Ashford University Public Administration Communications Discussion


In general, public organizations, governmental departments, and nonprofit organizations have budgets that provide the limit of the amount of money that the organization or department can spend. Resource allocation is the process of determining how to spend that money. It can also refer to how to utilize nonmonetary resources such as employee time, equipment, and buildings.  

You need to analyze the fiduciary impacts and resource allocation decisions related to your policy change or new policy.  

Specifically, your 1,050- to 1,500-word paper should do the following: 

Analyzes 3 public administration techniques for resolving fiduciary concerns (for example, budgetary analysis, requesting funding through legislative process or a revenue request process, application for grants, or requesting donations from agencies and nonprofits) 

Discusses fiduciary concerns (or resource allocation decisions) related to your policy change or new policy 

Discusses how they will utilize 3 public administration techniques for work resolving with fiduciary concerns for their proposed policy 

The American College Rhapsody in Blue Essay


  1. Choose one of the pieces from this unit’s listening.
  2. Pick one that stands out to you and briefly (1-2 sentences) explain why this particular piece “caught your ear.”
  3. What are the piece’s unique characteristics? BE SPECIFIC and use your textbook as your reference! This should be the main part of your mini-essay. This is not opinion – these are facts that you have researched.

Listening: Jazz 2

Cross Road Blues – Robert Johnson (1936) (Links to an external site.)Robert Johnson: Crossroads

Composer/Performer: Robert Johnson

William Grant Still: Afro-American Symphony – I. Moderato Assai (Links to an external site.)William Grant Still: Afro-American Symphony

Composer: William Grant Still

Suite for Violin and Piano: III (Links to an external site.)William Grant Still: Suite for Violin and Piano

Composer: William Grant Still

Rhapsody in Blue (Links to an external site.)Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue

Composer: George Gershwin

GNTC The Buddha in The Attic Understanding and Japanese Internment Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a english discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  • Pick at least 2 questions to answer.
  • Who narrates the novel’s final section, “A Disappearance”? Why? What is the impact of this dramatic shift? What effect does that have on your understanding of the end of the book? When do they start to forget about the Japanese? Why? What makes them miss their Japanese neighbors?
  • Japanese internment ended at the end of WWII. How would you extend the book for one more chapter? What do you think can be said when the Japanese return to their own homes?
  • How does The Buddha in the Attic challenge or fit your understanding of immigrant experiences? Which dominant narrative of migration can this novel be associated with? Share your final thoughts of the novel in relation to the concept of “coming to America”

Menlo College Person Activities Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing report and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

I hope everyone is doing well and staying active. We have students in various phases of this class and I would like reiterate the course expectations.

Remember, as the course title states, you have the individual freedom to create your own activity plan this semester with a minimum of 15 hours of Individual Activity required. This may or may not feel like a big task based on your current lifestyle and the overall goal is to build a habit of moving.

Step one: Please send me a brief description of your activity/activities of choice. and a

Step two: Implement your activity plan and progress towards your goals.

Step three: Submit a progress update.

Step four: Submit your hours and a brief summary of your experience. Example: Were you able to accomplish your goals?

Portland State University Philosophy Essay


  • there are three files, you will have to answer one qoustion in each file that is it
  • i will copy on of the qoustions here

  • Does social media and the internet give us a false sense of community whereas in the past a community required more interpersonal communication?Background: We live in an age with online forums and Facebook groups for everything. These groups give many a sense of community, whereas a community in the past required actual face to face conversation and required those involved to be present in person. This is no longer the case. My question to everyone is have we lost the true understanding of what a community is giving us a false sense of it, or has the modern definition of community evolved into something different. Do you think this makes us happier and connected to others, or does it make us actually more lonely?

Purdue Global University Ethics and Decision Making Project


Ethics and Decision-Making

HS450-5: Evaluate change management principles and models for their impacts on employee motivation, productivity, and job satisfaction.

Unit Outcomes

  • Examine the ethics of decision-making in health care.
  • Lead and motivate employees through change.


Part 1


Develop a 1st person change management project to outsource the new employee onboarding process for your health care organization. Summarize the hypothetical details you would implement and apply a change management model. Describe the anticipated impact on employee motivation, productivity, and satisfaction and how any challenges will be addressed.

Part 2


Evaluate one of the ethical rules listed in the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Code of Ethics applying the rule specifically to the onboarding process.

Part 3

I will do the Part 3 Based off the 1st Person APA writing.

Record a 5- to 7-minute audio or video representing a conference call informing the CEO of your project, including all elements for a successful implementation for approval.

GCCCD Nursing & Health Education Essay


What are the advantages and disadvantages of the nursing professions LPN/LVN, RN, APRN? If you were going into the nursing profession, which one would you choose and why?

Here are some links to articles, blogs, and publications that may help you form your opinion. Please remember that these are 50 point discussions and should be well thought out and supported with quotes and evidence.

Link (Links to an external site.)

Link (Links to an external site.)

Link (Links to an external site.)

Link (Links to an external site.)


Here is a link to the video. Post a 3 sentence summary along with a paragraph of your thoughts on the topic.

Link (Links to an external site.)

Writing Philosophy of Teaching Research Paper


Write a paper stating your philosophy of teaching.  Chapters 3 and 4 in the text may be helpful to review in preparation of writing your thoughts.  Here are some points to consider:

1.What is your philosophy of life?   

Why do you hold that view?  (Also see page 53 in the text for questions you answered near the beginning of the semester.)

2.What is your philosophy of education?  (PROGRESSIVISM) 

Why do you hold that view?  (Also see page 94 in the text for questions you answered near the beginning of the semester.)

3.Whether you are going into public or parochial education, address faith integration or character development in your philosophy of teaching.  How will your faith or character impact your teaching?  The Golden Rule 


Webb, L. D., Metha, A., & Jordan, K. F. (2017) Foundations of American Education                                     8th edition.  Boston, MA:  Pearson.

                               LiveText: Student Edition Membership (at (ED students only)

MTSU Plea Bargaining in the USA Infographic


For this extra credit assignment, you will create an infographic. (You can review examples of infographics throughout the course modules and in the enhancement materials. You are not allowed to copy one from the course modules.)

You need to cover one of the following topics in your infographic: (If you have a different concept/idea, seek approval.) Note, Canva ( and Piktochart ( are free. You may use any software you prefer–as long as it is done well. If you have questions, please reach out to me. For full extra credit points, it must be clear what your topic is, the key points related to the topic (6 facts), and you must use at least 5 graphics. Make sure to cite at the bottom of your infographic.

  • Plea bargaining in the USA
  • Bail in the USA
  • Understanding Crime Rates/Explaining Crime Rate
  • Current/Hot Topics in Policing
  • Understanding Probation OR Parole

New York University How the Challenges of the New Rapid Changes Could Be Met Essay


  1. After the Civil War ended, the United States went through a great number of radical changes very quickly. The country changed both in terms of its people and its economy.
  2. The c0untry changed demographically: freed slaves and a large wave of immigrants from Europe joined the American political community. In addition, the country’s economy went through an industrial revolution and made an abrupt transition from being primarily agricultural to being primarily industrial.
  3. Your assignment for this essay is to pick three thinkers from the list below and discuss how each thinker thought that the challenges of the new rapid changes could be met. Focus on one or two arguments made by each thinker and support your interpretation with well-chosen quotes from the text. Do not provide unnecessary background biographical information in this short essay.
  4. Jane Addams

Booker T. Washington

  1. W.E.B. Du Bois

William Graham Sumner

Andrew Carnegie

William Jennings Bryan

Emma Goldman

Eugene Debs

Herbert Croly