CSSM Modernization of Mammoth Mountain Essay


Throughout this paper you are going to be talking about the modernization of Mammoth Mountain in California and how it came to what it is now today. Below I have started the paper, so READ it and continue with the analysis. I have covered the Geographical Features / Landscape of the Mountain. I have also started the section about “Mining in Mammoth” but I need you to finish that. Below will be the link to one of the sources I was using. After the mining section I need you to write about physical / human geography, the indeginious people, and about how it became modernized over the years. Create headings to make each section easy to read. You can also add any other pertinent information needed. Use scholarly articles and sources to help your response. Below in the files I have started the paper so make sure to read it and do not restate what I have already wrote. Include a reference page APA format. website : http://www.mammothlakes.us/travel/town_history.sht…

CCC Differences in Culture Affected the Character Communication Essay


***please choose communication between 2 characters from a show or movie***


In this assignment, you will analyze culture affects communication. This assignment will help you connect the communication principles you are learning to the real world.


1. Consider a recent conversation with a friend, relative, or acquaintance that was in person or electronic.

2. In what ways did your culture and the other person’s culture affect the communication? 

3. Use examples of your personal knowledge of culture and communication competence to support your position.

4. Write a two- to three-page paper, not counting the title page and the references page, that summarizes how culture affected your communication experience. 

5. While including cited support for terms and concepts is important, the bulk of this paper should be in your own words about your own experience.

If, for any reason, you are not comfortable discussing your personal cultural background, you can choose communication between two characters from a scene in a movie or television show. How did the culture of the characters affect the communication in that scene?

HLTH 630 Planning for Community Health Outreach Health Indicators Discussion


Consider the health indicators in the following https://health.gov/healthypeople/objectives-and-da…

the 13 indicators you will choose from are the ones in the list under all ages, infants, children and adolescents, and adults and older adults 

thirteen broad categories for improvement and their associated potential health measures have been identified.

Choose measures from 3 different categories. For each measure write and discuss a policy level objective you would like to see enacted to foster improvement in your community for that measure. When setting your 3 objectives, remember to state exactly what is to be achieved. What is expected to change, by how much, and by when?

For example, voter turnout rate is listed under community management. A supporting policy level objective for this might be to establish a policy that requires the community leadership team to notify all registered voters in the community with a hand-delivered sample ballot to include a list of all candidates and initiatives 1 week prior to the election beginning with the next election.

here are some links that will help you:



UOCA Research & Summaries Statue of Julius Caesar Essay



Write an essay about a complex concept you want to research with the purpose of helping introduce a reader to this concept and why it matters.Identify the concept and to what it is related.Trace its evolution.As well, elaborate on why the concept matters– not just to you– but to the world at large.If functioning correctly, what does the concept accomplish?How does this concept function in your life?In the lives of others?


Write an essay about a piece of art you want to research with the purpose of helping introduce a reader to this piece of art and why it matters.Identify the piece of art and to what it is related.  Trace its evolution.As well, elaborate on why the piece of art matters—not just to you—but to the world at large.What movement or period does the art belong to and how does it fit and/or how does it buck traditions?

SXU Effects of Technology in Schools Paper


Directions: Discuss and research a critical issue in education. This assignment entails a 3–5-page paper and a 5- minute presentation on a current issue in education.

Each paper should be 3-5 pages, not including references or cover page. 

You must use 3+ resources for this research paper. At least one must be from a peer-reviewed journal. The other two may be from textbooks, reputable educational blogs, online journals etc. You may NOT use Wiki as a resource. Please use resources published within the last 5 years (2017-2022)

  • The required cover page and paper should be in APA format. (Links to an external site.) 
  • You MAY use first person voice in APA style. Meaning you may use the pronoun “I” You may also interject some personal opinion and thought into this paper, however, the focus should be on the research of experts. 

Thesis for Critical Issue:

Technology in schools is a critical issue in education because of the money involved, the distractions it causes, and the education involved in learning the technology.

PSYC 8315 LIU Experimental Design Internal Validity Discussion


This week we are focusing on experimental design and must come up with a response to the questions below utilizing experimental design to test a question relevant to our evaluation. I attached the necessary article for review to answer the questions.

