Aviation Institute of Maintenance Dallas Current Events in Aviation Essay


aviation is a very dynamic field that includes everything from flying,

to maintenance, to airport management, to aerospace engineering, to 

corporate aviation, to gliding and crop dusting.

For this assignment, please find an aviation current event/article  that interests you.  It can be about anything aviation related and you  may use any source as long as it is an aviation article.  Please read  the article and write a 1/2 – 1 page synopsis of the current  event/article.  Please include the following for full credit:

  • Article Source, Title and Author ***You must provide the link to the article or a copy of the article and attach it to the assignment*** 
  • Summarize the article/current event
  • Tell me why you chose that publication (what interested you about it)

Reflect on the GOAL and Vission Paper


1. In your own words, explain and critique the wisdom of Jonah and his approach? (VALUE=3 of the 10 points)

2. Critique THE GOAL as an operations management text and as a teaching tool for the workplace. (VALUE=3 of the 10 points)

3. Give an example of a real-life situation in which the lessons of THE GOAL can be applied. Essentially, be a Jonah. You are the wise consultant brought in to fix or improve the company, and you are tasked with helping them to improve their metrics, their processes, their quality, their supply chain, their bottlenecks, or just about anything that would help to bring them closer to their goal of making money. (VALUE = 4 of the 10 points)

Chief Information Security Officer at Jumpcloud Analysis

Question Description

I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me learn.

  • Target a job in a specific company

–Identify 2 people who have that job:

  • Provide the name, job title, employer name, and link to their LinkedIn profile
  • Based on a review of their profiles, describe the top 6-8 keywords associated with that job
  • Target the company

–Identify details of the company identified above

–Review their presence on LinkedIn and on the Web: for example: is their CEO on LinkedIn, do they have a company group?

–Discuss whether they are represented well and how they could improve

  • Identify technology

–Can you identify from the jobs or the company information, what technology they are using, any tools (e.g. Splunk), process (e.g.., DevOps), and programming languages?

BUS 520 SU Leadership and Organizational Issues Paper



write about a company I am familiar with. The company I work for is Hexagon US Federal in Huntsville, AL. 

Consider selecting a company for which you or a family member works. You might also choose a civic organization. To ensure your selection sets you up for success in all three assignments, be sure that your company:

Is one with which you are familiar and is one in which you have access to internal processes.

Has a true issue that need to be resolved.

  • Is one for which you can think of possible solutions to the issue that are realistic and enforceable.
  • Requirements
  •  write a paper in which you will discuss:

Your selected organization.

The issue you will be analyzing.

How the issue hinders organization efficiency.

TSUSM Objective observation Worksheet


There are long-lasting benefits to attending a high-quality preschool. True or False

Children who attend do not attend a high quality preschool may be more likely to _____________________.

Standard industry practice is a childcare program that meets licensing standards. True or False

  1. High-quality sites go above and beyond licensing regulations. True or False
  2. Licensing analysts conduct inspections of programs that look at
  3. NAEYC is….
  4. DAP stands for developmentally appropriate practice. True or False
  5. A teacher of a high-quality program does the following…
  6. What does ECERS stand for?
  7. What do the environmental rating scales measure?
  8. Homework:
  9. Please visit the Community Care Licensing website to complete the work below:
  10. 5 things you learned about Title 22.

5 things you learned about Title 5.

How easy was it to navigate the website?

CHFD307 APUS Children Exposure to Home Violence Discussion


This assignment will allow you to choose one from six (6) problems children experience daily.

1. Video Game Addiction

2. Exposure to Violence at Home

3. Children and Substance Abuse

4. Cyberbullying (Online Bullying)

5. Children Watching Porn

6. Children and Eating Disorders

Problems Children Face


In Assignment 1: You will choose one of the six (6) problems children experience daily.

Describe the problem

How common is this problem?

Who is affected by the problem?

What theories explain this problem?

Has the problem changed over the last decade?

How credible is the research you found related to this problem?

Is there generally a consensus about the key aspects of the problems, or is there a lot of controversy?

Number of published, peer-reviewed sources required; must all be published within the last 8 years

Houston Community College System Social Media Bibliography


  1. Research Question:

What effects does social media ads have on company’s revenue?

  1. Why It Matters:

We are already wrapped up in technology like social media platforms, company take advantage by posting ads on the internet. It can e a positive or negative effect.

  1. Tentative Thesis: A thesis is usually 1-2 sentences long

Even though social media has expanded his way of capital in companies it can also play a negative role in how one may perceive a company. The more people see an ad especially one that can help the consumer the more the consumer wants to buy. Although the consumer may have bought the product doesn’t mean they are satisfied. The sells may grow but customer satisfaction may decrease.

Grand Canyon University Mental Health Service Delivery Presentation



 Mental Health Service Delivery 

 Describe sources of income

  1.  focus on mental health services for those and families with incurables diseases. HIV/AIDS, HPV, and many others are used to label as a death sentence and those that were diagnosed were often ostracized without proper knowledge, misconceptions, and support groups, many mentally became victims of the diseases.

I believe Florida has the highest STD count and new cases in the USA, which means people aren’t disclosing their status, or are ignorant to signs and even save sex practice.

I believe our agency can cater to those that have incurable diseases helping them to find acceptance and still live a fulfilled life. We can also help provide information on STD’S and safe sex practices.  



Palm Beach State College Persuasive Speaking Chapter Discussion


First, read Chapter 11.2: Persuasive Speaking

Online Chapter link:

https://open.lib.umn.edu/communication/chapter/11-2-persuasive-speaking/ (Links to an external site.)
https://open.lib.umn.edu/communication/chapter/4-1… to an external site.)

Format: In a separate paragraph, answer BOTH questions below. Answer each question in 100-125 words. Responses should demonstrate understanding of the reading and refer to relevant concepts from the chapters to explain your responses. 

Give an example of persuasive messages that you might need to create in each of the following contexts: academic, professional, personal, and civic. Then do the same thing for persuasive messages you may receive.

Good persuasive speech topics are current, controversial (but not inflammatory), and important to the speaker and society. Choose three possible persuasive speech topics and explain why they make good speech topics. 


ENGL 1101 Georgia Northwestern Technical College Japanese Picture Brides Essay


Prompt for M3 Short analytical essay 2:  

Discuss how the plural voice of the picture brides in The Buddha in the Attic retells the history of Japanese immigrants to the U.S. In her acknowledgments, Julie Otsuka states that she drew upon the following historical sources: Kazuo Ito’s Issei: A History of Japanese Immigrants in North America and Eileen Sunada Sarasohn’s The Issei and Issei Women. Choose ONEacademic source (use Gil-Find or/and Google Scholar and choose a book chapter, an article, or a scholarly video presentation/lecture) on Japanese immigration and compare its narrative with The Buddha in the Attic

Hint: Think about which voices/ perspectives are silenced/invisible and heard/visible in both materials. Provide specific examples from both texts.