Palm Beach State Collage Persuasive Strategies Chapter Discussion


Please remember to read the chapter sections fully from the textbook first, and follow the instructions for each question carefully for each reading before submitting your responses. Please include the highlighted terms and concepts mentioned in question from the chapter to demonstrate that you have read the chapter and understand the concepts. Instructions: Please read the instructions carefully and answer the following prompt. 

First, read Chapter 11.4: Persuasive Strategies

Online Chapter link: to an external site.… to an external site.)

Format: In a separate paragraph, answer ONLY TWO questions below. Answer each question in 100-125 words. Responses should demonstrate understanding of the reading and refer to relevant concepts from the chapters to explain your responses. 

Ethos, or credibility, is composed of three dimensions: competence, trustworthiness, and dynamism. Of those dimensions, which is most important for you when judging someone’s credibility and why?

  • Recount a time when you experienced cognitive dissonance. What was the new information and what did it clash with? What coping strategies, of the ones discussed in the chapter, did you use to try to restore cognitive balance?

How ethical do you think it is for a speaker to rely on fear appeals? When do fear appeals cross the line?


Miami Dade College Nursing Leader Analysis Florence Nightingale Paper


this is an individual assignment related to a nursing leader. This paper should be three to five pages in
length, not including the title and reference pages. The paper should include level one headings.
In review, when developing a scholarly APA paper, begin with an introductory paragraph that includes the purpose statement. The body of the paper should include levels of heading that keep the writer focused and on track. For example, this paper would have four level one headings not including the introductory paragraph or conclusion. The paper would then have a conclusion to summarize the main points of the paper. The last page would be the reference page.
Nursing Leader:
Florence Nightingale
Assignment Criteria:
Students will develop a scholarly paper relating to the selected nursing leader that includes the following
1. Identify and provide rationale for the selected nursing leader.
2. Describe the historical background of the selected nursing leader.
3. Explain the effect the selected nursing leader had on the practice of profession nursing today.
4. Provide a prediction of the future needs of nursing based on the selected nursing leader.
6. Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion.
7. Include level 1 headings to organize the paper (page 47-48 in the APA manual).

EDP 310 ASU Examining a Motivation Drive Grades Discussion


Identify some area where you want to examine your motivation more deeply.PurposeLearning activities provide a low-stakes opportunity for students to engage deeply in the learning content.Requirement(s)Draw or diagram your expectancies, values, and costs.AssessmentRubric


Identify some area where you want to examine your motivation more deeply (TIP: Go back to Module 1 Learning Activity and reflect on what you noted at the beginning of the class).


Draw or diagram your expectancies, values, and costs associated with that drive (i.e., complete a cost benefit analysis). You may use paper/pencil (take a picture and insert into a word doc) or a digital diagramming tool (like shapes in powerpoint). You can represent the analysis in any way that makes sense to you (e.g., t-chart, a scale with weights, table, flow chart, concept map), but you must include some indicator of what you identify as expectancies, values, and costs (e.g., color coding, labeling, to identify which is which) and multiple aspects aligned with each one (e.g., 4 expectancies, 2 values, 6 costs). At the end in 3-5 sentences, you should reflect on: a) whether this cost benefit analysis would predict you as motivated OR not, and b) what can you change to improve your motivations in the future. 

Business Prospectus Work Plan


This activity will help you prepare to write your business prospectus.

Work Plan

Prepare a work plan to guide the writing of your business prospectus. This work plan should be formatted as a memo and include the following sections:

  • A statement of the problem you plan to solve with your business and/or the opportunity that your business stands to take advantage of,
  • A statement of the purpose for the business prospectus itself, DO NOT WRITE A STATEMENT OF PURPOSE FOR YOUR BUSINESS. This statement should explain the purpose of the business prospectus document.
  • A description of the audience for the prospectus.
    • Describe the needs, values, and attitudes of the people you envision as the audience for the prospectus.
    • What kinds of logic, reasoning, and evidence will they find convincing?
    • What will the prospectus need to do in order to convince the audience to invest with you?
  • A discussion of the tasks involved in writing the business prospectus. This section should include the following:
    • a summary of the research plan that you began to develop last week
    • any additional research that you have decided is necessary
  • A detailed schedule of tasks, including start and end dates. Be sure to outline each task. Doing this will help you stay on schedule for the project itself. 

Art Artistic Movements Futurism & the Manifesto Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a art question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

This discussion is about connecting avant-garde art in the early 20th century with manifestoes, which were important statements written by artists to declare the goals and outlooks of their artistic movements.

Also, this activity gives you a chance to practice some of the skills you will use on your Virtual Exhibition.

Read, Look, Think, Post

  1. Read Marinetti’s Manifesto of Futurism from 1909. Use it to start your post by summing up the purpose and structure of Marinetti’s argument. Select one quote that for you best conveys the spirit of the manifesto. Post it and explain what it made you think about futurism.
  2. Go online to a major museum — good choices are the Museum of Modern Art New York, the Tate Gallery London, the Getty Museum Los Angeles, the Pompidou in France — and find a futurist artwork that you find interesting and is not in the textbook. Post the image or link to the image and explain what you find significant about the image. Use a quote from Marinetti that applies to the artwork. Explain what elements in the art work embody the futurist ideals cherished by Marinetti. 

SDSU Older Henry search through the basement of the Panama Hotel Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a english discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

In our novel, Hotel . . .,  what do you think of older Henry’s search through the basement of the  Panama Hotel? The author makes it clear that he is at least open to  finding relics belonging to (or at least relating to) Keiko. Do you  think this is “okay”? We are told that Henry had been devoted to his  late wife, Ethel, and that he had taken care of her when she was ill and  dying. We are also told,” But his sweet Ethel was gone now, and with it  his responsibility to her” (64).

