UCLA Strange Elizabethan Essay


Please complete, by Friday at 5 pm, a discussion post (of approximately 1-3 paragraphs, similar to a paperlit, or about 500 words) on one of Woolf’s essays in the Second Common Reader. Focus on a particular passage or claim and conclude with how you think it relates to a pattern you are noticing across Woolf’s essays. Do your best to break down her language in detail in order to interpret it closely. Does she use a metaphor in the essay? What is her most interesting claim? How does she go about supporting it? What is your experience like as a reader? (Here, be careful not to take up too much space in the paper with narration of your reading, but rather think about how your experience might teach you something about what makes Woolf’s essays so effective (in my view, at least).

ATU Michaellaw Discussion


Exercise 1

From the textbook, complete the first exercise. For those of you using 2.6, a small note: DO NOT type owner:esripress_GettingToKnowArcGISPro in your search, instead type owner:Michaellaw. This is one assignment that will be different depending on which version of the text you use, so don’t panic if a classmate is doing a different assignment. Also, in the top right corner, turn on Classic Map Viewer. This will have the same layout as the 2.6 textbook.

When you are done, I will be able to see your map online and grade it: First save as instructed in the textbook. Then, use the share button on ArcGIS Online and select share to Group. You will find a group called EAM4023 Spring22. I will only grade maps shared to that group!! For help on sharing your map, watch the last 5 minutes of the walkthrough video.

Klara and the Sun Essay


How does faith, Klara’s belief on the healing nutrients of the sun change the entire plot culminating in what happens or does not happen to Josie’s physical well-being? How does hope affect through Klara’s belief that Josie will live, will Thrive, and will be reunited with rick, who she loves

1. What do you think about what happens to Josie 2. Do you think Klara’s faith made this happen or not? 3. What do you think about if Klara through her faith, her hope and her desires to rid the world of

evil, leads to Josie’s medical outcome. 4. Please reference the two barn visits as the location of Klara’s faith by using at least 4 quotes from the novel. The four quotes should display her faith on the sun.

5: Is Hope healing in your opinion, and what is your personal, very private, view of hope 

Notre Dame University Cotabato City EBP Paper


Write EBP paper. (see attachment for detailed instructions)
• Introduction
• Search Methodology – a short explanation of how you conducted your search (databases used; parameters
(i.e. how you narrowed your search); search terms; how many research studies did you find)
• Review of Literature – provide a short summary of each of your 5 studies; include pertinent information
from your matrix.
• Synthesis of findings (Discussion/Summary)
• Conclusion(s)
• References – correct APA citations.
• Maximum length of this scientific paper is 5 pages (excluding cover sheet and references). The paper should be
double spaced, 11 or 12 font, with 1 inch margins. No running head required but you do need to include page
numbers. Points deducted for format or APA issues and grammar.

SEU Performance Management Critical Thinking Personal Management Plan Essay


Case Study

Personal Development Plan

As we have learned in Chapter 8, employee development through performance management is important. However, we must not ignore the importance of ensuring our managers and leaders are developed. Just like subordinates are measured using performance standards, managers should also be measured against set standards. 

For this assignment, you are required to create a self-assessment of yourself. Specifically, pretend that you’re a manager. Discuss the following:
Overall Strengths (2 minimum)

Overall Weaknesses (2 minimum)

Accomplishments in your Employment

Two (2) personal goals and two (2)      professional goals that you hope to accomplish

Feedback that you can apply to achieve      your goals. For this requirement, consider the feedback that you have      received from parents, friends, classmates, instructors, etc. and how this      feedback will assist you in improving/accomplishing your goals. 

Think about your overall strengths and weaknesses in terms of competencies you need to be an effective manager at work.

UCLA Woolf Discussion


Please complete, by Friday at 5 pm, a discussion post (of approximately 1-3 paragraphs, similar to a paperlit, or about 500 words) on one of Woolf’s essays in the Second Common Reader. Focus on a particular passage or claim and conclude with how you think it relates to a pattern you are noticing across Woolf’s essays. Do your best to break down her language in detail in order to interpret it closely. Does she use a metaphor in the essay? What is her most interesting claim? How does she go about supporting it? What is your experience like as a reader? (Here, be careful not to take up too much space in the paper with narration of your reading, but rather think about how your experience might teach you something about what makes Woolf’s essays so effective (in my view, at least).

CSUF English Absence from School this Semester Email

Question Description

I’m working on a english report and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

 write an email to my university about my situation and explaining what i have been going through. Include the following:

Having depression since the start of covid. Started seeing a depression therapist. 

Classes were online so it was difficult to keep up being away due to time difference and taking medication to help depression and sleep.

Came back to start again and focus on uni. This semester I had an accident and suffered Concussion, broken wrist, and shoulder injury.

I had surgery on my hand last month.Tried to attend classes but couldn’t due to pain and taking medication.

This past week, I was at the hospital again due to Vomiting blood for several days and not feeling well at all. Very strong pain medication.

Committed to the ER multiple times throughout the semester. 

GCU The Involvement of Hypertension a Worldwide Medical Issue Analysis


In nursing practice, accurate identification and application of research is essential to achieving successful outcomes. The ability to articulate research data and summarize relevant content supports the student’s ability to further develop and synthesize the assignments that constitute the components of the capstone project.

The assignment will be used to develop a written implementation plan.

For this assignment, provide a synopsis of the review of the research literature. Using the “Literature Evaluation Table,” determine the level and strength of the evidence for each of the eight research articles you have selected. The articles should be current (within the last 5 years) and closely relate to the PICOT question developed earlier in this course. The articles may include quantitative research, descriptive analyses, longitudinal studies, or meta-analysis articles. A systematic review may be used to provide background information for the purpose or problem identified in the proposed capstone project.

New York University How the Challenges of the New Rapid Changes Could Be Met Essay


  1. After the Civil War ended, the United States went through a great number of radical changes very quickly. The country changed both in terms of its people and its economy.
  2. The c0untry changed demographically: freed slaves and a large wave of immigrants from Europe joined the American political community. In addition, the country’s economy went through an industrial revolution and made an abrupt transition from being primarily agricultural to being primarily industrial.
  3. Your assignment for this essay is to pick three thinkers from the list below and discuss how each thinker thought that the challenges of the new rapid changes could be met. Focus on one or two arguments made by each thinker and support your interpretation with well-chosen quotes from the text. Do not provide unnecessary background biographical information in this short essay.
  4. Jane Addams

Booker T. Washington

  1. W.E.B. Du Bois

William Graham Sumner

Andrew Carnegie

William Jennings Bryan

Emma Goldman

Eugene Debs

Herbert Croly

Melbourne University children rights. Visuall Essay


For your assessment, you are required to produce a “visual essay” that examines representations of a specific development issue of your own choosing (eg gender, famine, sustainability, etc). 

Once you have identified your chosen issue, you should source 3-5 images used in media, advertising, or reporting (including internal reporting) of the issue. You should have no more than 5 and no less than 3 images. 

You will then use your chosen images as the basis of an analysis that relates representations of your issue as seen through your images to discourses of development. Your images are equivalent to roughly 200 words text and should be embedded purposefully in 1200 words (DST2CTD students) of accompanying text. They should not be merely tacked on; they are central element of the analysis. Together the text and images should create a cohesive critical analysis of the representation of the chosen issue.