Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Early Civilizations Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.

Similar to the Discussion: Early Civilizations and Modern Applications and the Discussion: Early Civilization Influences, connect the past to the present by discussing the changes in Christian Education in America observed in Anthony & Benson (chapters 10–14). Discuss at least 3 ways in which Christian Education has changed in these past 200-plus years. In what ways are these changes positive and/or negative?

Anthony, M. J., & Benson, W. S. (2011). Exploring the history & philosophy of christian education: Principles for the 21st Century. Wipf & Stock. 

GUF The Modern Day World in The History of Western Philosophy Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1. Using any public relations campaign or program in the past decade, find a tactic (e.g., jingle, social media post, logo, image, etc.) that contains postmodern components.

2. In a post, share the tactic as an embedded file, such as video or image, or provide a web link to it so that everyone can access it.

3. Discuss in a post of approximately 100 words why the item you shared reflects postmodernism.

Northlake The American Dream is Alive and Well by Michael Strain Discussion


The purpose of this assignment is to use one of our readings to introduce a relevant, timely conversation. Think of each reading as an opportunity to build a larger conversation. So far, we have read: ? Samuel Abrams, “The American Dream is Alive and Well” (2019) ? Michael Strain, “The American Dream is Alive and Well” (2020) Choose one reading and compose a response of at least 300 – 500 words that: 1. Identifies a broad topic to introduce the story 2. Summarizes the reading using 100 words or less 3. Responds to the reading in a meaningful way 

University of London Supply and Dance Man Bobby Video Discussion


Watch the video “Supply and Dance, Man!” (Links to an external site.)

  • Answer the questions listed below.
    • What is the definition of a market?
    • What is a market force?
    • How does the consumer interest in the canes start?
    • What makes the price go up initially?
    • What is Kristen and Jonathan’s motivation for ordering more canes?
    • What are the factors that cause the price of the canes to continue to go up?
    • What causes the surplus?
    • How does the surplus affect the cost of the canes?
    • What are the factors that cause the price of the canes to continue to go down?
    • What is equilibrium?

Messiah College Good Conversation Ways Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a english question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Discussion Board:

Please watch the Ted Talk, “10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation” by journalist Celeste Headlee.

Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1vskivDw14

DB Directions:

1. In your DB posts make a numbered list of Headlee’s 10 tips from the video.

2. Which of the 10 tips do you think are the most important and which do you think you need to improve on the most. Please keep this in mind as you watch. I’m looking for a minimum of 200 words in your answer.

Granite Hills High School Book Wartime by Paul Fusel Paper


I need a 2.5-3 page paper on one of the available prompts that I will attach below. I will also attach full instructions on how to write the paper. Please make sure this is original work because the teacher does check for plagiarism. The paper is on the book Wartime by Paul Fussel. There are numerous summaries on the book online, so you will not need to read it, but I will attach a link to the book below due to the fact that page numbers are required when providing evidence.

Wartime: https://u1lib.org/book/5333200/b6e959

NR 439 CU Applying and Sharing Evidence Nurse staffing Discussion


Discussion Questions

Application and implications for practice come from the interpretation of meaning from research findings. Communicating and using research evidence is an expectation of a BSN graduate.

  • Select and describe one of the Discussions or Conclusions from the required article from the Week 6 assignment that you found interesting and applicable to practice. Describe how you would apply the evidence to improve nursing practice. Explain your answer.
  • Discuss ways you would disseminate research-based evidence; how would you share with your peers? Include your thoughts on why it is important for you to be involved in communicating and applying nursing research evidence.

Lone Star College Vein Thrombosis Nursing Care Plan Paper


5 problems and prioritize according to Maslow’s hierarchy (for DVT case study)

  • · 3 actual problems · 1 health promotion and · 1 risk problem · Write the nursing diagnosis for all 5 problems.
  • 3 part nursing diagnosis for actual problems, 2 part for risk and health promotion problems.
  • Student will build the care plan based on the actual problem.
  • · Need 1 short term goal, 1 long term goal
  • 3 interventions for the short term goal, 1 intervention for the long term goal.
  • · Evaluation-goal met/ partially met, not met.
  • Please take a look at the sample that I attached.

Moraine Valley Community College The Quaran Prophets Discussion


You can only use the book that I give you which is below. Don’t look at other sources because she only uses this source because a lot of other sources change up the story. Keep in mind that I am Muslim so these stories are not brand new to me.


I. Read the story of Saleh and summarize it.

II. Summarize the story of Yunus

Focus on 

1. his tribe

2. his reaction

3. Do you consider Yunus guilty? Please give some examples from the Quran.

III. Summarize the story of Ayub

focus on 

1. his patience

2. his wife

3. the concept of the patience in Islam

Concorde Career College Cultural Communications Discussion


1. Consider a recent conversation with a friend, relative, or acquaintance that was in person or electronic.

2. In what ways did your culture and the other person’s culture affect the communication?

3. Use examples of your personal knowledge of culture and communication competence to support your position.

4. Write a two- to three-page paper, not counting the title page and the references page, that summarizes how culture affected your communication experience.

5. While including cited support for terms and concepts is important, the bulk of this paper should be in your own words about your own experience.