Writing School Counselors Reflective Essay



The effect a school counselor can have on a student’s success is immeasurable. They introduce, promote, and guide students on their educational journeys with resourceful tools.

Think about your own experience with school counselors in your PK-12 experience. What tasks did they perform? With what aspects of your education were they involved?

Informally interview two high school graduates about their experiences with school counselors in PK-12 education. One of your graduates must have graduated at least a decade ago. What tasks did their school counselors perform? What role did they play in their education?

In an essay, synthesize the responses from your experiences and your interviewees to address the following questions. Make sure your responses are informed by information gathered from the interviews:

What were the roles and responsibilities of school counselors in your educational experiences or the experiences of those you knew?

In what ways has the school counselor role changed and developed over time? Provide specific examples from your experiences or the experiences of those you interviewed that demonstrate this evolution.

Compare the experiences from when you were a student in high school to the experiences of those you interviewed. If you do not have personal experiences, refer to the high school graduates’ experiences.

  • How has history, philosophy, and trends influenced current practices of school counseling and the school counselor’s role? Cite one to two scholarly resources to support your response.

Negative Environmental Impacts Discussion Paper


A Project Charter, a Project Scope Statement, a WBS, a Requirements Traceability Matrix, and a Scope Change Management Process was created.

Additionally, you received feedback on each of these assignments / documents. Please be sure to incorporate the feedback from your instructor from previous weeks to make sure add changes have been made before you create your PowerPoint slides.

For your final project, you are to bring these 6 elements together by showcasing the information you have compiled throughout the course; creating one coherent PowerPoint consisting of 6 components or sections at a minimum:

  1. Overview of Your Project
  2. Project Charter
  3. Project Scope Statement
  4. WBS
  5. Requirements Traceability Matrix
  6. Scope Change Management Process

Be sure to reference the rubric before submitting your Final Project PowerPoint assignment.


Project charter:” I don’t understand what you are producing. Is this an application? Please be more specific”.

Project Scope: “The items you listed under Project deliverables were not project deliverables. Project deliverables are items like the project schedule or scope statement or risk register.”

“I took some time to research green cloud a little bit. I would narrow your focus to building an application, migrating a data center to green cloud, or possibly signing up to share your computer’s resources etc. This is pretty new stuff and it will take time to develop. Overall, good work.”

Additionaly,I need noted to each slide, because I have to present this presentation and talk about each slide.

Cal Poly Pomona California Consumer Privacy Act Business Essay


Select one of the papers/articles provided in this section. Based on the argument of the author,
take a position and write your persuasive essay (five paragraphs).
In this module, there are two links to Web Sites where you can find steps and guidelines for
writing a persuasive essay.
The essay would be graded 0 to 10 points. If you submit late your highest grade would be six out
of ten points.
While writing your essay, please do not read/use other references. This is not an English writing
or a research assignment. This is a business writing assignment. Review the PowerPoint
presentation (Persuasive essay structure) on how to write a persuasive essay.
1. Visit the web sites to find out how to write a persuasive essay.
2. Review the PowerPoint presentation on a persuasive essay structure. This is not an
English writing assignment. It is Business Writing assignment, and your essay should
have the proposed structure.
3. Please read the rubric before start working on your essay.
4. Open Sample 1 instructions and follow these instructions to learn how to use this project
rubric. Submit your sample essay rubric evaluation using S1 link.
5. Open Sample 2 instructions and follow these instructions. Submit your evaluation of this
second essay using link S2 link.
6. Select an article that compels you to write an essay with your opinion.
7. Write your persuasive essay (five paragraphs).

Mt Pinatubo Response Report


The most important guides are: 

1- Your target audience is a UN-based emergency response group that is interested in ‘best practices’ in dealing with developing disasters. 

2- In watching this video, focus on the following: What measurements or other observations allowed the scientists to anticipate the development of the volcano toward its eventual eruption? How were the various decision making groups defined and what was the ‘chain of command’ for this decision making? What were the attributes of the response by all teams involved that led to a successful outcome (i.e. few deaths or injuries)? 

