and up dating current issues.

Begin a study for the future Fire Commission’s National Accreditation


Pro’s vs. Con’s

Analyze and develop a proposal to take the current ISO rating down 1-2 points.  Special attention should be given to the following areas:

Water Supply


Fire Department Organization

Outline any new programs that the department would like to start in the coming budget year.

This project should include a PowerPoint presentation and a written analysis  



Black Panther Discussion


How does BLACK PANTHER (2018) move beyond the typical superhero stereotype,

and explores themes about race and identity?

And reply ?

The film Black Panther moves far beyond the typical superhero stereotype by putting an African American superhero in the spotlight. It’s a movie that explores what it means to be black in both America and in Africa more broadly in the world. Instead of dodging the complicated themes of race and identity, the film grapples this topic and the issues in modern day black lives. It proudly celebrates black culture and even takes the film back to its African roots to its modern day American Hip hop era. However, this movie was most importantly the first big-budget film with a black hero, black cast and black director.

Making an African American superhero the forefront of the film makes a powerful statement. Furthermore, with an almost entirely cast of black men and woman it makes a significant mark in history for superhero films. This explores the themes of race and identity putting black people in power, which isn’t common in films especially superhero films. With that being said, the fact that Black Panther is a predominantly black cast, the race and identity becomes the primary importance showing black people in roles of power, marking a difference and creating a significant national identity that generates a source of pride for black individuals.

HPSS 6634 Idaho Economic & Financial Impact of Basketball Champions League Research


Research Paper: Due April 17, 2022

Topic: Concentrate on determining the economic and financial impact of the BCL (Basketball Champions League) Final Four Games on the country, community, and arena.

Title: economic and financial impact of the BCL (Basketball Champions League)

Students will be asked to select a topic within sports finance, research the topic, write a research paper on the topic and present it to class. The papers should be 5-10 pages in length, and adhere to APA style. The presentation should be professional in nature, dress as if you are presenting at a professional conference, presentation needs to be 15 minutes (maximum), and use a PowerPoint (or similar) type presentation platform. This project will be worth 100 points.

Please make sure to be very detailed in the information. Its important to not be vague. Thanks!

Below there are links that might help. I’m hoping you can add 2 more concrete evidence sources on the BCL (Basketball Champions League). This league is based Overseas in Europe.

1.) Find Information on how the BCL professional basketball league economics impact the community, Jobs, fundraisers, nonprofit donations, etc?

2.) Focus on population numbers and how many fans attend the final four in each country?

3.) Explain what the BCL (Basketball Champions League) is?

4.) In a nutshell talk about how professional basketball salaries?

5.) Important to find Assumed profit, Current Budget, Investments, Facilities, Accommodations, Consumerism?


Politics of Inevitability Discussion


These are informal reflections. There is no minimum length for reading responses, but try to keep it to a few paragraphs.

This reading response will be a special case, since you can pick any readings to respond to. The goal here is to have you identify aspects of the readings that struck you, either negatively or positively, so that we have an idea of what you’re taking away from the readings. Try to specify why you had these impressions and, where possible, focus on some idea/hypothesis/argument that you’d like to make observations about.

Here is some guidance for what you may choose to focus on for, e.g., the Synder reading:

1. What does Snyder mean by the politics of inevitability and the politics of eternity?
2. What are Ivan Ilyin’s essential assumptions and how do they cohere into a worldview?
3. How is totalitarianism characterized – is it necessarily associated with a single and particular ideology?
4. What is the nature of the relationship between the individual and the crowd/mass on Ilyin’s view?
5. Why does Snyder believe that it matters what beliefs guide leaders and what beliefs guide followers?

You do not need to address all or any of these, if some other aspect of the Synder or the other readings seem more interesting to you.

PBSC Intercultural Communication & Competence Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a communications writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Instructions: Please read the instructions carefully and answer the following prompt. 

First, read Chapter 8.3 & 8.4: Intercultural Communication & Competence

Online Chapter link:… an external site.)

Format: In a separate paragraph, answer ONE question from each of the chapter sections below. Answer each question in 125-150 words. Responses should demonstrate understanding of the reading and refer to relevant concepts from the chapters to explain your responses. 

