AU Health Belief Theoretical Framework Paper


You have spent six weeks exploring theories of nursing. These represent the “how” of what we do as nurses. This week we enter a higher level of thought and explore the “why” of what we do. Present a personal nursing philosophy. Apply what you have read throughout the course and explore the literature on nursing philosophy. While Fawcett was not a nursing theorist, she is a nursing philosopher and her Metaparadigm of Nursing approaches philosophy over theory. Once you have discussed your philosophy, identify a theoretical framework (not the middle-range theories but the underlying assumptions in that framework) that fits your philosophy. Compare and contrast your philosophy and the chosen framework.  Describe a possible situation in which the framework may conflict or not fit your philosophy. While it is an important skill to be able to match a theory with a situation, it is also critical to understand when a theory or framework does not fit a situation.

Seattle Central College the Foundations of Information Discussion


  • Paragraph 1. Name the chapter you are selecting for your reflection. In the Foundations of Information chapter you selected, what was an idea you found interesting, surprising, or confusing? Describe the idea and why it resulted in one or more of these reactions.
  • Paragraph 2. In your additional reading or podcast, what was an idea that you found interesting, surprising, or confusing? Describe the idea and why it resulted in one or more of these reactions.
  • Paragraph 3. What was one connection you observed between the assigned chapter and your additional reading or podcast? Describe the connection. Connections might be a similar idea, conflicting ideas, or other themes.
  • Paragraph 4. What are one or more questions you have that emerged from your reading/listening? These might be asking for more depth about an idea, for clarification about a confusing idea, or other curiosities. These questions will invite discussion among your classmates and are required to earn credit for your initial discussion post.

TESC The Impact of Healthcare Reform on Managing American Workers Essay


In your paper, be sure to include the following:

  1. Introduction and topic selection. Provide a brief focus statement about your paper, a synopsis of your chosen topic, and what the reader can expect.
  2. Functions of management. Explain how your chosen topic relates to the four functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
  3. Management skills. Explain how management skills are utilized in terms of your topic. Be sure to analyze which skills would be useful and why.
  4. Motivated workforce. Assess how your topic relates to building a motivated workforce. Where applicable, discuss how diversity plays a role. Explain which human resource management principles apply here.
  5. Solutions. Discuss how the findings can be expanded, implemented, or promoted when determining managerial solutions. Apply specific theories or models that would benefit this issue.
  6. Summary. Culminate your paper with a few concluding paragraphs about what your paper discussed and how it can be beneficial to practitioners.

Important Deadlines

  • Module 1—Discussion Forum: Management Issue of Choice
  • Module 4—Discussion Forum: Statement of Purpose

LAW 101 The Company Gets Losses Money and Place in The Market Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a law question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Heimdall Corporation’s board of directors hired a new CEO, Essa Alharbi. The Executive Search Firm that hired him found that in their search of over 200 candidates, he was the most qualified. He had extensive experience in helping businesses succeed. After the Board of Directors hired him, 11 months into the job, the company experienced significant losses in revenue and market share. As a result, the Board forced him to resign but paid him a handsome sum to leave the company, as was customary in this situation. A group of shareholders filed a lawsuit against the Board of Directors indicating that they were liable for the hiring of the incompetent CEO, and demanding they reimburse the shareholders for their losses due to his actions.

Are the members of the board liable for hiring Mr. Alharbi, and for the losses of the company?

None Life Span and Develoment Paper


Directions: Answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length;

Respond to the items below.

Part A

Consider the lifespan development process and describe the following changes in the INFANT from content in your text and outside, credible sources. In your response, use resources in the last three years that support recent scientific findings, citing at least one specific example of a new discovery in each of the following areas:

1. Physical changes
2. Cognitive changes
3. Nutritional needs/changes
4. Sensory changes

Part B

Provide an explanation of the nature/nurture controversy as it pertains to each of the following. When providing your response, use at least two (2) evidence-based research resources from the last three years that support recent scientific findings, citing at least one specific example of a new discovery in each of the following areas:

  • Prenatal Development
  • Labor and Birth
  • Birth Complications
  • Development of the Competent Newborn

