Walden University Workplace Assessment Discussion


Respond to a colleague by sharing ideas for how shortcomings discovered in their evaluations and/or their examples of incivility could have been managed more effectively. Please include 2 references. Colleague’s response is below

While performing my workplace assessment there were several things that I never took into consideration that determined how healthy or unhealthy my work environment was. Although, after adding up my score I realized that 67 sounded a bit unhealthier than I perceive my work environment to be. I can’t say that this assessment is entirely accurate. Most of my lower score rating had to do with lack of teamwork or the organization providing room for growth.

The score ratings for management  was scored at a 5. This has a lot to do with the fact that we have an amazing leadership team.

I had a large amount of 4’s that were supported by competitive pay and management taking the view of employee’s perspectives when looking for ideas to make the organization better. Employee satisfaction was also scored at a 4, as I believe most of us are happy working here.

Two things that surprised me from the results was the result score overall. I feel that most of us are happy in this organization. We have a strong and supportive leadership team that has been the best we have had in the past 4 years.

The other thing that surprised me was how many neutral scores I had, and many had to be with trust and feeling valued as an employee, employee self-care and ability to grow within the company.

One area of the assessment that was true in every aspect was that we do not retain, the best and brightest staff. Its sounds terrible, but often times people who come to work in a jail come here from an acute care and often struggle with adaptation to the environment. The environment is very different in jail, every time care is rendered by nursing professional you have to wait on Custody staff member to assist medical staff

The results of the assessment suggest that my work environment can use some work and improvement. The assessment was beneficial in providing insight as to what areas need improvement.

I noticed with the assessment provided that there is a lot of incivility amongst peers. Although the facility I work for states it is a zero tolerance facility for inappropriate of unprofessional behavior, this typically is behavior that management has turned a blind eye too due to bigger situations going on. This is usually not addressed unless the gravity of the behavior is significant and causes a hazardous or hostile working environment. 

Incivility is defined as “a low intensity deviant behavior with the ambiguous intent to harm the target, violating the workplace norm of mutual respect.” (Bambi et al., 2017). This type of behavior ultimately affects patient care. When working in a hostile environment or working with individuals that cause incivility, it makes it difficult to provide mutual aid to a patient especially if people can’t set aside their differences during a time of need.

The facility I work for can promote a healthy working environment by providing flexibility with staff, allowing for breaks. Over the past couple of years, I believe that nursing staff has struggled with burn out due to increase loads of patient. Nurses have worked and excruciating amount of hours covering for nursing staff that has been off sick due to COVID, staff that has left the medical field or the facility in general. Fatigue and stress has definitely contributed to incivility in the workplace. Not because we are bad people but because we are tired. The organization could foster a healthier work environment by providing us with mental health services, and promoting physical wellbeing ensuring adequate rest time between shifts (Stoewen, D. 2016).

A healthy work environment for nursing is safe, empowering and satisfying (Wei et al., 2018). Allowing for coworkers to discuss areas that need improvement can help to promote a healthier work environment as well as the organization maintaining and enforcing zero tolerance for unprofessional conduct regardless of the severity. After all, having a healthy work environment is not only beneficial to staff but ultimately is most beneficial and in the best interest of our patients.

I had a situation a couple of years ago where we had one particular individual that was extremely hostile and boisterous when things were not done in the specific way that she wanted them done. Unfortunately, she was a difficult person to deal with on a daily basis. Yes, we were hard up for nurses hence why leadership turned a blind eye, but it wasn’t until her behavior was directed to patients and custody staff members that they finally had to take action. None the less the behavior went on for much longer than it should have. 

Walden University Diagnoses of The Patient Discussion



please respond to the following discussion post Case 2: Ankle Pain

A 46-year-old female reports pain in both of her ankles, but she is more concerned about her right ankle. She was playing soccer over the weekend and heard a “pop.” She is able to bear weight, but it is uncomfortable.


Patient Information: AZ      Age: 46          Gender: Female

Chief Complaint: “my ankles are hurting and is uncomfortable, but my right ankle is worse, I heard it pop”

History of Present Illness:

AZ is a 46-year-old Caucasian female who was playing soccer with friends in the park who presented with bilateral ankle pains for the past 3 days.  Patient reported that she heard a “pop” sound during the game.  The right ankle hurts more than the left one and complained being uncomfortable with her discomfort.  She gave her pain a rate of 5 out of 10 and described her pain as aching one.  Patient verbalized that she is able to bear weight on it, but the pain is increasing.  She said taking Tylenol 325 mg PO helped her in her pain.

