Kean University Design and Sampling Methods Essay


Now that you have developed your research question, formed your hypothesis, and defined your variables, it is time to determine a research design and select a sampling method.

This is a private invite for henrytheprofessor. There is a second part to this assignment that I will invite you to. You have to complete this one before doing the second part.

Review your Research Project, Part 1 assignment.

Research and compare the different design and sampling methods.

Write a 350- to 700-word summary detailing your design and sampling methods. Address the following:

  • Develop a method to test the hypothesis.
  • Choose a research design that will test your hypothesis and answer your question.
  • Discuss why you believe this to be the best design for your study.
  • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen design.
  • What threats to internal validity are controlled by the chosen design?
  • What threats to internal validity are not controlled by the chosen design?
  • Choose a sampling method.
  • Explain why you chose this sampling method.
  • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen sampling met

    Attached is the needed part 1 research project mentioned in the instructions.

Alabama Southern Community College Claims Chapter Discussion


Please answer these questions after reading the 2 chapters

Cook’s guide is meant to present a persuasive argument for the science behind climate change and the human influences on climate change.

1.Do you think it presents a strong argument? Why or why not?

2.What facts, information, or evidence (if any) would sway a person who considered themselves a climate change skeptic or denier?

3.What do we do when evidence in support is not enough?

On the other end of the spectrum, there was little evidence presented to support the claims by Pauling, Duesburg, and Montagnier (in fact, there were mountains of data showing each of their claims were false), and yet many people believed them.

4.Why? What made them and their claims believable?

5.What do we do when evidence to the contrary is not enough?

6.In the final chapter of the book, “Learning from the Past,” Offit reiterates his seven lessons from across the book and offers additional examples illustrating their importance. Which two lessons did you find the most profound, relevant, or prophetic from the book and why?

Global Environment Discussion


Contact tracing is pretty much what you’d expect from the name: It means tracking down all the people that an infected person came into contact with when they may have been contagious. For a disease like COVID-19 that can be spread before a person is showing symptoms, you’d probably also want to track down all the people those initial contacts came into contact with, as well.

It can be a massive undertaking! When we’re not engaged in social distancing, we come into contact with tons of people every day–often without even knowing who they are (think: people standing in line with you at Starbucks).

Initial Response: Find an example of contact tracing being used to control an outbreak other than COVID-19. 

  • Briefly describe the context (e.g., the disease, the location, the population at risk).
  • How and why contact tracing was used?
  • What technologies did the health authorities employ (e.g., pen and paper, tablets, cell phone location data) and how was it used?
  • What challenges would you foresee in applying the same approach to the COVID-19 pandemic, and how could those challenges be addressed?.

UC Photography Assignment Paper


Develop verbal/textual descriptions for a series of 3 photos that you have selected based on a theme or topic for your choice. Post each of the three images in the midterm CANVAS Discussion with the description of each image directly below it.

For each image:

  • Provide the image and a link to where you found it.
  • Briefly note the publishing context where you located it [what was the platform or publication: an online newspaper, a blog, a marketing website, a Wikipedia article, etc.)
  • Write a description of the image intended for someone in the audience of the venue where it was published
  • Write a meta-analysis explaining how you decided what was important to describe in the photos and if there are things that you intentionally left out.When writing your meta-analysis of your verbal descriptions, it is worth considering how your approach relates to concerns of guidelines in the assigned readings from this past week: Georgina Kleege, “Audio Description Described,” Joel Snyder, “Audio Description: The Visual Made Verbal, ” and Sharon Marcus, Heather Love, and Stephen Best, “Building a Better Description,”

Wisdom of Joanh Goal Paper


Reflecting on THE GOAL and the lessons learned, answer the following three questions in a Word document. Be sure to state each question along with each respective response. Include any citations and adhere to the rules of written English. It should be approximately in the 500 to 1000 word range. This assignment is worth 10% of the course grade.

1. In your own words, explain and critique the wisdom of Jonah and his approach? (VALUE=3 of the 10 points)

2. Critique THE GOAL as an operations management text and as a teaching tool for the workplace. (VALUE=3 of the 10 points)

3. Give an example of a real-life situation in which the lessons of THE GOAL can be applied. Essentially, be a Jonah. You are the wise consultant brought in to fix or improve the company, and you are tasked with helping them to improve their metrics, their processes, their quality, their supply chain, their bottlenecks, or just about anything that would help to bring them closer to their goal of making money. (VALUE = 4 of the 10 points)

Grand Canyon University Cultural Communication Practices Discussion


Throughout this course you will be drafting and revising a research paper that connects specific cultural communication patterns or practices to the history, values, and beliefs of that culture. You should focus on a culture of which you are not a member (e.g., you would not research GCU cultural communication patterns because you are a member of the GCU community).