Grossmont College In Vitro Fertilization Paper



Explain the contextual situation (biographical, political, historical, genre), and cite from any outside source that provides this context;

Describe the authors’ purpose and articulate the arguments they are making, showing what the central claims are and any significant sub-claims;

  • Identify the intended audience of the texts and explore the text’s underlying assumptions;
  • Articulate your major claim (or thesis statement); 
  • Comparatively explore and analyze the relationship between the argument and the ways writers/speakers use rhetorical strategies and their body of evidence to advance their claims;

Smoothly integrate direct quotes and/or paraphrases from your texts;

Discuss how writers/speakers use these rhetorical strategies and their body of evidence to appeal to their intended audience.

  • Discuss how assumptions affect writing and/or artistic decisions

Discuss how fallacies may affect the argument (OPTIONAL)

  • Effectively conclude your paper – consider your major claim/thesis and the greater significance of this type of analysis;
  • Use an effective structure and transitions that carefully guide the reader from one idea to the next;

CC Dirty Coms Discussion


Choose a podcast to listen to that is network, network security, or degree related. For example, if you are an accounting major, it is fine to choose an accounting podcast. No personal or entertainment podcasts.

Submit a 1 page executive summary per podcast. The summary should include the title of the podcast, the date, and the speaker(s).

Research what an executive summary should look like. It should be a formal document. If you do not format it like an executive summary, it will be scored a 0.

Include a brief summary of the podcast and what you found useful.

Submit your executive summary in Canvas.

The goals of this exercise are to improve your writing skills and introduce you to methods of continuing education. This should not look like a book report. I want to know what you found interesting / useful. If it is written like a play by play recording of the podcast, it will be marked down accordingly.

USC Economics Discussion


Choose 1 topic to write a 6 paper essay on. Must use relevant sources (preferably using “An Outline of the History of Economic Thought” ). Must use correct MLA citation.

1. What is monetarism? What was the desired outcome, and what was the key tool to achieve that outcome?

2. Distinguish between Friedman’s monetarism and Lucas’. What did they share? How did they differ?

3. What are the key assumptions that allow the Arrow-Debreu conclusion that a position of general equilibrium in an economy is possible?

4. Defend the following claim: It is ironic that the Arrow-Debreu conclusion was finalized just as the economics profession turned in the late 1950s and early 1960s to widespread economic planning.

5. What is the core message of the Coase Theorem and how has impacted law and economics?

6. What is the core message of Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem and how has it impacted economics?

7. Compare and contrast two different theories of justice described in Screpanti/Zamagni, ch. 10.

UON Treating Human Diseases Microbes Discussion


Ask and answer a discussion question that builds on what we discussed during the week (you need to include the link to the information you reference when you try to search the question online to back what you asked (the discussion questions needs to be at minimum 300 words each and the responses should be 250 each). The discussion questions I chose to focus on this week was: “What are some consequences of fecal microbiomes transplants in treating human diseases?”, and “How does pregnancy effect/influence the remodeling of gut microbiome and further metabolic changes? ” All of these questions need a 450 word response EACH accompanied by their own link. The 2 responses to two students questions (the .jpeg files attached) also need to be accompanied by a link that you used to attempt to answer their requisitions. Will include an example of my own work and two discussions that you need to respond to.

SDSU Insurance Riders Endorsement Discussion


Judy owns a single-family house in the San Diego area, and she is shopping for better homeowners coverage. Right now, she has an unendorsed HO-3 policy, and she wants to make sure the coverage is appropriate for her needs. She is working with a new insurance broker, Xavier, who asks her to describe her insurance needs.

Judy explains that she lives full-time at her house, but also runs her florist business out of her garage and garden shed. She stores about $5,000 worth of pots, dirt, seeds, gardening equipment, etc. on site, as well as about $10,000 of flowers, shrubs, etc. She is also an avid sailor, and has a small sailboat in her garage, as well as some expensive seascape paintings in the house valued at $25,000 each.

Xavier indicates that, right now, Judy might not be covered for all her exposures. What are some endorsements she might consider adding to her HO-3 policy, and why?”