Medications:  Multivitamins 500 mg once daily

Allergies:  Pineapple – Rash (reaction)

Past Medical History:  No medical history

Past Surgical History:  None

Immunizations:  Up to date to all vaccinations; COVID vaccine completed (Pfizer dose)

Significant Family History:




Maternal Grandmother-Unknown

Maternal Grandfather-Hypertension

Paternal Grandmother-Colon Cancer

Paternal Grandfather-Asthma

Sexual/Reproductive History:  Heterosexual, single, not sexually active

Social History:  Spends weekends with friends playing soccer.  Work full time as a computer analyst.  Patient denied smoking tobacco or using illicit drugs.  Patient exercises in the fitness gym 3x a week.  Patient drinks beer once a week during weekends with friends.


General:  AZ is a pleasant, alert and oriented, well nourished female adult.  Patient complained of bilateral ankle pains with a pain scale of 5 out of 10 for 3 days and the right ankle’s pain is increasing.  She denied any fever, nausea, and other complaints.  AZ answered questions appropriately.

HEENT:  Denied any vision, hearing, smelling, swallowing, and head problems

Neck:  Denied any neck pain or swelling

Skin:  No itchiness or discolorations

Cardiovascular:  Denies chest pain or palpitations

Respiratory:  No shortness of breath, no cough

Gastrointestinal:  Denied abdominal pain.  Verbalized has regular bowel movements.  Last BM was this morning.

Genitourinary:  No changes in urinary pattern.  Denied any voiding difficulties

Psychiatric:  Denied any history of anxiety or depression

Neurologic:  No history of seizures, syncope or numbness.  No changes in mental patterns

Hematologic:  Denied history of anemia

Musculoskeletal:  Denied joint swelling.  Complains of bilateral ankle pains.  Verbalized that able to bear weight


Physical Exam:

Vital signs:


Pulse-69 (strong, regular)

Respiratory rate: 14, unlabored

Temperature: 97.8 F

SPO2: 99% on room air

Height: 5’2”

Weight: 158 lbs

General:  Alert and oriented x 4, appears in mild discomfort with no immediate distress

HEENT:  Head symmetrical; Bilateral eyes reactive to light; Bilateral ears pink, no swelling; Nose has no swelling; Throat pink, no swelling

Chest/Lungs:  Clear lungs sounds, unlabored

Heart/Peripheral Vascular:  No murmurs, regular heart sounds, normal sinus rhythm; Bilateral radial and dorsalis pedis pulses (+) 2, regular

Abdomen:  Soft, non-tender, bowel sounds present in all quadrants

Skin:  Intact, dry, warm

Genitourinary:  Continent; no distention

Musculoskeletal:  Right ankle swelling, tenderness upon palpation.  Able to bear weight upon ambulation.  No crepitus present.

Diagnostic Test

CBC- normal ranges

CMP-normal ranges

Ankle xray- negative for fractures

Anterior drawer test – negative

Stress right ankle xray- (+) injured ligaments on right ankle


Differential Diagnosis

Ankle fracture

Plantar Fascitis

Achilles Tendinitis

Anterior Impingement

Lateral Ankle Sprain

Ankle fracture is an injury to the bone which may be caused from a twisting injury from a fall or direct trauma.  These may involve the one or more of the ankle bones such as tibia, fibula, and talus with symptoms such as severe immediate pain, swelling, bruising, tenderness, deformity, and inability to bear weight (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. 2022).

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the fascia that connects the heel to the toes which causes intense pain to the foot.  This usually caused by chronic weight-bearing stress when laxity of foot allows the talus to slide found and medially, drop of Alcaeus, and plantar ligaments to stretch (Baumann, D., & Sheibel. 2016).

Achilles tendinitis is an inflammation of the Achilles tendon producing symptoms of pain and swelling where the tenderness inserts into the calcaneus making it harder to ambulate.

Anterior impingement is also known as foot baller’s ankle with symptoms such as pain and inflammation affecting dorsiflexion.

Lateral ankle sprain is an injury which occur from running, cutting, landing from a

jump, or from direct contact which can produce an audible tear or pop causing pain and swelling

that are immediate, but ecchymosis may lag a day or two behind (American Orthopedic Foot &

Ankle Society, 2015).  Patient’s pain is best managed with low dose pain medication for this discomfort.  Pain related to most ankle sprains can often lessen within 2 weeks, and evidence shows that nonopioid treatments like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be more effective than opioids in managing pain (cdc.gov. 2022).  This is the primary diagnosis in which the symptoms and diagnostic results point to this diagnosis.  And patient can bear weight in this type of injury compared to the other possible diagnoses.

ENG 110 The Pot was Calling the Knight in Shining Armor Black Essay


This essay assignment provides you with an opportunity to learn and practice outside
research skills and effectively weave outside voices into your own writing. You will also
continue to practice critical thinking, analytical, and narrative/descriptive skills, and
focus on how exploratory writing can generate a question or problem-driven essay rather
than an argument-driven essay.

