Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne Open Data Sources Essay


Consider the following scenarios:

#1: A meteorologist wants to collect and analyze as much data as they can on thunderstorms over the past decade to more accurately forecast a future trend for storms.

#2: A children’s physician is gathering data on the sleeping habits of children born with autism to provide a foundation for a new experiment on the subject.

Using the list of Open Data Sources (Links to an external site.) from the Open Data Research Guide (Links to an external site.), determine the best open data source for each of these two scenarios — where should the researchers look for data? To get credit for this assignment, submit a text entry containing:

  • The data source you chose for each scenario
  • Your reasoning — why is this data source the best choice?



GUF Philosophy Loyalty Deference and Exploitation Question


1.Loyalty Deference and Exploitation
Yap argues that mixed martial arts (MMA) might be ethically preferable to traditional martial arts (TMA) because TMA includes a deference to authority and tradition that MMA does not have. What problems does she think are caused by this deference to authority? Are there possible problems with or objections to her argument?


Only cite the reading below and maximum one out source if needed 

Please go over the rubric too!

800 words 


2.-Angela Y. Davis – Are Prisons Obsolete
What does Angela Davis mean by “the prison industrial complex”? How does this concept help us to explain why the prison system fails at what we think it’s supposed to be doing, such as rehabilitating prisoners? Does recidivism show that the system is not working, or does it show that the system is working perfectly fine at doing something other than what we imagine it’s doing?

PBSC Exploring Specific Cultural Identities Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a communications writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Instructions: Please read the instructions carefully and answer the following prompt. 

First, read Chapter 8.2: Exploring Specific Cultural Identities

Online Chapter link:

https://open.lib.umn.edu/communication/chapter/4-1… an external site.)

Format: In a separate paragraph, answer ONLY two of the following questions below. Answer each question . Responses should demonstrate understanding of the reading and refer to relevant concepts from the chapters to explain your responses. 

What comes to mind when you hear the word feminist? How did you come to have the ideas you have about feminism?

  • How do you see sexuality connect to identity in the media? Why do you think the media portrays sexuality and identity the way it does?

What are some common misconceptions of disability? How have persons with disabilities positively impacted the world and changed our perceptions? 

Personal Development Plan Paper


Personal Development Plan

As we have learned in Chapter 8, employee development through performance management is important. However, we must not ignore the importance of ensuring our managers and leaders are developed. Just like subordinates are measured using performance standards, managers should also be measured against set standards.

For this assignment, you are required to create a self-assessment of yourself. Specifically, pretend that you’re a manager. Discuss the following:
Overall Strengths (2 minimum)

  • Overall Weaknesses (2 minimum)
  • Accomplishments in your Employment
  • Two (2) personal goals and two (2) professional goals that you hope to accomplish
  • Feedback that you can apply to achieve your goals. For this requirement, consider the feedback that you have received from parents, friends, classmates, instructors, etc. and how this feedback will assist you in improving/accomplishing your goals.

Think about your overall strengths and weaknesses in terms of competencies you need to be an effective manager at work. 

Kids Play Discussion


This SWA serves as a low-stakes proposal for WP3. In brief, a proposal is an argument in which you persuade me that your chosen topic for WP3 is a strong one. You proposal will be a minimum of one full page (double spaced) and will answer the following questions in essay form:

What stereotype or single story are you going to write about?
Why did you choose this topic?
Why is this topic important?
Who most needs to hear this story?
What sort of story do you think you might tell?
What sort of sources do you think you might use?
You may answer these questions in any order that seems most logical. Be sure to use proper paragraphing (one idea per paragraph).


Answer all the above questions in essay form (no bullet points).
Use proper conventions for grammar and usage.
Be persuasive. Help me to see why this is an important topic.

Washington University in St Louis Railroad Strike of 1877 Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a history writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

What were the major causes of the 1877 strike? Why did it spread from being a railroad work stoppage to a major uprising in cities throughout the United States?

  1. How did employers react to the strike? Why did the government intervene to end the strike?
  2. What was the outcome of the strike? How did the media shape public opinion of the strike?  What impact did the strike have on the labor movement

Also answer question 4:

4. How do the events of 1877—including the end of Reconstruction and the Great Railroad Uprising—relate to themes about race relations, social class and labor relations, and the possibilities for collective action in earlier moments in American history that we have discussed in this course? Are these themes still relevant today?

TU The Problem Assessment and The Clients Strengths Case Study


  • presenting problem(s);
  • client profile including age, living situation, marital/partner status, children, current work situation, education, etc.;
  • history of presenting problem; past psychiatric history; substance use/abuse; social history including where person was reared, extended family and relationships, friends, marital/partner history, etc.;
  • relevant family history; medical history; mental status information;
  • possible defense mechanisms client may be using; and
  • cultural, oppression, discrimination, and spiritual considerations.

Though a real intake would be thorough and somewhat lengthy, for this paper keep this section brief and include only pertinent information.

  1. Assessment of the problem(s) and client’s strengths.
  1. A plan for working with the client and the problem(s).
  1. Intervention(s) to be used with the client (link one of your interventions to a particular policy or programs, i.e., Medicaid, TANF, etc. and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the policy for client).
  1. Evaluation of the process.
  1. A plan for follow-up.

California State University Berkely Philosophy Essay



Recently we learned about Nelson Goodman’s understanding of the problem of induction: the so-called New Riddle of Induction.  Your essay should do all of the following three things:

A. Explain why someone might think that justifying the Principle of Uniformity of Nature would solve the problem of induction. (Doing so will require explain what the PUN is.)

B. Explain Goodman’s argument that justifying the Principle of Uniformity of Nature is insufficient to justify induction. Be sure to define any special terms such as “grue” that you introduce.  If justifying the PUN is not sufficient to justify induction, what must be done to justify induction (according to Goodman)?

C. Make the strongest case you can for the claim that it is difficult to do what Goodman thinks must be done to justify induction. Be sure to define any special terms such as “bleen” that you introduce.

SS3A Computational Research Research Samples Discussion


Part One

Consider sampling in statistics. Why do we take samples? Why do we want representative samples (and what does it mean)?

Part Two

Now, think about what you might work on for the final project ( Download remember, to consult the list of subreddits). Are there limitations to the data source and your sample (based on what you know and have seen so far)? Why? How might you design this differently to get a more representative sample?

Further – in your opinion is there still value to be gained even if a sample is not representative? [This will be discussed more later, but I want you to consider diverse data and what it has to offer us]

FIT Parents Allow Students Who Attend Public Schools to Be Vaccinated Analysis


I choose a topic for the first question, which is (Should vaccinations be required for students to attend public school?)

Question 1-Write an argument with a specific audience that does not agree with your position. Clearly state your audience underneath your title. Write a strong thesis and include evidence you believe your audience will accept. Use outside sources with in-text citations and a Works Cited. You should include paraphrases, in-text quotations, and a block quotation. This should be 6-9 pages, including the final analysis, and 5-8 different sources for your research paper If you use outside sources, include an MLA Works Cited page.

Question 2-Write an essay on what you have learned this semester. Look at your first writings this semester and then compare them to your current skills. How has your writing changed? What have you learned about writing, grammar, or yourself?