GC Video Discussion


In this activity, we will explore Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset. No one is perfect. In fact, everyone in this COUN 095 course has experienced some level of setback that brought you to this class. The question is… what is your current mindset because you are required to take this class? Do you view it as a failure or as an opportunity to learn and grow?


  1. Watch the short 2-minute video on Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset (Links to an external site.).
  2. After watching the video on Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset write a paragraph about your thoughts and feelings. Use this as an opportunity to learn more about yourself. Remember that your response is confidential so only I (Professor) will be reading your answers. Feel free to engage in deep self-reflection. Be sure to address the following in your paragraph:
    1. Write about one thing you have learned from the video, and be sure to discuss how you will apply it to your life moving forward.
    2. Write about one of your past failures. Then discuss the valuable life lesson you learned from the perceived failure you described.

Sdsu Art The Pop Art Nun Film Review

Question Description

I’m working on a art writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Here is a YouTube Video called “Corita Kent: The Pop Art Nun / KCET” released last year, in 2021. Here is the link to the video by the way (you will need to copy the link, and paste it onto a separate tab/web browser most likely):

This YouTube Video is about 18 minutes total. 

Please watch the video and turn in a short written film review on it.

The Film Review you write should be at least one page long, double spaced, with 12 point font.

Have this film review be about what you liked about the film, as well as what you disliked.

Also, talk about how you think the film was made, and how you think it could have been made better.

Put yourselves in the director and writer’s shoes; how would you make it different?

In addition to your film review, please include one screen-shot from the film in your film review.

In other words, take a Screenshot somewhere during the film, and add that to your film review.

Have that visual guide your film review as well.  

Social Stratification & Impact of Policy Alternatives and Social Movements Discussion


choose a topic relating to individuals or a group affected by issues of social stratification and the impact of policy alternatives and social movements. The assignments will investigate written materials such as books, journal articles, original documents, etc. This paper will be at least 7- 10 pages (not including the References section), double-spaced with 7-10 references cited to provide an in-depth investigation of the topic, and to include a critical analysis of the area under investigation. All papers should include a description of the significance of the issue or topic, a statement of the problem examined, a critical review of the literature, a description of the issue and its implications for policy and practice drawn from a social movement. Papers will be evaluated on content, clarity, and quality of research, as well as use of appropriate English composition. This paper is not a reflection of personal experiences or personal history, but rather research based. Examples of the term paper done before attached below & also 1 article already on this topic.

1.What is the problem

2.discussion of literature

3.suggestions, solutions, social movements whats the next steps for prevention

my topic:Health care Discrimination towards African American Women

Western Carolina University 9 Step Approach to Business Strategy Paper


Below is the 9 step approach of a business. Your job is in the description below. I am a member of the University football team so you can use that and I’m also a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated. If you have an idea I’m happy to listen about what organization you think could also be a good fit.

You will select an organization (your current organization or department, or an organization/association you are a member of) and apply the pertinent portions of the 9-step approach to revise or create a strategy to be implemented. Be certain to include the strategic thinking skills and tools necessary for the leaders to implement this plan.

Step 1 Gather strategic intelligence 41 Pg

Step 2 Assess strategic capability 47 Pg

Step 3 Create strategic knowledge 63 Pg

Step 4 Make strategic predictions 64 Pg

Step 5 Develop a strategic vision 67 Pg

Step 6 Create strategic options 72 Pg

Step 7 Take Strategic decisions 83 Pg

Step 8 Create and communicate market-led strategy 92 Pg

Step 9 Plan and manage projects to implement change 115 Pg

Strategic Thinking by Simon Wootton; Terry Horne Boook

FAU Behavior Change Research & Summaries Question


Submit a two page, single spaced report, that includes your behavior change, rationale for the change (supported by three scientific, peer- reviewed references), a written plan on how you are going to execute the change, journal entries, and a conclusion (did it work, how do you feel, etc…). For the journal entries, you should type up notes that document your change. One entry per week for a total of four will suffice. In addition to your two written pages, you are to include a cover page and a reference page in APA format.

Your sources need to be cited in text.For this assignment, you are to modify a current behavior based on your study of weight management over 30 days. As the term applies, this does not have to be about weight loss. While you can use this assignment to lose weight, you can also use it to gain weight, find a healthier diet like the DASH or Mediterranean Diet, or try a new dietary strategy such as intermittent fasting. You could also do something as simple as giving up fast food or red meat for the 30 days.

GCU Philip Freneau Nathaniel Hawthorne & Harriet Jacobs Narrative and Literary Analysis


The Scenario: Imagine Philip Freneau, Harriet Jacobs, and Nathaniel Hawthorne have been transported magically to Plymouth Rock in 1692. What would they say to each other? About what would they agree? About what would they disagree?

