Poetry Explication Worksheet



For this assignment, you should submit two files: one (1) poetry handout and one (1) response paper (no more than 500 words). The poetry handout you are to complete is attached to this assignment.

See the following steps:

1. Complete one poetry handout for either “A/Coltrane/Poem” or “Dear John, Dear Coltrane”; if you have already begun working on or completed handouts for both poems, as Dr. Washington originally assigned, then submit both poetry handouts and I will give you extra credit for the second one; and

2. Write a response to the following two questions:

– – – What are the similarities and/or differences (or both) in the ways that Sonia Sanchez and Michael S. Harper incorporate the musical influence of John Coltrane’s into their poems – “A/Coltrane/Poem” (Sanchez) and “Dear John, Dear Coltrane” (Harper)?

– – – Why was jazz – particularly the music of John Coltrane – so inspiring to writers and poets from the 1950s – 1960s? You may cite outside resources (such as articles or videos) in your response. ***As a contemporary reference, you should consider the way that Hip Hop changed the musical landscape in America and beyond. What, in your opinion, was the reason for its popularity – particularly among people of color? Which artists have the biggest impact, and why***

UCB Writing Discussion


The primary audience for the Assignment Prompt is your students. The secondary audience is parents, substitute teachers andadministrators who review your work. Your prompt should be clear and detailed enough for a substitute teacher to be able to step in and teach your class.

For Assignment Prompt (1 pg single-spaced/250 words)

Writing Prompt (Topic: Ask students to write an email request for internship recommendation letter from a professor )

This is the document you would give to students. Make sure that your language is appropriate for your student body. Take into account their age, background, and language level. Consider that you may need more than one prompt, if you are working with students at varying levels.  
include the following:
? Description:  A brief introduction to the assignment, including how it relates to what students have been studying in class.
? Audience: Who they are writing for: Professors
? Purpose: Why they are writing this — what they are trying to accomplish. For instance, are they writing a persuasive letter to a congress person? A step-by-step description of how to accomplish a task? Persuasive letter
? Genre: A description of the genre, in language appropriate for your student body. Request Letter
? Research requirements: A description of the sources students should use for this assignment, if any. include: program, reason, ;

Impact of Management Information Systems in Online Scam Summary


Choose a podcast to listen to that is network, network security, or degree related. For example, if you are an accounting major, it is fine to choose an accounting podcast. No personal or entertainment podcasts.

Submit a 1 page executive summary per podcast. The summary should include the title of the podcast, the date, and the speaker(s).

Research what an executive summary should look like. It should be a formal document. If you do not format it like an executive summary, it will be scored a 0.

Include a brief summary of the podcast and what you found useful.

Submit your executive summary in Canvas.

The goals of this exercise are to improve your writing skills and introduce you to methods of continuing education. This should not look like a book report. I want to know what you found interesting / useful. If it is written like a play by play recording of the podcast, it will be marked down accordingly.

No late submissions will be accepted, no exceptions. You may switch which podcast you are listening to and hopefully you will find one that is informative and piques your curiosity.

Some content may be very advanced and might be beyond the scope of this course but being exposed to some of these more complex ideas will encourage you to investigate further.

University of Toronto Legacy Of Coronavirus Discussion


The legacy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in 1911 included 36 new labor and safety laws passed by the New York state legislature. These laws were used as a model for other states and similar laws were adopted across the country in the years that followed. We take many of these laws, such as fire codes in commercial buildings, for granted today. 

On a much larger scale, the current coronavirus pandemic is revealing a different set of vulnerabilities and social inequalities in the U.S. workforce and American society. As you look back more than 100 years into the past at the Triangle Fire, many of the lessons from that tragedy seem obvious. 

Now imagine the year is 2121.

When business students look back in 100 years and study the legacy of the coronavirus pandemic on America and its businesses, what “obvious” legal and social changes do you think they will see?


  • Describe at least two vulnerabilities and/or inequalities in the U.S. workforce that the coronavirus pandemic has brought to light.
  • Predict the potential legacy of the coronavirus pandemic for American businesses. Be specific.
  • Use strong logic and compelling evidence to build your argument. Embed HYPERLINK ( IF YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO DO A HYPERLINK JUST UPLOAD THE LINK)  to credit your sources of evidence and/or supporting information.

PSY 6110 Walden University Alcohol and Tobacco Use Discussion


In your opinion, how has our society reacted to those who abuse or become dependent on the substance you are focusing on?

  • What are the psychopharmacological properties of this substance (review reading assignments relevant to your chosen substance listed with Weeks 3, 4, or 5)?
  • How does the abuse of this substance differ in terms of gender and ethnicity (review reading assignments listed in Week 6)?
  • How does the impact of this substance abuse have on the family (review reading assignments listed in Week 7)?
  • What are evidence-based treatment options available for those who develop a substance use disorder with the particular substance you have selected?
  • What ethical principles must be followed in the treatment for those who develop a substance use disorder with this particular substance?

Your paper should be well organized: begin with an introduction, then present clearly organized sections and subsections, and conclude with a summary and conclusion. 

Length: 10-12 pages

Resources:  Support your paper with at least 5 references from peer-reviewed journals published in the past 5 years.  In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included. 

