UC The Central Database Component of Data Warehouse Architecture Analysis


Start your paper with an introductory paragraph.

Prompt 1 “Data Warehouse Architecture” (2-3 pages): Explain the major components of a data warehouse architecture, including the various forms of data transformations needed to prepare data for a data warehouse. Also, describe in your own words current key trends in data warehousing. 

Prompt 2 “Big Data” (1-2 pages): Describe your understanding of big data and give an example of how you’ve seen big data used either personally or professionally. In your view, what demands is big data placing on organizations and data management technology? 

Prompt 3 “Green Computing” (1-2 pages):  One of our topics in Chapter 13 surrounds IT Green Computing. The need for green computing is becoming more obvious considering the amount of power needed to drive our computers, servers, routers, switches, and data centers. Discuss ways in which organizations can make their data centers “green”. In your discussion, find an example of an organization that has already implemented IT green computing strategies successfully. Discuss that organization and share your link. You can find examples in the UC Library.

ERAU The Major Contributors & Companies in The Aviation Industry Essay


As you near graduation, it is important to consider where you want your career path to go. Perhaps you are already working in aviation and would like a position in management or maybe you have never worked in aviation. Either way, knowing where you want to go is the first step in plotting a path to get you there.


Consider that you are a writer for a widely distributed aviation magazine. Your boss has charged you with writing an article on employment trends in the industry. For example: If you want to be an Aviation Maintenance Technician are there any gaps or surpluses in that field? If so, where are they?

Your article must be 2-3 pages, not including the title page and reference page. Through the lens of your chosen career field address the following elements:

Identify the major contributors/companies in your career field.

Which of these companies are currently/actively hiring?

Examine the impact of employment trends on the industry, explaining what it means for those just entering the field.

Explain gaps or surpluses in that field.

University of Arizona Global Campus Standardized Testing in School Essay


Your paper should have an introduction paragraph that

  • Includes your thesis sentence, and
  • Identifies the one scholarly article you have chosen to explore “standardized testing in school”

Additionally, your body paragraphs will be expected to address these ideas:

  • Describe the issue or topic that the article provides information on.
  • Summarize the article’s findings on the identified problem.
  • Interpret the information in your chosen article.
    • Comment on why the article is useful and should be read, including how it contributes to a deeper understanding of the problem discussed.
    • Consider how the article illuminates the effects on the profession or professionals within the discipline as well as potential short-term and/or long-term impacts the problem is having on the profession or field of study.

Your conclusion paragraph should

  • Summarize your professional response, highlighting any major takeaways on the underlying topic.

You will be uploading this Source Critique Essay to your ePortfolio. You will have the opportunity to share this essay or another assignment you have uploaded to Folio in the Week 4 Revision Strategies and Folio discussion forum. See the following resources for assistance in this process:

    Published Research Paper


    Part 1 (initial post), due Thursday by 11:59pm PST:

    Describe a time when, while looking for published research on a paper topic, you struggled. Make sure to make it clear what you were attempting to write that paper on, what databases/resources/websites you used to search, and the terms you used and what sorts of difficulties you experienced.

    Part 2 (response post), due Sunday by 11:59pm PST:
    Respond to the post of two of your peers and offer up some ideas on other terms, databases, approaches that may have helped them on that specific project. Make sure to explain your logic on why you think your ideas may have given them some better sources for their project.

    While this is obviously not helpful to that original project, it is helpful to see where your peers have hit barriers as well as thoughts on how to overcome those difficulties. Think of this as sharing with each other things that we all have experienced (difficulties finding things) while also sharing tips and approaches that may be beneficial in future contexts.

    Biden’s Approval Rating Hits New Low of 43%; Harris’ Is 49% Discussion


    Public Opinion Assignment

    Go to the Gallup Public Opinion Web site (http://www.gallup.com/Home.aspx) and find the search tool in the top right corner of the site. Search topics on the page that have to do with Presidential Job Approval or Congress. Select one of the reports on the Presidential Job Approval OR Congress Approval and address the items below. In your assignment report, make sure to include the Title of the Report you discuss and the web link for the report.

    1. Explain the trajectory/trend over the months of the report and discuss why that trend is occurring.

    2. At the bottom of the report you will see the survey methodology. Critique the methodology against what the textbook authors discuss regarding measuring public opinion and sampling techniques in the Public Opinion chapter in your text.

    Your report must be at least 300 words. List all web resources and referenced materials that were used. You must use the APA citation style format in listing references used and in parenthetical citations.