Your Task: First, write a 400-500-word narrative that creatively portrays what Freneau, Jacobs, and Hawthorne would say to each other about the historical, cultural, and political events they find themselves surrounded by in 17th century New England. How would their observations of the era differ from each other? How might they be similar? In this section, do not spend any time on exposition: in other words, do not try to explain how they were able to transcend time and space to be together, and do not waste words on small talk.. Assume that the authors are familiar with each other’s work and viewpoints.

Second, write a 1,250-1,500-word paper that analyzes why these authors would interact in the way you describe in the narrative section.

Choose selections of each of the three author’s writings and interpret what their position might be on some aspect of the historical, cultural, and political events of the Puritan era in New England.



UA Understanding Shakespeare Works through Contemporary Perspective Questions


1] “Seeing is believing,” we’re sometimes told. Consider the problems of evidence in Shakespeare’s plays. Characters often come to strong conclusions about the beliefs, feelings, or actions of other characters, but on what basis? Take two of the plays we’ve studied and show how one (or more) of the characters in each comes to believe what s/he does. What does s/he want to know? Why? What steps lead him/her to certainty? In the end, should s/he believe what s/he does? What does Shakespeare seem to be implying about the search for truth?

2] Love would seem to be a human universal, but is it? Early modern people had some ideas on it that we don’t share, and Shakespeare, clearly, had a few ideas of his own. Choose two plays. In each, choose a couple (for instance, Hermia and Lysander). For each couple, show how this playwright portrays their love. What causes this love? What problems does it run into? Can those problems be resolved? Why or why not? Show how, from a modern point of view, this love either seems “real” or how it doesn’t. Or is this the right question?

ITS 831 UC The Rise in Competitive Technologies & Blockchain Guarantees Essay


During this session, we looked at several topics on Strategic IT planning and strategy

We examined researchers, models, and issues in the area, and as you get closer to starting your own dissertation, you will need to choose a topic in your first dissertation class DSRT-736, so it is essential to start preparing.

This week, let us take a look at some topics to consider, and by the end of the week, we could have several ideas for dissertation topics.

Since you have already examined several research articles, another way would be to examine previous dissertations in these areas.

Visit the University of Cumberland’s library, go to the Dissertation Database, and locate an interesting topic on IT atrategy, or examine a model presented this term.

Here are some pointers that will help critically evaluate some viable topics.

Is the topic attainable for a first-time dissertation student?

Is the problem rooted in the literature?

Is the research empirical, i.e., is there a survey, is there an interview guide, has the data been analyzed via some statistical tool?

Is there a theoretical model or framework discussed?

Discuss the topic, the problem the model has been used in the research, and any present findings.

Miami Dade College Human Rights Spectrum Discussion


Students will write a 2 pages essay analyzing one of the topics addressed on the Contemporary issues: Human Rights spectrum.  

The student will be free to choose any of the topics discussed as well as the moral/ethical approaches discussed.

The assignment will test the ability to analyze in depth these complex matters, not just understanding the social and political impact of the topic but also on the ability to express clearly the ability to make strong and evidenced arguments of the student.

The writing will be evaluated for clarity and proper handling of terms, phrases, and concepts addressed up to this date. APA style will be required https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/.

1. First Page: Description of the problem (statistics, fact, description of the problem selected: Abortion, Death Penalty, Immigration, Legalization of weed, Environmental issues, etc.

2. Second Page: YOUR ETHICAL POSITION, Why do you think what you think? Do you have an ethical dilemma about it? Has your ethical position changed in any way? If your religous beliefs have influenced your ethical position you can designate ONE paragraph to explain so, but not more than one paragraph, since this class is Ethics and not Theology.

GC Article Exploring Opportunities for Lifelong Learning Case Study


Social competence is a complex concept consisting of social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral skills. For example, one might change social interactions based on the situational perspective of another individual.

Cultural competency enables organizations to work in cross-cultural situations based on skills, attitudes, behaviors, and policies. For example, it is important to provide health care services that meet the needs of all patients and addresses diversity issues.

In 500-750 words, address why social and cultural competency is critical in the research process. Be sure to address the following prompts: 

  1. Define social and cultural competency
  2. Evaluate the importance of these concepts in terms of social psychological research.
  3. Give an example of a social psychological concept that can be understood from a cross-cultural perspective (e.g., social self, emotion, attitudes, fundamental attribution error, etc.)
  4. Why does cultural competency matter when researching a concept like the one you chose?
  5. Discuss problems that might occur if cross-cultural perspectives are neglected in the research. Be sure to share an example(s). Use two to three scholarly resources to support your explanations.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.