The Linguistic Relativity by Philip Wolf and Kevin Holmes Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a literature writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

This reading response will be a special case, since you can pick any readings to respond to. The goal here is to have you identify aspects of the readings that struck you, either negatively or positively, so that we have an idea of what you’re taking away from the readings. Try to specify why you had these impressions and, where possible, focus on some idea/hypothesis/argument that you’d like to make observations about.

Here is some guidance for what you may choose to focus on for, e.g., the Synder reading:

1. What does Snyder mean by the politics of inevitability and the politics of eternity?
2. What are Ivan Ilyin’s essential assumptions and how do they cohere into a worldview?
3. How is totalitarianism characterized – is it necessarily associated with a single and particular ideology?
4. What is the nature of the relationship between the individual and the crowd/mass on Ilyin’s view?
5. Why does Snyder believe that it matters what beliefs guide leaders and what beliefs guide followers?

University of Ottawa Popular Culture Essay


Theme: Does pop culture influence college students’ perceptions of stereotypes?

How to turn your annotated bibliography into a literature review?

The first thing that you will want to do is look back on your annotated bibliography and start organizing your readings by themes, patterns and sub-topics. You’ll want to turn these into separate sections (or at least paragraphs) that will tell a story about your topic. This story won’t summarize the articles one at a time but instead will paint a picture of your topic by theme.Once you’ve identified your key themes… which ones need more detail?!?! You will need to find at least 4 additional sources to fill in your literature review.

Literature Review

Tell your project’s story! Organize your 12 readings (8 from the previous assignment, and plz find new 4 readings) by themes, patterns and sub-topics. You’ll want to turn these into separate sections (or at least paragraphs) that will tell a narrative about your topic. This section should not summarize the articles one at a time but instead will paint a picture of your topic by theme.

Mesa College Representation of Personalities in Development Discussion


Do the characteristics listed above provide a good representation of who people are according to their birth order?  Why or why not? Where do you fall in the birth order of your family? Do you see yourself in any of these characteristics? What about your siblings (if you have any) can you identify any of their characteristics? Do you think birth order plays a strong role in who we are as individuals or are there other factors that have a much greater influence on who we become? Reflecting back to the discussion last week where we learned about the strong influence genetics plays in our development, this week the focus is on environment! Where do you stand on the nature vs. nurture debate? Does this discussion change your perspective from last week at all? 

For more information on the Nature vs. Nurture debate, or if you just are fascinated with babies watch Part 2 of the Babies documentary on Netflix (many of you watched one episode for the video review assignment). Choose the episode in Part 2 called Nature and Nurture.

St Peters College Fighting Poverty Discussion


Read the information linked “Profits and Property” and “Micro-Credit.” It will introduce you to “micro-credit” – this is a concept that has demonstrated that by giving individual families small amounts of money – as little as $25 a month to buy yarn for weaving or a goat to produce milk and cheese – allows them to double and triple their yearly income- greatly improving their lives, their children and extended family. Micro credit is called Social Business – it means making a profit from the poor in the world. This concept seems like a good idea if the purpose is to do good to people who are suffering through no fault of their own, however there are many companies that now see the “bottom of the pyramid” or the poor as a great opportunity to increase profits by selling them things like cell phones, TV’s, or designer shoes. Do they have a right to spend their money on items they want; to become consumers like us? What is your moral responsibility to others?

Characteristics of Authentic Leaders Questions


Authentic leaders are led by their convictions. The experiences of these leaders are critical in their development and perceptions (Northouse, 2022, p. 222).

Authentic leaders are genuine, lead with their heart while working toward a vision, and are consistent. Thinking about authentic leadership, address the following:

  1. What are five characteristics of authentic leaders?
  2. Of the characteristics noted, why are these characteristics important for authentic leaders to possess?
  3. Identify an authentic leader and describe how he/she inspires followers.
  4. Explain how emotional intelligence impacts an authentic leader’s behavior.
  5. Identify three steps that you can take to become an emotionally-intelligent, authentic leader.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 4-5 pages in length (double-spaced), which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Current articles are those published in the last five years.
  • In advance of submission, review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Compare the Res Gestae Divi Augusti to The Suetonius on Caligula Discussion


Please read the following:

Deed of the Deified Augustus Download Deed of the Deified AugustusPreview the document

Letters of Pliny and Trajan Download Letters of Pliny and TrajanPreview the document


Please answer ONE of the following questions:

Compare the “Res Gestae Divi Augusti” to the “Suetonius on Caligula”. How is the power of the emperors portrayed? Are there significant differences from Augustus to Caligula? Why?

