CUNY Brooklyn College The Engagement of Youths in Anti Racism Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me learn.

For the reading you should address the following points:

In 2 or 3 sentences, describe what you think the central point, claim, or thesis of the reading is.

Hints for identifying a reading’s thesis:

What question does this reading attempt to answer? Hint: the day’s topic might help you situate the reading.

In journal articles authors might signal their thesis with terms like: “I/we argue…” or “I/we find…”

In another 2 or 3 sentences, describe how this reading impacted your understanding of children and youth studies and the phenomena presented

For example, how did the reading affirm or refute your own or commonly held beliefs, alter your thinking, create uncomfortable moments, surprise you, prompt you to discuss the topic with other people, remind you of something, etc.?

In 2-3 sentences, identify sentences or an area that (1) you were puzzled by, (2) areas that you would like to learn more about, or (3) questions that you think the authors could have asked. This area can concern the topic and/or research method used to study the topic.

This should be concise (about 9 sentences for each article), and must include answers to the questions above.

Cuyamaca College Education System Essay


Due Date:



This journal is a sort of pre-writing for our next essay. To complete, please answer the following question in about a page.

  1. This essays asks you to choose a “particular controversy within your theme/topic that you believe is ripe for such an analysis.” What controversies/topics come to mind? Try to list at least three possibilities?
  2. Once you have selected a topic (or for now, a few possibilities), you will need to “select artifacts from the various perspectives on the issue to demonstrate your points.” Where might you look for these? Do you have any ideas about what artifacts you might use? (Reminder: You will probably only want one to two artifacts (probably one a piece) for each perspective; furthermore, it usually works best if both artifacts are of the same medium and/or genre (e.g. speech compared to speech, essay compared to essay, podcast compared to podcast, etc.)
  3. How do you feel about your understanding of the prompt here? Being able to write the essay? What questions do you have?

If you need help submitting this assignment, please refer back to Understanding Your Assignment and the Canvas Guide to Submitting an Assignment.

SQU Omani Cinderella Story Literary Analysis Report


Kindly write a Literary Analysis report of 550-750 words about the story attached “Omani Cinderella (Folktale Reading)”. 

1. Introduction : Add a thesis statement at the end of the paragraph

2. Body: should be 3 paragraphs, each about an element of fiction or literary device

A. paragraph 1: (Plot)

1. Raising action:

  • the Burnell’s children share their news. ” quote evidence from the story in quotation marks”
  • Not telling the lower-class Kelvey. ” quote evidence from the story in quotation marks”
  1. Climax:
    • Inviting the Kelvey girl to see the Doll’s House. ” quote evidence from the story in quotation marks”
  2. Resolution:
    • The Kelvey sisters left happy and satisfied. ” quote evidence from the story in quotation marks”
    • As our Else saw the lamp, she made a special connection with Kezia. ” quote evidence from the story in quotation marks”

B. paragraph 2: Symbolism

  1. Kezia: innocence ” quote evidence from the story in quotation marks”
  2. The Doll’s house: Elite classes ” quote evidence from the story in quotation marks”
  3. Lamp: kindness, truth ” quote evidence from the story in quotation marks”

C. paragraph 3: Theme

1. Social class and prejudice. ” quote evidence from the story in quotation marks”

2. Innocence. ” quote evidence from the story in quotation marks”

4. Conclusion: 

  1. Significance       to Omani Culture
    1. Class        distinction.
    2. Parent’s effect. 

OSU Technical Description Mars 2020 Perseverance Paper


chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/viewer.html? sure to address the following as you analyze the technical description that you have chosen:

  1. Who are the primary, secondary, tertiary, and gatekeeper readers?
  2. What are the contexts of use for the technical description?
  3. Who or what is being excluded (either intentionally or unintentionally) by the document’s focus? Are there economic, political, or social implications, issues, or dimensions that are avoided, overlooked, or ignored? Who benefits from what is included and/or left out of the document? Who is disadvantaged by these inclusions/omissions?

Additionally, you might choose to address some of the questions below:

  • Does the technical description have a specific and precise title?
  • Does the technical description begin with an introduction that sets the framework or context of the rest of the document?
  • Does the technical description define the subject of the document?
  • Is the purpose of the document clear?
  • Is there an overall claim or main point to the document?
  • Is the importance of the subject clear?
  • Is there a list of major features, functions, and/or stages, and is the list comprehensive?
  • Is the subject described by providing sensory information, analogies, similes, and/or metaphors?
  • Is there a conclusion that puts the subject “in motion” and shows the reader how the subject will work when it’s in operation?

Grand Canyon University Arizonas Language Development Approach Analysis


Arizona’s instructional program for English language learners is based on four principles called Arizona’s Language Development Approach. According to the Arizona Department of Education, these principles are based on the core idea that “all educators share the responsibility for promoting the success of English learners.”

Choose one of the following deliverables to complete this assignment:

10-12 slide digital presentation, including presenter’s notes with documentation of resources and a title slide

3-5 minute video, include the video link, script, and documentation of resources in a separate document

  • Webpage, including documentation of resources in a separate document along with the digital link
  • Utilizing the deliverable of your choice, present the following information about Arizona’s Language Development Approach to general classroom teachers:
  • Part 1: Terminology

Explain Arizona’s definition of an English learner (EL).

Briefly discuss the distinctions between the following instructional program models: ESL, bilingual, sheltered English instruction, and structured English immersion (SEI).

