Harvard University Reflection Journal Essay


Co-Curricular/ Activities Reflection Journals – Students will be required to participate in some sort of University and/or recreation and leisure activity each week (campus recreation, Greek life, athletics event, etc.) and write a reflection paper on it. This is not a description of what you did. You need to reference concepts from the course materials learned thus far and reflect on the activity. Please refer to a specific course concept in each paper. (“As stated in lecture, according to our textbook” etc.) If you are not on campus, please report on your personal recreation and leisure activity)

concepts will be provded

Strayer University Marijuana Legalization Discussion Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Should individual states have more or less power compared to the federal government when implementing laws dealing with the topics of the legalization of marijuana or gun regulation?

Pick only one of the topics, legalization of marijuana or gun regulation, and discuss one pro and one con for having state regulations cover it, and one pro and one con for having federal government regulations cover it.

Use the following links read more about these topics:

University of The Cumberlands Corporate Social Responsibility Proposal Development Paper


Overview: While the literature review funnel is not necessarily a part of the actual dissertation, the purpose here is to think about the most logical way to organize your future lengthy chapter 2.


  1. View the rubric and examples to make sure you understand the expectations of this assignment.
    1. attached sample literature file
  2. View this 3 Ways to Structure Your Literature Video to review organizational methods.
  3. Research your topic to find the logical starting point to your topic. Then, write your literature review funnel.
  4. Upload your literature review funnel to the submission box
  5. topic: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and how it Affects Customer Loyalty

KU Negative Impacts of Racism on Black Americans Proposal & Presentation


Throughout this course, you have worked on different elements of your research project. Now it is time to combine those elements and finalize your research proposal.

Combine your Research Project, Parts 1, 2, and 3 tasks into a cohesive proposal, applying any feedback you have received from your faculty member. 

Description of social problem

Research question

Literature review

Formulation of hypotheses

Delineation of major variables

Selection of appropriate research design

Evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of research design

Assessment of sampling methodologies

Evaluation of data analysis methods

Application of study to social work practice

Create a 12- to 18-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you summarize your proposal for your agency’s board.

Cypress College Dealing with Stress Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a communications discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

We all experience stressful situations in our lives whether it is through family, friends, work, school, etc. Think back to a time when you felt apprehension and discuss how you dealt with it.

Some questions to think about to help guide your answers:

      • How did you deal with the nerves?
      • Looking back was it a useful strategy?
      • Could the same strategy work for giving a speech?
      • Were you surprised by your score on the PRPSA?
      • What strategy will you use for your first speech in this class?

GEOG 101 Columbia College Community Essay


  • The topic of this homework assignment is to identify and explain a sustainability solution at your campus or local community level. Complete the following steps:

    • Identify two organizations near you (e.g., your city, county, or state) that are involved in creating local sustainable solutions. Examples would be a community garden, green building initiatives, recycling programs, renewable energy projects, public transportation, etc.
    • Once the two organizations have been identified, write a two-page report on those organizations that includes a brief summary of what they do, the goals of the organizations in terms of sustainability, and finally, how people in the community can contribute.

Oakton Community College Impact the Girls Cycles Case Discussion


Case Study: A 16-year-old arrived at a local family planning clinic with pregnancy concerns due to unprotected intercourse. This encounter occurred two nights prior, and she believes she may be fertile but wants information regarding the “morning-after pill”.

  • What additional information should the nurse obtain during the assessment?
  • What educational information should the nurse provide to the patient regarding emergency contraception treatment and the side effects?

Remember that your posts must exhibit appropriate writing mechanics including using proper language, cordiality, and proper grammar and punctuation. If you refer to any outside sources or reference materials be sure to provide proper attribution and/or citation.

Dexter Filkins and S Chool of H Ate Question


For this essay, you will examine the theme of two readings, analyzing how those readings either share similar or contrasting thematic ideas. You will defend your understanding of theme through the lens of the literary nonfiction elements, which you learned about in Module Four’s Learning Unit.

Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s “School of Hate” Dexter Filkins’s “Atonement”

Working thesis: In both Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s “School of Hate”and Dexter Filkins “Atonement”, the negative consequences run throughthe pieces in a way of teaching the reader about the hate, guilt, and death.The theme is illustrated by both the authors use of style, point of view, andsettings.

Azusa Pacific University Component of Fitness Lesson Plan


  identify a component of fitness that affects children within the chosen grade level. Design a lesson plan that addresses this challenge and engages children in activities and discussion of this issue. 

  1. Describe the typical physical development in terms of the components of fitness of an average child within this age group (1-2 pages)
    • This information should be taken from textbooks/scholarly articles and based on norms for a child of this age, not personal experiences
    • Address any challenges to physical education participation that the identified student population might face (physical development in terms of locomotor and non-locomotor skills, muscle tone and development, etc.). 

Life University Listening as A Competency Discussion


Choose a competency and engage  the person selected in an activity or a conversation or an activity that involves a conversation (your choice i don’t care who you choose just choose a cooperative person, the activity is not important but the interaction is) the competencies are below:

  • Empathy
  • Compassion
  • Listening
  • Self-management
  • Curiosity

Selection Criteria (who you should select): A person must meet the following criteria to be qualified as your client:

  • In need and disadvantaged member of the community
  • Open or receptive to planned activities
  • Accessible within the class timeframe and schedules
  • Will allow you to report the results of the planned activities
  • Not a family member
  • Write about your experience.