University of The Cumberlands Downloading Data Summary


Chapter 12: A ship that fires Bullets

Chapter 16: Downloading Data

Description of Project Code Evaluation Assignment:Please prepare the following in a document. Use APA Style formatting. Please submit each paper (codeevaluation report 1 and 2) in two separate documents. The objective of this assignment is to assessyour capabilities to interpret the project and explain the details of the project implementation inyour own articulative skillset. The following question helps you to think what is supposed to beaddressed in the Code evaluation documentation, however you can add more details. Thesequestions are common to both the Code evaluation project 1 and 2.

1. Scope of the Project or High-level goal of the Project in 5 to 10 lines.

2. Description of Problem Statements (What we are solving) write 5 to 10 lines

3. Detail the Software and Libraries required for this project implementation2

4. List all Python files, modules, and classes used in this project? And a detailed description of eachClasses in each module and Python file.

5. Write the purpose of each of the Python functions used in this project/chapters. Explain the logic ofeach function and what each function does for the entire solution/project.

6. What are the Modules imported and used in the project and what is the purpose?

7. High level activities or Major functional implementation of each chapter project

UCI Smartwatches and Healthcare Essay


Draft the text for your website. A strong About page will identify the author/organization, state the purpose of the website, and infer who the audience is and why the site is useful to them. You may either submit the URL to the published about page on your site, or you can post the text for your about page here. The theme and draft have been written, 

topic is Smart watch and healthcare

I would suggest you dive deeper by thinking of the following question:

1. Is it a new technology? If not, so what is the public common conception of smartwatch for healthcare management, and what is their prevalent misconception? How would you address these misconception?

2. Or, put it differently, what new currency and future aspects of healthcare smartwatch you think important to let your audience know? Avoid too generic knowledge, refresh your audience with new and creative perspective.

3. In your submitted proposal, you talked about the advantage of portable healthcare device compared to the hospital one in terms of the cost and convenience. It may be a good point to start with. In addition to the benefits you mentioned, is health smartwatch safe, accurate, can I trust it? Can I make decision? How can I choose the kind of smartwatch whose functionality exactly suits my needs?

Central Texas College Preempt Laws Chapter Discussion


  • Looking back at Chapter 3, Texans and Texas politicians have regularly been opposed to an increased federal role in state matters and have argued against federal “preemption.”  However, Chapter 10 describes how the state government has not held itself to that same standard when it comes to state preemption of Texas cities and counties.  Define “preemption.”  What are some areas where the state has either attempted to or was successful in preempting local ordinances and/or local officials?  Provide several examples and discuss one of them in detail.  What is the argument of the local government on that issue?  What is the argument of state officials on the same issue?  Which side do you agree with and why?  Is it appropriate for state political leaders  to argue for more “local control” when dealing with the federal government, but then argue against “local control” when dealing with local governments within the state?
  • Hello there, thanks for taking my questions,You will absolutely need the book: I cannot upload it here because the file is too large. But if you want, I can email it to you. or here is the link where you can download it for free:Library Genesis ( Name: Champagne, A., Harpham, E., and Casellas, J. Governing Texas, 5th Edition, W.W. Norton & Company.

Development Integrated Read Bibliography


A question consisting of 6 references. I want to summarize specific information through the required sources and write it in the following form i just want to summarize the following information shown in an example from each one of the 6 sources

Last name, first name. “Title of article.” Title of Source. vol. # no #, day month year. pp #-#. Database, URL.

In Jan Smith’s article “Title of Article”, she is trying to persuade teenagers to stop (doing something). Smith claims that (whatever she claims). For example, …….Main idea. Supporting details. Her 2nd main idea. Supporting details. Her 3rd main idea. Supporting details.

Jan Smith is a senior writer for Times magazine. She is against (whatever) because she assumes that all teenagers will (do whatever). I will use the article to help explain the opposition’s point of view and to concede a point to their side. This is the only article I have that has interviews with teenage victims..)

After completing the collection of information, the have file PDF the name of file is ( Annotated Bibliography design) file is attached that shows the required design. All the information collected from the 6 sources is placed in it in a format as shown in the PDF file

Impact Of The Enormous Amount Of Fast Fashion Waste On The Environment Discussion


Read the paper which has Chapters1,2, 3, 4, and submit Chapter V: Discussion for

The Impact of the enormous amount of fast fashionwaste on the environment

Discussion should Include –

  1. Limitations,
  2. Conclusions and
  3. Recommendations

After completionChapter 5 Discussion. Add the following

  • Abstract
  • Acknowledgements
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures

Andaddress the below comments

Week one – you stilldid not change the problem statement. The problem statement starts out with theproblem to be addressed in this study. Make this change. You still did not havea reference after each definition of term. Make this change. Make these changesfor next week.

Chapter 2 -Make sure you always indenteach paragraph six spaces. Other than that, chapter 2 is good.

Chapter 3 – looks good. Don’t change a thing.

Chapter 4 – looks good. Don’t change a thing. Makethese changes in chapter 1, and everything else looks good. Make sure youindent six spaces for each paragraph. There a few times and chapter 2 were youdid not.


  1. This assignment must be formatted in APA Style 7th edition
  1. Need reference atthe end of the sentence (documented from scholarly sources) of where youretried the information.