Using Adam Gopnik’s “Bumping Into Mr. Ravioli” as a model, write a narrative essay that uses research to
explore a question(s) that you are curious about and represent an intellectual journey. Just as Gopnik uses
his interactions with his daughter as a narrative grounding, your essay should include some kind of narrative
moment(s) from your own life as launching points for exploration and questioning. Then use the research
techniques we will discuss in class to investigate these questions and dive into the complexities of your topic.
Your essay need not have any clear-cut answers to the questions you explore, nor need it
have an argument or “thesis statement” to guide its direction. You should begin with a
puzzle or problem that interests you and take the reader along an intellectual journey
with you that includes research, critical analysis, and reflection. The topic you choose
should be one that you are intellectually invested in, have some kind of personal
connection to, and should be complex enough to merit a paper of this length.
For example, I am a huge fan of comic books, and enjoy reading the adventures of many
of my favorite super-heroes. After some research, reflection, and thorough critical
thinking, I could begin to get at “bigger” or “deeper” questions, such as why super-
heroes appeal to us, the value of comics as an art form, or even issues of sexism within
super-hero comics.
The essay will be no fewer than five full, double-spaced pages (12-point Times New
Roman Font, with one-inch margins on all sides). This is an absolute MINIMUM.
Anything less will be penalized, and I highly encourage you to write more than
this. You will find and quote from at least five credible outside sources (no
Wikipedia!) using a balance of quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing. You will also
include an MLA-formatted works cited page at the end of your paper.
An “A” essay will take creative risks, hold the reader’s interest, and attempt to deeply
explore complex questions and issues

English Department Grading Standards (a reminder)
A “C” level grade (70-79%) denotes average college-level writing and achievement. The essay is a
competent response to the assignment: it meets, to some degree, all the assignment requirements, and
demonstrates that the author has put significant time and effort into communicating his/her ideas to
his/her targeted audience. It has a thesis, presents some support, and moves from point to point in an
orderly fashion; sentence-level errors do not significantly prevent comprehension. Essays that do not
meet these criteria will not earn a “C.”
A “B” level grade (80-90%) highlights a strong example of college writing and thinking. In addition to
meeting the “C” level requirements, such an essay goes further in some way(s): it demonstrates some
insight into the “gray areas” of the topic, provides original or very thorough support that is tightly woven
into the overall argument, reads smoothly at both the sentence and paragraph levels, and/or exhibits a
personal “voice” or style. It has few sentence-level errors.
An “A” level grade (90-100%) marks an essay that is a delight for the reader. Even more than in a “B”
essay, its author anticipates and responds to possible reader questions, uses a wide range of supporting
evidence, engages the reader in a provocative conversation, provides unexpected insights, and/or uses
language with care and facility.
“D” and “F” level essays do not meet the basic expectations of this assignment.

A list of 2-3 potential sources in MLA Format (do your best; consult sec.27 of In Conversation, and Purdue OWL (Links to an external site.)) These do not need to be the sources you end up using in the final paper; you are likely to find better ones as you continue researching, but I want to see that you’ve started gathering information

NYU Art Essay


Follow these directions carefully:

This is based on your own analysis. Write in your own words; if you copy and paste you receive no credit. Write MORE than the minimum, use full sentences, and make sure your information fits the topic (subject, context, etc. review the Intro to Art Presentation Content Folder readings and presentation to ensure this) to receive the point for each section. You must write in complete sentences and in paragraph format or you will automatically receive a zero.

The paper needs to be in MLA format. This paper require research and requires an MLA Works Cited page AND in-text citations. Failure to include an MLA Works Cited page or in-text citations will result in an automatic zero. Using a different format or having major formatting error will dramatically impact your grade.

You may use no more than 2-3 sentences as a direct quote – everything else must be in your own words.

You must use only legitimate sources in this paper. Wikipedia and blogs are not legitimate sources and using these will make your paper invalid and ungradeable. Try using library databases, legitimate domains like (.edu, .gov, .org, .eu), (inter)national publications/articles, books, youtube video interviews with the artist/expert about the work/movement. You must use a minimum of 3 sources in your paper – INCLUDING the artwork you are writing about. *I explain how to cite the artwork in the MLA Formatting workshop.

