Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College District The Family Module Discussion


part one

The Family module ends with some tips for happy, healthy families. Discuss a few of these tips. Would you add any tips of your own? Do you see yourself putting any of these tips into action? Why or why not? What are some concrete things you could start doing immediately to increase happiness in your life? 

300-400 words

part two

For this journal you will watch a show or movie depicting a family (e.g., situation comedy, drama, etc.) and describe the family using information from The Family module. Relate the concepts from the module to the characters of the show. If you do not watch television, you may reference a book instead.

Journal Instructions:

Once you have watched the video, please post your journal in the text box. Your journal must include a summary and personal reflection. Include at least one solid paragraph summarizing the show or movie (8 sentences or more) and at least one solid paragraph with a personal reflection (8 sentences or more). Your reflection must discuss how the show you watched relates to the Family reading module.  

Link to download:
Please note: You must first create a free account with NOBA before you can download the
Ebook or take practice quizzes. When you go to the above link you will see the Sign Up tab in
the upper right corner of the page

Evidence Based Practice Discussion


Directions: Access the current Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals for Nursing Care Center from the web: simple_2022-hap-npsg-goals-101921.pdf ( or think about a safety violation you have seen in clinical or preceptorship and discuss why that topic is important to you. Be sure you are using some evidence to back it up.

. Next, find and read at least two evidence-based articles that relate to your selected goal. You can use the library or google scholar to find articles that support your topic.

Using your own words (paraphrase), write a one paragraph summary for each article. You are summarizing the evidence. (Don’t use direct quotes). Plagiarism is a violation of academic integrity and will not be tolerated. Evidence of plagiarism is an automatic zero for the course.

In a separate paragraph, clearly indicate (1-2 sentences) how evidence-based practice (EBP) provides optimal care for individual patients/residents. Summarize what actions you will do in your nursing practice to support

evidence based practice

Cite your sources using APA format. Double spaced, 12 font, title and reference page. Body of the paper should not be more than 2 pages. Include the source within your work and a complete list of the sources at the end.

. Use the writing center to help you with grammar, organization, and APA format. Please refer to the grading rubric for how you will be assessed for this assignment.

Bow Valley College Human Resources Staffing Discussion


Purpose T

he success of any business or organization is driven by its ability to seek out and retain the best talent. However, that is not likely to happen if the organization’s reputation as an employer has been tarnished. When it comes to staffing, the term ‘employer brand’ is key to attracting and retaining the employees the organization needs to be successful. A brand normally refers to the image an organization portrays to its customers, however, employer brand is all about the image the organization portrays to potential employees. Employer brand is the organization’s public image in the eyes of those planning to make their next career move. In this assignment, you will be asked to reflect on the work stoppage that occurred at the University of Lethbridge. By reviewing news articles and other credible courses of information, critically reflect on and assess if the work stoppage has negatively impacted the University of Lethbridge’s employer brand. Provide rationale to support your assessment. 

Overview 1. Review the assignment in its entirety to ensure you fully understand the requirements. If you have questions, please ask.

2. Review news articles and other credible courses of information related to the work stoppage at the University Lethbridge

3. Critically think about and assess what impact the work stoppage has had on the University’s employer brand and ability to attract key talent in the future. 


ASU San Francisco Fire Department Project Report & Presentation


     Put together a comprehensive presentation to the city counsel for a  yearly analysis of a fire department of your choice.  Along with the  yearly analysis, you will be representing the Fire Chief with the  proposal to add the items included in item number seven.  This material  should be typed, include charts, graphs, pictures and maps if needed to  justify your proposal.  Produce a PowerPoint presentation that would  represent your information and presentation.  Also include a written  report explaining in detail the presentation (PowerPoint).     