For Example: “It depletes non-renewable resources, emitsgreenhouse gases, consumes a large amount of water and energy, pollutes riversfrom its dyeing process, and rampant usage of non-biodegradable microplastics(Maiti, 2020). “

  1. Refer toa sample example in pdf file.

Saudi Electronic University Acceptable Use Policy Discussion


Critical Thinking: Acceptable Use Policy (60 points)

Case Study:

ManyFarms is a primary dairy provider offering numerous dairy products including, cheese, milk, and butter products, for global distribution. In addition, a new district of farms is opening along the eastern part of the United States. As a new employee, you have been tasked with the following in the development of the district’s business continuity planning (BCP).

Answer the following questions:

  1. Identify potential health and safety issues for both employees and animals.
  2. Identify potential supply chain issues and specific threats to the dairy industry.
  3. Identify the potential business impact of supply chain shortages and market changes on the dairy industry.
  4. What technology strategies can help reduce business shortfalls and increase productivity.


? Your responses should be two to three pages long, not including the title or reference pages.

? Be sure to provide citations from your readings and additional research to support your statements.

? Your paper must follow Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, as appropriate.

? You are strongly encouraged to submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check Student Guide.

Diablo Valley College Griot & Self Reflection Paper


Griot – a West African historian, storyteller, poet and/or musician.  The Griot is responsible for maintaining an oral record of tribal history in the form of music, poetry, and storytelling.  For more information, watch the following videos:

Interview 2-3 people who are able to share with you about your history and your ancestry, and present your findings in an essay and griot-style in a 5-7 minute video.  Please do not simply provide a family tree but instead provide rich, colorful stories that illustrate your family’s history and traditions.  You may wish to interview grandparents, great grandparents, great aunts and uncles, etc. After conducting the interviews, write a paper and create a video on how your family history may have influenced your self-identity development.

Please include in your essay your responses to at least two of the Content Items below. 

Content Items:

  1. How do you define yourself? How has your family history influenced this definition? 
  2. Describe your qualities that you like?
  3. What did your primary caregivers teach you about being a woman/man?
  4. How has your culture influenced your gender-role identity?
  5. What influences (e.g., family, friends, internet, books, movies, religion, etc.) have shaped your attitudes about sexuality and sexual behavior?
  6. What did you learn about love in your family of origin?
  7. How do you express your love to others?

Diversity Essay


  • Write a narration paragraph about diversity. It could be about race, ethnicity, class/caste, gender, sexuality, age, and political and religious beliefs. Make sure to include the point. What lesson was learn? What was a lasting feeling?
  • Make sure you are telling a story, not a definition of diversity.
  • First, use the Questioning/Journalistic Method (W-5 + How) to generate ideas.
  • Next, you must make a detailed plan, following the example in the digital book.
  • Then, write a 250-300 words paragraph. Don’t forget to include transitional expressions such as the ones in the digital book.
  • You must have a proper heading, a title, and an indent (tab key). Your font should be Times New Roman or Calibri, size 12. You need to double-space and have a word count.
  • In addition, for this paragraph, you need to make your topic sentence and conclusion a different color (e.g.: green) and all your transitional expressions another color (e.g.: orange)
  • Once you are satisfied with your first draft you need to get it checked at the ASC. Before making the edits, copy and paste your first draft, so that you can see where your edits were.
  • Label each page and submit everything (reflection, brainstorming, plan, 1st. draft, revised draft, and proof of ASC) in one big document to Canvas.

Glendale Community College Digital Human Resources Paper


Project Summary

Your final project is to do research on a human resources topic of your choice.

A five-page written research paper

identify your topic:

The human resources topic can be related to your work or a personal topic of interest.

Suggested topics:

  • AI – Artificial Intelligence in human resources
  • Digital HR: What is it and how is it changing human resources?
  • HR Trends in 2022
  • The future of work (superjobs)
  • DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)

The final project must include at least four references. There should be at least one library reference and the remaining sources can be articles from the chapter websites or other human resources professional sources including sources provided each week. The references should be included on the PowerPoint Presentation or research paper.

Your outline and presentation should include:

Introduction of Topic:

  • Introduce yourself and the topic
  • Explain the topic and why you chose it

Function of HR

  • Explain what HR function is applicable to your topic and why. (refer to Chpt 1)
  • Why is this topic important in the organization?

Recent issues:

  • Are there any recent issues /trends related to the topic?
  • How does the topic impact HR? What are the challenges and opportunities?
  • Does it impact the employee? If so, how?
  • Are there any new laws related to the topic?
  • Include at least one recent case/event


  • Summarize key points
  • Share what you learned

CRIM 402 Georgia State University Vehicle Accidents Involving Drunk Drivers Research


Research Paper

accidents involving drunk drivers  

       Final Research Project: Select a location; this may be a town, village, city, county,       or state in the United States.  Construct a properly formatted research paper with a       minimum of three (3) full pages excluding title, Table of Contents, Abstract, and Reference.         Using available public data (no individual student field research          is authorized), construct a research project on vehicle accidents involving operators that       were impaired by alcohol.  This project MUST include a Chi-Square illustration table       or a graph (of your design) that illustrates the mode, mean, and median of your research.        This paper must have a problem statement or needs analysis statement for this inquiry.       The statement will address the purpose, focus, and questions to be answered via       methodology and data collection, analysis, and procedures.  Additionally, this final project       MUST have a scattergram graph with a regression line depicting your data.  Refer to the       syllabus for additional instructions on formatting.  Remember, APA formatting, proper       grammar, syntax, and clear articulations of the assignments are essential.  This paper is 50       percent of your final research paper grade.  This assignment is due no later than 5 p.m.,        Wednesday, April 20, 2022.          Early work will be accepted. However, NO late work will be accepted absent exigent       circumstances.