KU Forecasting Cost of Processing MultiJoin Queries Via Hashing PPT


Two page summary of research article with work cited APA

(b) Background or literature survey or related work of research article

(c) Solution statement or proposed work mentioned in the research article.

(d) Results and discussion mentioned in the research article.

(e) Conclusion and most important reference numbers mentioned in the research article.

Rubric research paper:

·individual project report as per given guidelines including specification of hardware and software used in this project.

(Font: Times New Roman, Font size: 12, single line inter-line spacing, page-setup: 1in all sides. Also, you have to include front page as per given guidelines).

5 PowerPoint slides:

You need to cover following points in ppt

1. Problem statements of the research article.

2. Solution statement or proposed work the research article

References and citations should be included in the latest APA

FAU Moral Speculation Discussion


Read Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics Book II, in the course text. In this reading Aristotle (384-322 BCE) explains his theory of “virtues” and its connection to ethical decision-making. He develops an account of good moral habits called virtues and defends these as the key to moral education and consistent ethical behavior.

1. Explain Aristotle’s theory (make sure you quote from the text) and then apply it to the following contemporary ethical issue:

2.Read the following article in the NY Times (see below) and answer the question, “What would Aristotle say about this issue and the actions of these ‘socialist-minded millennial heirs’?” Make sure you quote from both sources, Aristotle and the NY Times, in giving your answer.

3. What are your own thoughts on the matter? Explain and defend them.


UCI Explain What the Learners Paradox Socrates Solution Discussion


Please write on one of the following prompts, explaining the reasoning succinctly and clearly in your own words. Your discussion should be about 300 words. It is due by midnight April 17.

In such a short paper, keeping your discussion focused is important. Quoting the text is not necessary, and will likely take away space you need to fully explain your points.   Because the assignment is so short, you won’t have space to explain everything. So concentrate on explaining the most central points. 

1. Start by explaining what the learner’s paradox is, and what is paradoxical about it. Then, as clearly as you can, explain Socrates’ solution to it, and his reasoning for this solution. Very briefly indicate a reason to think it works, or a reason to think it fails. 

A Too Perfect Picture by Teju Cole Critique


Please conduct a generous exploratory critique and assessment of your primary text (Levi-Strauss, Sontag, or Cole) in the context of ancillary sources and your own reflections.  In addition to “deepening” (exploring and explaining what troubles and excites you in the evidence) you are also practicing your role as a high-minded critic who is “reckoning” with some extraordinary conceptual claim, or some borderline you see your author crossing, or some lacuna in the text.  As the critic your essaying must bring your primary text into new contexts and/or dialectical conversations and make clear, at each step of the way, how the new contexts or conversation partners complicate, revitalize, clarify and/or raise new questions about the remarkable idea your primary author explores—and the way he/she explores and expresses it. 

Pictures Have Different Purposes and Been Presented in Various Forms Essay


Please conduct a generous exploratory critique and assessment of your primary text (Levi-Strauss, Sontag, or Cole) in the context of ancillary sources and your own reflections. In addition to “deepening” (exploring and explaining what troubles and excites you in the evidence) you are also practicing your role as a high-minded critic who is “reckoning” with some extraordinary conceptual claim, or some borderline you see your author crossing, or some lacuna in the text. As the critic your essaying must bring your primary text into new contexts and/or dialectical conversations and make clear, at each step of the way, how the new contexts or conversation partners complicate, revitalize, clarify and/or raise new questions about the remarkable idea your primary author explores—and the way he/she explores and expresses it.

LSUS Human Evolutions State of Matters Activity


Review the article on how to write a 5E Lesson plan. Develop two research-supported lesson plan that effectively meets the needs of a specific population of students. In your lesson, purposefully plan instruction using your understanding of the developmental needs of students in your classroom. Careful attention should be paid to designing lessons that balance teacher instruction with student engagement in learning activities. Further, each plan should consider the needs of individual students and incorporate activities that address students’ basic competencies and scaffold their understanding to more complex understandings. As an elementary teacher, your plans should also include evidence of open-ended questioning. https://alcorn.instructure.com/courses/9030/assign… https://ngss.sdcoe.net/Evidence-Based-Practices/5E… (Links to an external site.)

San Diego City College Net Neutrality Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

The reading is the article on net neutrality. It goes into some details, but I encourage you to find other sources to augment this before you post. Here is a clip from John Oliver’s show that is funny but makes some good points. You can also just search net neutrality to get more info about it. Feel free to write about your own experiences with internet access and whether or not you think it is important for everyone to have access, especially in the days of Covid.

https://www.wired.com/story/guide-net-neutrality/ (Links to an external site.)

University of the Cumberlands Naveen Practicum Essay


At UC, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

Ranking Sample Recommendation Reports


Specific Directions:

Please read each of these and rank them according to the following criteria:

  • Addresses appropriate audience
  • Addresses audience’ needs
  • Provides appropriate level of data necessary for audience to understand the topic
  • Integrates graphics smoothly into text
  • Uses graphics that illustrate/reinforces the text
  • Uses design elements to make it easy for the reader to navigate the report.

Submission Guidelines:

1. Use memo format addressed to me

2. Use a purpose statement that reflects the memo’s content

3 Organize according to which report you find strongest, then the next strongest, and then the next strongest

4. Use the report writer’s name as a heading

5. Under the writer’s name, provide a paragraph that justifies your ranking of this report.

6. Follow suit with the next two reports

7. End with a standard conclusion that also evaluates the usefulness of this assignment to you.

PHYS 180 W1 Website for American Institute of Physics Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a physics discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Instructions:  Technology makes vast amounts of information (and misinformation) readily available. The challenge is navigating this sea of information. Our goal for your general science education is to develop your scientific literacy. A critical skill you must develop is the ability to find reputable sources for scientific information.? There are many sources of high-quality scientific information on the open web; you just need to learn how to spot them. 

  • Select a source of physics information from the open web (the topic can be any topic related to technology or physics or that of your research topic). 
  • Evaluate the source and explain why it is or is not a credible source of information.