EDU 251 Pitt Community Social Studies Education in Early Childhood Education Essay



In Chapter 4 of Social Studies: All Day, Everyday in the Early Childhood Classroom, you read and learned about Planning Social Studies. Below are a few questions that you will discuss as a group.  Answer the questions in your own post, then reply to two peers whose answers differ from yours.  Provide feedback to their answers (did you agree or not agree, and explain why – offer ideas, suggestions, etc.).  All questions must be answered and discussed in length to receive full credit.


Belief Statement. Write a one-page (300 words MINIMUM) statement of your understanding and belief about appropriate social studies education in Early Childhood Education. This statement must be concise, grounded in your reading and class discussion, and well written. 

West Virginia University Mass Communication Nikes LeBron 19 Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a communications exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Exercise: Look around your life.  Find a personal belonging, something you have bought or asked for as a gift, that is the result of something you saw because of mass media. Write words sharing the experience. What made you want the item?  Do you recall seeing it and where? Has the item fulfilled all of the promises given in the ad, presuming it was an ad?

My answer:  the last thing I bought and saw from an advertisement is Nike boots (walking shoes). Please search the recent ads for Nike in you tube and attach them as a source and write what is required. 

SU The Duke Health Organization Data Presentation Discussion


**Duke Health is what my Capstone project will be about

After analyzing the data, you have some ideas for strategic action to address the problem or opportunity in the healthcare organization you chose for your Capstone project. Let’s dig deeper into the rationale for your ideas.

  • Firstly, post the mission statement of the organization you are using in your project
  • Assess each of your ideas for an impact that goes beyond profitability, by taking the mission forward:
    • For example, an idea might improve quality, increase access to care, etc.
  • In light of your assessment, which of the ideas will you choose to recommend to the Board?
  • How will you use charts and/or visuals to present the data and rationale for action clearly and simply to your audience?

Oxford University Impact of The Syrian Refugee Crisis on European Politics Essay


Essay questions

1. How do referendums work in European politics? Should we have more or less referenda

in Europe?

2. “The age of party democracy has passed. Although the parties themselves remain, they

have become so disconnected from the wider society, and pursue a form of competition that is

so lacking in meaning, that they no longer seem capable of sustaining democracy in its present

form” (Mair 2013: 1) Discuss

3. What is the impact of the Syrian refugee crisis on European politics?

4. Discuss the rise of right-wing populism in European politics. How is it affecting

Europe’s political systems?

5. How have the Western European states responded to the global corona virus pandemic?

Analyse the approaches taken in Britain, France, Germany and Hungary

6. How has the Ukrainian crisis impacted European politics?

Emory University Environmental Science Essay


Understanding the complex processes by which a policy is developed and implemented will help you become familiar with identifying factors that influence policy decisions. In this assignment, you will explore strategies for early stage breast cancer prevention.

Assume you are a health policy adviser and write a 5-7 page policy brief covering the following:

  • Summarize the health problem, new findings on breast cancer prevention, and the consequences of not addressing this problem.
  • Briefly discuss the social, political, and economic implications of breast cancer prevention.
  • Summarize the current legislation at the state and federal level that addresses breast cancer prevention and the shortcomings of each.
  • Make 3-4 recommendations on what should be done in response to the issues identified.

Use the Internet to develop your policy brief.

University of Missouri Ethics in Research and its Importance Essay


For this initial review of ethics in research, you will explore the literature and synthesize all the important elements related to the value and importance of ethics in conducting a sound study. Assignment:

In a  paper, describe what is ethics in research and explain its importance.  In your paper, make sure you address the following:

Historical events that led to the current human subjects ethical guidelines.

Identify and describe the meaning of “vulnerable populations” and who forms part of this group.

Examine your role in ensuring ethical research

Provide a comprehensive overview of historical events that framed ethics in research as it is seen today.

Evaluate what a vulnerable population in research is and its importance.

  • Assess your own role and responsibilities as an ethical researcher.

WCU Ethics & Integrity of a Student & Professional Nurse Paper


Choose one of the following claims:

 state which claim of the following claims,you will be investigating and answer the questions below.  

Here are the topics to choose from:

1) The ethics and integrity in being a student in NursingSchool and that of a professional Nurse.

2) The function of personal bias when advocating for patients as a nurse.

3) The role of Mindfulness in the profession of nursing. 

Introduction of the topic

Briefly define the claim 

Briefly define a counterargument 

Describe who are some of the people (stakeholders) who support the claim?

What are the sources (gatekeepers) making this claim? How do they benefit from the clam? 

Who are other interested parties for the counterclaim? How do they benefit from supporting the counterclaim?

Your personal thoughts on the topic.

INSS 2305 Stanford Graduate School of Business Law Discussion


Question: Select an Eastern European or Asian state that possesses nuclear weapon and identify its primary approach to countering nuclear threats. Does history and culture appear to play a role? If so, how?

Readings that could be useful, but other readings/ sources are welcome:

  • Rumelt, Richard. 2011. Good strategy; bad strategy, 116-141. New York: Crown Publishers.
  • Snow, Donald & Dennis M. Drew. Making Twenty-First Century strategy: An introduction to modern national security processes and problems. Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 2006. pp. 165-187 and 249-258. [see readings folder]
  • Sokolski, Henry. 2004. “Taking Proliferation Seriously.” In Getting MAD: Nuclear Mutual Assured Destruction, its origins and practice.Edited by Henry D. Sokolski. Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. Army Strategic Studies Institute, pp. 341-355. [see readings folder]

DC Importance of Language Discussion


Watch Video

Content areas – Lynne describes the importance of language in teaching ELLs in the content areas.

How assessments vary among subject areas – Samantha describes the different goals of assessment in differing subject areas, such as reading and Social Studies.

Using ELD Strategies to Support Content Area Writing – Common Core Demonstration teacher, Krista Bjur, demonstrates how she uses a variety of ELD strategies in her writing lessons with her first grade students. Through the use of front-loading vocabulary, sentence pattern charts, and collaboration her students write about the social studies standard of heroes by focusing on America’s Veterans.


Discuss the importance of language when teaching ELLs in the content areas.

All American Career College Business in Film Management Questions


In this discussion, you will share how you think you can apply leadership and management concepts and theories in current or future careers. For this discussion, you will review the clip based on the first letter of your last name listed below.

In an initial post of 150 to 200 words,

  • Identify five to 10 management techniques or terms covered in the readings and Management Concepts and Terms document that you believe are portrayed in the clip you chose.
  • Explain how you think that each technique or term is being portrayed in each clip.
  • Discuss how you would respond to a manager using these techniques or how you would use them yourself in current or future professional situations.