Bus 226 AACC Leadership Styles Essay


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, reflect on the management concepts you learned last week, and review Readings 11 through 17 in your textbook.

Leadership and management are often used interchangeably. There are many leadership behaviors that are also management behaviors. However, there are minor differences between leadership and management, and these differences often overlap.

The goal of this discussion is not to arrive at a right or wrong answer, but to explain and rationalize your perspective.

In an initial post of 150 to 200 words,

  • Summarize three key differences between leadership and management.
  • Justify your rationale.
  • Provide an example of how management and leadership may overlap in a work environment.
  • In an initial post of 150 to 200 words,
    • Discuss one or more clips (or maybe watch the entire film).
    • Identify a leadership style (or styles) portrayed by the leader in your assigned film clip (e.g., transactional, transformational, or charismatic)
    • Explain why you identified this style, including traits that were demonstrated by the leader.

MSM 6640 TU Troy Leadership and Motivation Discussion


Discussion Question Topic:

Do diverse leaders exercise power and influence differently? That is, to leaders from Asia exercise power and influence differently from leaders in South America? What are American expectation for the exercise of power and influence compared to African expectations for the exercise of power and influence? How does diversity impact not only expectations but also behavior. Is there some commonality among leaders that with regard to power and influence that is expected, accepted, or otherwise played out throughout the world? Is there one best way? Explain your response fully.

The most important thing is: that have no more than 4% of its content quoted from another source, there must be 2 or more cited resources besides the book, has to be APA style format. If you can do at least 275-300 words please


Book link: https://reader.yuzu.com/home/subscribe/c82ccc09a65..

Chaps. 10 & 11

Review the Instructor’s Week 6 Lecture


“How to Manage for Collective Creativity”

https://www.ted.com/talks/linda_hill_how_to_manage_for_collective_creativity (Links to an external site.)

NUR 3738 Rasmussen College Integrative Nutrition Patient Education Handout


You are an RN at Rasmussen Hospital and recently worked with a patient who told you about an unusual diet they started recently. You are concerned about the patient’s well-being and feel a sense of responsibility to teach them about potential risks of following a fad diet.

You tell your supervisor about the situation, and explain that you would like to develop a patient education handout. Something that your fellow nurses could use when educating patients to make sound nutritional decisions. Your supervisor thinks it is an excellent idea and is interested to see what you develop!


Create a 2-page, patient education handout that addresses the following:

  1. Explain the principles of integrative nutrition.
  2. Emphasize the importance of food as medicine.
  3. Describe the ways integrative nutrition is influenced by patient-factors, including attitudes, social/cultural habits, and environmental surroundings.
  4. Research 1 fad diet and 1 evidence-based diet to feature in your handout, and do the following:
  5. Describe each diet.
  6. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of each diet.
  7. Cite at least 1 credible resource for each diet.

Ferris State University Judaism Essay


Ive attached the instructions to the assignment. No outside sources, only the powerpoint.

Powerpoints and video for the assignment:


Hebrew Scriptures

Reading the Talmud

Elie Wiesel and the problem of evil

Halakah Judaism’s Highest Good

Maimonides on Repentance and Forgiveness

Unexpected Crisis at Apple Research Paper


Remember  that an unexpected crisis occurring within a planned change has no  obvious precipitating causes. That does not mean there were no causes,  just that these were sufficiently subtle they weren’t recognizable by  the firm’s leadership or personnel.

Review  the peer-reviewed and professional literature for a planned change that  was not successful and resulted in the organization ceasing to do  business in its prior form. Identify a well-known organization that has  experienced this history and research what was discovered after the  organization dissolved or was purchased.

Develop  a timeline that provides the key elements in the organization’s  history. Use visual effects such as a poster with PowerPoint, or any  program you select, including Word. Be sure to include the following:

  • Provide the history of the organization to the point of change and beyond in the timeline.
  • Explain the planned change in which the unexpected crisis occurred.
  • Indicate when the organization ceased to operate in its original form.
  • Indicate when the firm reorganized and proceeded to grow.

