University of Harvard Arguments for The Existence of God Presentation


Presentation of key philosophic idea/issue/question:

Scheduled sometime during the last 2-3 weeks of the semester (schedule will be set as of midterm grades), students will design and deliver a 10-15 minute presentation on a major philosophic idea/issue/question in the history of philosophy.

The presentation should cover the following things:

  • What is the major philosophic idea? (examples are myriad, ones we cover over the semester include Plato’s “forms,” Descartes’ “cogito,” Hume’s critique of miracles, Aristotle’s “doctrine of the mean,” Nietzsche’s “master/slave morality,” the “mind-body problem,” aesthetics of modern art (one of its many issues), postmodernism (one of its many questions), classical arguments for the existence of God, a priori vs. a posteriori knowledge, virtue ethics/utilitarianism/deontology, socialism/communism/Marxism, liberalism…) (10 pts)
  • What are the important historical reference points for the idea/issue/question? (10 pts)
  • What controversy or debate is there about the major idea? (10 pts)
  • Finally, what solutions are proposed to the controversy and which do you side with and why? (10 pts) 

Target Marketing and Positioning Discussion Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

FIrst: Target Marketing and Positioning (Bullet Points, single-spaced):

-Identify and describe who the likely current Target Market(s) for the company overall, and for the product line in particular? Use consumer behavior principles and insights to develop your description and utilize evidence from the company’s current marketing mix decisions to support your assertions.

–What competitive advantage has the company pursued particularly for this product line? Discuss and present evidence to support your assertions.


External!!! Analysis Snapshot:

Industry Trend Analysis (Bullet points, single-spaced): Identify specific  Technology!!! f actors that are impacting this industry or occurring within this industry. Then, discuss the potential impact that this trends may have on the industry, whether positive or negative, and why. Remember that each trend should have evidentiary support, with a parenthetical citation after the data point, and the full citation in the Works Cited page.

New York University Grand Army of Starvation Film Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a history discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Answer discussion questions about the film 1877: The Grand Army of Starvation.

Answer any two questions:

What were the major causes of the 1877 strike? Why did it spread from being a railroad work stoppage to a major uprising in cities throughout the United States?

How did employers react to the strike? Why did the government intervene to end the strike?

What was the outcome of the strike? How did the media shape public opinion of the strike?  What impact did the strike have on the labor movement

Also answer question 4:

4. How do the events of 1877—including the end of Reconstruction and the Great Railroad Uprising—relate to themes about race relations, social class and labor relations, and the possibilities for collective action in earlier moments in American history that we have discussed in this course? Are these themes still relevant today?

HIST 10 AMU Week 5 Transcendentalism and Individualism Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a history discussion question and need support to help me learn.

1:  What is the relationship between transcendentalism and individualism? Between transcendentalism and social reform? Between Transcendentalism and middle class?

2:  Who was Harriet Tubman and how did she make an impact on American History?  How was she involved in the Underground Railroad and the Union Army?   Remember to avoid a biography- she was born- married- did stuff- died.  Focus on her impact on History.   

3:  How do you explain the appearance of the women’s rights movement? What were its goals, and why did they arouse intense opposition?  Remember 1840s not the 1900s. 

4:  Choose either William Lloyd Garrison or Frederick Douglass.  How did your chosen person impact American History?  How did he influence society?  Why?  Choose 1 person.  Not both.    Remember to avoid a biography- he was born- married- did stuff- died.  Focus on Garrison or Douglass’s impact on History.   


CST 100 The University of Maryland Chronic Diseases Management Speech Outline


III. Weekly Insulin Shots
A. Frequent shots cause bruising
B. A better supplement for insulin insertion for those incapable/uncomfortable
C. Research says “Once-weekly treatment with insulin icodec had glucose-lowering efficacy
and a safety profile similar to those of once-daily insulin glargine U100 in patients with
type 2 diabetes,” (Rosenstock, 2020).
Transition into Conclusion: These medical breakthroughs are clearly very important for lots of
people, probably even people we know.
I. Review of Main Points:
A. Ebola virus treatments
a. Global need
B. First Alzheimer’s blood test
a. Accessibility
C. Weekly insulin shots
a. Convenience
II. Concluding Remarks: While we had our focus on the coronavirus, researchers and medical
specialists used their time and resources to make medical breakthroughs the year of 2020 and
those findings deserved to be celebrated.