Sample of Template:

Figure: Insert image here




Subject: (3-5 sentences) Literally describe what you see. What is depicted in the work describing details? Be very specific and cover the whole work. Include poses of figures. (1 point)

Style: (3-5 sentences) Describe the identifying appearance of your work including 3 style terms. Be sure to include the period style (example: why does it look modern?) Be sure to use visual/contextual evidence to explain these terms. (1 point)

Formal Analysis: (10-15 sentences) Use art terminology you have learned including formal terms (such as line, shape, scale, etc.). to describe the work. A complete analysis should include a minimum of 4 elements and 4 principles. Explain what the term means and where you see it in your work. Give specific examples, don’t be vague. You must describe how the artwork is balanced and unified and which elements and principles help to do so. Medium: How was the art made? Describe materials and process. (4 points) (Points based on A,B,C,D or F system – A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0)

Contextual Analysis: (10-15 sentences) How does the artwork fit into the larger world? How do we make sense of it in a bigger picture? If it is a portrait of a real person – who is that person and what is their story? What is happening at the time that has influenced the making of the artwork? Explain what is happening in the artwork: consider social environment of art including: history, politics, religion and cultural beliefs/customs. Why was it created? Why is it important? If the artwork is telling a story – be sure to explain that story. (i.e. if it is a biblical work – tell the bible story it is depicting, if it is sharing greek mythology – be sure to explain the mythology, if it is a war painting – explain the war history in the artwork, etc) (4 points) (Points based on A,B,C,D or F system – A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0)

Expressive Analysis: (10-15 sentences) Biographical Analysis: Include relevant biographical information that strengthens understanding of this particular artwork. Look for personal meanings, deep psychological insight, or human concern (perspective of artist) Do a Psychological Analysis of the artwork itself. Gender Studies/Feminist Analysis Is it made by a woman? Does it have a woman in the work? How is she viewed: Is she a sexual symbol? A woman of power? If so, you can do a feminist Analysis (4 points) (Points based on A,B,C,D or F system – A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0)

Content: (3-5 sentences) What does the work mean? What do you think your work is about based on what you see. Give visual evidence. Try to explain meaning for what you described in subject. (1 point)


This paper requires research and will need an MLA Works Cited Page. Failure to provide one will result in an automatic zero. Turning in an incorrect Works Cited page will dramatically affect your grade. I expect a minimum of three (3) sources for this paper.


Saint Leo University Derrick Responsibilities Case Response


(Nicolette) Derrick is a regional manager for a company that provides uniforms to organizations that provide uniforms for employees such as hotels, banks, etc. The company is also responsible for dry cleaning the uniforms. Derrick’s responsibilities also include office duties and ensuring  the fleet of company vans are running efficiently. Van drivers are considered the “heart” of this company since they are picking up and delivering the uniforms. Uniform sales have unfortunately decreased in Derrick’s company lately due to many agencies adopting a more “casual” dress code. As a result of this, raises and bonuses for van drivers and other employees have not been an option, causing some frustration. Derrick consults with the HR director, Madison, to seek instruction on how to better motivate employees since monetary motivation is not possible for the company. Madison informs Derrick that she and the CEO feel that praise is an excellent motivator. Madison then tells Derrick she will be sending instructions on how to praise employees in person and via e-mail. Though Derrick feels he already praises employees, he agrees to take a more systematic approach to doing so. Three different statements of praise are mentioned in this study. The first is to Courtney, a supervisor in the billing department. Derrick says the following, ““Courtney, it’s just great how you keep the money flowing into the company bank account. Without your efforts CUI would have to shut down” (DuBrin, 2019). Courtney responds with “thanks, have a great day.” The second praising statement is to Hector, a van driver. Derrick states, ““Top job. Without you making timely stops at your customers, we have no business” (DuBrin, 2019). Hector thanks Derrick and says he feels great making a contribution. Finally, Derrick approaches a sales manager, Katilin, and says “You’re doing great. It’s so much fun to be working with a cool and talented woman” (DuBrin, 2019). This confuses Kaitlin and she responds with “Good enough, whatever you think Derrick” (DuBrin, 2019). While these statements are all unique in nature, they are not necessarily the best motivators. 

Which statement of praise do you think was the least effective, and why?

I think the initial statement made to Courtney is the least effective. In his statement, Derrick does not comment on the job Courtney is doing, rather what she is doing to benefit the company’s bank account. To me, this is wildly inappropriate to say to an employee. If my manager were to make a comment to that effect, I would feel like a pawn only being used to make the agency money, not as a valuable and appreciated asset to my place of employment. Derrick does briefly mention Courtney’s “efforts” and says without them the company would “shut down” but after the first half of his comment, this second half is null and void in my mind. Again, this is no way to make someone feel appreciated and it certainly wouldn’t be motivating. 

Which statement of praise do you think was the most effective, and why?

The statement to Hector appeared to be the most effective and elicited the most warm response. Derrick’s comment made Hector smile and he stated that he was happy to be making a contribution. Derrick made a comment specific to Hector’s role and talked about WHY that role was valuable to the company. Derrick made sure Hector knew that without his efforts and timeliness, there would be no business. That’s a much better approach to making an employee feel appreciated and like they are making a difference in the company. 

