UM The Skills for Building Personal Credibility & Influence Others Question


For  Chapter 8, using the following Sample Leadership Credos, develop your own leadership credo: (from Highlight 8.1)
As a leader, I . . .
. . . believe in the concept of whole persons and will seek to use the full range of talents and abilities of colleagues whenever possible
. . . will seek to keep people fully informed
. . . will more consistently express appreciation to others for a job well done
. . . will take risks in challenging policies or protocol when they do not permit us to effectively serve our customers.
. . . will selectively choose battles to fight—rather than trying to fight all of the possible battles
. . . will actively support those providing the most effective direction for our company. . . . will seek to change the things I can in a positive direction and accept those things I have no chance or opportunity to change.

For  Chapter 9, respond to the following questions:

  1. Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory.

What is the goal setting approach of motivation? How can leaders apply this method successfully?

How can leaders benefit from studying the different motivational theories and approaches? What should leaders keep in mind when applying these theories?


Hughes, R. L., Ginnett, R. C., & Curphy, G. J. (2015). Leadership: enhancing the lessons of experience (pp. 281 & 378). New York, NY:

EDP University Bibliografia Anotada sobre la Obesidad Causas y Efectos


Bibliografía Anotada

Objetivo de la actividad

Evaluar los conocimientos adquiridos sobre la bibliografía anotada.


Para esta actividad van a realizar una bibliografía anotada sobre el tema seleccionado en el módulo anterior.

  • Deben acceder a las bases de datos de EDP University a través de la Biblioteca Virtual (Links to an external site.) o Google Scholar, y allí identificar (5) cinco artículos del tema elegido.
  • Harán una bibliografía anotada de esos cinco recursos.

En esta bibliografía anotada deberán aplicar el formato APA en la referencia y lo que aprendieron de cómo parafrasear en la creación del resumen descriptivo del contenido del recurso identificado en la base de datos.


La actividad es de carácter individual. El trabajo debe ser entregado a tiempo, sin errores ortográficos ni gramaticales. Los trabajos serán sometidos a la herramienta para detectar similitud de contenidos. Entregar las respuestas en un documento de Word, letra Times New Roman, tamaño 12, el espaciado y alineado de acuerdo a lo requerido para cada parte, referencia, portada y resumen descriptivo . Debe incluir las referencias en formato APA, de tres años o menos.

De tener dudas o preguntas debe publicarlas en el Foro Dudas y Preguntas con tiempo para poderles ayudar de forma oportuna.

Valor de la actividad

100 puntos

BCU Criminal Justice Unequal Power of Women Paper


Please complete and submit your Victimization Outline and Review of the Literature for Sexual Violence Against Women.

Submit a research paper outline that, when all of the bullets are taken away, will read like a research paper.

Your outlines MUST include the following headers and information:

1 Conceptualizing [Victimization Type]

1 Find at least two (2) scholarly article that provides a definition of the victimization type.

2 Prevalence of [Victimization Type]

1 Find at least two (2) scholarly article that speaks to how prevalent or how much of an issue this victimization type is in the United States.

3 Risk Factors for [Victimization Type]

1 Find at least two (2) scholarly article that speaks to those factors likely to place someone at risk of being a victim of this victimization type.

4 Harms and Consequences of [Victimization Type]

1 Find at least two (2) scholarly article that speak to the harms and/or consequences that this victimization type has on victims and society.

5 Criminal Justice Response to [Victimization Type]

1 Find at least two (2) scholarly article that speaks to how the criminal justice system responds to this victimization type.

6 Review of the Literature for [Victimization Type]

1 Find at least three (3) scholarly research studies that speak to this type of victimization. Address the following for EACH study:

1 The purpose of the study

2 The findings of the scholarly research study

UMBC Research & Summaries Essay


“The research topic is Climate Change through Soil Conservation. There is already an essay done with 4 sources. I just need to add 2 more sources to the same essay. I am also attaching the 4 sources with were used in the essay in case you need to go over them. AND will add 2 new sources. ” APA style


Summary of assignment

  • Task: The six-source essay asks you to synthesize the arguments of six sources
  • Length: Minimum of 1300 words. The instructor will give you comments on the first draft and let you know if you need more development beyond 1300 words.
  • Format: APA
  • Sources: A total of six sources, all of which you will find through library searches. Please use the same topic that you used for writing assignment #2. It is recommended that you expand on the essay that you wrote for writing assignment #2. You will continue with the topic you have selected and will conduct additional searches in the library databases, hopefully, focus the topic more, and determining the six or more sources to use in this essay.
  • o Please use only six sources. Please do not incorporate more than six sources into this essay.

    UMGC Negative Impacts of Technology Question


    Classmate Response (Adrian)

    Choose a paragraph posted by one of your peers. Then find an example of evidence used in the paragraph and consider it in light of the reading on Using Evidence. What characteristics of weak or strong evidence, or of effective or ineffective quotation do you observe? Please be constructive in your comments, so that if you find areas for improvement, you point them out respectfully and include suggestions for more effective use of evidence.

    ***The chosen paragraph is below***

    Technology has impacted society in many ways; some good, some bad but all life-changing. Positive impacts of technology include improved communication, education, access to information, and mechanized agriculture. However, negative impacts of technology include an increase in unemployment, an increase in mental and health concerns, a rise in pollution, and a rise in cybercrimes. Although technology is widely accepted as a part of our everyday life by society, we need to analyze the pros and cons of the decisions we make online. Criminals are rampant online, as they hide behind anonymity, seldomly discovered by authorities. According to the Aite-Novarica Group, about 47 percent of Americans endured financial identity theft in 2020, a $712.4 billion problem. The fact is, this issue is expensive and shows no signs of slowing down. Cybercrime is here to stay.

