Innovative Sustainability & Urbanization Paper


You will research and select an innovative sustainability idea that is designed to minimize the population’s footprint on the environment.

Your paper should be organized as follows:

— Introduce the problem: What impacts are the growing population and urbanization having on the environment?

— Identify the specific problem you will address: While there are many impacts on the environment, your paper will select and focus on one. For example, you might choose to focus on air quality or water consumption or waste accumulation. Tell the reader about the specific problem you will be addressing and why it is a concern for the future.

— Analyze one specific solution to the problem you selected: This is where you will describe the innovative sustainability idea you found in your research. Tell the reader how the sustainability project works and how it will address the problem.

— Conclude by telling the reader where the project is currently being used. Is there an organization promoting the project? Are there any cities that have already implemented the project?

Some ideas of innovative sustainability projects are:

Edible Landscaping

Zero Waste Stores

Household Composting

Farmer’s Markets



Transportation Alternatives

Household Rain Collection Systems

Renewable Energy 

UCI Ignite Essay


You only need to complete the text section, which is about five minutes of speech

You will create an “Ignite” style speech; it s recommended (but not required) that you relate to the subject matter featured in your website or personal statement. This speech does not, nor should not cover every aspect of your subject. Instead, focus on one element/idea/aspect that you can discuss and effectively present in 5 minutes.

Think creatively about your subject. Some possible presentations may include: important theories/studies in your field (explaining the relationship between diet and biochemistry), the different uses of a specific technology or apparatus you use in your studies (why all of the different glass containers in chemistry), , etc… Do NOT create a presentation about yourself or your personal information, though you can use examples you have personally worked on/dealt with. Engage your audience and draw them into your subject matter. Your presentation must have an identifiable thesis that goes beyond simply providing information. At the very least, your thesis should argue as to its importance and what your audience should do with this information.

ART 21 North Lake College John Akomfrah Art Analysis


View at least five short videos from  ART21 You can search for artist’s names by alphabet at the top middle of Art: 21’s homepage. Watch how they work and what they say about their process. Then place one artist in each of the following categories:

Artist most concerned with the  process of making the work.
Artist most concerned with  creativity in the idea for their art or the work itself.
Artist most concerned with  materials
Who  surprised you the most?
List the artists you viewed.

2.Instructions: Compare and contrast art created as a social activity and as a singular creative act.

What are the differences?

Why are they important? 

Do their functions ever overlap? How?

Here are some resources to help you:

The Quilts of Gees Bend

Michael Hayden’s light and sound sculptureThe Sky’s The Limit. Here’s a video of the work.

AIDS Quilt Project. See image below

The Day of The Deadcelebration

Adriaen Coorte’s Strawberries in a Wan Li Bowl (see image below)

Large-scale sculpture


McGill University Take note. Just need minor adjustments. racism and fear of an Empire


Elements: List: The title, setting, narrative point of view, central characters, plot, imagery, irony, tone, theme, one key passage, and a brief personal response to the story.

Below is the question and instructions just incase you need them. I am providing the question plus instructions just incase you need them.

For each text that you read, you are required to write a document

listing a literary elements checklist, including the title, setting, narrative point of view, central
characters, plot, imagery, irony, tone, theme, one key passage, and a brief personal response to the

I have listed the two texts below with links to help you, 

1. Waiting for the barbarians

Waiting for the Barbarians Study Guide – GradeSaver

Waiting for the Barbarians is a political allegory about the paranoia at the roots of imperial narratives and the blood lust of colonial violence. Written during the apartheid era in South Africa, the novel is a heart of darkness fable, reflecting the racism and fear of an Empire with an imagined enemy within.


2 . A small place

A Small Place: Study Guide – SparkNotes

NAU Challenger Disaster President Ronald Reagan Paper


Historical Speech Review

The ability to recognize and explain the elements of the speech communication process is the beginning of truly understanding how to prepare for and deliver effective oral presentations. When we are able to recognize the elements of the communication process, we are then able to think more critically about the other factors involved in the effective delivery of oral presentations.

For this assignment, you will view a historical speech (see below) and explain how the speech uses each of the elements of the communication process identified in the week two discussion.

“The Challenger Disaster” President Ronald Reagan
Cook, R. (Producer). (2005). Great Communicator’s speech: Challenger disaster [Video segment]. In Great Speeches, Volume 5: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, Ronald Reagan, and Robert F. Kennedy. Retrieved from the Films On Demand database.…

  • 1-)Speaker: Who is the speaker in the speech?
  • 2-)Message: What is his/her message?
  • 3-)Channel: What is the channel of the speech?
  • 4-)Interference: What types of interference do you see in the speech?
  • 5-)Setting: What is the setting for the speech?
  • 6-)Audience: Who is the audience for the speech?
  • 7-)Feedback: What feedback do you see in the speech?

