RC Government Funding for Space Exploration Discussion



One rarely thinks of space exploration as an extension of government, but remember, one of President John F. Kennedy’s challenges promises to the nation was sending an American to the moon. 

Well recently, with the call to put an astronaut on Mars by President George W. Bush, and with the founding of SpaceX by Elon Musk, the discussion about space exploration has re-emerged.  I would like you to address the following debate.   What extent should the government use tax-payer dollars to fund space exploration?  Should we leave space travel up to the private sector, or should the government invest more NASA mission.  Perhaps there is a healthy balance between the two?  What are your thoughts.  

Below are some recent (and old) articles about this subject.  In addition, I have also linked a report that NASA contributed to about the benefits of space exploration, and a finding by the Congressional Budget Office suggesting how money could be spent elsewhere.  

The Most Constant and Prominent Identifiers of Human History Analysis


This essay has two parts.. 

1. a general introduction about gothic style within the international context (describing  cultural, social, historical, political. etc., context, links and connections that led to the emergence of gothic style or art/arch expression; major features 

2. analytical part – analyzing gothic style in a chosen arch piece/art pieces 

You have to describe enough the art pieces from the Czech lands and International artists (not Czech born) who lived or were active in the Czech Lands are considered to represent art of the Czech Lands (e.g. the  international artists working as court artists of Rudolf II) 

Be careful in selecting examples of art pieces. You should select clear, the most proper and first rate examples so that you can explain the style well. Your selection also shows your understanding to the  topic and makes a part of your evaluation. 

Basically just need to talk about gothic style in the Czech Republic mainly but can also include relevance from other places around the world.

Types of Gene Mutations and Sexual Addicts Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a psychology exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


  1. How many experiments were conducted to study love and lust? Which experiment got your attention the most? Why?
  2. How did moving the sunglass cart influence the type of sunglasses sold?
  3. Why does it appear that a woman’s biological arousal is not in synch with her mental activity or arousal and why is it than a man’s biological and mental arousal are in synch?
  4. What hormone in a man’s body is known as his gas pedal?
  5. Lust first activates which structure of the brain?
  6. What happens to dopamine when lust is experienced? What happens to serotonin?
  7. According to the findings of one of the experiment women tend to be nicer to other people after conversing with a man they like. Why?
  8. Are we born to lust?
  9. What two types of gene mutations are linked to people who are sexual addicts?
  10. Can love suppress lust?
  11. List three things you learned from viewing this video. 

GCCCD Animals Geometric Shape and Physical Appearance Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a english discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

21-We see ourselves daily, right?

What if we “saw” ourselves differently than our simple physical appearance? What might that look like?

In fact, what if our very being were something other than who and what we are?

No, I have not hit my head, nor lost my mind; bear with me. You are going to need your imagination for this journal. By the time you have completed the journal, you should see yourself differently!

To fulfill this journal assignment, you must answer the following three questions:

  1. If you were an animal, what animal are you and why? What animal would you want to be and why?
  2. If you were any two colors, what colors are you and why? What colors would you want to be and why?
  3. If you were any geometric shape, what shape are you and why? What shape would you like to be and why?

Structural Family Therapy Paper


In structural therapy it is important to do some pre-planning regarding the following:

  1. Structural Diagram of the Family
  2. Possible Enactment scenario
  3. Strategies for Joining and Accommodating
  4. Strategies for Boundary Intervention via modified enactment

Role of the Therapist in session is to:

  1. Structural diagram of the family
  2. Join and Accommodate (build rapport)
  3. Assess the family boundaries (enmeshed or disengaged)
  4. Provide and facilitate a scenario for enactment
  5. Interventions
    1. Increase boundaries and independence between needed subsystems
    2. Challenge member’s avoidance of conflict or emotional blocks to help them increase interaction
    3. Look for behavioral changes that indicate clearer boundaries in the family

Please review the following brief video on a structural family therapy sessions and answer the questions below:

 (Links to an external site.)“>https://youtu.be/RhkaWqxpvec (Links to an external site.)

