Student Culture Disability Identity Paper


Hi Buddy

How do we think about disability identity/ development?

What resources are available for disabled students to explore identity and community?

please Buddy do not use other readings.


ideas for final ( just the topic )

this is the final question for the final I just need the topic we will work on it so I tell the teacher before we start

For your final project, you will act as a consultant hired to deliver informed recommendations on how to reframe disability in practice, policy, curriculum or research. For example, you may choose to explore how disability representation and accessibility can be improved in one: event, policy, website, syllabus, program, etc.

please respond to the following in your report:

Describe the event, policy, website, or program, etc.

How is disability currently framed and represented? Describe its accessibility.

What are the implications for disabled and non-disabled users or participants?

How would you recommend disability be reframed and/or access be improved and why?

How can disability be centered in this initiative?

Summarize relevant national benchmarking and best practices. Describe what are other campuses doing to address this or a similar issue.

Include detailed and informed recommendations on how and why the University should implement your proposal.

Samsung Galaxy S22 Screen Damage Letter


  1. The final draft must be typed.Said link will become unavailable after the due date for the final draft.DUE DATES: Audience Analysis*: with the claim letterIf you submit your first draft by April 14, at the end of the day, it will be graded by April 17, at the end of the day, and you will be able to resubmit it by the due date listed below. Submission of a first draft is optional. You will receive a grade and feedback for your first draft, and if you are satisfied with the grade, you will not have to submit a final draft. If you would like to improve your grade, you will have the opportunity to make revisions and submit the final draft by the due date listed below.Claim Letter: April 18, at the end of the dayPart 2 will become available once you submitted the claim letter to this link. It is therefore important that you allow an additional 45-90 minutes to complete Part 2. * The audience analysis should consist of a paragraph that details who you expect will be the primary and secondary audience for the claim letter. Project 4-AC-updated.pptx
    Project 4-AC-updated.pdf

Texas Southern University Operant Conditioning Psychology Discussion


 choose a behavior of yours or someone else’s that you would like to change through operant conditioning.  Examples include overeating, getting a child to clean up his room, or stopping your dog from chewing up your shoes. Answer the following questions in the form of a 2-3 page paper: 

What is the behavior that you are trying to change? Describe the behavior. 

How would you apply operant conditioning to change this behavior? Would you use positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment or negative punishment?

  • Is your goal to increase or decrease the behavior?
  • What will you use as reinforcers or punishers? Are they primary or secondary reinforcers/punishers?
  • If you choose to reinforce the behavior- What schedule of reinforcement will you use? What pattern of responding would you expect this schedule of reinforcement to produce?  OR
  • If you choose to punish the behavior- What problems might result from using punishment to change the behavior? What steps would you take to address these problems?
  • What would you expect to happen to the behavior if the reinforcer/punisher were removed?
  • Does research support your method of changing the behavior? Discuss the empirically-supported methods of changing your selected behavior.  Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed journal articles.

Walden University Fetal Alcohol Syndrome PSA Discussion


For this task, you will use your critical thinking skills to prepare a script for a public service announcement that creates an awareness of the risk for FAS for pregnant women.

  • Define and illustrate Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
  • Provide current statistics on this syndrome.
  • Mention how much alcohol intake (if any) is considered safe during pregnancy.
  • Provide a phone number, website, or agency that can provide assistance or additional information.

The PSA will be 30 seconds, so you will need to read and time the script to make sure it will fit within this time frame.

Length: The script should be long enough to cover a 30-second radio spot.

Resources: Support the information in your handout with at least 3 scholarly references.

Your PSA should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy. Include reference citations along with a brief list of references at the end of the PSA.

Note: You are not required to record the PSA; . The script is all that is required for this assignment.

RLMT 307 AMU WK 6 A Foodservice Supply Chain Can Be Made Sustainable Discussion


Define a Food Service Supply Chain and how it can be made sustainable

Identify a supply chain in food or beverage and how you would make that supply chain sustainable.

Week 7 

Case Study – Teds Box

This is a fun exercise and helps get inside your experience with Food and Case Study

Watch the TEDSBOX video.

Describe how new packaging such as the TEDSBOX may lead to better management of returns in the food and beverage industry.To see more information about TEDSBOX, see below link.



Week 5 

What advantages has containerization in maritime shipping brought ?Are there any parallels with the air freight industry ?

Week 6

Briefly describe the role of the Third Party Logistics Provider (3PL). What advantages do 3PLs bring ?Are there any disadvantages to a company in outsourcing its logistics functions to a 3PL?

Week 7

The Hub and Spoke Concept continues its development in the various modes of transportation (Maritime, Air, Truck, and Rail). Describe some of the key advantages this concept brings to the various modes of transportation.