Compare the “Deeds of Augustus” to the “Letters of Pliny and Trajan”. How do the two emperors seem to administrator power and authority over a vast region? How do you account for any changes between the two administrations? Do either seem to have a strong centralized administration? Why or why not?

When you have completed your response, please respond to at least one other classmate’s post. You can engage in friendly debate or add additional analysis and points to your classmate’s post.

Writing Role of Schools in Preventing Childhood Obesity Essay


Description:  For your final essay, I would like you to think about a problem that impacts you on a daily basis. This could be an issue that you encounter through your job, on Broward College’s campus, or in your individual community. For instance, you might focus on employers who monitor their employees’ social media accounts, a minimum wage that doesn’t not cover current costs of living, restrictive college textbook costs, a lack of local leash laws in your city, etc. Then, you must argue for a particular change that you would like to occur in order to resolve this problem. 


·    Before you begin your essay, you should choose which stance you will take on the topic (i.e., are you for the topic, against it, or some combination of both). Then, develop a strong, specific thesis that argues a specific claim about that topic (i.e., don’t simply argue “I am for ______” or “I am against ______”). Remember that you must argue about a specific change that you want to see happen in order to rectify your issue.

FSU Legislation and its affect on Business Essay


This assignment will focus on how legislation that is passed by the Virginia General Assembly or United States Congress can affect a business. Your report must be a minimum of 4 full pages but no more than 7 full pages in length and must consist of two parts. The essay must include a reference page and title page, not including the minimum (4) or maximum (7) page requirement.

Part 1: Explain the process of how a bill becomes a law in BOTH the United States Congress and in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Part 1 should be no more than 2 full pages.

Part 2: Research and find (2) bills that were passed during the 2022 Virginia General Assembly session and that are relevant to businesses. Use the Virginia Legislative Information Systems website for research. Do not select any criminal law bills/statutes or any tax bills. Explain how each bill/statute will positively and negatively affect businesses.

Your report shall: Be typed using Times New Roman 12 point font, must be SINGLE spaced with no more than one-inch (1″) margins.

Miami Dade College Civic Action Journal Tasks


Provide a list of all of your elected officials at the city, county, state, and federal level, and the office they each hold. REFLECTION paper Reflect on the names, photos, and backgrounds of your elected officials. Do you get a sense that these individuals are representative of you and your community? Why or why not? Why is it important to be aware of who our local elected officials are? RESOURCES Elected Officials Worksheet 6 K. 

Please use the following demographic information 




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PART TWO:

  • Copy of email about an issue of concern in your own words, plus a screenshot of the sent email that includes original timestamp. REFLECTION Reflect on the process of contacting your elected official via email. Was it easier or harder, simpler or more complicated than what you expected? How do you feel your email was handled? Why do you think it is important to make your perspective on this issue known to your elected official? (I will email the elected official, please just provide email draft and info of where to send it to)

BCCC American Development & Andrew Jackson Cherokee Nation Q&As


Two part Questions : A & B. Part A Each question write more than 150 words. Part B question more than 200 words.

A: answer the following questions. B:Read the hyperlinked article and respond to one of the question. (You can read the book or Google information to answer question , but cannot copy online answer ,have to use your own words to answer )

Read Chapter 10 in American: Past and Present by Robert Divine and answer the following questions.

1. In what ways did American cultural development in the 1820’s and 1830s reflect the democratic impulse of the era?

2. What issues combined lead to the death of the national bank?

3. Why would the elections of 1828 and 1840 firmly establish the two-party system?

4. Describe the temperament and political philosophy of Andrew Jackson.

5. Was the 1830’s the age of Democracy? Explain.

B. Read the hyperlinked article and respond to one of the questions.

Andrew Jackson vs. The Cherokee

-Who did Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Marshall, side with in the case Worcester vs. Georgia (1832)? Why?