FIN 534 Strayer University Financial Management Stock exchanges In the US Paper


  1. Week 2 Activity – Stocks
    Investing in stocks is an option when planning for retirement or other financial management decisions. In this activity, you will research how to evaluate stocks as an investment option.Instructions
    In a 1–2-page paper, please respond to the following:
    1. Explain the differences in stock trading between two different stock exchanges.
      1. Identify two different stock exchanges in the United States.
      2. Describe the similarities and differences between the two stock exchanges.
    2. Explain how a company’s free cash flow impacts its growth potential. Cite the free cash flow of example companies.
      1. Identify one company on each of the two stock exchanges you researched in 1.
      2. Determine the free cash flow from 2019 and 2020 for each company.
      3. What inferences can you draw from the companies’ free cash flow?
    3. Apply financial ratios to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of stocks as investments.
      1. Using the 2019 and 2020 financial statements for both stocks, prepare two financial ratios for each of the following categories: liquidity ratios, asset management ratios, and profitability ratios. You should have a total of six ratios for each stock, per year.
      2. What challenges, strengths, or weaknesses do you see when you examine these ratios??

Shippensburg Benchmarking at Xerox Question


Benchmarking at Xerox

By the late 1970s, Xerox was losing significant market share to its Japanese competitors. Not only were the Japanese products excellent but also, to Xerox’s dismay, they were sold for less than Xerox could manufacture them. Xerox found that it had nine times as many suppliers as the Japanese companies and made seven times as many manufacturing defects. Lead times for new products were twice as long, and production setup times were five times as long as the competitors’.

Xerox introduced benchmarking in 1980. Its processes and practices were benchmarked against the best in and out of its industry. As a result of these efforts, Xerox saved itself. Today, Xerox is a world-class competitor, capable of holding its own in terms of technology, price, service, and customer satisfaction against any competition. Benchmarking at Xerox has reached into every facet of the company and remains a primary feature of the corporation.

Discussion Question

Discuss the following question in class or outside of class with your fellow students:

Using public domain information, such as that available on the Internet, determine where Xerox stands relative to its competitors today.

New Jersey Institute of Technology Computer Science Essay


Management sees this IT service department solution as a distributed architecture (multiple sites and buildings).  Since this is a new build out, they estimate 15-service associates will staff each of three locations with a need for high performance workstations, VoIP devices, headsets, and high bandwidth (gigabit) network equipment supporting voice, video, and data.  This assignment requires you to research “in-building” computer network topologies and hardware.  You must compare and contrast, at least, two different network topologies. Be sure to include the benefits and limitations of each topology. In addition, you will need to provide line item capital costs and any on-going operational costs associated with the end user equipment and network hardware.  As the minimum, you should include a table with the line item description, quantity, unit price, and unit price total. Assume, this is a new implementation, there is no excess capacity (open ports) on the network equipment, and each network drop (user location) is within 90m of the data center.  Lastly, provide a recommendation about which topology you think would be most appropriate for Lakewood IT. Why is it the most appropriate?

UF Dyslexia Articles Summary Discussion


I do have 4 articles for Dyslexia, and I do need help, so please read the follow instructions

I want you to follow these requirements, please:

*       Used the APA format correctly

*       Summarized the main ideas of the article

*       Summaries included all the parts of a summary ( First sentence- in the first sentence of a summary, you must include the title, author, and general main idea of reading- Body- in the body of a summary are the main ideas ONLY paraphrased, Reminder phrases- phrases that show the reader this, not the summarizer’s own words- Reporting verbs- special verbs used to report what others say-Transitions – Concluding sentence-there is also a concluding sentence that lets the reader know that the summary is complete)

*     The summary should be only 100-150 words for every articles.


1- for this article just focuses on the introduction and these submittals (Epidemiology of Dyslexia- Neurobiologic Influences-Cognitive Influences)…

2- for this article just focuses on the first page only


3- for this article just focuses on whole article

What Is Dyslexia | Understood

4- for this article just focuses on whole article…

Foothill College Rudy Giulianis Corruption Town Hall Meeting Worksheet


Transcription Assignment

1) Use the video found at

2) Transcribe one and a half minutes of this clip, from where the counter starts at 1:00 until 2:30.

3) You may use the guidelines from

Chapter 18: Wray, A., K. Trott and A. Bloomer. 1988. “Transcribing Speech Orthographically” pp. 201-212.

This reading is found on Module 3 of the course website.

4) Make sure to include the speaker names, line numbers and any overlaps, latching, pauses in speech, and extraneous sounds like clapping etc. Provide a key with the symbols you use.

For example:

X = clapping

(.) = pauses

[ ] = overlapping speech, etc

5) Be careful in your alignment of speech as you transcribe, and remember that aligning things in brackets on top of each other means the speech is simultaneous. Before you print, you may need to convert your file into pdf to preserve the alignments you have created.

6) Do not be deceived by the fact that the assignment is to transcribe a minute and a half of speech. This will take you a long time to get it right!