NYU Communications Verbal Communication Discussion


From quick conversations to phone calls, meetings, formal presentations, and sales pitches, you must employ effective verbal communication skills at all times. While verbal interactions are extremely common, they can also be stressful. Every interaction contains the potential for success…and the danger of failure. To be “on your game” at all times requires purposeful practice, reflection, and adjustment based on input and feedback. No matter what your verbal communication skills are, you can improve them.

In this assignment, you will develop and deliver a verbal communication for the scenario you have identified. Your communication should match your challenge or opportunity. For example, if your challenge is an interview for a new position, you may choose to record yourself answering a few key questions that might be posed by the interviewer.

For the purposes of this course, your video presentation should not exceed five minutes. (Your scenario might require a much longer presentation, but limit your response to the key five minutes in this case.)

CMC Met Museum Discussion


Visit the digital Safavid and Mughal collections at the Met Museum by using the links below. After reading the short essays on each page about these empires’ interactions with Europe between 1600 and 1800, click on two items from each collection to learn more about these items. Then share your reflections on the discussion board:

1.What have you learned from your virtual visit to the Met Museum about the Safavid and Mughal art as well as their interactions with Europeans during this time period?

2. Which items were you most interested in and why?

3.What would you have liked to know more about? (, minimum 500 words)

Finally, provide a comment on two of your classmates’ post with at least two sentences other than “I like it, I don’t like it, good job, I agree” etc. 

The Arts of Iran: https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/safa_2/hd_safa_2.htm (Links to an external site.)

The Art of the Mughals after 1600: https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/mugh_2/hd_mugh_2.htm (Links to an external site.)

USF I, too by Langston Hughes Analysis Discussion


Write anessay that briefly addresses these aspects of this poem: theme, literarydevices, tone, and point of view. Some questions to consider: What is thetheme of this poem? What imagery and symbols are used? What is thetone of the poem? Is there a shift in tone? What is the effect of using the first person in the poem? Be as specific as you can and provide as many detailsfrom the course as possible in addressing this prompt.

I, Too by Langston Hughes

I, too, sing America.

I am the darker brother.

They send me to eat in the kitchen

When company comes,

But I laugh,

And eat well,

And grow strong.


I’ll be at the table

When company comes.

Nobody’ll dare

Say to me,

“Eat in the kitchen,”



They’ll see how beautiful I am

And be ashamed—

I, too, am America.

WCU Black College Student-Athletes in PWIs Essay


Paper 3 will require you to read 5-10 peer-reviewed psychology research articles about a group you identify with or feel passionately about (e.g. LGBT+, ethnic or racial minority, incarcerated populations, foster/adoption, religious minorities, student athletes, etc.). Summarize the research that has been completed with this group and identify core concepts or theories you have learned from this class. Discuss the areas in the articles that could use further clarification or areas that resonated with you or seemed to make sense to you. Conclude your paper by describing ways in which the field of psychology could be used to benefit these groups of people.   ( I would like the paper to be written about Black college student-athletes at PWI’s ) or whatever you feel is easiest for you 

Paper should be at least 5 pages long. It should include in-text citations and a references page.

Here are some references for formatting:

https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html (Links to an external site.)

https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/student-paper-setup-guide.pdf (Links to an external site.)

Lebanese International University Tesla Manufacturing During Lockdown Case Study


Case study: Tesla manufacturing during lockdown

The Arthur W. Page Society, in alliance with the Institute for Public Relations, conducts an annual competition for writing original case studies by students enrolled in an accredited school of business, communication or journalism. The competition’s objectives are to introduce the practical applications of the core principles that define public relations as a critical management function to scholars, teachers, and students, and encourage research that contributes to the profession’s body of knowledge and provides practical suggestions on how to improve the corporate public relations function. Student authors of winning entries and their faculty advisors are awarded cash prizes and recognized by the nation’s leading corporate communications executives.

 prepare a case study along the lines of the Page Society competition. Your team will identify an organization and a specific campaign/issue, then produce a case study addressing a specialty within the field of strategic communication and public relations, including:

  • Reputation Management
  • Media Relations
  • Crisis Communication
  • Internal or Employee Communications
  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Social Responsibility
  • Social Media.