Indiana State University Police Brutality Discussion


1. Identify a current events topic/issue/event that you want to research. (Police Brutality)

3. Answer the following prompts based on your research: 

     A. Briefly summarize the topic you chose to research.  Why did you select it?  (should be 4-5 sentences; worth 5 points)

     B.  Using the sources you read, discuss some of the key points being raised/discussed/debated/experienced.  What are the points of tension within your topic, or, do all of the sources you read seem to suggest the same thing(s)?  (should be 6-8 sentences, including at least 1 direct quote from your sources; worth 10 points) 

     C. Why is the topic you chose important?  What does it tell us about the broader topic of race in the U.S.?  Is it a topic that should be covered the next time this class is taught?  Why or why not?  (should be at least 8- 10 sentences long, including at least 1 direct quote from your sources; worth 15 points)

FCCM HCA Learning activity


Research and analyze at least three (3) monographs, articles, websites, or other credible sources published over the last year that inform notable healthcare policy and/or ethics issues impacting the U.S. healthcare ecosystem, including major stakeholders.

  • Briefly summarize the content and conclusions of each of your research sources. Provide source links along with proper APA format citations.
  • After considering the research, what were your biggest analytical judgments about the policy and/or ethics issues? Why?
  • What major healthcare policy or ethical barriers did you learn about related to the issues that you researched and analyzed that might impact future health ecosystem progress in these issue areas?
  • Formulate and explain two specific, practical ideas you believe major healthcare organizations should prioritize for responding to the policy and/or ethical issues you researched and evaluated, with the aim of improving value for health ecosystem stakeholders? What would be different and better from the status quo?
  • 4 pages 12 point font times new roman.

Palm Beach State Collage Foundations of Culture Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a communications writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Instructions: Please read the instructions carefully and answer the following prompt. 

First, read Chapter 8.1: Foundations of Culture

Online Chapter link:… an external site.)

Format: In a separate paragraph, answer BOTH questions below. Answer each question in 100-125 words. Responses should demonstrate understanding of the reading and refer to relevant concepts from the chapters to explain your responses. 

List some of your personal, social, and cultural identities. Are there any that relate? If so, how? For your cultural identities, which ones are dominant and which ones are nondominant? What would a person who looked at this list be able to tell about you?

  • Describe a situation in which someone ascribed an identity to you that didn’t match with your avowed identities. Why do you think the person ascribed the identity to you? Were there any stereotypes involved?

MVCC Diabetes Diagnosis and Covid Paper


Find a recent article (within the past 5 years) in the lay press dealing with an endocrine finding. Look up the scientific paper the popular press article is based on. You may use the following websites to find reliable scientific articles. This should be 2 pages no more its due April 27th midnight central time zone. , , write a critique of the scientific study, including how this was received in the popular press (and was it accurately represented).

  1. Find a recent article dealing with endocrinology in the lay press

Find an original paper that the article is based o

2.State why this article was chosen by you

State whether the popular press represented the scientific finding correctly, or in a misleading way

3.State the major important findings of the scientific article

4.State whether the data supports the findings

5.Conclude with how the scientific findings could be best interpreted by the press

Moraine Valley Community College Endocrinology Essay


Find a recent article (within the past 5 years) in the lay press dealing with an endocrine finding. Look up the scientific paper the popular press article is based on. You may use the following websites to find reliable scientific articles. This should be 2 pages no more its due April 27th midnight central time zone. , , write a critique of the scientific study, including how this was received in the popular press (and was it accurately represented).

  1. Find a recent article dealing with endocrinology in the lay press

Find an original paper that the article is based o

2.State why this article was chosen by you

State whether the popular press represented the scientific finding correctly, or in a misleading way

3.State the major important findings of the scientific article

4.State whether the data supports the findings

5.Conclude with how the scientific findings could be best interpreted by the press