West Valley College Writing The Garden Party Literature Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Answer the following questions related about the story:

  1. What do you think the end of the story means. When Laura sobs and hugs her brother, Laurie (Laurie is a boy, Laura is a girl) and says “Isn’t it marvelous” — what has effected her so much? What does she mean? How do you interpret the ending of this story?
  2. Find two passages that describe two different settings in the story. Find one passage that describes the Sheridan’s own setting. Find another passage that describes the neighboring community. Think about how the way the settings are described reflect the opinions and prejudices of the Sheridan family.
    • Quote each passage.
    • Explain, in your own words, what the passage is saying.
    • Interpret how the language and imagery of the passage reveals the prejudices and blindness of the Sheridan’s point of view.

VCCS Judaism Islam and Christianity Discussion


Please read the following:


  • Citing evidence from the section on Iconoclasm in Chapter 11 of the textbook, the Ten Commandments, the Five Pillars of Islam, “Shirk” in Islam, and the Iconoclastic Council, 754, what do Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have in common, why might Byzantine Christians have begun to urgently focus on this common tenet in the 8th Century, and what was the result?

UA Redesigning Cities Discussion


First, go to Kanopy and watch “The Human Scale”. Then answer these questions about the movie:

  1. What are 3 things that surprised you or made you think about cities and communities in a new way? Why did they surprise you? How did they change your view of cities or communities?
  2. What are 3 things that you agreed with? Why do you agree with them?
  3. What’s 1 thing that you’re not sure about? Why are you not sure?
  4. Think about the movie and what’s happened in the last few years, especially with COVID-19, lockdowns, and our shift away from in-person gatherings. How have communities changed in the last few years? Does that change the way you see the movie?

Your finished document (with answers to all 4 questions) should be about 300 words long.


Academy of Art Cultural Movement

Question Description

I’m working on a case studies writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

We looked at cultural movements and their impact on brands. Now, identify a cultural movement that affects your brand.

Why does your brand exist? What is going on in culture that makes your brand relevant? In 300 to 400 words, describe a cultural movement and how it affects your brand. You may include an image (optional) to help identify or explain the cultural movement. This can be an existing cultural movement that influences your brand or brand category, or it can be a cultural movement with which you think your brand should partner.

Perhaps your brand is already successfully integrating a cultural movement into their branding. Can you identify the cultural movement? Is there a new opportunity out there for your brand?

*My choice of brand is H&M, you can focus on sustainability culture.

ENG 121 SLU English Discussion


Imagine you must give a presentation to a group of executives in anoffice. Weeks before the big day, you spend time building and rehearsingthe presentation and making crucial decisions not only about thecontent, but also the delivery. Will you wear a suit and a dress shirt,use technology to project figures and charts, define important words orwill the executives already know the terms? The answers to thesequestions will help you develop an appropriate relationship with youraudience, making them more receptive to your message.

Now imagine you must explain the same business concepts from yourpresentation to a group of high school students. All those importantquestions you previously answered may now require different answers.Discuss how your presentation to the new audience will change from theoriginal. What will you add? What will you remove? What will you adjustand how? What shifts in format and delivery will you make to ensure thatyour audience receives your message?

PSU Film Communication Discussion


1.Watch Total Recall 1990.(link under) and write a personal reaction essay “not formal essay” with some pacific details about the movie for example something that moved you or made you think of something personal. (write it as personal as you can not Formal). Also there is a file of “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale” by Philip K. Dick. analyzed reading attached and I want you to see how it relates to the story of the movie and write about It. This part should be approximately 250 words.

movie links: https://ww3.d123movies.to/watch-movie-2/total-recall-1990_cwa8k9ab3/a9eww6k-full-movie-free-online?WatchNow=1

2. • This is both a science fiction movie and an action movie. Which genre do you think takes precedence?

  • Do any particular characters or performances stand out to you as especially good or bad?
  • Is there a political message to this film?
  • This part can be between 150 words to 250

EDUC 9222 UOFM Writing Early Childhood Learning Reflection Paper


Considering the required weekly readings, write a reflection on how the literature informs and supports:

a) Your growing Early Childhood pedagogy

b) Young children’s learning

Required topics readings must be cited and referenced in your reflection.

You must cite and reference all required readings from weeks 1- 6 (those highlighted in yellow in this booklet, see attached file ).Marks will be awarded for additional referencing from Early Childhood literature and credible sources.

Reading list choose from here:

1. Gandini, L. (2012). Connecting through caring and learning spaces. The hundred languages of children: The Reggio Emilia experience in transformation, pp. 317-341.

2. Irving. E & Carter. C. (2018). The Child in Focus. pp. 91-113.

3. Irving. E & Carter. C. (2018). The Child in Focus. pp. 113-123

4. Irving. E & Carter. C. (2018). The Child in Focus. Chapter 3.

5. *Ormrod, J., (2011). Educational psychology: Developing learners. Ch 2. pp 19-25.

The Child in Focus book is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11ii3b3EIVR87AAibD…

Ashford University Public Administration Communications Discussion


In general, public organizations, governmental departments, and nonprofit organizations have budgets that provide the limit of the amount of money that the organization or department can spend. Resource allocation is the process of determining how to spend that money. It can also refer to how to utilize nonmonetary resources such as employee time, equipment, and buildings.  

You need to analyze the fiduciary impacts and resource allocation decisions related to your policy change or new policy.  

Specifically, your 1,050- to 1,500-word paper should do the following: 

Analyzes 3 public administration techniques for resolving fiduciary concerns (for example, budgetary analysis, requesting funding through legislative process or a revenue request process, application for grants, or requesting donations from agencies and nonprofits) 

Discusses fiduciary concerns (or resource allocation decisions) related to your policy change or new policy 

Discusses how they will utilize 3 public administration techniques for work resolving with fiduciary concerns for their proposed policy 

The American College Rhapsody in Blue Essay


  1. Choose one of the pieces from this unit’s listening.
  2. Pick one that stands out to you and briefly (1-2 sentences) explain why this particular piece “caught your ear.”
  3. What are the piece’s unique characteristics? BE SPECIFIC and use your textbook as your reference! This should be the main part of your mini-essay. This is not opinion – these are facts that you have researched.

Listening: Jazz 2

Cross Road Blues – Robert Johnson (1936) (Links to an external site.)Robert Johnson: Crossroads

Composer/Performer: Robert Johnson

William Grant Still: Afro-American Symphony – I. Moderato Assai (Links to an external site.)William Grant Still: Afro-American Symphony

Composer: William Grant Still

Suite for Violin and Piano: III (Links to an external site.)William Grant Still: Suite for Violin and Piano

Composer: William Grant Still

Rhapsody in Blue (Links to an external site.)Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue

Composer: George Gershwin

Prince Sultan University Research Findings Essay


I need the Expected Findings of the research “The Subject” attachment.

Please find the “Guideline” attachment to help you with the assignment.

Also, please find the attached “Example” to give you an idea how the assignment should look like.

It should be 3 Paragraphs. As it is mentioned in the “guideline” attachment.

In paragraph 1, summarize your research proposal. Start with main points of your literature review (you can find the Literature Review attached), then summarize the methodology section.

In paragraph 2, write down what you expect to find in your research study. Do you think your hypothesis will prove correct at the end of the research? If yes, how? Also, write down the importance of your study – who will benefit from your study?

In paragraph 3, write down the limitations of your research and recommendations for future research.

The total word count should be from 300-400 Words.

Please keep the plagiarism to a minimum.