3- You should not simply answer the 3 question above. They are provided to help guide your thinking as you watch the video and organize your report.

4- After viewing this video, (and incorporating other things you have learned or know about the previous volcanoes such as the various hazards and which are most deadly) produce a short report that addresses these points and identifies the lesson to be learned from the Mt Pinatubo response that are applicable to other disasters. Those previous volcanoes were Iceland Doomsday Volcanoes and Mt rainier volcano. 

5- The report is short – approximately 500 words (1-2 pages) – and so you need to be efficient in your writing. You can assume that the readers are familiar with the basics of volcano hazards and the general background/history of the Mt Pinatubo eruption.

IAU Society for Human Resource Management Article Discussion


1. Answer questions in “Your Opinion Counts” 

– A shortage of entry-level employees is a major concern of many hotel GMs.  To the extent currently, employed staff members can be retained, there is less needed to recruit new employees.  List three specific activities that you, as a GM, can undertake to help reduce the employee turnover rate. 

– Many jobs in one hotel are similar to those in another. Assume that the compensation including benefits in your hotel and that of a nearby competitor were identical. Identify three features you as a GM could ensure existed in your hotel to make your property competitive with the other potential employer. 


2. Answer questions in “Your Opinion Counts”

– Some GMs measure their own effectiveness using primarily ADR, while others prefer to evaluate their effectiveness by the occupancy rate generated.  More recently, RevPAR has become the standard by which the effectiveness of a hotel’s management team is evaluated.  Describe at least one strength and one weakness of each of these approaches.  Are all three measures still useful? Would you as a GM, use RevPAR as your exclusive measure of effectiveness? Why or why not? 

– Many hotels experience difficulty when establishing credit policies. List five factors you believe would be important when determining whether to offer credit terms to a new client in your own hotel.  Explain your reason for choosing each factor.

GCC Peter Paul Rubens and Rembrandt Van Rijn Essay


Essay: Masters of the Baroque: Compare and contrast the following two artists and their art works:

  1. Peter Paul Rubens,
  2. Rembrandt van Rijn.

This is a great opportunity to make an analysis of the work, style, life and careers of two most famous masters of the Northern Baroque. Research & write about their history, and the time period of the creations and earn up to 30 extra points. 

Compare and contrast the art of these two legendary artists. 

You may include some photographs of the art pieces that you have included in your research.  

– You need to create at least three paragraphs and organize composition of the essay. The basic one is introduction, main subject and the conclusion. If you want to add more paragraphs, that is ok. In the last one you may include your own impressions too.

– I don’t require specific format for citations as long as you have it. You may include it in the text or on the separate page. Limit them to one or two sentences at the time, DON’T cite the whole paragraph! I want your analysis, not somebody’s else. DON’T plagiarize work of others, system will detect it and you’ll lose ALL points! 

– You may research RELIABLE outside sources like Khans Academy videos, BBC videos, History or Discovery Channels or other (known) sources to include in your work. PP Presentation and textbook offer excellent foundation.  

RU The Types of Oppression that People of Color Used to Experience Discussion


  • Twentieth Century and Modernism; Harlem Renaissance
  1. Read the following, using the links provided here or in the weekly module in Canvas:
  1. DQ 9. Create your initial post on the DQ 9 Discussion Board in response to the following:
  • In The Souls of Black Folk, in 1903, DuBois predicted that the problem of the 20th century would be the divisions between the races, “the color line.” Choose one of Hughes’s poems: decades later, what does Hughes’s speaker have to say about progress and “the color line”? 

Return to the board over the weekend, and read the posts of your fellow classmates. You must respond to at least one classmate by posting a reply to his/her initial post. You might find a connection or have questions for classmates. 

  1. DQ 10. Create your initial post on the DQ 10 Discussion Board in response to the following:
  • What does Eliot seem to be suggesting about J. Alfred Prufrock, if this poem is supposed to be his “love song”? What are his chances for success and happiness in love, based on what you have seen in the text?

