HLT 520 Stanford University Ethics in Health Care Weekly Summaries


  • For Weeks 1,2,3,4,5,6, you may write one paragraph (500 words or more) about what you learned that week.
  • I don’t mean to repeat the DQ responses. Instead, go week by week, read all participation posts and generate a paragraph of 500 words or more about what you learned that week.
  • Repeat for all 6 weeks.

Topic 1: Introduction to Ethics in Health Care


  1. Apply ethical theories to facilitate health care decision making.
  2. Describe the importance of reasoning in the decision-making process
Topic 2: Introduction to Legal Aspects in Health Care


  1. Delineate the elements of an enforceable contract.
  2. Examine the key components of contracts with health care providers.
  3. Describe the role and importance of the credentialing and privileging process.
Topic 3: Legal Issues With Health Care Providers


  1. Analyze the legal and ethical issues in health care.
Topic 4: Regulatory Law


  1. Describe the elements of the Stark laws and their impact on providers.
  2. Apply the requirements of EMTALA law to a case scenario.
Topic 5: Antitrust and Ethical Business Practices


  1. Discuss the importance of ethical business practices.
  2. Describe the three main antitrust statutes.
Topic 6: Employment Law


  1. Examine the concept of employment at will and the public policy exceptions to it.
  2. Identify labor and management rights in a labor dispute.

Psychology Social Psychology Essay


Paper 1: Identifying Social Psychology in Everyday Life. For this paper you are asked to describe 10 examples of social psychological phenomena, processes, or concepts that you spot (or would spot) in an everyday situation. The easiest way to do this is to choose a location where there are people (e.g., a park, a city street, the beach) and observe the people in that location. For each example you choose, make sure to define the phenomenon, process, or concept in your own words followed by a clear description of how the person or people represented or displayed behaviors reflective of the phenomenon, process, or concept. For instance, imagine you saw someone trip and immediately thought that the person must be clumsy, but then you realized that the person tripped over a power cord that was partially covered. In this example, you would use the fundamental attribution error to explain your judgment of the person. Then you would describe the process in which you first made a judgment about the person (she is clumsy), while discounting the situational influence (the partially hidden power cord). Your grade will be based

Harcum College Chatbot Computer Science Discussion


Chapter 12 –discussion question #1-3 & exercise 1 & 12 & 16

Chapter 13- discussion question #1-4 & exercise 3 & 4 & 6

Chapter 12:

discussion question #1-3

1. Some people say that chatbots are inferior for chatting. Others disagree. Discuss.

2. Discuss the financial benefits of chatbots. 

3. Discuss how IBM Watson will reach 1 billion people by 2018 and what the implications of that are.

exercise 1 & 12 & 16:

  • Compare the chatbots of Facebook and WeChat. Which has more functionalities?

12.  Research the role of chatbots in helping patients with dementia.

16. Microsoft partners with the government of Singapore to develop chatbots for e-services. Find out how this is done.

Chapter 13:

discussion question #1-4:

1. Compare the IoT with regular Internet. 

2. Discuss the potential impact of autonomous vehicles on our lives. 

3. Why must a truly smart home have a bot? 

4. Why is the IoT considered a disruptive technology?

exercise 3 & 4 & 6:

3. AT&T is active in smart city projects. Investigate their activities (solutions). Write a summary. 

4. It is said that the IoT will enable new customer service and B2B interactions. Explain how.

6. Find information about Sophia, a robot from Hanson Robotics. Summarize her capabilities.

JTCC The Major Motivations Behind Legalizing Marijuana Analysis


Remember that a good essay has a strong, clear, focused thesis statement. Is your thesis clear, specific, focused?  In the last two units we worked on Developing Ideas and Supporting Ideas. Are you adding information/developing your ideas in each body paragraph? Is there supporting research/information for your ideas? Do you integrate your sources smoothly? Continue working on commenting on quotations/references. Now, in this last unit we are working on connecting paragraphs to the thesis and the Process Write builds on that work.


1. Identify the Thesis Statement. Does it need revision? How/why would you revise the thesis?

2. Identify how “body” paragraphs number 1, 2, and 3 DEVELOP AND SUPPORT the thesis. Be specific. Highlight or underline the specific sentences that provide information and develop and support the thesis. Body paragraphs are NOT the introduction.

3. Do you integrate your quotations/references smoothly into your prose? Do you comment on your quotations/references?

4. What specific words or phrases in each body paragraph connect it to the thesis?

5. Write down each area that you think you might revise AND explain WHY you think it needs revision AND state HOW you will revise it.

ENG 450 UNLV Analytical Essay Proposal Worksheet


Task. For your proposal, please answer the following questions about your final project. If you are still choosing between ideas, you may discuss more than one in your proposal so that you can get feedback on both.

1.Will you be writing an analysis essay or doing a creative project?

  • If analysis, what text will you focus on? What specific topics or questions are you interested in exploring?
  • If creative work, what kind of creative work (poem, series of paintings, podcast, etc.)? What specific topics or questions are you interested in exploring? Which class text(s) will you engage with?

2.Why is this an interesting focus for you and for potential readers?

3.Are there any concerns you have as you begin this process? Anything specific you would like feedback on?