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Carved from Granite Paper


DescriptionPLEASE READ CAREFULLY (directions clearly below)

Read Chapter Five, “Sabers and Goalposts: The Physical Program,” in Carved fromGranite. (in attached documents)

After reading and analyzing the chapter, write a two-page paper that assesses the persuasiveness of Betros’ argument.
Is his argument persuasive? Why or Why not? What is the nature and quality of the evidence he provides to support his argument?

b. In your introductory paragraph provide 2-3 sentences of context that frames the situation and grabs your readers’ attention, concisely identify Betros’ thesis, and then state your own original thesis that answers the question: Why is Betros’ argument persuasive or not persuasive?

c. In your body paragraphs develop your supporting arguments with specific evidence that supports your thesis. What has Betros done or failed to do to argue persuasively? What, in other words, are the strengths of his argument? What are the weakness of his argument? Be sure that your body paragraphs begin with topic sentences and present unique and powerful subordinate arguments supported by specific evidence and sound analysis.

d. In your analysis, you should express the authors’ ideas concisely in your own words by paraphrasing, or by using direct quotations if appropriate. Properly document both paraphrased and quoted material by using footnotes in the Chicago Manual of Style or parenthetical documentation in the Modern Language Association (MLA) format.

Grand Canyon University Family Focused Health Assessment Discussion


Refer back to the interview and evaluation you conducted in the Topic 2 Family Health Assessment assignment. Identify the social determinates of health (SDOH) contributing to the family’s health status. In a 750-1,000 word paper, create a plan of action to incorporate health promotion strategies for this family. Include the following:

  1. Describe the SDOH that affect the family health status. What is the impact of these SDOH on the family? Discuss why these factors are prevalent for this family.
  2. Based on the information gathered through the family health assessment, recommend age-appropriate screenings for each family member. Provide support and rationale for your suggestions.
  3. Choose a health model to assist in creating a plan of action. Describe the model selected. Discuss the reasons why this health model is the best choice for this family. Provide rationale for your reasoning.
  4. Using the model, outline the steps for a family-centered health promotion. Include strategies for communication.

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

The Validity of The Quality of Instruction Provided to The Students Analysis

Question Description

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Imagine that you teach mathematics and social studies in an urban middle school.

The superintendent of your school district has asked you to help her get ready to make an upcoming presentation to the district school board about the instructional sensitivity of educational tests.

Three members of the district board have asked your superintendent to address this particular issue. They have heard from several parents that the tests currently used in district-directed evaluation studies are instructional insensitive —that is, seem unable to distinguish between well taught and badly taught students. Although the superintendent agrees with the importance of the issue, she knows almost nothing about instructional sensitivity. She asks you if you would be willing to write up a brief description of what instructional sensitivity is. If you can get this description to her within a week, then she’ll have time to do some more searching on the Internet in preparation for the board meeting.

Please prepare the requested description for your superintendent describing (1) the nature of instructional sensitivity as applied to educational tests, (2) why it is important if students’ test performances are employed to evaluate schools or teachers, and (3) how we can reduce a test’s instructional insensitivity.

Central Texas College Preempt Laws Chapter Discussion


  • Looking back at Chapter 3, Texans and Texas politicians have regularly been opposed to an increased federal role in state matters and have argued against federal “preemption.”  However, Chapter 10 describes how the state government has not held itself to that same standard when it comes to state preemption of Texas cities and counties.  Define “preemption.”  What are some areas where the state has either attempted to or was successful in preempting local ordinances and/or local officials?  Provide several examples and discuss one of them in detail.  What is the argument of the local government on that issue?  What is the argument of state officials on the same issue?  Which side do you agree with and why?  Is it appropriate for state political leaders  to argue for more “local control” when dealing with the federal government, but then argue against “local control” when dealing with local governments within the state?
  • Hello there, thanks for taking my questions,You will absolutely need the book: I cannot upload it here because the file is too large. But if you want, I can email it to you. or here is the link where you can download it for free:Library Genesis (libgen.rocks)Book Name: Champagne, A., Harpham, E., and Casellas, J. Governing Texas, 5th Edition, W.W. Norton & Company.

The Exercise of College Ranking Considered Fiction or Fact Essay


Please consider the following points as you read the rough draft; check off and write COMMENTS for EACH editing point below to improve the assignment (please read ALL). Thank you for your careful consideration of your classmate’s writing.

 _____ Title:  Is the title appropriate, telling/informative, or needs improvement? Why/How?

_____ Thesis statement:  Is the thesis statement/purpose clear from the outset? 

______Introduction: Does the introduction create interest?  Sets the scene? How?

______ Specific details to support position:  Cite two to three specific details the writer uses to support their claims about the ethical issue. Is the evidence sufficient?

 _____ Logical organization:  Easy flow of ideas from one point to the next?  Paragraphs arranged in a logical manor? Transitions from point to point?

 _____ Who is the intended audience/target demographic? Suggest a publication/website/app, in/on which this would likely be published. Is the language/vocabulary suited for the intended audience?

 _____ Are there any issues with spelling, punctuation, grammar?

 _____ Conclusion:  Does the writer summarize the main points of emphasis relating back to the thesis statement?  Is there a clear call to action?

______ Are images/modes employed to enhance the piece? If not, please make suggestions.

______ Are the requirements met in terms of page limit and sources?

______What improvements can you suggest, especially to add to increase reader interes

How about “Should the Death Penalty be Abolished?”