    BCCC History Essay


    A : answer the following questions. B:Read the hyperlinked article and respond to one of the question, and respond to the two students’ answers. More than 50-100 words.

    Two part Questions : A & B. Part A Each question write more than 150 words. Part B question more than 200 words and respond to the two students’ answers. More than 50-100 words..

    A: answer the following questions. B:Read the hyperlinked article and respond to one of the question. (You can read the book or Google information to answer question , but cannot copy online answer ,have to use your own words to answer )

    A. Read Chapter 11 in American: Past and Present by Robert Divine and answer the following questions.

    1. How did the social reform movement evolve from the 2nd Great Awakening?

    2. Why did reformers consider alcohol as the single greatest threat to public morality?

    3. In what ways did women benefit from the social reform movement?

    4. What were the goals of public education?

    5. What were the different approaches to dealing with the problem of slavery?

    B. Read the hyper-linked article and respond to one of the questions.

    The John Brown Way

    -After reading the article, why do you think John Brown and Fredrick Douglas were not on the same page regarding the use of violence ending slavery?

    Strayer University Free and Appropriate Public Education Discussion Questions


     questions regarding Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

    Please  review  Chapter  3  of  the  MDE  OSE  Policy  and  Procedural  Manual  found  in  the  IEP  Review
    module.    Answer  each  of  the  following  questions  with  a  short  answer.

    Question 1:
    Is every student in a public school entitled to a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
    under IDEA? Why or why not

    Question 2:
    John is a student identified as an eligible student with a Specific Learning Disability (SLD), but he
    has some behavioral concerns.  Does the provision of FAPE extend to his behavioral difficulties? In
    other words, can the IEP committee develop goals/objectives or provide accommodations to John
    in the area of behavior?  Why or why not?

    Question 3:
    List three related services available to students eligible for special education.  Are these services
    included in student IEPs?  Why or why not?

    Question 4:
    Amy requires the use of a wheelchair to ambulate school, home, and community environments.  Is
    her wheelchair considered assistive technology?  Why or why not?

    Question 5:
    There are four types (categories) of accommodations.  Choose two types of accommodations and
    describe how the use of them may look in the classroom

    Question 6:

    Explain how accommodations and modifications differ.

    Question 7:
    Define inclusion and explain the benefits of embracing this belief system.

    Question 8:
    Are there circumstances under which there is no obligation to provide a FAPE?  If so, describe a
    few of these circumstances.

    WGS 201 EKU Gender and Sex Inequalities Discussion


    1. Every two modules (for a total of four critical reflections), you will write a critical reflection response to the one reading of your choice. You will then write a 1 page, 1-inch margins, single spaced (Times Roman font), THREE PARAGRAPH reflection. Be sure to fill the whole page. In the first paragraph you will identify and summarize the text you chose with enough detail for me to know you read the article and understand it. Please mention the main sociological concepts that the authors discuss. In the second paragraph please apply the authors ideas to something in public discourse or a life experience (i.e., a movie or television show, something in the news, a book, something from another class you have taken, something on social media, a lived experience within your life, etc.). In the third paragraph I want you demonstrate how you may use the information you have gained from this reading within your life. (i.e., how would you use this in your interactions with others, how would you use this in another class, how would you use this in your future job, etc.). The goal of this assignment is for you to not just learn some concepts, but to think about how they relate to you and how you can apply the within your own life.

    Strayer University Business Paper


    Your company has had embedded HR generalists in business units for the past several years. Over that time, it has become more costly and more difficult to maintain standards, and is a frustration for business units to have that budget “hit.” The leadership has decided to move to a more centralized model of delivering HR services and has asked you to evaluate that proposition and begin establishing a project team to initiate the needed changes. The project team is selected, and you must now provide a general direction.


    Write a 5–6 page paper in which you:

    1. Review and define the five steps of strategic planning depicted in Exhibit 2-1 in the textbook on page 34. Based on the information, provide a statement of the overall importance of these steps to your project team.
    2. Develop a vision and mission statement for the project team specific to the current project. Hint: It is highly recommended to follow the guidance offered in the textbook about vision and mission statements.
    3. Explain to the project team what a project charter is and why it is used.
    4. Review Exhibit 3.3 in the textbook and select any three charter elements you feel are more important and explain why.
    5. Provide a statement of emphasis to your project team based on the information you provided in the previous three sections of the paper requirements. 

    Impact of Management Information Systems in Online Scam Summary


    Choose a podcast to listen to that is network, network security, or degree related. For example, if you are an accounting major, it is fine to choose an accounting podcast. No personal or entertainment podcasts.

    Submit a 1 page executive summary per podcast. The summary should include the title of the podcast, the date, and the speaker(s).

    Research what an executive summary should look like. It should be a formal document. If you do not format it like an executive summary, it will be scored a 0.

    Include a brief summary of the podcast and what you found useful.

    Submit your executive summary in Canvas.

    The goals of this exercise are to improve your writing skills and introduce you to methods of continuing education. This should not look like a book report. I want to know what you found interesting / useful. If it is written like a play by play recording of the podcast, it will be marked down accordingly.

    No late submissions will be accepted, no exceptions. You may switch which podcast you are listening to and hopefully you will find one that is informative and piques your curiosity.

    Some content may be very advanced and might be beyond the scope of this course but being exposed to some of these more complex ideas will encourage you to investigate further.