How well is Derrick praising his workers? What advice can you offer him to be more effective in his praise?

Derrick is certainly making an effort to praise his employees and I appreciate that he is spreading the praise to several departments. This shows that he is making an attempt to make employees feel valued and implement this motivational tactic suggested by his HR supervisor. Derrick should cater his praising comments to the employee he’s giving them to. I also think he should be cautious not to overdo the praise as it would likely appear less genuine. Forming relationships with employees may also be beneficial in that it would give Derrick more personal things to praise people for, rather than making generalized comments. Finally, Derrick should take care to ensure comments are focused on extending genuine appreciation to employees if he truly wants to help motivate them. Even with the best praises, workers may still be looking for more of a reward for their dedicated efforts. 

MX Communications Improving Listening Skills in Communication Presentation


Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Review chapter(s) applicable to your presentation
  • Lesson
  • Headset microphone (If your computer does not already have a built-in microphone, then you can find this item under the Additional Items section in the bookstore).
  • Link (website): Narrated PowerPoint Tutorial (Links to an external site.) (Make sure to review this tutorial before you begin recording.)
  • Minimum of 4 scholarly sources (from Weeks 5 & 6)

Your PowerPoint presentation is due this week. Most of you will have a mic built into your computer, but if you don’t, then you are required to obtain a headset microphone to produce the PowerPoint narration. Headset microphones can be purchased from the bookstore or at any electronics or discount store for between $10-25. When purchasing a headset microphone, consider the ports available on the computer being used and purchase accordingly.

In addition, you should take the time to review the Resources tab for technology guidance so that you will be ready to complete your speech on time. Of course, if you face technical trouble, there is support available.

Review the Narrated PowerPoint Tutorial (in Required Resources) for instructions on how to record the narration.

PowerPoint Project Timeline



Week 4

PowerPoint Topic and Organization

Week 5

PowerPoint Outline Rough Draft

Week 6

PowerPoint Outline Final Draft, Images, and Sources

Week 7

PowerPoint Presentation

Week 8

PowerPoint Evaluation

The following are the best practices for creating your speech presentation:

  • Title Slide: Include the title, audience (who you prepared the presentation for: school or institution), the presenter who prepared and narrated, and the date.
  • Attention-Getter: Give the audience a reason to pay attention. Make them want to listen to your speech.
  • Thesis: Clearly state the purpose of your presentation
    • (On this slide, establish the tone of the presentation and include any questions you think your audience might have about your topic – questions you will answer during your presentation).
  • Body of the Presentation (multiple slides): Include the information you found during your research and organize it in a visually pleasing manner.
    • Use some type of division like levels of headers or titles.
    • Use words and phrases to clarify key points.
    • Provide researched evidence for each point.
    • Cite your evidence, quotes, and statistics within your presentation using
    • in-text citations ( ) on the slides as well as full reference citations on the
    • last slide.
    • Include images to add visual appeal to the slides.
  • Summary and Conclusion: Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing but presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your outline or presentation. Minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how they affect the thesis statement of the outline and main objective of the presentation. End with a final strong statement regarding the intent of the presentation.
  • References: Use the APA citation format. The illustrations should be included with your resources. APA tutorials are available in the Chamberlain University library. Keep in mind the following:
    • At least 4 authoritative, outside scholarly sources are required from Week 6 outline. (Anonymous authors or web pages are not acceptable.)
    • Appropriate citations within the presentation are required on the last slide. Just copy and paste this from the last page of your outline – the References page. References should be in APA format.
    • Each resource should be entirely double spaced.
    • All entries must use hanging indents – the first line is flush left, and all the rest are indented.
    • All Chamberlain University policies are in effect including the plagiarism policy.

Additional Hints

  • Use a minimum of 5 visual aids to further clarify and support the written part of your presentation. You could use example graphs, diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, maps, drawings, pictograms, tables, and Gantt charts. If a slide appears boring, then strongly consider adding a visual. It is the blend of text and images that make the slides engaging for the audience.
  • Animation and video clips should not be used for this speech. YouTube is not allowed.
  • Do not type out text onto the slide and then read it during your presentation. Remember, you are the teacher, so teach, don’t read!

Click on the following link to view a presentation of sample slides. Click on the arrows to scroll through the slide show.