    Book link: https://openstax.org/details/books/american-govern…

    ECU 3 The Most Important Factors for Successful Negotiation Discussion

    Question Description

    I’m working on a business discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

    1. What is your experience with inter-team negotiation? What were the factors that seemed to most impact the outcomes achieved? Be specific in terms of critical inclusions/omissions from a process or interpersonal perspective that were either helpful or harmful to optimizing the outcomes.

    2. What is your reputation? How might it impact your future negotiation outcomes? Are you happy with it—would you change it if you could? In an ideal world, what reputation would you like to build (or continue to build for those already professionally engaged)—i.e. if you overheard two colleague describing your 5 years from now, what would you hope to hear? What can you do, starting now, to ensure this will be true.

    3. How do you think about trust? Without revealing names or personal particulars, describe a circumstance in which another person damaged your trust. What steps did the other person take (or should have taken) to repair trust. What was the result.

    SDSU US Triumphalism and Peacetime Colonialism Questions


    1. In our textbook, what happens in the chapter, “US Triumphalism and Peacetime Colonialism”? What quote/section stood out to you most, and what connections did you notice to our course materials so far?

    2. In our textbook, what is Dunbar-Ortiz referring to with the “Ghost Dance Prophecy”? Please include specifics from the chapter, and explain how it connects to the Occupation of Alcatraz.

    3. What did the “Indian New Deal” entail, and how did it relate to previous US-Indian relations? 

    4. According to Prof. Mayfield’s lecture, what did tribal termination policies entail? What did the relocation policies entail?

    5. According to the readings and Prof. Mayfield’s lecture, how did the American Indian Civil Rights movement emerge?

    6. Describe the goals and significance of the Occupation of Alcatraz based on this week’s readings and documentary. What scenes from the documentary stood out to you most, and why? 

    7. After, thoroughly interpret and rhetorically analyze the Alcatraz Proclamation based on the historical context we’ve learned so far. Consider the following: purpose, tone, word choice, historical allusions, intended audience, context etc.

    fit WR I0100 Cause and Effect Taxation Essay


    Cause and Effect Essay

    • Chose an interesting topic.
    • Next, you must make a detailed outline.
    • Then, write a 500-750 words essay. Don’t forget to include transitional expressions.
    • You must have a proper heading. Your font should be New Roman, size 12. You need to double-space have a title and a word-count.
    • Your title should be catchy.
    • Your introduction should follow the HIT method including an attention grabber (Hook), background information (Information), and a clear thesis statement (Thesis).
    • Your conclusion should follow the reverse HIT method including a clear restated thesis statement, a summary, and a punchline, something for us to think about (Club).
    • In addition, for this essay, you need to make your thesis statement and restatement a different color (e.g.: green), your paragraphs’ topic sentences another color (e.g.: purple), and your hook and club another color (e.g.: orange).
    • Once you are satisfied with your essay, take it to the ASC to get help.
    • Write your second draft, label each page, and submit everything (plan, 1st. draft, revised draft, and proof of ASC) in one big document to Canvas.

    York University Mental Health and Wellness Interview Research Paper


    You should plan to spend approximately 40 minutes to 1 hour doing your interview, survey or photovoice. Questions should be based on an attitude of respect for the interview subject and appreciation for the time they have given to you.

    You must tell your research participant who you are and that you are doing the research as part of an assignment in a York University undergraduate course. You must also tell your participant that a pseudonym will be used instead of their real name in your project report. You are required to inform your participant that they have the right to terminate the interview/survey at any time or to decline to answer any questions. 

    As you analyze your data, reflect and record the following, which will be pertinent to your final project: 1) what themes arose in your data? 2) how does this data help you better understand your research topic? 3) use the concepts/ideas/theories from your methodology to contextualize your results, and 4) what questions/concerns arose for you during the research process?

    HCCS English Netflix Abstract The Art of Design Questions


    Netflix has a wonderful series called Abstract: The Art of Design. The series features designers from many areas. This week we are focusing on Christoph Niemann, an illustrator who designs covers for the New Yorker magazine, Tinker Hatfield who designs for NIKE, and Ilse Crawford, an interior designer who works with companies like IKEA. 

    Choose one of the videos to watch and answer the following questions:

    1. What did you find most inspirational/interesting about the designer you watched? What did you learn about their design process?

    2. Designers discover passions that drive their work and style. Do you have a passion? How did you discover it? If you’ve ever been stuck in a rut, how did you get out of it?

    3. Looking at your environment, what is a designer item that you own that is important to you? If money were not an issue, and you could purchase any designer item you wanted, what would it be and why?

    4. Include an image of either your favorite designer item, or your dream designer item.