Innovative Sustainability & Urbanization Paper
You will research and select an innovative sustainability idea that is designed to minimize the population’s footprint on the environment.
Your paper should be organized as follows:
— Introduce the problem: What impacts are the growing population and urbanization having on the environment?
— Identify the specific problem you will address: While there are many impacts on the environment, your paper will select and focus on one. For example, you might choose to focus on air quality or water consumption or waste accumulation. Tell the reader about the specific problem you will be addressing and why it is a concern for the future.
— Analyze one specific solution to the problem you selected: This is where you will describe the innovative sustainability idea you found in your research. Tell the reader how the sustainability project works and how it will address the problem.
— Conclude by telling the reader where the project is currently being used. Is there an organization promoting the project? Are there any cities that have already implemented the project?
Some ideas of innovative sustainability projects are:
Edible Landscaping
Zero Waste Stores
Household Composting
Farmer’s Markets
Transportation Alternatives
Household Rain Collection Systems
Renewable Energy