Presentation Requirements (APA format)

  • Time Length: 5-7 minutes
  • Slide Length: minimum of 8 slides
  • Slide Content
    • Title slide
    • Attention-Getter
    • Thesis
    • Body of the Presentation
    • Summary and Conclusion
    • References slide (minimum of 4 scholarly sources from Week 6 outline)
  • Minimum of 5 visual aid

College American Business Conscious Capitalism Discussion


Post for classmate 1: In many organizations, being people centered is considered soft, irrelevant, and unrelated to profitability. Based on the video: “Everybody Matters: A Documentary Short Based on the Best-Selling Book” and the assigned readings on conscious capitalism, contemplate the conscious capitalism principles (e.g., conscious leadership, stakeholder orientation, conscious culture, and higher purpose) as a framework. Consider at least two companies that successfully adopted this business philosophy to gain success and combat traditional corporate approaches. How do these companies embody the tenet of “higher purpose” and create deeper meaning by focusing their goals beyond profits and inspiring stakeholders? What connections can you identify between the four principles of conscious capitalism and the Christian concept of putting others before oneself? Conscious capitalism is such a remarkable topic to discuss so early on in the curriculum. It really sets the stage for every person taking this course that your journey to become a leader is going to be different than you may have experienced from leadership while you have been working. With that being said, it will then be the framework from which you learn and grow during this MBA program. Conscious capitalism is a business philosophy that was developed by John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods, and Raj Sisodia. (Kenton, 2018) They argued that both business and capitalism is good. The philosophy is the act of a business running in a socially responsible economic and politically conscious way. (Kenton, 2018) They believe the business should serve all stakeholders of the company and not just management and shareholders. (Conscious Capitalism, 2021) This is a different way to look at capitalism philosophies of the past where productivity and profit were of highest value. There are several companies leading the way and changing how they lead their company. The first example is Southwest Airlines. They lead with what they call the “triple bottom line approach” where they focus on profit, social costs, and the environment. (Big Impact HQ, 2021) One of the ways they embody the four tenets of conscious capitalism is to put its employees first. By doing this they are then driving business forward as when employees feel valued and cared for, they then do their best which overall benefits the company. Another company employing conscious capitalism is Trader Joe’s. Not only do they care for their employees, but they also recognize and combat social issues including food waste and hunger. (Big Impact HQ, 2021) By doing this, they are a champion for a more sustainable world. Both of these companies have loyal customers and therefore improved profits. They have obtained this loyalty from consumers just by focusing on all stakeholders and investing into the social needs of the world. Each company that has adopted the conscious capitalism business philosophy has created a company that elevates humanity, meaning they all have a higher purpose.

Response to classmate 1:

Classmate 2 post: Understanding organizational behavior is an incredibly impactful component of business success whether one is an owner, manager or general employee. When considering the general concept of organizational behavior there are three perspectives to be considered: the individual, the group and the organization. While these three parts of an organization are interconnected, they must also be

recognized individually. For example, one of the most important things to discern on an individual level is what will motivate someone to work well, for motivating factors can vary greatly depending on an individual’s personal background (Griffin, Phillips & Gully, n.d.). Taking the time to assess this can be beneficial in two ways, including giving an understanding of how to motivate current employees and also helping managers hire future employees who will respond to the organization’s established style of motivation. Analyzing organizational behavior from the group perspective is also valuable because nearly all workplaces will require collaboration to a large degree. Gaining insight on how individuals function as a group can lead to effective conflict resolution and increased team cooperation when it is necessary for people to work together. The third and final perspective to analyze is the organizational perspective,

which has a very significant impact on overall success because individual and group dynamics are greatly affected by the overall culture of the organization as well as the style of management. Considering management involves planning, leading, organizing and controlling resources and people. it is vital to look at a business from an organizational perspective and check if the managers operate in

Respond to classmate 2:

Case of Health Care Reform Question


Interest groups, lobbying, and policy making: a case of health care reform

For this assignment we are considering a documentary called ‘Obama’s Deal’. This documentary traces the process of passing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010, and it provides us an opportunity to examine the processes and mechanisms of law making at the national level for high profile policies. In particular, this case gives us a chance to think through several key concepts we are studying in the course: lobbying, interest groups, civil liberties, civil society, private vs. public interests, gridlock, bargaining, and representative government, to mention some.

Please, follow this link to watch “Obama’s Deal”:


Prompt: Having reviewed the documentary and consulted the textbook chapter on interest groups, how would you describe and characterize the role of interest groups in the case of health care reform? For example, what channels of political influence were utilized by interest groups representing health insurance and pharmaceutical industry? Do you think representation of different voices within the public was balanced in this case? In addition, please, reflect on how this case complements, reinforces, or, perhaps, contradicts our textbook. In your essay, please, strive to engage political vocabulary (e.g. integrating concepts such public opinion, political culture, media, interest groups, lobbying, policy making, representation, democracy, civil society, and etc.). Any other reflections you would like to include in the discussion?

Format: 2 full pages, 12 font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins.

This assignment will count as two review papers!

I am also providing a guide for the documentary in a separate file, next to the prompt. These questions are made for each 5-7 minutes segment of the documentary and are meant to help students guide their viewing of the documentary. You can utilize the answers when composing your review paper.