This leads to a more general  question: how soon is “too soon” to move on from a (good) relationship  that happens to end (tragically, perhaps)? Does society have the same  rules/standards for older people and younger people? What are your own  views on this topic? (Perhaps you know of someone, even a family member,  who has experienced the loss of a spouse/partner. Did this person “move  on” with their life, and if so, how? What was the reaction of people  close to them? Supportive? Judgemental? etc.)

Rasmussen College Module 02 Nutrients Presentation


Module 02 Content

  1. As you may recall, nutrients are divided into the following six (6) categories:

    • Carbohydrates
    • Lipids (Fats)
    • Proteins
    • Vitamins
    • Minerals
    • Water

    For this assignment, you will need to develop an informative PowerPoint presentation that could be used to teach your classmates about a variety of nutrients from the nutrient categories (above).

    1. Your PowerPoint presentation should:

    1. Have a title slide.
    2. Contain at least 6 content slides.
    3. Reflect proper spelling and grammar.
    4. Cite at least 2 credible references and present the sources in APA format on a References slide.
    5. 2. Choose five (5) specific nutrients from within the nutrient categories listed above. You may choose either:
    6. a mixture of five (5) macro and micro nutrients
    7. For example, you can use 2 macronutrients (such as lipids and carbohydrates) and 3 micronutrients (such as specific vitamins and minerals)
    8. five (5) different vitamins or minerals
    9. For example, 2 vitamins (such as A and D), 2 major minerals (such as sodium, calcium, and potassium), and 1 trace mineral (such as zinc)
    10. 3. For each of the nutrients you selected, create content slides that address the following:
    11. Explain the function(s) of the nutrient within the body.
    12. Describe how the nutrient is metabolized (where primarily digested, absorbed, and transported) within the body.
    13. Identify the current Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for the nutrient for an average adult.

ENC 1101 Valencia Physician Shortage Within the Context of Improving Care and Lowering Cost Paper


Thesis Statement: Healthcare costs become much higher due to the high demand for healthcare but the insufficient supply of physicians.

  • Research Question: What effects arise from physician shortages within the context of improving care and lowering costs in the United States?
  • Sources: 
  • Buonsenso, Danilo, Cristina De Rose, and Luca Pierantoni. “Doctors’ shortage in adults COVID-19 units: a call for pediatricians.” European Journal of Pediatrics 180.7 (2021): 2315-2318.
  • Fodeman, Jason, and Phil Factor. “Solutions to the primary care physician shortage.” The American journal of medicine 128.8 (2015): 800-801.
  • Eugene Fibuch, M. D., and B. D. S. Arif Ahmed. “Physician turnover: a costly problem.” Physician Leadership Journal 2.3 (2015): 22.

“How Do US Health Costs Compare to Costs in Other Countries?” Help Hope Live, 28 Jan.2020,

Ladika, S. “The Health Care Industry.” CQ Researcher by CQ Press.

Rapfogel, Nicole, and Emily Gee. “A Public Health Care Option Would Help Average Americans.” Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2022. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints,

Pratt, Lindsay. Where are the Physicians? Preventing A Physician Shortage and Curtailed Healthcare. iUniverse. 2007.

Zerehi, M. Renee. How is a Shortage of Primary Care Physicians Affecting the Quality and Cost of Medical Care? A Comprehensive Evidence Review. American College of Physicians, 2008.

ENG 2030 University of North Carolina at Pembroke Literary Genres Paper


Choose 1 work that we have read. Identify a character, theme, point of view, setting, symbol, other figurative language, etc. you want to write about from the text.

For this paper, you will choose any one literary work we have read for analysis

you have to pick, book wise, between A dollhouse by henrik ibsen, omelas by ursula leguin, A&P 1961 by john Umpdike ( I personally recommend), or the Jewelry 1883 by Guy de Maupassant (the second most recommended).

You will identify ONE aspect of the text to analyze in your paper.  (See list above)

Locate at least ONE SECONDARY SOURCE to support your analysis.

  • Follow the organization plan (outline) below
  • INTRODUCTION to the text and the element(s) or aspect of the text you have chosen to analyze (1 -2 paragraph)
  • BACKGROUND: BRIEF summary of the text you have chosen (1 paragraph)
  • MAIN IDEA 1: Describe and  cite specific examples from the text that supports your claim.  Explain how the examples support your interpretation. Bring in your secondary source for support. (1 -2 paragraph)
  • MAIN IDEA 2: Describe and  cite specific examples from the text that supports your claim.  Explain how the examples support your interpretation. Bring in your secondary source for support.  (1 -2 paragraph)
  • CONCLUSION (1 paragraph)

CUNY Brooklyn College The Engagement of Youths in Anti Racism Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me learn.

For the reading you should address the following points:

In 2 or 3 sentences, describe what you think the central point, claim, or thesis of the reading is.

Hints for identifying a reading’s thesis:

What question does this reading attempt to answer? Hint: the day’s topic might help you situate the reading.

In journal articles authors might signal their thesis with terms like: “I/we argue…” or “I/we find…”

In another 2 or 3 sentences, describe how this reading impacted your understanding of children and youth studies and the phenomena presented

For example, how did the reading affirm or refute your own or commonly held beliefs, alter your thinking, create uncomfortable moments, surprise you, prompt you to discuss the topic with other people, remind you of something, etc.?

In 2-3 sentences, identify sentences or an area that (1) you were puzzled by, (2) areas that you would like to learn more about, or (3) questions that you think the authors could have asked. This area can concern the topic and/or research method used to study the topic.

This should be concise (about 9 sentences for each article), and must include answers to the questions above.