UCB Role in The Success or Failure of Learning a Second Language Essay


Read the following articles and Write a reflection: The reflections should be at least 500 words in length. Reflections should identify the main themes of the readings integrated with students’ personal language learning and/or teaching experience. Reflections should not merely summarize the readings. They should include personal thoughts,experiences, reactions, and analyses. Students may find ideas in readings that contradict or reinforce their existing beliefs and teaching practice. While the firstperson singular pronoun “I” is appropriate in this genre, an academic tone should be maintained.

Read first file Chapter 15 Internal Influences & second file Chapter 3 Psychological factors and second language acquisition

Grossmont College Silent Spring Essay


Book Options (select 1):
• The Salton Sea: An Account of Harriman’s fight with the Colorado River (Kennan) 1917, 148pp
• Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water (Reisner) 1984, 674pp
• Silent Spring (Carson) 1962, 400pp
• Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit (Gore) 1991, 407pp
• An Inconvenient Truth: The Crisis of Global Warming (Gore) 2004, 192pp

Essays must tie the book into your personal life experiences and/or career goals by including your personal viewpoints/thoughts. You can include personal analysis, some critique or commentary on what you learned and/or
agreed/disagreed with. The essays must be entirely the student’s own original work

University of North Carolina at Charlotte Epilogue Reflection


reflection paper 

Reflection Questions:

What are some examples of partnerships between culture and tourism in China in recent years?

Please describe the development and purpose of theme parks in China, especially related to the integration of culture and tourism.

How has the tourism development around Tea Horse road, especially those in Yunnan and Tibet contribute reflect the author’s argument on creating “truth greater than individual parts” (p.240)?

In the Epilogue chapter, the author summarizes his major findings of the book into eight bullet points. Please choose one of them, and elaborate your learning in this semester on this point.

How has the ancient Tea Horse Road changed and grew in the context of a socialist market economy? The author calls for alternative commentary and critical reflection in his concluding remarks,  

FIU Job Satisfaction Discussion


This week we will be discussing the cause and potential effects of a recent drop in federal worker’s job satisfaction. First, read the article “Survey: Federal worker’s job satisfaction drops.”

For your post, I would like you to touch on the following:

Which aspects of job satisfaction do the workers seem most dissatisfied with? Think of the nine common job satisfaction facets to identify the source(s) of low job satisfaction (Table 9.1 on page 217 in your book).

Explain what job satisfaction antecedents you think are responsible for the current low job satisfaction. 

Explain the potential outcomes of the situation using what you know about job satisfaction outcomes. What is likely to occur if the sources of low job satisfaction are not addressed?

NYIT Organizational Strategy and Culture Management Question


Using the concepts presented in the two core texts (Hughes, Beatty, & Dinwoodie 2014; Schein 2009) assess the state of innovation relevant to the problem or opportunity identified in LEAD 580 PLAP and PCOM 645. Your assessment should be guided by one or more of the assessment tools suggested from the readings, Zoom classes, and your own research. Be sure to include a description and an assessment of the current strategy and culture in your paper and show how both the current strategy and the culture of the organization support and/or hinder innovation. What aspects of the organizational strategy and culture promote opportunities for innovation to succeed? What aspects of the current strategy and culture might get in the way of adapting more innovative practices? 

MDC Nursing Cultural Influences on Health & Health Care Article Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a nursing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

One of the biggest challenges in nursing education is to develop culturally sensitive graduates. Although theory and lecture are appropriate to introduce cultural issues, the application of those skills is limited by the kinds of clinical experiences and patient populations students may treat.


  1. Read the Teaching Transcultural Nursing Through Literature article.
  2. Answer the following questions:
    1. Did you read any of the books listed in Table 1 on page 525 of the article?
      • If so, list the books you have read.
      • If not, place those books on your to-do-list for reading.
    2. Select one question from Table 2 and answer. Share your thoughts, knowledge and experiences.

COM 470 Northern Arizona University Communication Ethics Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a communications writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Read Chapter Twelve and answer the following questions:

1.  Compare and contrast the Golden Rule and the Platinum Rule.  In what ways might one or both of these rules guide us making ethical choices in communicating with people from other cultures?  Provide an example.

2.  What is “reciprocity” and how does it promote ethical action interpersonal communication?  How can your cultivate reciprocity in your interactions with family, friends, co-workers, and others

3.  Moral exclusion appears to be increasingly common in social media interaction.  Why might this be the case?  How can an individual counter moral exclusion in their own social media communication? 

TEXT BOOK “Ethics in Human Communications” Sixth Edition

ERAU The Distributional Channels Appropriate for The Target Market Outline


Throughout the course, you will work on creating a basic Marketing Plan for a real or hypothetical market offering of your choice.

After completing the module readings, develop an outline for your marketing plan. As a resource, consult your textbook for the basic contents of a marketing plan as listed in Table 2.2 | Contents of a Marketing Plan.

Next, scan the marketplace and identify a product or service that you feel would benefit from a marketing plan. Lastly, develop draft content for the Objectives section of your plan. Keep in mind that you will be building on the draft plan throughout the term.

Module 1 Deliverables

  1. Develop a Marketing Plan Outline
  2. Research a product or service and create a draft of the marketing objectives and key issues

Palm Beach State Collage Persuasive Reasoning and Fallacies Chapter Discussion


read Chapter 11.3: Persuasive Reasoning and Fallacies

  • Online Chapter link:

https://open.lib.umn.edu/communication/chapter/11-3-persuasive-reasoning-and-fallacies/ (Links to an external site.)
https://open.lib.umn.edu/communication/chapter/4-1… to an external site.)

Format: In a separate paragraph, answer BOTH questions below. Answer each question in 100-125 words. Responses should demonstrate understanding of the reading and refer to relevant concepts from the chapters to explain your responses. 

  • Identify examples of inductive, deductive, and causal reasoning in a speech you find online. Please post the link to the speech in text and video. 

People often use fallacies in arguments, usually without knowing it. Being able to identify fallacies is an important critical thinking skill. Find a speech with three of these fallacy violations and explain why the statements of these fallacies. Cite specific statements from a speech. 


Cultural Homeland Return of Ergin Marbles Discussion


A popular debate is whether art should be returned to its cultural homeland. There are numerous legal cases involving this debate. The question is whether museums should be required to return their art and artifacts, especially if acquired during conquests and wars. One of the most infamous cases commonly referred to is that of The Elgin Marbles.

1. Please review the following: 

British Museum’s argument for keeping these infamous pieces of Greek artwork:


The idea of “Cultural Property” is discussed in this article on the same topic:


  • 2. After reading both articles, do you believe The Elgin Marbles should stay in London or should they be returned to Athens? Why or why not? Provide at least 5 complete sentences to justify your opinion with ample reasoning