CFIPH Concept Managing Dependencies Research Paper


This assignment consists of several parts:

  1. Research the concept managing dependencies. Read the scenario below and prepare the plan to address it.
  2. Scenario: You are managing the team of cross-functional managers. The task is to ensure that a consent to be contacted via automatic dialer on mobile phones is captured for new and existing customers/clients. Customers/clients can call, use company’s web site, and/or email with their requests. The consent needs to be properly stated, recorded, displayed on various interfaces, and stored in the database. Customers/clients should be allowed to change the consent (from “yes” to “no” or from “no” to yes”).
  3. Issues to consider and address in your submission (additionally, you may include any other applicable information in your assignment):
    • What data will you ask for to manage the situation and drive results?
    • What additional resources will you need to manage the situation and drive results?
    • What tool will you use to track the progress and dependencies?

To successfully complete this mandatory assignment, you must answer all parts of the question and upload them here in the assignment.  Any assignments not uploaded through here will not be accepted.  

Your submission must contain the following:

1.Title page with your name, date, and title of the assignment

2. Table of Contents with page numbers for each section (page # where each section starts)

3. Introduction

4. Section for each of the questions stated above (1 through 3)

5. Conclusion

ASU San Francisco Fire Department Project Report & Presentation


     Put together a comprehensive presentation to the city counsel for a  yearly analysis of a fire department of your choice.  Along with the  yearly analysis, you will be representing the Fire Chief with the  proposal to add the items included in item number seven.  This material  should be typed, include charts, graphs, pictures and maps if needed to  justify your proposal.  Produce a PowerPoint presentation that would  represent your information and presentation.  Also include a written  report explaining in detail the presentation (PowerPoint).     

  1. Conduct the analysis of the response runs for the _____ Fire Department.       
    1. Standard of Coverage
    2. Standard of Response
    3. Station Placement
    4. Turn-out Times
    5. Protected vs. Non-protected
    6. Special Concerns
    7. New Programs
    8. Medical vs. Fire Responses
  2. Analyze the budget process by breaking down the percentages of the different components of the budget.
  3. Complete and up-date the departments SOG’s making sure that they  are up-to-date with the current standards.  Add new guidelines if  needed.
  4. Map the responses onto a map of the fire district.  Add  statistics and conclusions for you presentations considering new  programs and up dating current issues.
  5. Begin a study for the future Fire Commission’s National Accreditation       
    1. Needs
    2. Pro’s vs. Con’s
  6. Analyze and develop a proposal to take the current ISO rating  down 1-2 points.  Special attention should be given to the following  areas:       
    1. Water Supply
    2. Communications
    3. Fire Department Organization
  7. Outline any new programs that the department would like to start in the coming budget year.

FCHS Several Podcasters Discussion


You will write a 600-750 word reflective essay on your process in developing the podcast in Module 3 and in listening to the other podcasts created by your peers. Your essay should have at least five (5) substantial paragraphs—including an introduction, three (3) body paragraphs (a solid paragraph is at least 5 sentences), and a conclusion—about your experience with writing a podcast script. By drawing evidence from your experience with podcasting, you will do a reflective self-assessment and write a well-developed analysis. Consider the following questions in your essay:

  • What type of podcast did I choose and what was the topic? Why did I choose the podcast format and topic?
  • What evidence did I choose for the podcast? Why did I choose the sources? What did I discover about the topic in developing the podcast?
  • How did I use the writing process as part of my script development? What challenges did I face in writing the script and how did I handle the challenges? How did my script writing relate to formal academic essay writing?
  • What did I learn from listening to my peers’ podcasts?

Include these elements of an essay in your writing:

  • A clear thesis statement regarding creating your podcast and listening to the podcasts of your peers
  • Effective organization
  • Focused support paragraphs that have strong topic sentences
  • Specific examples to support all your main points
  • Analysis of your examples