  • Chapter Section 8.3 – Choose one question below and respond 

Why is the phrase “Know thyself” relevant to the study of intercultural communication? (8.3)

  • Apply at least one of the six dialectics to a recent intercultural interaction that you had. How does this dialectic help you understand or analyze the situation? (8.3)

Chapter Section 8.4  – Choose one question below and respond

  • Which of the following components of ICC—motivation, mindfulness, cognitive flexibility, and tolerance for uncertainty—do you think you are most competent at, and which one needs the most work? Identify how you became so competent at the first one and some ways that you can improve the second one. Include detailed personalized examples. (8.4)

Choose one of the three ways discussed to cultivate ICC and make a list of five steps you can take to enhance this part of your competence. Include detailed steps with examples.(8.4)

Ashford University Leadership Five Minds for The Future Reflection


To prepare for this journal read Howard Gardner’s Five Minds for the Future (Links to an external site.) . You will specifically reflect on each competency within the source:

  • A disciplined mind
  • A synthesizing mind
  • A creative mind
  • A respectful mind
  • An ethical mind

Throughout your program you have discussed, and will continue to discuss, the importance of becoming a 21st-century educator. Equally important is preparing your students for being 21st-century learners. One way to do both is through reflective guidance in what Howard Gardner describes as the “Five Minds for the Future.” According to Gardner (2008), the “Five Minds are competencies which young people and the society need in the twenty first century going forward” (p. 2). For your leadership journal, reflect on each of these competencies as a leader in the field of early childhood education.

Part 1: Content/Course Reflection (1pt.)

  • How will you prepare those children, their families, and the staff in your care in each competency? Be sure you provide specific details on each competency.
  • If you were to add a sixth competency, what would it be and why?

Part 2: Program/Personal Reflection (2pts.)

  • How does each competency influence you as a leader personally? Be sure you provide at least one example for each competency.  
  • How does your understanding of each of these competencies positively impact your ability as a leader to evaluate curriculum materials and models and ensure alignment with standards?

Regular Verbs Ending in Er and Ir Spanish Exercise

Question Description

I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me learn.

Write a summary in English of  verbs regular verbs ending in “-er” and “-ir” (Links to an external site.), “tener” and “venir” (Links to an external site.), and “saber” and “conocer” (Links to an external site.). Include the information below. (15pts.)

Video resources:

Verbs ending in “-er” and “-ir”

  • Explain the conjugation process for regular verbs ending in “-er” and “-ir”.
  • Conjugate “leer” and “escribir”.

Verbs “tener” and “venir”

  • Conjugate “tener” and “venir”
  • When do we use “tener” as a translation of the English “to be”?

Verbs “saber” and “conocer”

  • Conjugate “saber” and “conocer”. Give examples in Spanish to support your answer. 
  • Explain the uses of “saber”. Do not use the examples in the grammar explanation.
  • Explain the uses of “conocer”. Do not use the examples in the grammar explanation.
  • Translate these sentences: I know the president of the United States. (and) I know the name of the president of the United States.
  • Explain the reason you used “saber” or “conocer” in each of the sentences you translated.

Ask 3 questions in Spanish about the family of another student. 

RU The Types of Oppression that People of Color Used to Experience Discussion


  • Twentieth Century and Modernism; Harlem Renaissance
  1. Read the following, using the links provided here or in the weekly module in Canvas:
  1. DQ 9. Create your initial post on the DQ 9 Discussion Board in response to the following:
  • In The Souls of Black Folk, in 1903, DuBois predicted that the problem of the 20th century would be the divisions between the races, “the color line.” Choose one of Hughes’s poems: decades later, what does Hughes’s speaker have to say about progress and “the color line”? 

Return to the board over the weekend, and read the posts of your fellow classmates. You must respond to at least one classmate by posting a reply to his/her initial post. You might find a connection or have questions for classmates. 

  1. DQ 10. Create your initial post on the DQ 10 Discussion Board in response to the following:
  • What does Eliot seem to be suggesting about J. Alfred Prufrock, if this poem is supposed to be his “love song”? What are his chances for success and happiness in love, based on what you have seen in the text?

CFIPH Concept Managing Dependencies Research Paper


This assignment consists of several parts:

  1. Research the concept managing dependencies. Read the scenario below and prepare the plan to address it.
  2. Scenario: You are managing the team of cross-functional managers. The task is to ensure that a consent to be contacted via automatic dialer on mobile phones is captured for new and existing customers/clients. Customers/clients can call, use company’s web site, and/or email with their requests. The consent needs to be properly stated, recorded, displayed on various interfaces, and stored in the database. Customers/clients should be allowed to change the consent (from “yes” to “no” or from “no” to yes”).
  3. Issues to consider and address in your submission (additionally, you may include any other applicable information in your assignment):
    • What data will you ask for to manage the situation and drive results?
    • What additional resources will you need to manage the situation and drive results?
    • What tool will you use to track the progress and dependencies?

To successfully complete this mandatory assignment, you must answer all parts of the question and upload them here in the assignment.  Any assignments not uploaded through here will not be accepted.  

Your submission must contain the following:

1.Title page with your name, date, and title of the assignment

2. Table of Contents with page numbers for each section (page # where each section starts)

3. Introduction

4. Section for each of the questions stated above (1 through 3)

5. Conclusion