Finally, here is also a link to the transcript of the documentary: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/obamasdeal/etc/script.html

Please, watch “Obama’s Deal” by opening this link:


This documentary covers our case-study in policy making. It helps us to learn about the mechanisms of making laws at the national level for high profile policies. Through this case we continue to explore our course concepts: lobbying, interest groups, policy making, federalism, civil liberties, civil society, private vs. public interests, and representative government.

Focus questions for screening the documentary:

  1. What immediate problem did the president run into when initiating the health care reform and why?
  2. Obama’s administration believed that taking on a health care reform is a test of something in American politics. According to president Obama, it was intended to prove what? What were the stakes?
  3. Which groups opposed the health care reform under both Clinton and Obama? Which interest groups stood to lose considerably from the health care reform?
  4. What did the propaganda ads funded by insurance lobby advertise to the American public about the health care reform? Whose interests were kept in mind in the process?
  5. Who (which groups and individuals) could get to the congressional hearings on the health care reform? Was there anyone representing the uninsured Americans or consumer advocates?
  6. While insurance lobby initially stated that they would support the reform, what did they request in return and why? (hint: they wanted some feature added to the bill, what was that feature and why?)
  7. What was Senator Baucus expected to do in return for receiving $2.5 million from insurance interest groups? Whose interests did he represent?
  8. What groups were denied a seat at the negotiation table about the health care? What groups were removed physically by guards from the press conference in the White House?
  9. Insurance lobby spent tens of millions of dollars to defeat and rewrite the proposed health bill through TV ads that created panic, scare, rumors, and etc. What was at stake for insurance and pharmaceutical lobby if their respective industries were regulated by the bill?
  10. Why do you think many Americans bought the negative campaign ads against the health care reform that were manufactured by the insurance lobby for industry’s self-interest? Please, use course content and your own reflections when trying to unpack this.
  11. What interest groups played the most influential role in shaping public debate and public perception of health care reform? Whose interests were kept in mind by these groups and what can we say about representation of public interests?
  12. What do you think are the most important lessons to draw from this case-study? What insights does this case give us, what trends does it reveal?
  13. What would you like to add and conclude from your own perspective?

CU Capstone Video Reflection Discussion


Present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group and record a 10-15 minute video reflection on your practicum experience, the development of your capstone project, and your personal and professional growth over the course of your RN-to-BSN program. Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Core Elms Volunteer Experience Form.Introduction
Baccalaureate-prepared nurses have many opportunities to reflect on their contributions to patient care outcomes during clinical experiences. Research suggests that creating and sharing video reflections may enhance learning (Speed, Lucarelli, & Macaulay, 2018).For this assessment, you’ll present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group and reflect on various aspects of your capstone practicum experience. Such reflection will give you a chance to discuss elements of the project of which you are most proud and aspects of the experience that will help you grow in your personal practice and nursing career.Reference
Speed, C. J., Lucarelli, G. A., & Macaulay, J. O. (2018). Student produced videos—An innovative and creative approach to assessment. Sciedu International Journal of Higher Education, 7(4).Instructions
Complete this assessment in two parts: (a) present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group and (b) record a video reflection on your practicum experience, the development of your capstone project, and your personal and professional growth over the course of your RN-to-BSN program.PART 1
Present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group. Plan to spend at least 3 practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family, or group. During this time, you may also consult with subject matter and industry experts of your choice. Be sure you’ve logged all of your practicum hours in CORE ELMS.Use the Intervention Feedback Form: Assessment 5 [PDF] as a guide to capturing patient, family, or group feedback about your intervention. You’ll include the feedback as part of your capstone reflection video.Part 2
Record a 10-15 minute video reflection on your practicum experience, the development of your capstone project, and your personal and professional growth over the course of your RN-to-BSN program. A transcript of your video is not required.You’re welcome to use any tools and software with which you are comfortable, but make sure you’re able to submit the deliverable to your faculty. Capella offers Kaltura, a program that records audio and video. Refer to Using Kaltura for more information about this courseroom tool.Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in these activities, please contact DisabilityServices@Capella.edu to request accommodations. If you’re unable to record a video, please contact your faculty as soon as possible to explore options for completing the assessment.Requirements
The assessment requirements, outlined below, correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, note the additional requirements for supporting evidence.

Assess the contribution of your intervention to patient or family satisfaction and quality of life.

  • Describe feedback received from the patient, family, or group on your intervention as a solution to the problem.

Explain how your intervention enhances the patient, family, or group experience.

Describe your use of evidence and peer-reviewed literature to plan and implement your capstone project.

Explain how the principles of evidence-based practice informed this aspect of your project.

Assess the degree to which you successfully leveraged health care technology in your capstone project to improve outcomes or communication with the patient, family, or group.