  • Briefly restate the general nature of your team’s RFP’s program (e.g., school anti-bullying program).
  • How might you use an experimental design to test a question that would be relevant to your program evaluation (e.g., compare an outcome for a group that received the program versus one that did not during the same time period, especially if the participants are randomly assigned to be in the program/no program groups)? What is a specific question you could address for your example?
  • Describe the specifics of your design for addressing this question. What is your independent variable? What might be a viable dependent variable to answer the question? What hypothesis would you be testing for the proposed evaluation?
  • What would be one method you might use to reduce threats to internal validity with this design?

Missouri Baptist University Successful Aging Paper


What do you consider to be “successful aging?”

What do you think has to be done in order to achieve this?

At what age do you realistically plan to retire?

How will you plan, both now and  later, for your financial security in your retirement (be very  specific)? Describe the “8th wonder of the world,” known as Compound Interest.  What healthy financial habits do you have now? What harmful money  habits do you have now that could prevent you from future success?

What kinds of activities do you intend to engage in during your retirement?

How will you try to ensure that you  are physically healthy during retirement? When should you start? Are  there habits that you have now that could be a detriment to your health  (be specific)?  What will you do about it (be specific)?

What will you do to ensure that you are cognitively healthy during retirement (be specific)?

How will you promote your spiritual development throughout your aging process?

How do you plan to successfully manage your stress throughout your aging process?

ART 1101 GNTC The Person Who Loves Nature and Taking Trips Essay


Your assignment is to photograph a friend or family member in their own space or in a setting that reflects their personality. The objects and setting in their surroundings are part of the portrait, or capturing of this person’s distinct characteristics. Use the elements and principles of design to tell your story, in a way that the mood would be there whether or not the friend was in the photo. This is a formal portrait, not a snapshot, so your friend should be looking at the camera when you take their portrait. When you upload your image, write a few sentences about this friend (or family member) and what qualities you were trying to capture by the way you staged and framed the portrait. How do the elements involved tell the story of them?

Watch the video about this assignment: https://youtu.be/0posLr4TTiI

Compare your portrait of a friend to a historical portrait (remember that you are submitting TWO images in total).

You can look up a random person.

Ohio State Beauty Academy Ethics of Influencing Policy Making Essay


Action Items

Read this module’s assigned chapter in your textbook. 

Consider the following ethical issues:

  1. Longest (2016) quotes Beauchamp and Childress (2012): “…no fundamental inconsistency or incompatibility exists between the autonomy of individuals and the authority of government, so long as government’s authority does not exceed the limits set by those who are governed” (p. 205). Discuss your perspective regarding the extent to which the the Affordable Care act represents either respect for autonomy or paternalism. 
  2. The ethical principle of justice (or fairness) may be explained in terms of three prominent perspectives: egalitarian, libertarian, and utilitarian. Discuss which perspective you hold and why. 

“Beneficence in policymaking means that the participants in the process act with charity and kindness; that is, they overtly seek to do good” (Longest, 2010, p. 208). Briefly describe how you would apply this principle. 

  1. The principles of nonmaleficence (do no harm) beneficence (do good) are the foundation of medical ethics. Given the contemporary political climate, what is your opinion regarding the extent to which policymakers can fulfill these principles?

GUF The Postmodern Lessons for Public Relations and Digital Activism Analysis


1. Find any scholarly journal article published since 2016 that discusses the integration of postmodern themes and public relations. This can include a number of topics, such as the role of a postmodernism in risk communication or the outcome of activism in public relations as a result of postmodernism, among others. (HINT: Start your search on Google Scholar (Links to an external site.) to find an article that either you can access or obtain the title to search for it via the University Libraries website (Links to an external site.)

2. Read the article. While reading, reflect on the themes of postmodernism and consider examples of public relations efforts that might involve instances of postmodern themes.

3. Write a response that includes the following: 

#1. a brief summary of the article,

# 2. specific connections between the article and the online lecture, and

# 3. at least three lessons gleaned from the article that you could offer for public relations campaigns or programs to consider when building public opinion and/or reaching target audiences.