Part 2: Four Principles of Arizona’s Language Development Approach

  • Briefly describe Arizona’s Language Development Approach and the synthesis of the research around ELLs.
  • Explain student agency and its importance in the instruction of ELLs.

Explain each of the four principles of Arizona’s Language Development Approach.

Discuss components of Arizona’s approved research-based SEI models: Newcomer, Pull-Out, Two Hour, 50-50 Dual Language Immersion.

WU Sandbox Practice Space Essay


Sandbox Practice Space: Variable Definition and Survey Item Writing

If nothing else, research is a systematic process that demands the observers be meticulously objective about the steps taken. The process ensures that the researcher is able to conclude with an accurate assessment of the answers to the proposed questions in a manner that is replicable. Each step logically follows the preceding one. It is also pertinent that researchers remain open to and seek peer feedback, as all research falls victim to limitations. Therefore, this assignment allows us to examine the foundation of our research while simultaneously receiving feedback from fellow classmates.

Sandbox Practice Space: Variable Definition and Survey Item Writing

If nothing else, research is a systematic process that demands the observers be meticulously objective about the steps taken. The process ensures that the researcher is able to conclude with an accurate assessment of the answers to the proposed questions in a manner that is replicable. Each step logically follows the preceding one. It is also pertinent that researchers remain open to and seek peer feedback, as all research falls victim to limitations. Therefore, this assignment allows us to examine the foundation of our research while simultaneously receiving feedback from fellow classmates.

Los Angeles Mission College Racism in US Medicine Discussion


Question/prompt: In 2008, when Barack Obama was elected to the U.S. presidency, many media and public figures declared that the United States had become a “post-racial society”, essentially declaring that racism was no longer significant in the United States. Use your essay to challenge this claim — that is discuss the persistence of racism in medicine and society in the United States, past and present — drawing on the readings by Alang et al, Frances-Paredes et al, Benz, and Heintzelman.

Instructions: Your essay(s) should be typed, double-spaced, and a minimum of 800 words (no maximum length). Although grammar and writing style are not explicitly part of the grading criterion, your essays should be read-able and reasonably well-organized. Your citations may be either parenthetically in-text or in footnotes or endnotes. Since your citations will be course materials, you do not need to include a distinct bibliography. Citations should at minimum include the author and year (where applicable), and if quotations are used, the page number. Citations may conform to any disciplinary style you choose (e.g. ASA, APA, MLA), so long as you use one style consistently. There are no other formatting requirements that are not explicitly specified here.

SOSC 2000 University of Malakand Mental Health Interview Transcript


Make an interview record of 2000 words according to my information and requirements. And all the information files is upload for you. Read carefully. Thank you.

You should plan to spend approximately 40 minutes to 1 hour doing your interview, survey or photovoice. Questions should be based on an attitude of respect for the interview subject and appreciation for the time they have given to you.

You must tell your research participant who you are and that you are doing the research as part of an assignment in a York University undergraduate course. You must also tell your participant that a pseudonym will be used instead of their real name in your project report. You are required to inform your participant that they have the right to terminate the interview/survey at any time or to decline to answer any questions.

As you analyze your data, reflect and record the following, which will be pertinent to your final project: 1) what themes arose in your data? 2) how does this data help you better understand your research topic? 3) use the concepts/ideas/theories from your methodology to contextualize your results, and 4) what questions/concerns arose for you during the research process?

University of Lethbridge Strategic Training and Development Presentation


choose a current event that deals with 

Strategic approach to training; training vs. development

Orientation versus onboarding

Principles of learning·       

  • In order to be considered current, the event should be one that has been newsworthy in the past few months (e.g. SINCE June 1st, 2021) – event can be Canadian or international.  ·        

Make a concerted effort to select an article that is challenging for you and relates to the subject matter of this class. 

  • Make sure to find an article with substantial information or one that you can find additional information/related facts about it.  The issue discussed MUST have an impact on the organizational employees and you should be able to discuss the issue from an HR perspective·        

Your article may come from a printed newspaper or online news source. Resources Appendix at the end of this assignment lists several sources for your articles.

  • Learning objectives and a call to action 

Summary of article/event, HR issues in current event that tie to the course material, how this issue could affect demands made on HR, options on how to address HR issues and your recommendations.

Possible sources for current relevant articles  Financial PostForbesFortuneGlobe and MailHR Executive OnlineCanadian HR ReporterMacleansMontreal GazetteWall Street JournalWashington Post

Sofia University State Diagrams of DFAs Recognizing the Languages Questions


Diagrams may be drawn by hand or JFLAP.

Give the state diagrams of DFAs recognizing the following languages over ? = {0,1}:



{?, 1, 001}

Give the state diagrams of DFAs recognizing the following languages over ? = {0,1}:

{w : w contains exactly two 1’s}

{w : |w| ? 5}

Give the state diagrams of DFAs recognizing the following languages over ? = {0,1}:

{w : w has prefix 110}

{w : w has suffix 110}

{w : w contains the substring 110}

Give the state diagrams of DFAs recognizing the following languages over ? = {0,1}:

{w : w does not contain substring 11}

{w : every odd position of w is a 0}

Give the state diagrams of DFAs recognizing the following languages over ? = {x, y, z}:

{w : w contains at least two x’s and at most two y’s}

{w : w begins with prefix xy and ends with suffix yz}

Give the state diagrams of NFAs with the specified number of states recognizing the following languages over ? = {0, 1}:

{w : every odd position of w is a 0} with two states

{w : w begins and ends with the same symbol} with five states

{w : w does not contain the substring 011} with four states