1. What is the presenting problem/s from a structural family therapy perspective? (5 points)

2. What were this family’s boundaries issues (enmeshed or disengaged)? (5 points)

3. What interventions did you see the therapist use in order to address the boundary issues? (5 points) 

Owl Moon Essay


Think about your preparation and presentation.
Write a two-page reflection (typed).
1) Title, author, illustrator and publication date of story/book
a) Why is the book quality literature?
b) Why would this book spark the interests of children?
c) How will the children benefit from the story/book?
2) Reflection on the actual presentation to adults
a) How did you transition the “children” to story time? Was your transition effective? What changes
would you make?
b) What strategies did you use to keep your “children” involved in the story (props, active participation,
your demeanor, etc.)? Were your strategies effective in keeping your “children” involved? How did
they work?
c) How was your pace, expression? What would you change?
d) Did you ask the questions you planned? Did you come up with other questions? Why? What would
you change?
e) Did your “children” become involved? What might you change?

Grossmont College History Discussion


1) What was the “Trail of Broken Treaties”? What happened during the occupation, and what demands were made? How did the occupation conclude?

2) According to the documentary, what historical events led up to the Occupation of Wounded Knee?

3) Alternatively, what led to the ending of the Occupation of Wounded Knee, according to the documentary?

4) According to the documentary and the article, what is the historical significance/symbolism of the location in which the Occupation of Wounded Knee took place?

5) According to the documentary, what were the protesters at Wounded Knee hoping to achieve through the Occupation? What were the lasting effects?

6) According to the article, why is Wounded Knee considered a “forgotten Civil Rights movement”?

7) Lastly, please share your thoughts and reactions to both this week’s and last week’s discussions on the Occupations of Alcatraz and Wounded Knee, and the American Indian Civil Rights movement overall.




Must be at least 500 words please

AU Health Belief Theoretical Framework Paper


You have spent six weeks exploring theories of nursing. These represent the “how” of what we do as nurses. This week we enter a higher level of thought and explore the “why” of what we do. Present a personal nursing philosophy. Apply what you have read throughout the course and explore the literature on nursing philosophy. While Fawcett was not a nursing theorist, she is a nursing philosopher and her Metaparadigm of Nursing approaches philosophy over theory. Once you have discussed your philosophy, identify a theoretical framework (not the middle-range theories but the underlying assumptions in that framework) that fits your philosophy. Compare and contrast your philosophy and the chosen framework.  Describe a possible situation in which the framework may conflict or not fit your philosophy. While it is an important skill to be able to match a theory with a situation, it is also critical to understand when a theory or framework does not fit a situation.

Seattle Central College the Foundations of Information Discussion


  • Paragraph 1. Name the chapter you are selecting for your reflection. In the Foundations of Information chapter you selected, what was an idea you found interesting, surprising, or confusing? Describe the idea and why it resulted in one or more of these reactions.
  • Paragraph 2. In your additional reading or podcast, what was an idea that you found interesting, surprising, or confusing? Describe the idea and why it resulted in one or more of these reactions.
  • Paragraph 3. What was one connection you observed between the assigned chapter and your additional reading or podcast? Describe the connection. Connections might be a similar idea, conflicting ideas, or other themes.
  • Paragraph 4. What are one or more questions you have that emerged from your reading/listening? These might be asking for more depth about an idea, for clarification about a confusing idea, or other curiosities. These questions will invite discussion among your classmates and are required to earn credit for your initial discussion post.

TESC The Impact of Healthcare Reform on Managing American Workers Essay


In your paper, be sure to include the following:

  1. Introduction and topic selection. Provide a brief focus statement about your paper, a synopsis of your chosen topic, and what the reader can expect.
  2. Functions of management. Explain how your chosen topic relates to the four functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
  3. Management skills. Explain how management skills are utilized in terms of your topic. Be sure to analyze which skills would be useful and why.
  4. Motivated workforce. Assess how your topic relates to building a motivated workforce. Where applicable, discuss how diversity plays a role. Explain which human resource management principles apply here.
  5. Solutions. Discuss how the findings can be expanded, implemented, or promoted when determining managerial solutions. Apply specific theories or models that would benefit this issue.
  6. Summary. Culminate your paper with a few concluding paragraphs about what your paper discussed and how it can be beneficial to practitioners.

Important Deadlines

  • Module 1—Discussion Forum: Management Issue of Choice
  • Module 4—Discussion Forum: Statement of Purpose