Format. The proposal should be in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with 1 inch margins. Please submit your proposal to MOLE.

Text: “The Best We Could Do” (Chapter 1 – 10) “The Woman Warrior” “Exit West”(Chapter 1 – 12)

I will select writing analysis essay and I am not going to choose “The Woman Warrior”

I have shared a file for your reference

Rasmussen College Nursing Health Assessment Summary


Conduct a health history on a family member or friend. You can use the form located in your Health Assessment lab manual book or from Week Two classroom assignment. You do not need to submit the health history form with your paper. Be sure they give you permission. Using the interviewing techniques learned in Module 2, gather the following information. Use your textbook as your guide.

  • Present Health
  • Past Medical Health
  • Family History
  • Review of Systems

While this is only a partial health history, summarize in 3 -5 pages the information you gathered.

Include your answers to the following questions in the summary:

  1. Was the person willing to share the information? If they were not, what did you do to encourage them?
  2. Was there any part of the interview that was more challenging? If so, what part and how did you deal with it?
  3. How comfortable were you taking a health history?
  4. What interviewing techniques did you use? Were there any that were difficult and if so, how did you overcome the difficulty?
  5. Now that you have taken a health history discuss how this information can assist the nurse in determining the health status of a client.

Meridian Community College Tennessee Williams The Glass Menagerie Discussion


You are to bring up one point of
analysis that you would like to discuss. These things include Theme (not a summary, but the
big-picture idea or concept of the story), Symbolism (when a symbol reflects the story’s theme
and is used as a vessel for delivering the ideas and concepts of a theme), Motifs (a recurring
symbol that drives home the theme’s point), Character Analysis of Antagonists and Protagonists
(use of an individual character, or multiple characters, to show the theme’s point), Setting (how
the scenery, whether overall or just in one part, shows the theme’s point), Point of View (First
Person or Third Person; narrator pronoun use will clue you in here), Genre (short story, poetry,
or drama/play), Sub-genre (comedy, tragedy, epic poetry, thriller, science fiction, romance,
etc.), Tone (reflects the writer’s attitude towards the subject matter or audience of a literary
work), Style (consistency in an individual authors voice or tone throughout multiple works),
Metaphor (comparison of two unlike things using implicit comparisons without using like or as),
Simile (two essential dissimilar objects or concepts are expressly compared using like or as), etc. 

Meridian Community College William Shakespeare Hamlet Discussion


You are to bring up one point of
analysis that you would like to discuss. These things include Theme (not a summary, but the
big-picture idea or concept of the story), Symbolism (when a symbol reflects the story’s theme
and is used as a vessel for delivering the ideas and concepts of a theme), Motifs (a recurring
symbol that drives home the theme’s point), Character Analysis of Antagonists and Protagonists
(use of an individual character, or multiple characters, to show the theme’s point), Setting (how
the scenery, whether overall or just in one part, shows the theme’s point), Point of View (First
Person or Third Person; narrator pronoun use will clue you in here), Genre (short story, poetry,
or drama/play), Sub-genre (comedy, tragedy, epic poetry, thriller, science fiction, romance,
etc.), Tone (reflects the writer’s attitude towards the subject matter or audience of a literary
work), Style (consistency in an individual authors voice or tone throughout multiple works),
Metaphor (comparison of two unlike things using implicit comparisons without using like or as),
Simile (two essential dissimilar objects or concepts are expressly compared using like or as), etc. 

ASU Module 6 Plans for Income Security in Retirement Years Discussion


we learned more about work and retirement as we age. You will use what we learn to assess a loved one’s plans for income security in retirement and then make an educated plan for yourself.

Ask your parents, grandparents, etc. about their plans for income security in their retirement years. Clearly describe this plan. [5 points for Content rubric criteria] 

So far, have their plans worked out? If the plans have been successful, what factors do you think have influenced income security? If the plans have not been successful, could better planning alone have addressed obstacles or shortfalls? Make sure to back up your assessment with the textbook. [5 points for Content rubric criteria] 

What age do you plan on retiring? What will you do when you retire and what will your source(s) of income be during retirement? [5 points for Content rubric criteria] 

  1. Do you plan on using a similar or different approach to retirement security as the individual you interviewed? Explain. [5 points for Content rubric criteria] 
  2. Check-list
  3. Before you submit, did you…
  4. Review the Applied Activities Instructions and Rubric

Write a cohesive, organized (at least) 300-word response to the prompt above

Grossmont College Social & Emotional Development Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a writing practice test / quiz and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

In Module 11, we have spent time focusing on the importance of supporting infants and toddlers Social and Emotional Development. Social and emotional development is a foundational area of development that really sets the stage for later growth and learning!

As a teacher or family child care provider, you have an essential role in supporting infants’ and toddlers’ emotional functioning. Helping young children learn to express a range of emotions and to begin to recognize and interpret the emotions of others begins with nurturing and responsive interactions.  You also support infants and toddlers in understanding that they are part of a community of caring adults and peers– whether that’s your classroom community, or the community in which they live – or both! 

We all know the importance of social and emotional development for infants and toddlersm therefore it is essential for caregivers to reflect on how you can be the kind of adult that supports children’s emotional functioning and their sense of identity and belonging (Head Start, ECLKC, 2017).