USF As Good As New Essay


Read the short story and take note with 500 words. You will find the text in the file below. Your note must include the following:

“As Good As New” by Charlie Jane Anders
1. How could this story be a commentary on media or social media? What could it be saying?
2. How could this story be a commentary on writing or artistic creation (Meta-fiction)?
3. Do you think the wishes at the end would be effective? Why or why not? What would you wish for?
4. How is The Facts of Life an effective framework for this story? (Look up The Facts of Life using
5. Pick two passages in the text. For each passage, ask a discussion question.
6. Create two discussion questions for the text as a whole.

CC Rhetorical Precis Discussion



Step 1: Read

Read Lumen Writing 102: Rhetorical Precis (Links to an external site.) to prepare for your Writing Task assignment.

Step 2: View the following Videos

Step 3: Read the following handout.

Sample Rhetorical Precis


Minimize File Preview

Step 4: Read write a precis

Select two artifacts you have chosen to analyze in Essay 3 and write a one paragraph precis of each.

University of California Image Cloud Essay


Here’s the second Image Cloud project prompt and ads from the 1950’s, below.

Choose ONE to do, and include both your Word Search List as well as a short description/writeup about why you chose the imagery that you did, and how you feel it all works together. The length can be as long or as short as you’d like for the written part, but please include enough so that your point can be made.

Also, here are some topical hints to help you along when doing your research for them.

Advertisement Example 1, hints:

– the copy (“Freedom loving”)
– family get togethers
– domestic spaces
– sports
– modern couples

Advertisement Example 2, hints:

– the copy (emphasis on “Modern”, especially the term’s meaning in the 1950s)
– famous ‘brunette’ actresses of the day (Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren, Lauren Bacall, etc)
– domestic spaces
– Christmas in the 1950s

Los Angeles Pierce College The Walking Dead Discussion


art 1: For your initial discussion post this week, I want you to select a film or television show which includes/depicts ghosts, vampires, OR zombies; you are welcome to choose an example with a combination of the three, but your example is only required to include one.

Once you’ve chosen your film or television show, write a post where you: 

name the film/television show, discuss which of the three entities is depicted (ghosts, vampires, or zombies), and describe how they are depicted. This should include details such as: how they look, how they act, and their purpose/function.

choose a cultural example  the same entity that was in your film/television example and describe how that culture discusses/depicts that entity. 

conclude your post by discussing at least 1 commonality between the film/television show and the cultural example’s depiction, and at least 1 difference between the depictions. 

FIN 620 GSU Business Model Key Value in An Organization Questions


(A) One aspect of a value creation mind-set is how tradeoffs are evaluated and  choices are made inside organizations. In terms of business decisions, provide 2  examples of illustrative business decisions faced by leaders in your organization (or  by you individually), and how a value-creation mindset would approach these  situations versus an organization that is not value-creation focused. 

(B) Based on the discussion on Value Driver Trees in the McKinsey Book, create a  Value Driver Tree for your organization or your job role. You can decide how  broadly or narrowly you want to define the organization or business unit or job role. 

(C) Apply the Business Model /Key Value Drivers/Resource Allocation Decisions  framework to your business environment. You can do this at the level of  organization/business unit/team, or a level that is appropriate. See the framework  below Value Drivers Resource Allocation.

MDC The Immigration and Federal Law in The United States Analysis


  1. After watching the Lost in Detention Documentary, please answer the following questions in a 400 word response.
    1. What drove the numbers of Immigrants in detention centers during the Obama and Trump administration?
    2. Describe the characteristics (race, ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status or SES, gender, age, etc) of the detained population
    3. is there any evidence that the Immigration system in the US is skewed against low-income, Latino Populations? Please support your answer with evidence.
    1. On your own, research the concept of intersectionality, then watch the documentary Crossing Over, and answer the following questions:What are some of the difficulties that the women in the documentary experience throughout their lives?Using the concept of intersectionality, explain what other factors work to place the women in situations of disadvantage or vulnerability)? Give examples, and supporting evidence.Entry must be at least 400 words, it is worth 10 points.

APUS The Popular Culture and Perception of Sexuality Discussion


Complete a web search to find a cartoon or advertisement in the popular media that conveys an image or message related to sexuality and older people. Examine the medium’s portrayal of sexuality in older adults by answering the following questions. Also, attach or provide the url of your cartoon or advertisement with your assignment submission. Make sure that you choose a cartoon that will provide ample information for you to write about. 

Using a minimum of 1000 words, answer the following questions. Be sure to use two references, other than your media item, to support your work. Your job is to convince me that you have a clear understanding of the issues surrounding sexuality and the elderly.

What is the message of the popular media cartoon, or advertisement?

What examples of physiological, psychological, or social aspects of sexual development are conveyed? Explain. 

Purdue University Mod 6 Clinical Trial Management Systems Discussion


There are many clinical trial management systems (CTMS) used in clinical trials. Some are developed on site or at the organization specifically to meet the needs of the organization. Some are purchased off shelf and are used as is. Others offered by various vendors can be purchased and the vendor will customize the software to meet the needs of the organization. 21 CFR 11 outlines the requirements of electronic data systems. For this discussion you will take the role of a quality manager at a study site who has been tasked with evaluating CTMS products and recommending one for your site. Based on your review of 21 CFR 11, what are two (2) questions you would ask of a vendor about their CTMS to ensure it is compliant with 21 CFR 11? Why would you ask these two questions?

DC Acquisition of Second Language Discussion


Article Assignment 

Factors That Influence Learning by English Language Learners (ELLs) by Kendall Hanus – Current research with English language learners (ELLs) indicates that there are a number of factors that influence students’ success in learning English as an additional language. Teachers and parents both have different roles in educating and supporting students on their voyage to learning another language.

Factors That Influence Learning by English Language Learners (ELLs) ARTICLE.pdf 

Language And Culture Relationship – A Detailed Guide – A learner’s understanding of the language and culture relationship is essential. Culture and language are inextricably linked. You can’t understand a culture without first learning a language.


Do you think second lan social context guage is learned best in a classroom context or in a social context?  Why or why not?

Park University Business Project Cost Control Question


Using the readings and other materials this week please focus on creating an essay from research. This assignment allows students the opportunity to use research and analysis skills to answer the questions for this week’s critical thinking assignment.

Unit Learning Outcomes

Analyze the quality concepts associated with project cost control.

Determine the key project stakeholders that manage the level of quality.

  • Evaluate the various cost management concepts such as earned value measurement, cost baseline, cost budgets and performance measurement baseline.
  • Compare the various cost management concepts that relate to the project, such as various estimating concepts, contingency reserves, management reserves, and control thresholds.
  • Analyze peer competencies to understand the strengths and areas of opportunities for each member.
  • Directions
  • There are many topics on cost management. For this assignment select a cost control or cost measurement topic and denote why it is important to the success of projects.