For this assignment you will submit a 150 words proposal about the patterns or practices you wish to study. In addition to the proposal, you must include the APA citation and a 50-75 words summary of three sources you might use in your final paper. 

The following journal article titles illustrate the variety of patterns or practices that your paper could address:

The Gift and the Common Good: A Chinese and Business Ethics Perspective

Acculturative Family Distancing and Depressive Symptoms Among Latinas: The Role of Intergenerational Cultural Conflict.

  • Engaging Malaysia: A Grassroots Approach to Inter/Intra-Religious Communication
  • Impact of Romantic Facebook “Crush Pages” on the Egyptian Youth
  • The Impact of Covid-19 to Indonesian Education and Its Relation to the Philosophy of “Merdeka Belajar”

GCU Practices of Culturally Sensitive Care Essay


Assessment Description

Students are required to submit weekly reflective narratives throughout the course that will culminate in a final, course-long reflective journal due in Topic 10. The narratives help students integrate leadership and inquiry into current practice.

This reflection journal also allows students to outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses, and additional resources that could be introduced in a given situation to influence optimal outcomes. Each week students should also explain how they met a course competency or course objective(s).

In each week’s entry, students should reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout the course. Journal entries should address one or more of the areas stated below.  In the Topic 10 graded submission, each of the areas below should be addressed as part of the summary submission.

New practice approaches

Interprofessional collaboration

  1. Health care delivery and clinical systems
  2. Ethical considerations in health care
  3. Practices of culturally sensitive care
  4. Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients
  5. Population health concerns
  6. The role of technology in improving health care outcomes
  7. Health policy
  8. Leadership and economic models
  9. Health disparities

USC Policy Perspectives & President of Brazil Report


executive report ‘Journal’ and reflect on the questions of this policy perspective 

What diplomatic approach you’ll execute? How do you balance the demands of key trading partners with domestic economic needs? Please read the Chapter 8 key points and terminology and use it in your ‘executive policy journal’ as a Diplomatic Thinker assess the political economic problem and suggest your own policy approach by using the terminology from this chapter.

Questions and Guidelines to Consider: 

Do you accept the EU offer?

Do you attempt to bargain more with the United States in hopes of achieving a breakthrough?

How do you balance the demands of competing (and important) trade partners while trying to achieve the best outcome for your public?

Evaluate the ‘Problem’ by reading  ‘Background Political situation’

Consider the ‘Domestic Considerations’ ( Southern Cone Common Market (MERCOSUR) three full partners in MERCOSUR (Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay) have a combined total gross domestic product (GDP) smaller than Canada’s.,  Latin American states (such as Mexico and Peru,FTAA negotiations.)

Assess the ‘Scenario’ (Approaches bargaining  process IPE theories:  Free Trade Agreement, EU, FTAA Agreement, MERCOSUR, U.S.A.)

American College Who Were the Leaders of Imperialism Anti Imperialism Discussion


  • Who were the leaders of imperialism/anti-imperialism; what were their views?
  • What contributed to U.S. emergence as a world power?
  • Are any of these factors still with us? What do you think?
    • Note: We now face war in Ukraine, an expansionist Russia, Russian cyberwar against American infrastructure and attempts to undermine our democracy. We are coming back as a world leader, rebuilding our alliances especially NATO, and renewing our commitment to democracy. It is a new era in foreign relations and threats to our country. You are living at a historic time.

    Please write 11 different paragraphs.

  • Book: Foner, Eric, Give Me Liberty!, Vol. 2, 6th ed., W.W. Norton: get EITHER the full edition
    Vol. 2 OR the Seagull edition Vol. 2. Make sure it is the 6th.
    ? Foner, Voices of Freedom, Vol. 2, 6th ed., W.W. Norton
    ? W.W. Norton, Digital Resource Access for Give Me Liberty 6 th ed. Online access to text

HIS 08 GCCCD Homesteaders Confidence in Regular Regulations Ideas Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a history discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

part one 09

Consider the experiences of African Americans, the Chinese, Hispanics, Native Americans, and European immigrants during this period. 

How does race and ethnicity influence freedom and opportunity in the U.S.?

Finally, how does race influence ideas about imperialism and the U.S. as a world power?

Give examples from readings, topic pages.

part 2

For this week’s Reflection paper, select THREE groups (African Americans, the Chinese, Hispanics, Native Americans, or European immigrants). 

Explain how race and ethnicity influenced freedom and opportunity in the U.S. for these groups. during this period.  (Be specific, give examples from readings, topic pages.) 

Your paper should have :

  • an explanation/argument about each group (your thesis in your introduction) and
  • several paragraphs per group

part 3 08

So far in this course, we have discussed several huge developments from the time Europeans landed on the American continents till about 1750. In your estimation, what event was the most impactful, whether for good or ill, in the shaping of what would become the American experience?