  1. Conduct the analysis of the response runs for the _____ Fire Department.       
    1. Standard of Coverage
    2. Standard of Response
    3. Station Placement
    4. Turn-out Times
    5. Protected vs. Non-protected
    6. Special Concerns
    7. New Programs
    8. Medical vs. Fire Responses
  2. Analyze the budget process by breaking down the percentages of the different components of the budget.
  3. Complete and up-date the departments SOG’s making sure that they  are up-to-date with the current standards.  Add new guidelines if  needed.
  4. Map the responses onto a map of the fire district.  Add  statistics and conclusions for you presentations considering new  programs and up dating current issues.
  5. Begin a study for the future Fire Commission’s National Accreditation       
    1. Needs
    2. Pro’s vs. Con’s
  6. Analyze and develop a proposal to take the current ISO rating  down 1-2 points.  Special attention should be given to the following  areas:       
    1. Water Supply
    2. Communications
    3. Fire Department Organization
  7. Outline any new programs that the department would like to start in the coming budget year.

FCHS Several Podcasters Discussion


You will write a 600-750 word reflective essay on your process in developing the podcast in Module 3 and in listening to the other podcasts created by your peers. Your essay should have at least five (5) substantial paragraphs—including an introduction, three (3) body paragraphs (a solid paragraph is at least 5 sentences), and a conclusion—about your experience with writing a podcast script. By drawing evidence from your experience with podcasting, you will do a reflective self-assessment and write a well-developed analysis. Consider the following questions in your essay:

  • What type of podcast did I choose and what was the topic? Why did I choose the podcast format and topic?
  • What evidence did I choose for the podcast? Why did I choose the sources? What did I discover about the topic in developing the podcast?
  • How did I use the writing process as part of my script development? What challenges did I face in writing the script and how did I handle the challenges? How did my script writing relate to formal academic essay writing?
  • What did I learn from listening to my peers’ podcasts?

Include these elements of an essay in your writing:

  • A clear thesis statement regarding creating your podcast and listening to the podcasts of your peers
  • Effective organization
  • Focused support paragraphs that have strong topic sentences
  • Specific examples to support all your main points
  • Analysis of your examples

University of The Cumberlands Institutional Affiliation Discussion


Subject- InfoTech in a Global Economy (ITS-832-B04) – Second Bi-Term

We looked at several topics on global IT strategies, technologies, models, and networking during this session. As you get closer to starting your own dissertation, you will need to choose a topic in your first dissertation class, DSRT-736, so it is essential to start preparing. This week, let us take a look at some topics to consider, and by the end of the week, we could have several ideas for dissertation topics.

Since you have already examined several research articles, another way would be to examine previous dissertations in these areas. Visit the University of Cumberland’s library, go to the Dissertation Database, and locate an interesting topic on global IT. Here are some pointers that will help critically evaluate some viable topics.

  • Is the topic attainable for a first-time dissertation student?
  • Is the problem rooted in the literature?
  • Is the research empirical, i.e., is there a survey, is there an interview guide, has the data been analyzed via some statistical tool?
  • Is there a theoretical model or framework discussed?

Discuss the topic, the problem the model has been used in the research, and any present findings.

Do not read the entire dissertation, as the abstract and chapter one introduction should give a clear understanding of the research.

GC Public and Private Families Discussion


Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing report and need a sample draft to help me learn.

this is the first one

Assignment 2ARead the following chapters

Part One Chapter One Public and Private Families (p3)

Chapter Two The History of the Family (p35)

Assignment 2B Choose two (2) important areas for each chapter you feel would be relevant for other colleagues to know. Write one (1) paragraph for each area.

Each of the four (4) paragraphs must have detail and depth. Proofread each

paragraph before submitting your entry. What area is important for you?

this is the 2 one

Assignment 4A Read the following chapters

Part Two Chapter 3 Gender and Families (pg71)

Chapter 4 Social Class and Family Inequality (pg95)

Chapter 5 Race, Ethnicity and Families (pg117)

Assignment 4B Choose two (2) points of interest. Write two strong paragraphs

from each chapter sharing detail and depth about the topics of interest for you.

Think about the impact upon the individual, the family and the community.

Please provide six (6) paragraphs total for your entry submission.

this is the 3 one

ssignment 6A Read the following chapters

Part Three Chapter 6 Sexualities (pg153)

Chapter 7 Cohabitation and Marriage (pg179)

Chapter 8 Work and Families (pg213)

Assignment 6B Choose two points of interest from each chapter. Label title.