Identify opportunities to improve health care technology use in future practice.

Explain how health policy influenced the planning and implementation of your capstone project, as well as any contributions your project made to policy development.

Note specific observations related to the baccalaureate-prepared nurse’s role in policy implementation and development.

Explain whether capstone project outcomes matched your initial predictions.

Discuss the aspects of the project that met, exceeded, or fell short of your expectations.

Discuss whether your intervention can, or will be, adopted as a best practice.

Describe the generalizability of your intervention outside this particular setting.

Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Core Elms Volunteer Experience Form.

Assess your personal and professional growth throughout your capstone project and the RN-to-BSN program.

Address your provision of ethical care and demonstration of professional standards.

Identify specific growth areas of which you are most proud or in which you have taken particular satisfaction.

TB Patient Case Study



Maria is a 42-year-old single mother living in New York City with her three sons. She

immigrated to New York from Peru two years ago. About six months after she arrived, she began

developing night sweats and unexplained fevers. Most recently, she has developed a persistent,

worsening cough. Her illegal status has made her hesitant to seek medical treatment, but a

neighbor told her that the local community clinic would see her and would not check her

residency status.

Screening at the clinic included a questionnaire that addressed some of the problems she was

experiencing. The nurse explained to Maria that she might have TB. The physician treating

Maria performed a complete physical exam and discussed her questionnaire responses with her,

including her response that in Peru, she lived with her grandfather who she believes may have

died from TB.

Physical exam findings showed abnormal lung sounds in Maria’s upper lobes bilaterally. The

physician found cervical and axial lymphadenopathy. Maria was asked to leave sputum samples

to be tested for mycobacterium tuberculosis. A PPD was placed with instructions for Maria to

return in two days to have it read. When Maria returned two days later, the result showed a 10

mm raised, red reactive site. Maria was also screened for HIV at the time of initial exam because

it is often found in patients with TB. In this case, she tested negative for HIV. Her sputum

culture tested positive for M. tuberculosis.

The physician explained that given the findings on the chest x-ray and the clinical findings on

exam, he believed that she had reactivation TB. The physician informed Maria that he planned to

start her on a four-drug regimen of isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol

(Myambutol) for two months. The physician then explained that a “continuation phase” would

follow, which would consist of isoniazid and a rifamycin (rifampin, rifabutin [Mycobutin], or

rifapentine [Priftin]) that is administered daily for four to seven months. He also informed her

that he would start her treatment at the hospital, where she would stay for least two days because

she was still considered contagious. Following the hospital stay, Maria would need to come to

the clinic for observed medication administration and to assure compliance.

Two months passed and Maria continued about her day-to-day life including going to the clinic

for her medication. She attempted to work full time and to take care of her three sons. She found

that her night sweats had become a nightly occurrence, and her cough had become productive

with blood along with intense coughing spells. Maria was compliant with the drug regimen but

called the clinic because her symptoms were worsening. Maria was scheduled for a visit the very

next day.

The follow up chest x-ray showed no improvement, and it was determined that Maria was

exhibiting signs of multidrug-resistant TB. Because multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-

resistant tuberculosis requires at least 18 to 24 months of therapy, depending on the patient’s

response to treatment, the physician decided to extend her therapy to 18 months, beyond the 4 to

7 month time period he had projected. He also stopped the ethambutol and started moxifloxacin.

Thoracic surgery for resection of lung lesions is often considered as adjunctive therapy, and this

was discussed with Maria at the time of the exam.

Maria was devastated to learn about her multidrug resistant TB because she needed to work.

Fortunately, the clinic was able to fund Maria’s drugs at a discounted rate. Nonetheless, the

entire situation has put Maria under stress to the point that it is unclear how she will meet this

challenge and adequately handle her health crisis.



Conduct an evidence-based literature search to identify the most recent standards of

care/treatment modalities from peer-reviewed articles and professional association

guidelines (www.guideline.gov (Links to an external site.)). These articles and

guidelines can be referenced, but not directly copied into the clinical case

presentation. Cite a minimum of three resources.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the transmission and pathophysiology of TB?

2. What are the clinical manifestations?

3. After considering this scenario, what are the primary identified medical concerns for

this patient?

4. What are the primary psychosocial concerns?

5. What are the implications of the treatment regimen, as far as likelihood of

compliance and outcomes? Search the Internet to research rates of patient

compliance in treatment of TB, as well as drug resistant TB.

6. Identify the role of the community clinic in assisting patients, particularly

undocumented patients, in covering the cost of TB treatment. What resources exist

for TB treatment in community health centers around the United States? Compare

the cost for treatment between subsidized and unsubsidized.

7. What are the implications of TB for critical care and advanced practice nurses?

The use of medical terminology and appropriate graduate level writing is expected.