Week 8

Describe the concept of “Economies of Scale” as it relates to the transportation industry. What advantages has economies of scale brought to transportation? Can you think of any disadvantages?

EDUC 402 University of Montana Children & Early Childhood Discussion


Part 1:

1) You will look at three websites that describe the physical development of children in early childhood:

The Growing Child: 3 year olds

Fine Motor Skills: 2-5 year olds

Gross Motor Skills: 2-5 year olds

2) Locate an image or video that highlights or shows a child or children exhibiting some of the indicators of physical development at this stage in life. In the image or video that you locate, what do you notice about that child’s environment that might help them physically develop? Is anyone else around them? Are there any other objects or supports/people around to help that child?

3 )Include a one paragraph discussion about what you think educators can do to support physical development and growth at this age range.

Part 2:

You are to go through the slide deck and respond to all the prompts in the slide that ask you to reflect. They are highlighted. Please include thoughtful responses that reflect your thinking and connection to the content/readings. You will also attach the table in slide 27 below.

MTSU The Air France Airbus A330 203 Registrations F GZCP Essay


write a 7 page APA paper (5 pages of content, 1 title page
and 1 reference page). The paper will ask you to correlate themes and/or topics covered in your text
reading with one specific aviation accident described in Chapter 1 of the textbook. Thus, completing this
paper will require you to study one accident in depth. Below are your goals for your paper:
1. Give a brief description of the accident, to include the probable cause(s) as identified by the
NTSB accident report and any post-accident information provided by the FAA. Several high
profile accidents are provided in Chapter 1 of the text book.

2. Identify at least two themes or topics throughout the optional text that are somehow related to
an accident of your choice. The associated accident must be related to an air carrier (Part 121,
125, or 135). Explain how those topics/themes were associated with the accident, citing both
the author of the optional text as well as the source of accident information (such as FAA or

3. As a conclusion to the paper, describe what you learned from your optional text, as well as
potential actions related to the two themes/topics that were associated with your accident

GC Growth vs Fixed Mindset Discussion


In this activity, we will explore Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset. No one is perfect. In fact, everyone in this COUN 095 course has experienced some level of setback that brought you to this class. The question is… what is your current mindset because you are required to take this class? Do you view it as a failure or as an opportunity to learn and grow?


  1. Watch the short 2-minute video on Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset (Links to an external site.).
  2. After watching the video on Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset write a paragraph about your thoughts and feelings. Use this as an opportunity to learn more about yourself. Remember that your response is confidential so only I (Professor) will be reading your answers. Feel free to engage in deep self-reflection. Be sure to address the following in your paragraph:
    1. Write about one thing you have learned from the video, and be sure to discuss how you will apply it to your life moving forward.
    2. Write about one of your past failures. Then discuss the valuable life lesson you learned from the perceived failure you described.

Nur 2063 RU Colon Cancer Essay


Identify a person you know who has an immune system disorder or cancer. Review content in your text for potential types of disorders.

Interview the affected person and write a 3-5 page paper identifying your findings including:

  • Identify the pathophysiology of the immune system disorder
  • Discuss the treatment for the immune system disorder
  • Summarize the findings of the interview.
  • Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings or identify therapies that may be new or different from what the affected person may be using. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, textbooks, reference texts, and CINAHL nursing guides. You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide
  • Questions you may want to use to guide your interview:
    1. How would you describe your immune system disorder?
    2. How long have you had this disorder?
    3. How has this disorder changed your life (home and work)?
    4. Are you able to carry out daily activities independently?
    5. What treatments are you using to manage this disorder?
    6. What side effects have you experienced with the treatments?
    7. How has this disorder changed your body?
    8. How has this disorder impacted you emotionally?
    9. Have alternative therapies, such as Eastern medicine (acupuncture, herbal treatment, yoga) been tried or recommended?

OLLU Process Recording Accommodation Program for Client with Anger Management Problem Analysis


  • Provide a transcript of what happened during your field education experience, including a dialogue of interaction with a client.
  • Explain your interpretation of what occurred in the dialogue, including social work practice or theories, and explain how it might relate to evaluation covered this week.
  • Describe your reactions and/or any issues related to your interaction with a client during your field education experience.
  • Explain how you applied social work practice skills when performing the activities during your process recording.

Client is an African American male who got into a big fight at school and in the process of the fight, he stated that he would blow the school up. Client denies saying that he would blow the school up but does have anger problems. Client has a 1 year old son that he is trying to get out of the group home to get back to. Client was courted ordered to be at the group home and has to receive his General Education Diploma to be released. Client sessions will involved talking with the intern for this session. Client can be named John Doe. Can we use only one intervention and theory for the process recording.