Write two (2) well-developed paragraphs for each point. Include detail and

depth and topic in first sentence. A total of six (6) paragraphs needed for

Part Three.

UM The Skills for Building Personal Credibility & Influence Others Question


For  Chapter 8, using the following Sample Leadership Credos, develop your own leadership credo: (from Highlight 8.1)
As a leader, I . . .
. . . believe in the concept of whole persons and will seek to use the full range of talents and abilities of colleagues whenever possible
. . . will seek to keep people fully informed
. . . will more consistently express appreciation to others for a job well done
. . . will take risks in challenging policies or protocol when they do not permit us to effectively serve our customers.
. . . will selectively choose battles to fight—rather than trying to fight all of the possible battles
. . . will actively support those providing the most effective direction for our company. . . . will seek to change the things I can in a positive direction and accept those things I have no chance or opportunity to change.

For  Chapter 9, respond to the following questions:

  1. Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory.

What is the goal setting approach of motivation? How can leaders apply this method successfully?

How can leaders benefit from studying the different motivational theories and approaches? What should leaders keep in mind when applying these theories?


Hughes, R. L., Ginnett, R. C., & Curphy, G. J. (2015). Leadership: enhancing the lessons of experience (pp. 281 & 378). New York, NY:

EDP University Bibliografia Anotada sobre la Obesidad Causas y Efectos


Bibliografía Anotada

Objetivo de la actividad

Evaluar los conocimientos adquiridos sobre la bibliografía anotada.


Para esta actividad van a realizar una bibliografía anotada sobre el tema seleccionado en el módulo anterior.

  • Deben acceder a las bases de datos de EDP University a través de la Biblioteca Virtual (Links to an external site.) o Google Scholar, y allí identificar (5) cinco artículos del tema elegido.
  • Harán una bibliografía anotada de esos cinco recursos.

En esta bibliografía anotada deberán aplicar el formato APA en la referencia y lo que aprendieron de cómo parafrasear en la creación del resumen descriptivo del contenido del recurso identificado en la base de datos.


La actividad es de carácter individual. El trabajo debe ser entregado a tiempo, sin errores ortográficos ni gramaticales. Los trabajos serán sometidos a la herramienta para detectar similitud de contenidos. Entregar las respuestas en un documento de Word, letra Times New Roman, tamaño 12, el espaciado y alineado de acuerdo a lo requerido para cada parte, referencia, portada y resumen descriptivo . Debe incluir las referencias en formato APA, de tres años o menos.

De tener dudas o preguntas debe publicarlas en el Foro Dudas y Preguntas con tiempo para poderles ayudar de forma oportuna.

Valor de la actividad

100 puntos

BCU Criminal Justice Unequal Power of Women Paper


Please complete and submit your Victimization Outline and Review of the Literature for Sexual Violence Against Women.

Submit a research paper outline that, when all of the bullets are taken away, will read like a research paper.

Your outlines MUST include the following headers and information:

1 Conceptualizing [Victimization Type]

1 Find at least two (2) scholarly article that provides a definition of the victimization type.

2 Prevalence of [Victimization Type]

1 Find at least two (2) scholarly article that speaks to how prevalent or how much of an issue this victimization type is in the United States.

3 Risk Factors for [Victimization Type]

1 Find at least two (2) scholarly article that speaks to those factors likely to place someone at risk of being a victim of this victimization type.

4 Harms and Consequences of [Victimization Type]

1 Find at least two (2) scholarly article that speak to the harms and/or consequences that this victimization type has on victims and society.

5 Criminal Justice Response to [Victimization Type]

1 Find at least two (2) scholarly article that speaks to how the criminal justice system responds to this victimization type.

6 Review of the Literature for [Victimization Type]

1 Find at least three (3) scholarly research studies that speak to this type of victimization. Address the following for EACH study:

1 The purpose of the study

2 The findings of the scholarly research study